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Phosphorylcholine (PC) is a structural component of a wide variety of pathogens including Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae, and anti-PC immune responses are known to protect mice against invasive bacterial diseases. The present study tested the capability of PC as an intranasal plurispecific vaccine against upper airway infections. BALB/c mice immunized with intranasal PC-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) plus cholera toxin (CT) as a mucosal adjuvant showed increased PC-specific IgM in serum, IgA in nasal wash and saliva, and numbers of PC-specific nasal and splenic antibody producing cells. Enhanced production of IL-4 and IFN-gamma by CD4+ T cells indicated the participation of Th2- and Th1-type cells. Salivary IgA antibodies produced by intranasal immunization with PC-KLH plus CT reacted to most strains of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae. Further we demonstrated that the clearance of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae from the nasal tract was significantly enhanced by nasal immunization with PC-KLH and CT. Thus, intranasal vaccination to induce PC-specific immune responses might help to prevent upper airway infections caused by S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae.  相似文献   

The antibody response to DNA vaccines containing either cDNA or genomic gene forms of the host protective antigen, 45W from Taenia ovis was compared in vaccinated Balb/c mice and outbred sheep by enzyme linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA). Plasmid DNA vaccines containing cDNA or genomic forms of the Taenia ovis host protective antigen 45W were constructed. In vitro transfection of Cos7 cell monolayers with the DNA vaccines revealed expression of full length, highly glycosylated 45W antigen of 40–65 kDa molecular weight. Glycosylation was confirmed using tunicamycin, where tunicamycin-treated transfected cells expressed a 45W protein of 28 kDa. Immunisation of Balb/c mice by intramuscular injection or gene gun delivery of plasmid DNA generated equivalent high titre antibody responses, regardless of whether the antigen gene contained introns. Intramuscular vaccination of outbred sheep with plasmid DNA also generated antibody responses, albeit of low titre. The fine specificity of the antibody response induced by DNA vaccination was compared with that elicited by immunisation with recombinant 45W protein. DNA vaccination elicited antibodies which did not bind linear peptide determinants, in contrast to serum from protein vaccinated mice. This result suggests that DNA vaccination elicits predominantly conformation-specific antibodies.  相似文献   

The purpose of a vaccine is the induction of effective cellular and/or humoral immune responses against antigens. Because defined antigens are often poor immunogens when administered alone, an adjuvant is required to potentiate the immune response. Most of these adjuvants are designed to induce humoral immune responses, including immunopotentiating reconstituted influenza virosomes (IRIVs). IRIVs are one of the few adjuvants currently licensed for human use with the advantage of an excellent safety profile. To induce a potent cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) immune response CTL epitopes have to be encapsulated into IRIVs. However, the existing encapsulation methods are inefficient or rather laborious. We have developed and characterised a new generation of influenza virosomes (TIRIVs) that induced both, strong CTL and antibody responses against specific antigens of choice. In addition, these virosomes were stabilised and offer the possibility of lyophilisation while retaining all their structural, functional and immunogenic properties after reconstitution. TIRIVs induce strong cellular and humoral immune responses and are a versatile and efficient carrier system with adjuvant properties for a variety of antigens. TIRIVs are not only stabilised but also allow easy formulation of new and/or labile T cell and B cell antigens. Considering their immunogenic properties, their flexibility and their superior storage characteristics TIRIVs provide a versatile technology platform for any vaccination strategy.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic delivery of proteins or CTL epitopes is crucial for the presentation of antigen for the generation of CTL. We previously described the use of the 16-amino acid peptide penetratin from the Drosophila Antennapedia domain (Int) to transport CTL epitopes into cells. Here we show that, Int, incorporating MUC1 CTL epitopes in tandem is able to facilitate their rapid uptake by macrophages and dendritic cells (DC) in an energy-dependent endocytic pathway. We also demonstrate for the first time that Int conjugated proteins are also able to be efficiently taken up by DC. Furthermore, C57BL/6 and HLA-A2 transgenic mice immunized with the Int-peptides or Int-proteins induce strong IFN-gamma secreting T cells and weak IgG1 antibodies. Immunized C57BL/6 mice were protected against the growth of a MUC1(+) tumor cell line.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) causes major economy and public health problem in numerous countries. In Great Britain, despite the use of a test-and-slaughter strategy, the incidence of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in cattle has steadily risen in recent years. One strategy being considered to reduce the burden of bTB in cattle is the development of an efficient vaccine. The only current potentially available vaccine against tuberculosis, live attenuated M. bovis bacille Calmette–Guérin (BCG), has demonstrated variable efficacy in both humans and cattle and the development of improved vaccination strategies for cattle is a research priority. In this study we assessed the immunogenicity in cattle of two recombinant BCG strains, namely BCG Pasteur Δzmp1::aph and BCG Danish Δzmp1. By applying a recently defined predictive immune-correlate of protection (T cell memory responses measured by cultured ELISPOT), we have compared these two recombinant BCG with wild-type BCG Danish SSI. Our results demonstrated that both strains induced superior T cell memory responses compared to wild-type BCG. These data provide support for the prioritisation of testing BCG Danish Δzmp1 in vaccination/M. bovis challenge studies to determine its protective efficacy.  相似文献   

