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The processes regulating cortical surface area expansion during development and evolution are unknown. We show that loss of function of all fibroblast growth factor receptors (FgfRs) expressed at the earliest stages of cortical development causes severe deficits in surface area growth by embryonic day 12.5 (E12.5) in the mouse. In FgfR mutants, accelerated production of neurons led to severe loss of radial progenitors and premature termination of neurogenesis. Nevertheless, these mutants showed remarkably little change in cortical layer structure. Birth-dating experiments indicated that a greater proportion of layer fates was generated during early neurogenic stages, revealing that FgfR activity normally slows the temporal progression of cortical layer fates. Electroporation of a dominant-negative FgfR at E11.5 increased cortical neurogenesis in normal mice--an effect that was blocked by simultaneous activation of the Notch pathway. Together with changes in the expression of Notch pathway genes in FgfR mutant embryos, these findings indicate that Notch lies downstream of FgfR signaling in the same pathway regulating cortical neurogenesis and begin to establish a mechanism for regulating cortical surface expansion.  相似文献   

The ferret has emerged as an important animal model for the study of neocortical development. Although detailed studies of the birthdates of neurons populating the ferret visual cortex are available, the birthdates of neurons that reside in somatosensory cortex have not been determined. The current study used bromodeoxyuridine to establish when neurons inhabiting the somatosensory cortex are generated in the ferret; some animals also received injections of [3H]thymidine. In contrast to reports of neurogenesis in ferret visual cortex, most neurons populating the somatosensory cortex have been generated by birth. Although components of all somatosensory cortical layers have been produced at postnatal day 0, the layers are not distinctly formed but develop over a period of several weeks. A small number of neurons continue to be produced for a few days postnatally. The majority of cells belonging to a given layer are born over a period of approximately 3 days, although the subplate and last (layer 2) generated layer take somewhat longer. Although neurogenesis of the neocortex begins along a similar time line for visual and somatosensory cortex, the neurons populating the visual cortex lag substantially during the generation of layer 4, which takes more than 1 week for ferret visual cortex. Layer formation in ferret somatosensory cortex follows many established principles of cortical neurogenesis, such as the well-known inside-out development of cortical layers and the rostro-to-caudal progression of cell birth. In comparison with the development of ferret visual cortex, however, the generation of the somatosensory cortex occurs remarkably early and may reflect distinct differences in mechanisms of development between the two sensory areas. J. Comp. Neurol. 387:179–193, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The production of ferret visual cortical neurons was studied using 3H-thymidine autoradiography. The genesis of cortical neurons begins on or slightly before embryonic day 20 (E20) of the 41 d gestational period, continues postnatally until 2 weeks after birth (P14), and follows an inside-out radial gradient with neurons for the deeper cortical layers being generated before those for the superficial layers. Layer I neurons are generated both early (E20-E30) and late (P1-P14) in the period of cortical neurogenesis and, thus, provide at least a partial exception to the inside-out gradient of cortical neurogenesis. Tangential gradients of cortical neurogenesis extend across areas 17 and 18 in both the anterior-to-posterior and lateral-to-medial directions. Neither of these gradients bears a meaningful relationship to the cortical representation of the visual field. Most infragranular and granular layer neurons are generated prenatally, while most supragranular layer neurons are produced postnatally. Neurons destined for a given layer are produced over a period of several days, and the neurons generated on any given day contribute to the formation of 2 or more cortical layers. In general, prenatally generated neurons complete their migration in 1 week or less, while most postnatally generated neurons require approximately 2 weeks to complete their migration.  相似文献   

