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Judith C. Peters Petra Vlamings Chantal Kemner 《The European journal of neuroscience》2013,37(9):1448-1457
Face perception in adults depends on skilled processing of interattribute distances (‘configural’ processing), which is disrupted for faces presented in inverted orientation (face inversion effect or FIE). Children are not proficient in configural processing, and this might relate to an underlying immaturity to use facial information in low spatial frequency (SF) ranges, which capture the coarse information needed for configural processing. We hypothesized that during adolescence a shift from use of high to low SF information takes place. Therefore, we studied the influence of SF content on neural face processing in groups of children (9–10 years), adolescents (14–15 years) and young adults (21–29 years) by measuring event‐related potentials (ERPs) to upright and inverted faces which varied in SF content. Results revealed that children show a neural FIE in early processing stages (i.e. P1; generated in early visual areas), suggesting a superficial, global facial analysis. In contrast, ERPs of adults revealed an FIE at later processing stages (i.e. N170; generated in face‐selective, higher visual areas). Interestingly, adolescents showed FIEs in both processing stages, suggesting a hybrid developmental stage. Furthermore, adolescents and adults showed FIEs for stimuli containing low SF information, whereas such effects were driven by both low and high SF information in children. These results indicate that face processing has a protracted maturational course into adolescence, and is dependent on changes in SF processing. During adolescence, sensitivity to configural cues is developed, which aids the fast and holistic processing that is so special for faces. 相似文献
This study examined the neurophysiological mechanisms of speech segmentation, the process of parsing the continuous speech signal into isolated words. Individuals listened to sequences of two monosyllabic words (e.g. gas source) and non‐words (e.g. nas sorf). When these phrases are spoken, talkers usually produce one continuous s‐sound, not two distinct s‐sounds, making it unclear where one word ends and the next one begins. This ambiguity in the signal can also result in perceptual ambiguity, causing the sequence to be heard as one word (failed to segment) or two words (segmented). We compared listeners' electroencephalogram activity when they reported hearing one word or two words, and found that bursts of fronto‐central alpha activity (9–14 Hz), following the onset of the physical /s/ and end of phrase, indexed speech segmentation. Left‐lateralized beta activity (14–18 Hz) following the end of phrase distinguished word from non‐word segmentation. A hallmark of enhanced alpha activity is that it reflects inhibition of task‐irrelevant neural populations. Thus, the current results suggest that disengagement of neural processes that become irrelevant as the words unfold marks word boundaries in continuous speech, leading to segmentation. Beta activity is likely associated with unifying word representations into coherent phrases. 相似文献
Sungwoo Ahn S. Elizabeth Zauber Robert M. Worth Thomas Witt Leonid L. Rubchinsky 《The European journal of neuroscience》2015,42(5):2164-2171
Parkinson's disease pathophysiology is marked by increased oscillatory and synchronous activity in the beta frequency band in cortical and basal ganglia circuits. This study explores the functional connections between synchronized dynamics of cortical areas and synchronized dynamics of subcortical areas in Parkinson's disease. We simultaneously recorded neuronal units (spikes) and local field potentials (LFP) from subthalamic nucleus (STN) and electroencephalograms (EEGs) from the scalp in parkinsonian patients, and analysed the correlation between the time courses of the spike–LFP synchronization and inter‐electrode EEG synchronization. We found the (non‐invasively obtained) time course of the synchrony strength between EEG electrodes and the (invasively obtained) time course of the synchrony between spiking units and LFP in STN to be weakly, but significantly, correlated with each other. This correlation is largest for the bilateral motor EEG synchronization, followed by bilateral frontal EEG synchronization. Our observations suggest that there may be multiple functional modes by which the cortical and basal ganglia circuits interact with each other in Parkinson's disease: not only may synchronization be observed between some areas in cortex and the basal ganglia, but also synchronization within cortex and within basal ganglia may be related, suggesting potentially a more global functional interaction. More coherent dynamics in one brain region may modulate or activate the dynamics of another brain region in a more powerful way, causing correlations between changes in synchrony strength in the two regions. 相似文献