Antigen (Ag) delivery to lymphoid follicles is important in achieving adaptive immunity. We recently developed a novel two-step Ag delivery system that efficiently induces cellular immune responses to Ags in mice by using priming intravenous (i.v.) injections of empty PEGylated liposomes (PEG-Lip) followed 3 days later by Ag-entrapped PEG-Lip (Ag-PEG-lip). In this study, we looked for humoral immune responses in rats and mice with IgG production specific to the encapsulated Ags. We observed that initial i.v. injections of empty PEG-Lip triggered accumulation of subsequent doses ovalbumin-PEG-Lip (OVA-PEG-lip) in splenic follicles and enhanced IgG production against OVA in both rats and mice. Anti-OVA IgG production was diminished by inhibition of splenic follicular accumulation of OVA-PEG-Lip by fingolimod (FTY720), which inhibits lymphocyte egress from lymphoid tissues. This indicates that the follicular accumulation of Ags that we observed is an indispensable and unique step in the production of anti-OVA IgG. Interestingly, in BALB/c nude mice, which are T cell deficient, a high follicular accumulation of OVA-PEG-Lip was observed, but anti-OVA IgG production was not observed. This suggests that T cells are also indispensable for the induction of cellular immune responses by our two-step immunization procedure. Our unique Ag delivery platform, which efficiently delivers Ags to splenic follicles, may be a useful technique for the enhancement of cellular immunity, as well as humoral immunity. Further experimental evaluation should be undertaken in relevant animal models in order for efficacy, safety and immunological correlates to be determined.  相似文献   

BackgroundPigs are natural hosts for influenza A viruses, and the infection is widely prevalent in swine herds throughout the world. Current commercial influenza vaccines for pigs induce a narrow immune response and are not very effective against antigenically diverse viruses. To control influenza in pigs, the development of more effective swine influenza vaccines inducing broader cross-protective immune responses is needed. Previously, we have shown that a polyvalent influenza DNA vaccine using vectors containing antibiotic resistance genes induced a broadly protective immune response in pigs and ferrets using intradermal injection followed by electroporation. However, this vaccination approach is not practical in large swine herds, and DNA vaccine vectors containing antibiotic resistance genes are undesirable.ObjectivesTo investigate the immunogenicity of an optimized version of our preceding polyvalent DNA vaccine, characterized by a next-generation expression vector without antibiotic resistance markers and delivered by a convenient needle-free intradermal application approach.MethodsThe humoral and cellular immune responses induced by three different doses of the optimized DNA vaccine were evaluated in groups of five to six pigs. The DNA vaccine consisted of six selected influenza genes of pandemic origin, including internally expressed matrix and nucleoprotein and externally expressed hemagglutinin and neuraminidase.ResultsNeedle-free vaccination of growing pigs with the optimized DNA vaccine resulted in specific, dose-dependent immunity down to the lowest dose (200 μg DNA/vaccination). Both the antibody-mediated and the recall lymphocyte immune responses demonstrated high reactivity against vaccine-specific strains and cross-reactivity to vaccine-heterologous strains.ConclusionThe results suggest that polyvalent DNA influenza vaccination may provide a strong tool for broad protection against swine influenza strains threatening animal as well as public health. In addition, the needle-free administration technique used for this DNA vaccine will provide an easy and practical approach for the large-scale vaccination of swine.  相似文献   

