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目的:观察兔脑细胞外液与血液中葡萄糖(Glu)及乳酸(Lac)的差异,分析乳酸在中枢神经系统中的作用。方法:实验于2002-10/2003-05在解放军第二军医大学神经生物实验室进行。取纯系新西兰兔7只,采用微透析技术,每10min收集脑细胞外液并静脉采血1次,观察正常状态下,以及静注质量浓度200g/L葡萄糖0~60min、胰岛素0~70min期间血液及脑细胞外液中葡萄糖及乳酸的动态变化。结果:正常状态下,脑细胞外液中葡萄糖明显低于血液,仅为血糖的30%,而乳酸却显著高于血液,为血糖的165%;在高血糖及低血糖期间,脑细胞外液中葡萄糖随着血糖浓度的改变而变化,但时间较血糖延迟30min左右;脑细胞外液中葡萄糖波动期间,乳酸水平无明显变化。结论:血液中葡萄糖在通过血脑屏障时具有代谢改变,乳酸可能是神经细胞的重要燃料来源。  相似文献   

目的:探讨脑瘫患儿脑细胞葡萄糖代谢与发育商(DQ)的关系。方法:符合脑瘫诊断标准的脑瘫患儿33例(脑瘫组),均采用Gesell发育量表(GDS)进行测试,同时进行18F-FDG脑显像检查(简称PET),并与健康自愿体检正常儿童(正常组)进行比较。结果:与正常组比较,脑瘫组中PET脑显像异常30例,正常3例;PET脑显像异常与动作能、应物能、应人能和言语能均有明显相关性;单灶低代谢灶其4个能区表现为轻度异常,多灶和弥漫低代谢灶则分别为中度和重度异常,且脑细胞葡萄糖代谢异常程度越重,DQ分值越低(P〈0.05或0.01)。结论:脑细胞葡萄糖代谢异常可影响小儿的DQ状况。GDS结合PET脑显像检查可了解患者脑葡萄糖代谢功能和细胞活动功能,客观反映脑细胞损伤部位及程度,对于脑瘫患儿DQ状况的评估以及指导临床治疗具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨风湿性关节炎患者关节滑膜液中葡萄糖含量的高低与关节炎活动期症状的相关性,并研究滑膜液生态平衡对关节炎的重要性。方法对80倒风湿性关节炎患者进行入院时、用药后、出院时滑膜炎成分检测,并对患者症状进行疼痛、关节肿胀程度、表面温度分级,观察与葡糖糖含量的关系。结果70例患者的疼痛、关节肿胀程度、表面温度分级与葡萄糖含量成正相关,9例患者因中途出院未配合检测,1例患者确诊为系统性红斑狼疮。结论滑膜液检测葡萄糖含量的高低可作为关节炎活动期的参考指标。  相似文献   

对血液净化置换液浓度计算和表达方式的质疑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
连续性血液净化已广泛应用于临床上抢救危重患,其清除溶质和调节水、电解质、酸碱平衡需要通过置换液或透析液来实现,目前国内大多医院采用季大玺改进的Port配方,有条件的医院目前一般均能自行配制灵活、个体化的置换液,虽然各自配方有所不同,但均应遵守以下原则:置换液的配方是血浆浓度正常的物质,如钠、氯、糖等其置换液和透析液浓度应接近生理浓度;血浆浓度低或不断消耗的物质,  相似文献   

[目的]探讨严重脓毒症及脓毒症休克患者经早期目标导向治疗(EGDT)后,早期(6 h内)乳酸清除率与器官功能障碍评分的变化与病死率的关系.[方法]选择2008年5月至2010年3月本院急诊科严重脓毒症和脓毒症休克患者64例,应用EGDT,计算早期(6 h)血乳酸清除率,按乳酸清除率四分位数由低到高分为四组,统计治疗至 72 h患者各种器官功能障碍评分:①急性生理和慢性健康评分(APACHEⅡ),②简化急性生理评分(SAPSⅡ),③多器官功能障碍评分(MODS),④序贯器官衰竭评分(SOFA).并统计住院30 d、60 d死亡率.[结果]治疗最初6 h,乳酸清除率较高组在72 h各器官功能障碍评分均较低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);乳酸清除率较高组住院d30、d60的病死率也显著低于乳酸清除率较低组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).[结论]早期乳酸清除率与严重脓毒症和脓毒性休克患者各器官功能障碍程度以及住院死亡率存在相关.这可能为临床医师判断严重脓毒症及脓毒症休克治疗效果、预后提供参考.  相似文献   