The isocortex of several primates and rodents shows a systematic increase in the number of neurons per unit of cortical surface area from its rostrolateral to caudomedial border. The steepness of the gradient in neuronal number and density is positively correlated with cortical volume. The relative duration of neurogenesis along the same rostrocaudal gradient predicts a substantial fraction of this variation in neuron number and laminar position, which is produced principally from layers II–IV neurons. However, virtually all of our quantitative knowledge about total and laminar variation in cortical neuron numbers and neurogenesis comes from rodents and primates, leaving whole taxonomic groups and many intermediate‐sized brains unexplored. Thus, the ubiquity in mammals of the covariation of longer cortical neurogenesis and increased cortical neuron number deriving from cortical layers II–IV is undetermined. To begin to address this gap, we examined the isocortex of the manatee using the optical disector method in sectioned tissue, and also assembled partial data from published reports of the domestic cat brain. The manatee isocortex has relatively fewer neurons per total volume, and fewer II–IV neurons than primates with equivalently sized brains. The gradient in number of neurons from the rostral to the caudal pole is intermediate between primates and rodents, and, like those species, is observed only in the upper cortical layers. The cat isocortex (Felis domesticus) shows a similar structure. Key species for further tests of the origin, ubiquity, and significance of this organizational feature are discussed. J. Comp. Neurol. 524:772–782, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Intermediate progenitor cells (IPCs) are a type of neurogenic transient amplifying cells in the developing cerebral cortex. IPCs divide symmetrically at basal (abventricular) positions in the neuroepithelium to produce pairs of new neurons or, in amplifying divisions, pairs of new IPCs. In contrast, radial unit progenitors (neuroepithelial cells and radial glia) divide at the apical (ventricular) surface and produce only single neurons or single IPCs by asymmetric division, or self-amplify by symmetric division. Histologically, IPCs are most prominent during the middle and late stages of neurogenesis, when they accumulate in the subventricular zone, a progenitor compartment linked to the genesis of upper neocortical layers (II-IV). Nevertheless, IPCs are present throughout cortical neurogenesis and produce neurons for all layers. In mice, changes in the abundance of IPCs caused by mutations of Pax6, Ngn2, Id4 and other genes are associated with parallel changes in cortical thickness but not surface area. In gyrencephalic brains, IPCs may play broader roles in determining not only laminar thickness, but also cortical surface area and gyral patterns. We propose that regulation of IPC genesis and amplification across developmental stages and regional subdivisions modulates laminar neurogenesis and contributes to the cytoarchitectonic differentiation of cortical areas.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis of the cat's primary visual cortex   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The 3H-thymidine method of birth-dating was used to determine when the cells belonging to each of the principal cellular layers of the cat's primary visual cortex are generated. In order to detect systematic differences in the position of radioactively labeled cells following 3H-thymidine administration at different prenatal ages, a geometric method was devised to represent the distribution of labeled cells in the form of depth histograms. Results show that visual cortical neurogenesis occurs largely during the second half of gestation between embryonic day 31 (E31) and E57. Cells of layer 6 are generated early, between E31 and E38, whereas cells destined for successively more superficial layers are generated at progressively later times. Layer 4 cells, the principal targets of geniculocortical afferents, are generated between E37 and E44. In addition, a special population of cells embedded in the white matter below layer 6 was found to be produced throughout the week-long period immediately prior to the onset of layer 6 neurogenesis. Overall, this radial pattern of cortical neurogenesis closely resembles the inside-first, outside-last, spatiotemporal sequence of development described for the monkey's primary visual cortex (Rakic, '74). In addition to finding this pronounced gradient in the radial dimension, we were also able to detect a less pronounced gradient along the tangential dimension: neurons destined for any given layer in the anterior part of the cortex (inferior visual field representation) are generated slightly in advance of neurons destined for more posterior regions (superior visual field). However even our more quantitative histogram analysis failed to reveal a mediolateral (central to peripheral visual field) gradient within area 17. In the cat, layers 6, 5, and 4 each take about a week to be generated, although their total cell numbers and packing densities differ in the adult. About 2 weeks are required to produce the cells of layers 2 and 3 combined. Furthermore, we found that neurons belonging to different layers and different morphological classes can be generated simultaneously. This suggests that the identity of a cortical neuron is not solely a function of the time of neurogenesis.