Plague is a zoonotic disease caused by Yersinia pestis, an etiological agent of pneumonic and bubonic plague. There is a need for an improved plague vaccine that may overcome the limitation of presently available whole cell vaccine. An alternative approach described here, is the use of protective epitopes from immunodominant antigen of Y. pestis. One such antigen is the F1 antigen, a major envelope and virulent protein that possess antiphagocytic and anti-microbial properties. The present study was aimed to develop a peptide-based vaccine, based upon the constructs made between B and T cell epitopes of F1 antigen of Y. pestis. The immunogenicity, IgG subclass pattern, affinity, avidity and in vivo protective efficacy of the antibodies generated for different B-T constructs were studied in murine model using microsphere as the delivery vehicle. The mode of immunization was both intranasal and intramuscular, with single and multiple doses of immunization, respectively. Intranasal immunization generated consistent high titre and long lasting immune response both for IgG and IgA in sera and sIgA in washes while intramuscular route generated peak IgG levels in sera only. The IgG isotypic levels pattern showed higher IgG2a/IgG2b levels in intranasal route while mixed isotypic levels of IgG1, IgG2a/IgG2b were observed in intramuscular route. The affinity and relative avidity of antibodies showed best results with intranasal route as compared to the intramuscular route. The specific activity measurement (IgG/IgA content) in sera and washes were well correlated with the antibody levels. Finally, in vivo protective studies showed that B1T1 and B2T1 conjugates protected the mice till day 15 while rest of the conjugates showed poor protection.  相似文献   

Hong Y  Peng Y  Mi M  Xiao H  Munn DH  Wang GQ  He Y 《Vaccine》2011,29(22):3909-3916
Even though hepatitis B virus(HBV) vaccines effectively prevent new cases of HBV infection, with approximately 350 million patients worldwide, chronic HBV infection remains a major health problem because of the associated complications (such as liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma) and the limited treatment options. Immunotherapy has the potential to effectively control HBV replication. In this current study, we found that recombinant lentivectors could induce potent HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) specific T cell responses and humoral immune responses. Tagging the HBsAg with immunoglobulin Fc fragment further substantially increased the HBsAg specific immune responses. Remarkably, the HBS-Fc-lv lentivector could effectively break immune tolerance and induce potent HBsAg specific adaptive immune responses in HBsAg transgenic (Tg) mice with low serum level of HBsAg. More importantly, the induction of HBsAg specific immune responses in Tg mice accompanied seroconversion from HBsAg to anti-HBsAg antibody (anti-HBsAb). Our study demonstrated the potential of utilizing lentivector to treat chronic HBV infection following reduction of viral load with antiviral drug therapy.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred an unprecedented movement to develop safe and effective vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus to immunize the global population. The first set of vaccine candidates that received emergency use authorization targeted the spike (S) glycoprotein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that enables virus entry into cells via the receptor binding domain (RBD). Recently, multiple variants of SARS-CoV-2 have emerged with mutations in S protein and the ability to evade neutralizing antibodies in vaccinated individuals. We have developed a dual RBD and nucleocapsid (N) subunit protein vaccine candidate named RelCoVax® through heterologous expression in mammalian cells (RBD) and E. coli (N). The RelCoVax® formulation containing a combination of aluminum hydroxide (alum) and a synthetic CpG oligonucleotide as adjuvants elicited high antibody titers against RBD and N proteins in mice after a prime and boost dose regimen administered 2 weeks apart. The vaccine also stimulated cellular immune responses with a potential Th1 bias as evidenced by increased IFN-γ release by splenocytes from immunized mice upon antigen exposure particularly N protein. Finally, the serum of mice immunized with RelCoVax® demonstrated the ability to neutralize two different SARS-CoV-2 viral strains in vitro including the Delta strain that has become dominant in many regions of the world and can evade vaccine induced neutralizing antibodies. These results warrant further evaluation of RelCoVax® through advanced studies and contribute towards enhancing our understanding of multicomponent subunit vaccine candidates against SARS-CoV-2.  相似文献   