目的探讨小儿体外循环(ECC)中不同Hb浓度对血乳酸及术后转归的影响。方法将择期行先天性心脏病体外循环下心内直视手术患儿60名随机分为3组,每组各20名。组Ⅰ接受轻度血液稀释,Hb达(80—90)g/L;组Ⅱ接受中度血液稀释,Hb达(70—79)g/L;组Ⅲ接受重度血液稀释,Hb达(60—69)g/L。记录比较各组ECC前、ECC中、ECC后和术后24h乳酸含量、动脉氧分压(PaO2),各组体外循环库血使用率、术后呋塞米用量、术后并发症和恢复时间。结果3组乳酸浓度和PaO2在ECC前、ECC中、ECC后和术后24h均在正常范围,3组间均无统计学差异(P>0.05);体外循环库血使用率组Ⅱ(30%)和组Ⅲ(15%)均明显少于组Ⅰ(50%);但术后呋塞米用量组Ⅱ和组Ⅲ均明显高于组Ⅰ(P<0.05);3组患儿均痊愈出院且并发症少。结论小儿体外循环应用中度血液稀释[Hb(70—79)g/L]和重度血液稀释[Hb(60—69)g/L]对乳酸和术后转归无影响,可明显减少库血用量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨慢性肺部疾病早产儿(CLD)肺灌洗液中内皮素(ET-1)与细胞外基质(ECM)增生的相互关系.方法 对1999年12月至2004年11月本院NICU需机械通气的62例早产儿每日行肺灌洗,检测肺炎组、肺透明膜病组、CLD组及对照组灌洗液中细胞总数及分类、ET-1、PC-Ⅲ、HA及Hyp水平.结果 CLD组肺灌洗液中各项指标随日龄增加而增加,ET-1水平明显增加并与PC-Ⅲ、HA、Hyp呈显著正相关(P<0.01);肺炎组和HMD组肺灌洗液中各项指标均在出生后第2~4天达峰值,第5天下降.对照组出生后5天内上述参数始终维持低水平.结论 出生后第5天肺灌洗液中ET-1与PC-Ⅲ、HA、Hyp含量增高可作为CLD的早期诊断指标.CLD的形成与ET-1升高及诱导肺组织ECM中PC-Ⅲ、HA、Hyp增生有关.  相似文献   

[目的]评估颈静脉氧饱和度(SjvO2)与动静脉乳酸差值(AVDL)作为重型颅脑损伤的预后指标.[方法]回顾性分析32例重型颅脑损伤病人,每6 h测定颈静脉搏氧饱和度与动静脉乳酸.[结果]结果SjvO2、AVDL与预后显著相关,或发作2次以上预后不良,AVDL增加预后差.[结论]SjvO2、AVDL监测相结合,能较可靠反映脑供血及脑代谢状况,对重型颅脑损伤的治疗有指导意义.  相似文献   

骨性关节炎(osteoarthritis,OA)是一种以关节软骨变性、破坏以及骨质增生为特征的一种慢性关节病,常好发于老年人。目前OA的确切病因仍然未能完全阐明,有部分学者认为基质金属蛋白酶家族MMPS及其抑制家族TIMPS与OA的关系非常密切;亦有部分研究证实基因及蛋白在骨性关节病发病机制中起着重要作用;滑膜的炎症反应也参与了骨关节病的发生发展,IL-1β和TNF-α是公认的在滑膜炎症和软骨损伤过程中的致病因素。本研究即针对我院住院治疗的老年OA患者进行血液及关节液炎症因子分析与疾病活动的相关性。  相似文献   