Selective attention helps process the myriad of information constantly touching our body. Both endogenous and exogenous mechanisms are relied upon to effectively process this information; however, it is unclear how they relate in the sense of touch. In three tasks we contrasted endogenous and exogenous event‐related potential (ERP) and behavioural effects. Unilateral tactile cues were followed by a tactile target at the same or opposite hand. Clear behavioural effects showed facilitation of expected targets both when the cue predicted targets at the same (endogenous predictive task) and opposite hand (endogenous counter‐predictive task), and these effects also correlated with ERP effects of endogenous attention. In an exogenous task, where the cue was non‐informative, inhibition of return (IOR) was observed. The electrophysiological results demonstrated early effects of exogenous attention followed by later endogenous attention modulations. These effects were independent in both the endogenous predictive and exogenous tasks. However, voluntarily directing attention away from a cued body part influenced the early exogenous marker (N80). This suggests that the two mechanisms are interdependent, at least when the task requires more demanding shifts of attention. The early marker of exogenous tactile attention, the N80, was not directly related to IOR, which may suggest that exogenous attention and IOR are not necessarily two sides of the same coin. This study adds valuable new insight into how we process and select information presented to our body, showing both independent and interdependent effects of endogenous and exogenous attention in touch. 相似文献
Prasanna Jayakar William D. Gaillard Manjari Tripathi Mark H. Libenson Gary W. Mathern J. Helen Cross The Task Force for Paediatric Epilepsy Surgery Commission for Paediatrics and the Diagnostic Commission of the International League Against Epilepsy 《Epilepsia》2014,55(4):507-518
Epilepsy surgery is highly successful in achieving seizure freedom in carefully selected children with drug‐resistant focal epilepsy. Advances in technology have aided presurgical evaluation and increased the number of possible candidates. Many of the tests employed are resource intense, and in specific cases they may be unhelpful or have adverse effects. Some standardization of the evaluation process is thus considered timely. Given the lack of class 1 or 2 evidence defining the relative utility of each test in specific clinicopathologic cohorts, a set of expert recommendations was attempted using consensus among members of the Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Task Force of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) Commissions of Pediatrics and Diagnostics These recommendations aim to limit fringe over or underutilization of use while retaining substantial flexibility in the use of various tests, in keeping with most standard practices at established pediatric epilepsy centers. A PowerPoint slide summarizing this article is available for download in the Supporting Information section here . 相似文献
Maria Freire de Moura Roberto Flores‐Guevara Bernard Gueguen Arnaud Biraben Francis Renault 《Epilepsia》2016,57(5):e94-e96
The recognizable electroencephalography (EEG) pattern of ring chromosome 20 epilepsy syndrome can be missing in patients with r(20) chromosomal anomaly, and may be found in patients with frontal lobe epilepsy of other origin. This study aims to search for more specific EEG signs by using long‐term recordings and measuring the duration of paroxysmal anomalies. The series included 12 adult patients with r(20) anomaly, and 12 controls without any chromosomal aberration. We measured the duration of every paroxysmal burst and calculated the sum of their durations for each long‐term EEG recording. We compared patients to controls using the Mann‐Whitney U‐test. Every patient showed long‐lasting paroxysmal EEG bursts, up to 60 min; controls did not show any bursts longer than 60 s (p < 0.0001). The total duration of paroxysmal anomalies was significantly longer in patients (31–692 min) compared to controls (0–48 min) (p < 0.0001). Thus, long‐term recordings enhance the contribution of EEG methods for characterizing the ring 20 chromosome epilepsy syndrome. 相似文献