Ovalbumin (OVA) was labeled with a near infra-red dye (*OVA) and formulated with the host defense peptide indolicidin (Indol), CpG oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) 1826 (CpG) and/or poly(p-dicarboxylatophenoxy)-phosphazene (PP4). The immunogenicity of these *OVA formulations was evaluated in mice. All double and triple adjuvant combinations elicited strong antibody responses. *OVA formulated with CpG ODN in combination with indolicidin, PP4 or both induced only IFN-γ, while formulations with indolicidin and/or PP4 promoted predominantly IL-5 production. Overall, both IgG and IFN-γ production was superior when *OVA was combined with CpG/Indol/PP4. Furthermore, mice injected with *OVA formulated with CpG/Indol/PP4 contained detectable *OVA in the injection site two months post immunization. These results indicate that the CpG/Indol/PP4 combination promotes prolonged antigen retention and strong, antigen-specific Th1-biased immune responses.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) has been administered over the last 20 years as a parenteral vaccine against the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Despite high seroconversion rates, chronic infection rates are still high worldwide. Orally delivered vaccines provide a practical alternative to injected vaccines, potentially helping poorly responding populations and providing a viable alternative for populations in remote locations. Anamnestic responses are vital to establishing the efficacy of a given vaccine and have been assessed in this study using a plant-based oral delivery platform expressing HBsAg.MethodsLong-term immunological memory was assessed in mice injected with a primary dose of Recombivax® and boosted with orally-delivered HBsAg wafers, control wafers, or parenterally-delivered commercial vaccine (Recombivax®).ResultsMice boosted with HBsAg orally-administered wafers displayed sharp increases in mucosal IgA titers in fecal material and steep increases in serum IgA, whereas mice boosted with Recombivax® showed no detectable levels of IgA in either fecal or serum samples following four boosting treatments. Long-term memory in the orally-treated mice was evidenced by sustained fecal IgA, and serum IgA, IgG, and mIU/mL over one year, while Recombivax®-treated mice displayed sustained serum IgG and mIU/mL. Furthermore, sharp increases in these same antibodies were induced after re-boosting at 47 and 50 weeks post-primary injection.ConclusionsOrally-delivered vaccines can provide long-term immune responses mucosally and systemically. For sexually-transmitted diseases that can be acquired at mucosal surfaces, such as HBV, an oral delivery platform may provide added protection over a conventional parenterally administered vaccine.  相似文献   

The potential of sublingual (s.l.) delivery of vaccine was examined in mice. We show the existence of a dense network of dendritic cells (DCs) in the s.l. epithelium and a rapid and transient increase in the frequency of s.l. DCs after topical application of cholera toxin (CT) adjuvant under the tongue. S.l. immunization with ovalbumin and CT induced vigorous systemic and mucosal antibody responses. Such treatment promoted mixed Th1 and Th2 cytokine responses and induced cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells in lung tissues and in systemic lymphoid organs. S.l. immunization was comparable to intranasal immunization and was superior to oral immunization regarding the magnitude and anatomic dissemination of the induced immune responses. S.l. administration of live influenza virus at a dose lethal by the nasal route was well tolerated and did not redirect virus to the olfactory bulb. These features underscore the potential of the s.l. mucosa to serve as an alternative vaccine delivery route.  相似文献   