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody against the alpha-subunit of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CAM-K II) was used to visualize the kinase in developing kitten visual cortex. CAM-K II was first expressed in neurons of the deep cortical layers (V and VI) at postnatal day 1-4 and appeared in the remaining cortical layers within the first 2 weeks. The level of immunoreactivity declined in cells of layer V and upper layer VI at about 30-40 days of age. By postnatal day 90, the most densely labelled neurons were concentrated in cortical layers II, III, lower layer IV and in layer VI. This laminar pattern remained constant into adulthood. EM studies showed that the kinase was found in both pre- and postsynaptic locations. About twice as many immunopositive neurons were found in cortical layers II-IV and VI in young adult cats when geniculate input was removed by an unilateral thalamic lesion performed early in life. These results indicate that expression of CAM-K II is developmentally regulated in visual cortical neurons; the alteration of immunoreactivity after early LGN lesions suggests that the level of the kinase (or its alpha-subunit) is also regulated by cortical input.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of somatostatin immunoreactive interneurons in the cerebral cortex of the lizard Podarcis hispanica has been studied in histological series of embryos, perinatal specimens, and adults. Somatostatin immunoreactive interneurons appear in the early stages of lizard cerebral cortex ontogeny, their number increases during embryonary development, reaches a peak in early postnatal life, and decreases in adult lizards. The first somatostatin immunoreactive somata in the lizard forebrain appeared on E36, and they were located in non cortical areas. Then, on E39 and later, somatostatin immunoreactive neurons were seen in the lizard cortex in a rostral-to-caudal spatial gradient, which parallels that of the normal histogenesis of the lizard cerebral cortex. On E39, labelled somata were seen in the medial and dorsal cortex inner plexiform layers; immunoreactive puncta and dendritic processes were detectable in the inner plexiform layer of the medial cortex. On E40, labelled neurons were observed in the inner plexiform layer of the lateral cortex; labelled processes were found in the inner plexiform layers (dorsomedial, dorsal, and lateral cortices) and the outer plexiform layers (medial and dorsomedial cortices). At hatching (PO), some somatostatin immunoreactive neurons populated the external plexiform layer of the dorsomedial cortex. On P28, groups of labelled neurons appeared in the cell layer of dorsal and lateral cortices, reaching the adult-mature pattern of somatostatin immunoreactivity in the lizard cerebral cortex, i.e., labelled somata and dendritic processes populating the inner plexiform layers in addition to an axonic labelled plexus in the outermost part of the outer plexiform layers. Immunoreactive somata and processes occupied all the cortical areas, but they were especially abundant in the dorsomedial cortex. Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) immunostaining in the same histological series revealed that the number of PCNA immunoreactive nuclei in the subjacent proliferative neuroepithelium followed an inverse-complementary evolution to somatostastin, suggesting some temporal relationship between somatostatin immunoreactive cells and neurogenesis in the lizard cerebral cortex. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Genesis of GABA-immunoreactive neurons in the ferret visual cortex   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The pattern of neurogenesis of GABA-immunoreactive neurons in the ferret primary visual cortex was determined using immunohistochemical and 3H-thymidine autoradiographic techniques. Neurons in the visual cortex of the ferret undergo their final cell division during a period extending from embryonic day 20 (E20) to postnatal day 14 (P14) and follow an inside-out pattern of neuronal production (Jackson et al., 1984) similar to that observed in other mammals. Earlier-generated neurons are found at deeper cortical positions in the adult than are those generated later. Layer I is an exception to this rule, since neurons destined for this layer are produced at both the beginning and end of neurogenesis. In this study, the pattern of neurogenesis of GABA-immunoreactive neurons is compared to the pattern observed for nonimmunoreactive neurons. The overall pattern of cortical neurogenesis (inside-out pattern) is similar for GABA-immunoreactive neurons and neurons that are not GABA-immunoreactive. However, the GABA-immunoreactive neurons born on a given day of development are more broadly distributed across the radial axis of the adult cortex than are nonimmunoreactive neurons generated on the same day. GABA-immunoreactive neurons generated later in neurogenesis are, on average, slightly smaller than those generated early. If GABA-immunoreactive neurons in the visual cortex are interneurons, then these findings suggest that interneurons follow the same pattern of neurogenesis as do projecting neurons in the visual cortex.  相似文献   