Sarah E. Donohue Joseph A. Harris Hans‐Jochen Heinze Marty G. Woldorff Mircea A. Schoenfeld 《The European journal of neuroscience》2016,44(9):2735-2741
For many smokers, the motivational state of craving is a central feature of their dependence on nicotine, and is often at odds with a general desire to quit. How this desire to quit may influence the craving for a cigarette, however, is unclear. In the current study, we manipulated the level of craving in 24 regular smokers, and recorded EEG measures of brain activity during a rare target detection task utilizing addiction‐unrelated stimuli. In response to the non‐targets, we observed that smokers wanting to quit showed an enhanced late frontal activation when they were craving vs. not craving, whereas smokers not wanting to quit showed the opposite pattern of activity. A dissociation was also present in the target‐related P300 response as a function of craving and desire to quit, with smokers who did not want to quit processing targets differentially between the states of craving and non‐craving. The data suggest that distinct top‐down control mechanisms during craving may be implemented by people who wish to quit smoking, as compared to those who do not wish to quit. This pattern of findings establishes this ERP activity as a potential biomarker that may help to differentiate people who want to quit their addiction from those who wish to continue to use their substance of choice. 相似文献
Claude Steriade Seyed M. Mirsattari Brian J. Murray Richard Wennberg 《Epilepsia》2016,57(8):e155-e160
Leucine‐rich glioma inactived‐1 (LGI1) antibodies are associated with limbic encephalitis and distinctive seizure types, which are typically immunotherapy‐responsive. Although nonspecific electroencephalography (EEG) abnormalities are commonly seen, specific EEG characteristics are not currently understood to be useful for suspecting the clinical diagnosis. Based on initial observations in two patients, we analyzed the clinical features and EEG recordings in a larger series of patients (n = 9) and describe a novel ictal pattern that can suggest the diagnosis of LGI1‐antibody–mediated encephalitis, even in the absence of typical clinical features. As expected, psychiatric and cognitive symptoms were common, as were tonic seizures associated with EEG electrodecremental events (often with the so‐called faciobrachial dystonic semiology). Remarkably, in five patients, a near absence of interictal epileptiform discharges contrasted with frequent subclinical temporal lobe seizures, at times triggered by hyperventilation. This latter EEG pattern may facilitate early diagnosis of this serious but potentially treatable condition. 相似文献
We explored the association between magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) lesion, degree of seizure laterality on intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG), and seizure outcome in patients with ambiguous or presumed bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (BiTLE) on scalp EEG. We systematically reviewed the literature using Embase and MEDLINE up to May 31, 2012. Patients with bilateral iEEG, temporal lobe surgery, and follow‐up ≥1 year were included. We undertook three separate analyses on patients whose scalp EEG showed ambiguous onset or BiTLE (1) group data of those whose iEEG demonstrated unilateral TLE, (2) group data of those whose iEEG demonstrated BiTLE, (3) individual patient analysis in those with BiTLE for whom iEEG seizure laterality data were provided. Of 1,403 patients with ambiguous or presumed BiTLE on scalp EEG, 1,027 (73%) proved to have unilateral TLE on iEEG and contributed to the first analysis. Of these, 58% had Engel class I and 9% Engel class II outcomes. Of 132 patients in the second analysis (true BiTLE), Engel class I and II outcomes were achieved in 23% and 14%, respectively. Of 41 patients in the third analysis, 66% and 2% had Engel class I and II outcomes, respectively. The median proportion of seizures ipsilateral to the resection on iEEG did not differ between BiTLE patients with Engel class I–II (76%) and Engel III–IV (78%) outcomes (p = 0.87). Patients with ambiguous or independent bitemporal seizure onset on scalp EEG achieved good surgical outcomes. Overall, a significantly higher proportion of patients achieved good outcomes when iEEG showed unilateral TLE (67%) than when it showed true BiTLE (45%). However, the degree of seizure lateralization in those with BiTLE was not associated with seizure outcome, and it has a limited role in selecting the side of surgery. 相似文献