To test the relative efficacy of CD4 and CD8T cells in mediating protective immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), we compared three immunization regimes designed to induce preferentially each subset. BALB/c mice were immunized intranasally (i.n.) or parenterally with antigen 85A either in a recombinant Adenoviral vector (Ad85A), as recombinant protein (r85A) or as a set of overlapping 15mer peptides (p85A). For the first time we show that i.n. immunization with overlapping 85A synthetic peptides as well as Ad85A or r85A can provide protection against Mtb challenge. For all forms of the antigen, i.n. induces greater protection against Mtb challenge than parenteral immunization. Ad85A induces a predominantly CD8T cell response against the 85A70–78 epitope, r85A a CD4 response to 85A99–118 and p85A a balanced CD4/CD8 response to the CD4 85A99–118 and CD8 85A145–152 epitopes. Immune responses to CD4 85A99–118 and CD8 85A70–78 but not CD8 85A145–152 are protective. Although Ad85A induces a strong response to the protective CD8 85A70–78 epitope, we could not induce any response to this epitope by peptide immunization. These results show that although peptide immunization can induce protective immunity to Mtb challenge, it can also induce a response to a non-protective epitope in antigen 85A, indicating that the specificity of an immune response may be more important for protection against Mtb than its magnitude. These findings have important implications for the application of such vaccines in humans.  相似文献   

Faisal SM  Chen JW  McDonough SP  Chang CF  Teng CH  Chang YF 《Vaccine》2011,29(13):2381-2391
Novel liposomes prepared from total polar lipids of non-pathogenic bacteria, viz. Leptospira biflexa serovar Potac (designated leptosomes) and Mycobacterium smegmatis (designated smegmosomes) were evaluated for their adjuvant effects with various antigen presenting cells (APCs), viz. murine macrophage cell line, J774A.1 and bone marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDCs). These liposomes induced strong membrane fusion as evident from resonance energy transfer (RET) assays and effectively transferred the fluorescent probe to the membrane of these APCs. Moreover, both vesicles caused significant activation of APCs as revealed by release of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-12, TNF-α) and enhanced expression of co-stimulatory signals and maturation markers (CD80, CD86, MHCII), which was significantly higher for smegmosomes as compared to leptosomes. Additionally, activation of APCs by liposomes correlated with their ability to stimulate allospecific T cell proliferation and IFN-γ release. In contrast, conventional PC/chol liposomes failed to fuse and induced only a very low level of APC activation. Interestingly, the stimulatory activity of these lipid vesicles was restricted to APCs as they did not cause any significant activation or mitogenic effect on lymphocytes (B and T cells) in vitro. Overall, the activation of APCs by both leptosomes and smegmosomes correlated with activation of strong humoral and cell mediated immune responses in C57/BL6 mice to entrapped ovalbumin (OVA) and was significantly higher than those induced by conventional liposomes and alum, which failed to activate cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). Taken together these results demonstrate the adjuvant potential of these novel lipid vesicles that may simultaneously induce both innate and adaptive immune responses due to their immune stimulatory and antigen delivery properties.  相似文献   

Non-viral in vivo delivery of DNA, encoding for specific proteins, has traditionally relied on chemical or physical forces applied directly to tissues. Physical methods typically involve contact between an applicator/electrode and tissue and often results in transient subject discomfort. To overcome these limitations of contact-dependent delivery, a helium plasma source was utilized to deposit ionized gasses to treatment/vaccination sites without direct contact between the applicator and the tissues. The study reported here evaluated the efficacy of this strategy as an effective method to administer DNA vaccines. Balb/C mice were vaccinated with a DNA plasmid expressing an HIVgp120 envelope glycoprotein either with or without co-administration of helium plasma or electroporation. The results indicated, for the first time, the potential efficacy of helium plasma delivery for the induction and enhancement of antigen specific immune responses following DNA vaccination.  相似文献   