Little is known about how neurons in the different layers of the mammalian cerebral cortex are specified at the molecular level. Expression of two homologues of the Drosophila homeobox Cut gene, Cux-1 and Cux-2, is strikingly specific to the pyramidal neurons of the upper layers (II-IV) of the murine cortex, suggesting that they may define the molecular identity of these neurons. An antibody against Cux-1 labels the nucleus of most of the postmitotic upper layer neurons but does not label parvoalbumin-positive cortical interneurons that derive from the medial ganglionic eminence. Cux-1 and Cux-2 represent early markers of neuronal differentiation; both genes are expressed in postmitotic cortical neurons from embryonic stages to adulthood and in the proliferative regions of the developing cortex. In precursors cells, Cux-1 immunoreactivity is weak and diffuse in the cytoplasm and nucleus of ventricular zone (VZ) cells, whereas it is nuclear in the majority of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-positive subventricular zone (SVZ) dividing cells, suggesting that Cux-1 function is first activated in SVZ cells. Cux-2 mRNA expression is also found in the embryonic SVZ, overlapping with BrdU-positive dividing precursors, but it is not expressed in the VZ. A null mutation in Pax-6 disrupts Cux-2 expression in the SVZ and Cux-1 and Cux-2 expression in the postmigratory cortical neurons. Thus, these data support the existence of an intermediate neuronal precursor in the SVZ dedicated to the generation of upper layer neurons, marked specifically by Cux-2. The patterns of expression of Cux genes suggest potential roles as determinants of the neuronal fate of the upper cortical layer neurons.  相似文献   

Summary:  This study compared MRI cerebral volumes and Neuronal-Nuclei (NeuN) cell densities in pediatric epilepsy surgery patients with cortical dysplasia (CD; n = 25) and hemimegalencephaly (HME; n = 14). Our purpose was to deduce possible mechanisms of pathogenesis and epileptogenesis based on an understanding of normal developmental corticoneurogenesis. We used MRI to measured cerebral hemisphere volumes, and NeuN staining to determine grey and white matter cell densities and cell sizes in the molecular layer, grey, and white matter. CD and HME surgical cases were compared with autopsy or non-CD cases (n = 20). Total MRI brain volumes were similar between non-CD, CD, and HME cases. However, in HME patients, the affected cerebral hemisphere was larger and the nonaffected side smaller than non-CD cases. Compared with autopsy cases, NeuN cell densities and cell sizes in CD and HME patients were increased in the molecular layer, upper grey matter, and white matter. In CD and HME cases, total cerebral hemisphere volumes were normal in size and there were more cortical neurons in upper layers than expected. The increase in cortical neuronal densities is consistent with the hypothesis that CD and HME pathogenesis involves increased neurogenesis in the late (not early) phases of cortical formation. In addition, more neurons in the molecular layer and white matter supports the concept that CD and HME pathogenesis also involves incomplete programmed cell death in the remnant cells occupying the preplate and subplate regions. Based on our anatomical and previous electrophysiological findings, we propose that in CD and HME seizure generation is the consequence of incomplete cerebral development with abnormal interactions between immature and mature cells and cellular networks.  相似文献   

Organization of Auditory Callosal Connections in Hypothyroid Adult Rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Callosal connections were studied with tracers (horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP)) in normal rats and rats deprived of thyroid hormones with methimazole (Sigma) since embryonic day 14 and thyroidectomized at postnatal day 6. In hypothyroid rats, the auditory areas, in particular the primary auditory area, showed cytoarchitectonic changes including blurred lamination and decrease in the size of layer V pyramidal neurons. In control rats, callosally-projecting neurons were found between layers II and VI with a peak in layer III and upper layer IV. In hypothyroid rats, labelled neurons were found between layers IV and VI with two peaks corresponding to layer IV and upper layer V, and in upper layer VI. Quantitative analysis of radial distribution of callosally-projecting neurons confirmed their shift to infragranular layers in hypothyroid rats. Three-dimensional reconstructions showed a more continuous tangential distribution of callosally-projecting neurons in hypothyroid rats which may be due to the maintenance of a juvenile 'exuberant' pattern of projections. These changes in cortical connectivity may be relevant for understanding epilepsy and mental retardation associated with early hypothyroidism in humans and to clarify basic mechanisms of cortical development.  相似文献   