Sound duration conveys phonemic information in some languages. The present study, using magnetoencephalography (MEG), examined whether the hemispheric activation associated with the processing of duration is different between speech and non-speech sounds in subjects whose native language uses duration as a phonemic cue. The magnetic mismatch negativity (MMNm) response was recorded for equal-duration decrements in vowel, sinusoidal, and spectrally rich complex sounds. Although the MMNm responses to duration changes were predominant in the right hemisphere, the distribution of this response for the vowel stimuli was significantly displaced leftward compared with that for the other two types of stimuli. The results suggest that the hemispheric distribution of the MMNm response to duration change depends on the linguistic relevance of the change. 相似文献
Sándor Beniczky Harald Aurlien Jan C. Brøgger Anders Fuglsang‐Frederiksen António Martins‐da‐Silva Eugen Trinka Gerhard Visser Guido Rubboli Helle Hjalgrim Hermann Stefan Ingmar Rosén Jana Zarubova Judith Dobesberger Jørgen Alving Kjeld V. Andersen Martin Fabricius Mary D. Atkins Miri Neufeld Perrine Plouin Petr Marusic Ronit Pressler Ruta Mameniskiene Rüdiger Hopfengärtner Walter van Emde Boas Peter Wolf 《Epilepsia》2013,54(6):1112-1124
The electroencephalography (EEG) signal has a high complexity, and the process of extracting clinically relevant features is achieved by visual analysis of the recordings. The interobserver agreement in EEG interpretation is only moderate. This is partly due to the method of reporting the findings in free‐text format. The purpose of our endeavor was to create a computer‐based system for EEG assessment and reporting, where the physicians would construct the reports by choosing from predefined elements for each relevant EEG feature, as well as the clinical phenomena (for video‐EEG recordings). A working group of EEG experts took part in consensus workshops in Dianalund, Denmark, in 2010 and 2011. The faculty was approved by the Commission on European Affairs of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). The working group produced a consensus proposal that went through a pan‐European review process, organized by the European Chapter of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. The Standardised Computer‐based Organised Reporting of EEG (SCORE) software was constructed based on the terms and features of the consensus statement and it was tested in the clinical practice. The main elements of SCORE are the following: personal data of the patient, referral data, recording conditions, modulators, background activity, drowsiness and sleep, interictal findings, “episodes” (clinical or subclinical events), physiologic patterns, patterns of uncertain significance, artifacts, polygraphic channels, and diagnostic significance. The following specific aspects of the neonatal EEGs are scored: alertness, temporal organization, and spatial organization. For each EEG finding, relevant features are scored using predefined terms. Definitions are provided for all EEG terms and features. SCORE can potentially improve the quality of EEG assessment and reporting; it will help incorporate the results of computer‐assisted analysis into the report, it will make possible the build‐up of a multinational database, and it will help in training young neurophysiologists. 相似文献
Scrub typhus is an emerging infection, and there is little information about status epilepticus (SE) in scrub typhus. We report the clinical spectrum and outcome of SE in scrub typhus. In a 3‐year prospective hospital‐based observational study, all scrub typhus patients with SE were included. Scrub typhus was diagnosed by immunochromatography assay. SE was defined if convulsions lasted longer than 5 min. The patients' demographic, clinical, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and electroencephalography (EEG) findings were noted. Response to antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and outcome at 1 month and 1 year were recorded. Between 2012 and 2014, there were 66 patients with scrub typhus admitted with central nervous system (CNS) involvement, 10 (15.2%) of whom had SE (generalized convulsions in 5, secondary generalized in one). The median age of the patients was 34 (range 18–71) years and seven were female. The duration of SE ranged between 10 min and 48 h. SE responded to one AED in five patients, two AEDs in three patients, and more than two AEDs in two patients. Cranial MRI findings were normal. All patients recovered completely with doxycycline by 1 month and AED was withdrawn by 8 months in all. Although 15% patients with scrub typhus may have SE, they have good outcome. 相似文献