The peripheral (draining) lymph node, as the primary site of immune induction, determines the course of systemic responses to an injected antigen. Lymphatic duct cannulation procedures in sheep were used to investigate local immunoreactivity to human influenza virus antigen (Flu ag) admixed with the adjuvant ISCOMATRIX (IMX). Compared to Flu ag or IMX alone, the co-administration of Flu ag and IMX (Flu ag+IMX) synergistically enhanced a number of immunological responses (lymphocyte and blast migration from the node, antigen-specific antibody levels and IL6 output in efferent lymph, and antigen-induced proliferation in cultured efferent lymph cells). Together, these results demonstrate that IMX is an immune modulator, and that lymphatic duct cannulation procedures may be used to evaluate antigen/adjuvant combinations for vaccine development.  相似文献   

The use of biodegradable polymer matrices as a single-dose vaccine delivery system was investigated using tetanus toxoid (TT) and diphtheria toxoid (DT). BALB/c mice were immunized with TT or DT in different formulations including individual, in minipellet and aluminum hydroxide (alum), and the antibody responses were monitored for 48 weeks. Antigens entrapped in minipellet elicited higher antibody responses compared to those obtained with individual antigens and antigens adsorbed to alum and the antibody levels remained elevated over 48 weeks. In addition, minipellet formulations induced the same subclasses of antibodies induced by alum formulations. These results raise the possibility to obtain optimal and long-lasting immune responses by a single administration of minipellet formulations.  相似文献   

In both preclinical animal studies and human clinical trials, adult females tend to develop greater adaptive immune responses than males following receipt of either viral or bacterial vaccines. While there is currently no approved malaria vaccine, several anti-sporozoite vaccines, including RTS,S/AS01 and attenuated sporozoite vaccines, are in development, but the impact of sex and age on their efficacy remains undefined. To examine sex differences in the efficacy of anti-sporozoite stage malaria vaccination, adult (10 weeks of age) or juvenile (11 days of age) male and female C3H mice were twice vaccinated with irradiated transgenic Plasmodium berghei sporozoites expressing the P. falciparum circumsporozoite (CSP) protein and 45 days post boost vaccination, mice were challenged with transgenic P. berghei via mosquito bite or intradermal challenge. Immunization with irradiated sporozoites resulted in greater protection against challenge in adult females, which was associated with greater anti-CSP antibody production and avidity, as well as greater hepatic, but not splenic, CD8+ T cell IFNƴ production in adult females than adult males. No sex differences in adaptive immune responses or protection were observed in mice vaccinated prior to puberty, suggesting a role for sex steroid hormones. Depletion of testosterone in males increased, whereas rescue of testosterone decreased, anti-CSP antibody production, the number of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells isolated from the liver, and protection following parasite challenge. Conversely, depletion of sex steroids in female mice did not alter vaccine-induced responses or protection following challenge. These data suggest that elevated testosterone concentrations in males reduce adaptive immunity and contribute to sex differences in malaria vaccine efficacy.  相似文献   

A Kumar  S Kaul  V Manivel  K V Rao 《Vaccine》1992,10(12):814-816
Murine immune responses to the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and a synthetic peptide derived from it were compared at the humoral level. Six of nine strains used responded to either peptide or HBsAg, though restriction profiles were not superimposable. Two of three strains non-responsive to HBsAg produced an antibody response on immunization with peptide which was cross-reactive with both peptide and HBsAg. In in vitro lymphocyte stimulation assays, lymphocyte from all six peptide-immunized mouse strains could be induced to proliferate on challenge with HBsAg. However, of the HBsAg-immunized groups, lymphocytes from only three of six responder strains proliferated on in vitro HBsAg challenge. Cumulatively, these results suggest that a vaccine formulation that includes both protein antigens and synthetic peptides derived from these proteins may be more effective at eliciting an immune response in a broader cross-section of target population.  相似文献   

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