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Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) has proven to be a powerful tool for the metabolic characterization of prostate cancer in patients before and following therapy. The metabolites that are of particular interest are citrate and choline because an increased choline-to-citrate ratio can be used as a marker for cancer. High-field systems offer the advantage of improved spectral resolution as well as increased magnetization. Initial attempts at extending MRSI methods to 3 T have been confounded by the J-modulation of the citrate resonances. A new pulse sequence is presented that controls the J-modulation of citrate at 3 T such that citrate is upright, with high amplitude, at a practical echo time. The design of short (14 ms) spectral-spatial refocusing pulses and trains of nonselective refocusing pulses are described. Phantom studies and simulations showed that upright citrate with negligible sidebands is observed at an echo time of 85 ms. Studies in a human subject verified that this behavior is reproduced in vivo and demonstrated that the water and lipid suppression of the new pulse sequence are sufficient for application in prostate cancer patients.  相似文献   

The performance of a 16-channel receive-only RF coil for brain imaging at 3.0 Tesla was investigated using a custom-built 16-channel receiver. Both the image signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the noise amplification (g-factor) in sensitivity-encoding (SENSE) parallel imaging applications were quantitatively evaluated. Furthermore, the performance was compared with that of hypothetical coils with one, two, four, and eight elements (n) by combining channels in software during image reconstruction. As expected, both the g-factor and SNR improved substantially with n. Compared to an equivalent (simulated) single-element coil, the 16-channel coil showed a 1.87-fold average increase in brain SNR. This was mainly due to an increase in SNR in the peripheral brain (an up to threefold SNR increase), whereas the SNR increase in the center of the brain was 4%. The incremental SNR gains became relatively small at large n, with a 9% gain observed when n was increased from 8 to 16. Compared to the (larger) product birdcage head coil, SNR increased by close to a factor of 2 in the center, and by up to a factor of 6 in the periphery of the brain. For low SENSE acceleration (rate-2), g-factors leveled off for n>4, and improved only slightly (1.4% averaged over brain) going from n=8 to n=16. Improvements in g for n>8 were larger for higher acceleration rates, with the improvement for rate-3 averaging 12.0%.  相似文献   

Noise properties, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), and signal responses were compared during functional activation of the human brain at 1.5 and 3.0 T. At the higher field spiral gradient-echo (GRE) brain images revealed an average gain in SNR of 1.7 in fully relaxed and 2.2 in images with a repetition time (TR) of 1.5 sec. The tempered gain at longer TRs reflects the fact that the physiological noise depends on the signal strength and becomes a larger fraction of the total noise at 3.0 T. Activation of the primary motor and visual cortex resulted in a 36% and 44% increase of "activated pixels" at 3.0 T, which reflects a greater sensitivity for the detection of activated gray matter at the higher field. The gain in the CNR exhibited a dependency on the underlying tissue, i.e., an increase of 1.8x in regions of particular high activation-induced signal changes (presumably venous vessels) and of 2.2x in the average activated areas. These results demonstrate that 3.0 T provides a clear advantage over 1.5 T for neuroimaging of homogeneous brain tissue, although stronger physiological noise contributions, more complicated signal features in the proximity of strong susceptibility gradients, and changes in the intrinsic relaxation times may mediate the enhancement. Magn Reson Med 45:595-604, 2001.  相似文献   

In this study, spin-locking techniques were added as a part of intermolecular multiple-quantum experiments, thereby introducing the concept of rotating-frame intermolecular double-quantum spin-lattice relaxation, T(1rho, DQC). A novel magnetic resonance imaging methodology based on intermolecular multiple-quantum coherences is demonstrated on a 7.05-T microimaging scanner. The results clearly reveal that the intermolecular double-quantum coherence T(1rho, DQC)-weighted imaging technique provides an alternative contrast mechanism to conventional imaging.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To quantify changes in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), specific absorption rate (SAR), RF power deposition, and imaging time in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging with and without the application of parallel imaging at 1.5 T and 3.0 T. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Phantom and volunteer data were acquired at 1.5 T and 3.0 T with and without parallel imaging. RESULTS: Doubling field strength increased phantom SNR by a factor of 1.83. In volunteer data, SNR and CNR values increased by factors of 1.86 and 1.35, respectively. Parallel imaging (reduction factor = 2) decreased phantom SNR by a factor of 1.84 and 2.07 when compared to the full acquisition at 1.5 T and 3.0 T, respectively. In volunteers, SNR and CNR decreased by factors of 2.65 and 2.05 at 1.5 T and 1.99 and 1.75 at 3.0 T, respectively. Doubling the field strength produces a nine-fold increase in SAR (0.0751 to 0.674 W/kg). Parallel imaging reduced the total RF power deposition by a factor of two at both field strengths. CONCLUSIONS: Parallel imaging decreases total scan time at the expense of SNR and CNR. These losses are compensated at higher field strengths. Parallel imaging is effective at reducing total power deposition by reducing total scan time.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to measure the myocardial area at risk in rat, using MRI and manganese injection during a coronary occlusion/reperfusion model at 1.5T. A sequential protocol with occlusion and MnCl2 injection immediately followed by MRI was used with the assumption that MnCl2-induced contrast persistence is enough to accurately image the area at risk 90 min after occlusion. A total of 15 adult rats underwent a single 30-min episode of coronary occlusion followed by reperfusion. MnCl2 was injected (25 micromol/kg) at the beginning of the occlusion for 11 rats (group 1) and 6 h after reperfusion for four animals (group 2). A deficit of signal enhancement was observed in all rats. Hypoenhancement area in group 1 was correlated to the area at risk delineated by methylene blue (r=0.96, P<0.0001) whereas in group 2 it was correlated to the infarct area given by triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) solution (r=0.98, P=0.003). The area at risk size was significantly correlated with left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF), end-systolic volume and anterolateral wall thickening. This work demonstrates that hypoenhanced zone obtained after manganese injection during occlusion represents the area at risk and not only the infarct zone.  相似文献   