新生儿高胆红素血症(高胆)是新生儿期常见合并症,但一旦有血清酶谱及血液黏滞度异常,必定造成器官损害,特别是心、脑、肾等。我科对100例高胆患儿做了血清A ST、HBDH、LDH、CK-M B测定,并做血液流变学检查。报告如下。1对象和方法1.1对象新生儿高胆红素血症100例,男58例,女42例,年龄1~30日龄,黄疸时间1~28 d。黄疸原因:ABO溶血12例,RH溶血1例,败血症18例,新生儿窒息23例,脐炎15例,头颅血肿5例,母乳性黄疸18例,围产期因素(催产素应用等)8例,其中合并器官损害[脑损害或(和)心肌损害、肾损害]共56例。按血清总胆红素高低分成两组:轻度…  相似文献   

多数晚期肝病病人术前存在明显的水、电解质紊乱和凝血功能障碍[1].肝脏是体内乳酸代谢的主要器官,乳酸(LA)代谢障碍可导致其在体内蓄积[2].肝移植术中病人是否可输注含LA的晶体液尚存在争议.本研究观察经典原位肝移植术中输注LA林格氏液对动脉血LA和酸碱平衡的影响,为临床补液提供参考.  相似文献   

目的 探讨乳酸动态监测指标与重症监护病房(ICU)危重患者预后的相关关系,并对这种关系进行量化评价.方法 收集101例乳酸升高的危重患者,分为死亡组(50例)和存活组(51例),比较两组的乳酸监测指标(乳酸水平、乳酸升高时间、乳酸清除率)、急性生理学与慢性健康状况评分系统Ⅰ(APACHE Ⅰ)评分及其他反映器官功能的指标,使用logistic回归分析找出与预后显著相关的指标.以相应的乳酸指标进行量化分组,分别比较各组休克和多器官功能障碍综合征(MODS)发生率、APACHE Ⅰ评分和病死率.结果 死亡组入ICU乳酸值、乳酸峰值、APACHE Ⅰ评分高于存活组,12 h和24 h乳酸清除率、pH值低于存活组(P<0.05或P<0.01).乳酸峰值、12 h乳酸清除率、APACHE Ⅰ评分和pH值与患者的预后明显相关,相对比值比(OR)分别为1.466、0.922、1.208、0.032.乳酸峰值≥10 mmol/L、12 h乳酸清除率≤10%的患者病死率明显升高,分别为77.8%和70.6%(P<0.05和P<0.01),乳酸升高时间>24 h时病死率虽升高,但无统计学意义.结论 乳酸峰值、12 h乳酸清除率、APACHE Ⅰ评分和pH值是评价患者预后的良好指标.乳酸峰值≥10 mmol/L、12 h乳酸清除率≤10%时应警惕患者较差的预后,而乳酸升高时间评价预后的价值有限.  相似文献   

Objective To study and quantify the relationship between dynamic lactic acid monitoring indexes and prognosis of critically ill patients in intensive care unit (ICU). Methods One hundred and one critically ill patients with elavated blood lactic acid level were included in this study and divided into death group (n= 50) and survival group (n = 51). Differences in their lactic acid indexes (including: lactic acid level, duration of lacticemia, lactic clearance), acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅰ (APACHE Ⅰ ) score, and other clinical indicators which reflected organ/system status were compared, and prognostic significant lacticemia indexes were formulated by multi-variable logistic analysis. Subsequently, patients were grouped by significant lactic indexes separately and compared with incidence of shock/multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), APACHE Ⅰ score and mortality. Results Differences in lactic acid level, peak lactic acid level, 12-hour and 24-hour lactic acid clearance between death group and survival group showed statistically significant difference (P<0. 05 or P<0. 01). Peak lactic acid level, 12-hour lactic clearance, APACHE Ⅰ score and blood pH had significant correlation with prognosis, odds ratios (OR) were 1. 466, 0. 922, 1. 208, 0. 032, respectively. Patients with peak lactic acid value≥10 mmol/L or 12-hour lactic clearance≤10% had significantly higher mortality: 77. 8% and 70. 6%, respectively (P<0. 05 and P< 0.01). Although patients with lacticemia > 24 hours had higher mortality, there was no statistically significant difference. Conclusion Peak lactic acid level, 12-hour lactic clearance, APACHE Ⅰ score and blood pH are good indicators to evaluate patients' prognosis. Peak lactic acid value≥10 mmol/L or 12-hour lactic clearance≤10% is an alert of extremely bad prognosis. Prognosis value of duration of lacticemia is limited.  相似文献   