Visual activity governs the functional maturation of the mammalian visual cortex. We report here, that visual experience is required for stabilizing the phenotype of a subset of cortical interneurons. Neurons expressing neuropeptide Y mRNA (NPY neurons) display a transiently higher expression in the early postnatal visual areas 18a and 17 that is followed by a phenotype restriction during the second postnatal month: about 50% of the NPY neurons in supragranular and infragranular layers of area 18a, and in infragranular layers of area 17 gradually stop the NPY expression. In contrast, the expression remains unchanged in supragranular layers of area 17. Dark rearing rats from birth to up to 100 days does neither prevent the developmental onset of NPY mRNA expression, nor does it prevent the phenotype restriction from occurring. In contrast, in dark reared animals NPY neurons in supragranular layers of area 17 now also undergo a phenotype restriction. Returning animals to light after variable periods of darkness results in an upregulation of NPY mRNA expression selectively in neurons in supragranular layers of area 17. These neurons acquire a constitutive expression during the second postnatal month. This suggests that the phenotypic specification of a distinct subset of cortical interneurons is regulated by visual experience which thus influences on the maturation of the neurochemical architecture of area 17.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that the expression of GABA(A) receptor subunits is determined by an early innate program which can be further modified by thalamic input and local factors. We analyzed the GABA(A) subunit distribution in experimentally induced subcortical heterotopia which are a subgroup of neuronal migration disorders. Heterotopias consist of clusters of neurons which have stopped migration early, before they have reached their final commitment and well before thalamic afferents have reached their targets. Immuno- histochemical analyses of five important GABA(A) receptor subunits revealed an expression pattern typical for upper cortical layers reflecting the original commitment of the heterotopic neurons. These results point towards detailed innate determinants of cell fate which even contain information on receptor subunit distribution and are not affected by ectopic positioning.  相似文献   

We are interested in the mechanisms that generate the mature cerebral cortex. We used bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) to label cortical cells as they were being born. We followed the fates of specific sets of cortical precursors in normal mice and in mice in which other groups of cortical progenitors had been destroyed with the antimitotic agent methylazoxymethanol acetate (MAM Ac). In normal mice, most cells destined for the cerebral cortex were produced from embryonic day 12 (E12) to E16 in the expected inside-to-outside sequence (deep layers first, superficial layers last). Injection of MAM Ac at E13 killed cells that would normally have contributed to the deep cortical layers. As a consequence, the cortex was thinned by ∼25% at postnatal day 21 (P21). However, all laminae were present and had normal connections with subcortical structures, although all were proportionately thinner. BrdU injected on E16 labelled a normally sized complement of cells that spanned a larger proportion of the depth of the thinned cortex. Thus, the deep cortical layers comprised many cells that were born several days later than normal. At embryonic ages prior to E12, a transient set of cells is produced in the early telencephalon. After injection with MAM Ac at E10, the cortex appeared histologically and histochemically normal at P21. However, many cells that would normally have contributed to superficial cortex (born on E15) were significantly deeper than normal. These results suggest that, during the early stages of cortical development, the nervous system is sufficiently plastic to compensate to some extent for the destruction of specific precursor cells by altering the fates of neurons born later. They indicate that the embryonic date on which a cortical cell is born does not necessarily determine its eventual phenotype.  相似文献   

Pioneering work indicates that the final position of neurons in specific layers of the mammalian cerebral cortex is determined primarily by birthdate. Glutamatergic projection neurons are born in the cortical proliferative zones of the dorsal telencephalon, and follow an "inside-out" neurogenesis gradient: later-born cohorts migrate radially past earlier-born neurons to populate more superficial layers. GABAergic interneurons, the major source of cortical inhibition, comprise a heterogeneous population and are produced in proliferative zones of the ventral telencephalon. Mechanisms by which interneuron subclasses find appropriate layer-specific cortical addresses remain largely unexplored. Major cortical interneuron subclasses can be identified based on expression of distinct calcium-binding proteins including parvalbumin, calretinin, or calbindin. We determined whether cortical layer-patterning of interneurons is dependent on phenotype. Parvalbumin-positive interneurons populate cortical layers with an inside-out gradient, and birthdate is isochronous to projection neurons in the same layers. In contrast, another major GABAergic subtype, labeled using calretinin, populates the cerebral cortex using an opposite "outside-in" gradient, heterochronous to neighboring neurons. In addition to birthdate, phenotype is also a determinant of cortical patterning. Discovery of a cortical subpopulation that does not follow the well-established inside-out gradient has important implications for mechanisms of layer formation in the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Clustered intrinsic connections in cat visual cortex   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