As the static magnetic field strength used in human magnetic resonance imaging increases, the wavelength of the corresponding radiofrequency field becomes comparable to the dimensions of the coil and volume of interest. The dielectric resonance effects that arise in this full wavelength regime may be partially compensated for through the use of surface coils. A novel high-field (4 T) transceive surface coil array is presented that allows arbitrary surface coil placement and size while maintaining the ability to independently transmit and/or receive through conventional 50-ohm power amplifiers and preamplifiers, respectively. A ninefold signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) increase is shown in close proximity to the transceive array and there is an overall 38% increase throughout the entire brain volume in comparison to the standard hybrid birdcage coil. Furthermore, the ability to independently transmit and receive through each surface coil within this array enables transmit and/or receive-only fast parallel imaging techniques to be employed while maintaining the increased SNR sensitivity inherent to surface coil designs.  相似文献   

A half-volume quadrature head transverse electromagnetic (TEM) coil has been constructed for 4 T imaging applications. This coil produces a sufficiently large homogeneous B(1) field region for the use as a volume coil. It provides superior transmission efficiency, resulting in significantly lower power deposition, as well as greater sensitivity and improved patient comfort and accessibility compared with conventional full-volume coils. Additionally, this coil suppresses the RF penetration artifact that distorts the RF magnetic field profile and alters the intensity in high-field images recorded with linear surface and volume coils. These advantages make it possible to apply this device as an efficient transmit/receive coil for high-field imaging with a restricted field of view.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the performance of birdcage, transverse electromagnetic (TEM) and microstrip volume coils at 7T under the same geometric conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Birdcage, TEM, and microstrip coils are modeled with the same dimensions. The finite difference time domain (FDTD) method is adopted to calculate the electromagnetic fields of the coils. Further, B(1) field, specific absorption rate (SAR) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are calculated for these coils. RESULTS: In the unloaded case, within the central axial plane, the variation of B(1) field magnitude over 18-cm distance is about 15% for the birdcage coil, 23% for the TEM coil, and 38% for the microstrip coil. In the loaded case, the percentages of the samples on the central axial plane, which have B(1) field magnitude within +/-20% of the average B(1) field magnitude, are about 57% for the birdcage, 72% for the TEM, and 59% for the microstrip coil. Average SAR levels are 11.4% and 42.9% higher in the birdcage than those in the TEM and microstrip coils, respectively. The average relative SNR on the central axial plane for the shielded birdcage, TEM, and microstrip coils are 1, 1.07, and 1.48, respectively. CONCLUSION: The birdcage coil has the best unloaded B(1) field homogeneity, and the TEM coil has the best loaded B(1) field homogeneity and the lowest radiation loss; while the microstrip coil is better in SAR and SNR at 7T than the birdcage and TEM coils.  相似文献   

RF behavior in the human head becomes complex at ultrahigh magnetic fields. A bright center and a weak periphery are observed in images obtained with volume coils, while surface coils provide strong signal in the periphery. Intensity patterns reported with volume coils are often loosely referred to as "dielectric resonances," while modeling studies ascribe them to superposition of traveling waves greatly dampened in lossy brain tissues, raising questions regarding the usage of this term. Here we address this question experimentally, taking full advantage of a transceiver coil array that was used in volume transmit mode, multiple receiver mode, or single transmit surface coil mode. We demonstrate with an appropriately conductive sphere phantom that destructive interferences are responsible for a weak B(1) in the periphery, without a significant standing wave pattern. The relative spatial phase of receive and transmit B(1) proved remarkably similar for the different coil elements, although with opposite rotational direction. Additional simulation data closely matched our phantom results. In the human brain the phase patterns were more complex but still exhibited similarities between coil elements. Our results suggest that measuring spatial B(1) phase could help, within an MR session, to perform RF shimming in order to obtain more homogeneous B(1) in user-defined areas of the brain.  相似文献   