Objective To study and quantify the relationship between dynamic lactic acid monitoring indexes and prognosis of critically ill patients in intensive care unit (ICU). Methods One hundred and one critically ill patients with elavated blood lactic acid level were included in this study and divided into death group (n= 50) and survival group (n = 51). Differences in their lactic acid indexes (including: lactic acid level, duration of lacticemia, lactic clearance), acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅰ (APACHE Ⅰ ) score, and other clinical indicators which reflected organ/system status were compared, and prognostic significant lacticemia indexes were formulated by multi-variable logistic analysis. Subsequently, patients were grouped by significant lactic indexes separately and compared with incidence of shock/multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), APACHE Ⅰ score and mortality. Results Differences in lactic acid level, peak lactic acid level, 12-hour and 24-hour lactic acid clearance between death group and survival group showed statistically significant difference (P<0. 05 or P<0. 01). Peak lactic acid level, 12-hour lactic clearance, APACHE Ⅰ score and blood pH had significant correlation with prognosis, odds ratios (OR) were 1. 466, 0. 922, 1. 208, 0. 032, respectively. Patients with peak lactic acid value≥10 mmol/L or 12-hour lactic clearance≤10% had significantly higher mortality: 77. 8% and 70. 6%, respectively (P<0. 05 and P< 0.01). Although patients with lacticemia > 24 hours had higher mortality, there was no statistically significant difference. Conclusion Peak lactic acid level, 12-hour lactic clearance, APACHE Ⅰ score and blood pH are good indicators to evaluate patients' prognosis. Peak lactic acid value≥10 mmol/L or 12-hour lactic clearance≤10% is an alert of extremely bad prognosis. Prognosis value of duration of lacticemia is limited.  相似文献   

Objective To study and quantify the relationship between dynamic lactic acid monitoring indexes and prognosis of critically ill patients in intensive care unit (ICU). Methods One hundred and one critically ill patients with elavated blood lactic acid level were included in this study and divided into death group (n= 50) and survival group (n = 51). Differences in their lactic acid indexes (including: lactic acid level, duration of lacticemia, lactic clearance), acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅰ (APACHE Ⅰ ) score, and other clinical indicators which reflected organ/system status were compared, and prognostic significant lacticemia indexes were formulated by multi-variable logistic analysis. Subsequently, patients were grouped by significant lactic indexes separately and compared with incidence of shock/multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), APACHE Ⅰ score and mortality. Results Differences in lactic acid level, peak lactic acid level, 12-hour and 24-hour lactic acid clearance between death group and survival group showed statistically significant difference (P<0. 05 or P<0. 01). Peak lactic acid level, 12-hour lactic clearance, APACHE Ⅰ score and blood pH had significant correlation with prognosis, odds ratios (OR) were 1. 466, 0. 922, 1. 208, 0. 032, respectively. Patients with peak lactic acid value≥10 mmol/L or 12-hour lactic clearance≤10% had significantly higher mortality: 77. 8% and 70. 6%, respectively (P<0. 05 and P< 0.01). Although patients with lacticemia > 24 hours had higher mortality, there was no statistically significant difference. Conclusion Peak lactic acid level, 12-hour lactic clearance, APACHE Ⅰ score and blood pH are good indicators to evaluate patients' prognosis. Peak lactic acid value≥10 mmol/L or 12-hour lactic clearance≤10% is an alert of extremely bad prognosis. Prognosis value of duration of lacticemia is limited.  相似文献   