The intrinsic connections of the cortex have long been known to run vertically, across the cortical layers. In the present study we have found that individual neurons in the cat primary visual cortex can communicate over suprisingly long distances horizontally (up to 4 mm), in directions parallel to the cortical surface. For all of the cells having widespread projections, the collaterals within their axonal fields were distributed in repeating clusters, with an average periodicity of 1 mm. This pattern of extensive clustered projections has been revealed by combining the techniques of intracellular recording and injection of horseradish peroxidase with three-dimensional computer graphic reconstructions. The clustering pattern was most apparent when the cells were rotated to present a view parallel to the cortical surface. The pattern was observed in more than half of the pyramidal and spiny stellate cells in the cortex and was seen in all cortical layers. In our sample, cells made distant connections within their own layer and/or within another layer. The axon of one cell had clusters covering the same area in two layers, and the clusters in the deeper layer were located under those in the upper layer, suggesting a relationship between the clustering phenomenon and columnar cortical architecture. Some pyramidal cells did not project into the white matter, forming intrinsic connections exclusively. Finally, the axonal fields of all our injected cells were asymmetric, extending for greater distances along one cortical axis than along the orthogonal axis. The axons appeared to cover areas of cortex representing a larger part of the visual field than that covered by the excitatory portion of the cell's own receptive field. These connections may be used to generate larger receptive fields or to produce the inhibitory flanks in other cells' receptive fields.  相似文献   

In an attempt to elucidate the molecular basis of neuronal migration and corticogenesis, we performed subtractive hybridization of mRNAs from the upper cortical layers (layer I and upper cortical plate) against mRNAs from the remaining cerebral cortex at E15-E16. We obtained a collection of subtracted cDNA clones and analyzed their 3' UTR sequences, 47% of which correspond to EST sequences, and may represent novel products. Among the cloned sequences, we identified gene products that have not been reported in brain or in the cerebral cortex before. We examined the expression pattern of 39 subtracted clones, which was enriched in the upper layers of the cerebral cortex at embryonic stages. The expression of most clones is developmentally regulated, and especially high in embryonic and early postnatal stages. Four of the unknown clones were studied in more detail and identified as a new member of the tetraspanin superfamily, a putative RNA binding protein, a specific product of the adult dentate gyrus and a protein containing a beta-catenin repeat. We thus cloned a collection of subtracted cDNAs coding for protein products that may be involved in the development of the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Cerebral cortex in snakes consists of three neuronal layers. Layer 1 contains primarily axons and dendrites ascending from lower layers, but does contain a few neurons. Layer 2 is characterized by the presence of many densely packed somas. Layer 3 usually contains many loosely packed somas. A layer of columnar ependymal cells lies beneath layer 3. Ependymal cells have processes which extend through layer 3 and into layer 2. Four cortical areas are defined by regional variations in the three neuronal layers. They form rostrocaudally aligned strips in the hemisphere and are named according to their position.
  • 1 Medial cortex contains small, densely packed neurons in layer 2 whose dendrites ramify primarily in layer 1 in a candelabra pattern.
  • 2 Dorsomedial cortex contains large, loosely packed neurons in layer 2 whose dendrites ramify in both layers 1 and 3 in a double pyramidal configuration.
  • 3 Dorsal cortex contains a moderate number of circular and fusiform neurons in layers 2 and 3 which have double pyramidal or stellate dendritic fields.
  • 4 Lateral cortex contains many loosely packed circular somas in layers 2 and 3 which have stellate or double pyramidal dendritic fields.

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