The range of RF coils that can be used in combined X-ray/MR (XMR) systems is limited because many conventional coils contain highly X-ray attenuating materials that are visible in the X-ray images and potentially obscure patient anatomy. In this study, an X-ray compatible coil design that has minimal X-ray attenuation in the field of view (FOV) of the X-ray image is presented. In this design, aluminum is used for the loop conductor and discrete elements of the coil are eliminated from the X-ray FOV. A surface coil and an abdominal phased array coil were built using the X-ray compatible design. X-ray attenuation and MR imaging properties of the coils were evaluated and compared to conventional coils. The X-ray compatible phased array coil was used to image patients during two interventional procedures in the XMR system. The X-ray compatible coils allowed for fluoroscopic X-ray image acquisition, without degradation by the coil, while maintaining excellent MR imaging qualities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if tailored 2DRF pulses could be used to compensate for in-plane variations of the transmitted RF field at 3T. Excitation pulse profiles were designed to approximate the reciprocal of the measured RF transmit variation where the variation over the left ventricle was approximated as unidirectional. A simple 2DRF pulse design utilizing three subpulses was used, such that profiles could be quickly and easily adapted to different regions of interest. Results are presented from phantom and in vivo cardiac imaging. Compared with conventional slice-selective excitation, the average flip angle variation over the left ventricle (measured as the standard deviation divided by the mean flip angle) was reduced with P < 0.001 and the average reduction was 41% in cardiac studies at 3T.  相似文献   

吴朋  吕国士  韩峰 《医学影像学杂志》2012,22(12):2001-2004
目的 探讨3.0T磁共振成像对视-隔发育不良诊断价值,旨在提高对SOD认识.方法 收集本院经临床确诊8例视-隔发育不良患者,所有患者经历常规MRI及DTI扫描,将原始图像传至ADW4.4工作站上进行数据后处理,量化分析ADC值及FA值.结果 全部患者均有透明膈缺如及不同程度视觉通路发育障碍,单纯性以透明膈发育部分缺如或完全缺如,双侧或单侧视神经萎缩、变细为主,双侧侧脑室额角呈典型“盒子状”;复杂性常合并多种脑发育畸形,其中以胼胝体发育不全较为常见(<60%),DTI显示胼胝体纤维束稀少,ADC值、FA值减低.结论 SOD是一种罕见遗传发育基因缺陷疾病,根据临床表现,难以诊断,常规MRI及DTI能够一次性清晰、全面显示SOD病理改变,为临床诊断提供有效诊断依据.  相似文献   

The RF field intensity distribution in the human brain becomes inhomogeneous due to wave behavior at high field. This is further complicated by the spatial distribution of RF field polarization that must be considered to predict image intensity distribution. An additional layer of complexity is involved when a quadrature coil is used for transmission and reception. To study such complicated RF field behavior, a computer modeling method was employed to investigate the RF field of a quadrature surface coil at 300 MHz. Theoretical and experimental results for a phantom and the human head at 7.0 T are presented. The results are theoretically important and practically useful for high-field quadrature coil design and application.  相似文献   

An eight-channel receive-only brain coil and table-top detunable volume transmit coil were developed and tested at 7 T for human imaging. Optimization of this device required attention to sources of interaction between the array elements, between the transmit and receive coils and minimization of common mode currents on the coaxial cables. Circular receive coils (85 mm dia.) were designed on a flexible former to fit tightly around the head and within a 270-mm diameter TEM transmit volume coil. In the near cortex, the array provided a fivefold increase in SNR compared to a TEM transmit-receive coil, a gain larger than that seen in comparable coils at 3 T. The higher SNR gain is likely due to strong dielectric effects, which cause the volume coil to perform poorly in the cortex compared to centrally. The sensitivity and coverage of the array is demonstrated with high-resolution images of the brain cortex.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is developed for the numerical analysis of birdcage coils constructed using capacitors having different capacitance. With the aid of this model, it is shown that the deviation of some capacitance introduced by tune, balance, and drive mechanisms can cause inhomogeneity in the B1, field produced by the coil. Useful curves and formulae are developed to provide a guideline for the design of birdcage coils.  相似文献   

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