Objective To study and quantify the relationship between dynamic lactic acid monitoring indexes and prognosis of critically ill patients in intensive care unit (ICU). Methods One hundred and one critically ill patients with elavated blood lactic acid level were included in this study and divided into death group (n= 50) and survival group (n = 51). Differences in their lactic acid indexes (including: lactic acid level, duration of lacticemia, lactic clearance), acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅰ (APACHE Ⅰ ) score, and other clinical indicators which reflected organ/system status were compared, and prognostic significant lacticemia indexes were formulated by multi-variable logistic analysis. Subsequently, patients were grouped by significant lactic indexes separately and compared with incidence of shock/multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), APACHE Ⅰ score and mortality. Results Differences in lactic acid level, peak lactic acid level, 12-hour and 24-hour lactic acid clearance between death group and survival group showed statistically significant difference (P<0. 05 or P<0. 01). Peak lactic acid level, 12-hour lactic clearance, APACHE Ⅰ score and blood pH had significant correlation with prognosis, odds ratios (OR) were 1. 466, 0. 922, 1. 208, 0. 032, respectively. Patients with peak lactic acid value≥10 mmol/L or 12-hour lactic clearance≤10% had significantly higher mortality: 77. 8% and 70. 6%, respectively (P<0. 05 and P< 0.01). Although patients with lacticemia > 24 hours had higher mortality, there was no statistically significant difference. Conclusion Peak lactic acid level, 12-hour lactic clearance, APACHE Ⅰ score and blood pH are good indicators to evaluate patients' prognosis. Peak lactic acid value≥10 mmol/L or 12-hour lactic clearance≤10% is an alert of extremely bad prognosis. Prognosis value of duration of lacticemia is limited.  相似文献   

Objective To study and quantify the relationship between dynamic lactic acid monitoring indexes and prognosis of critically ill patients in intensive care unit (ICU). Methods One hundred and one critically ill patients with elavated blood lactic acid level were included in this study and divided into death group (n= 50) and survival group (n = 51). Differences in their lactic acid indexes (including: lactic acid level, duration of lacticemia, lactic clearance), acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅰ (APACHE Ⅰ ) score, and other clinical indicators which reflected organ/system status were compared, and prognostic significant lacticemia indexes were formulated by multi-variable logistic analysis. Subsequently, patients were grouped by significant lactic indexes separately and compared with incidence of shock/multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), APACHE Ⅰ score and mortality. Results Differences in lactic acid level, peak lactic acid level, 12-hour and 24-hour lactic acid clearance between death group and survival group showed statistically significant difference (P<0. 05 or P<0. 01). Peak lactic acid level, 12-hour lactic clearance, APACHE Ⅰ score and blood pH had significant correlation with prognosis, odds ratios (OR) were 1. 466, 0. 922, 1. 208, 0. 032, respectively. Patients with peak lactic acid value≥10 mmol/L or 12-hour lactic clearance≤10% had significantly higher mortality: 77. 8% and 70. 6%, respectively (P<0. 05 and P< 0.01). Although patients with lacticemia > 24 hours had higher mortality, there was no statistically significant difference. Conclusion Peak lactic acid level, 12-hour lactic clearance, APACHE Ⅰ score and blood pH are good indicators to evaluate patients' prognosis. Peak lactic acid value≥10 mmol/L or 12-hour lactic clearance≤10% is an alert of extremely bad prognosis. Prognosis value of duration of lacticemia is limited.  相似文献   

Objective To study and quantify the relationship between dynamic lactic acid monitoring indexes and prognosis of critically ill patients in intensive care unit (ICU). Methods One hundred and one critically ill patients with elavated blood lactic acid level were included in this study and divided into death group (n= 50) and survival group (n = 51). Differences in their lactic acid indexes (including: lactic acid level, duration of lacticemia, lactic clearance), acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅰ (APACHE Ⅰ ) score, and other clinical indicators which reflected organ/system status were compared, and prognostic significant lacticemia indexes were formulated by multi-variable logistic analysis. Subsequently, patients were grouped by significant lactic indexes separately and compared with incidence of shock/multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), APACHE Ⅰ score and mortality. Results Differences in lactic acid level, peak lactic acid level, 12-hour and 24-hour lactic acid clearance between death group and survival group showed statistically significant difference (P<0. 05 or P<0. 01). Peak lactic acid level, 12-hour lactic clearance, APACHE Ⅰ score and blood pH had significant correlation with prognosis, odds ratios (OR) were 1. 466, 0. 922, 1. 208, 0. 032, respectively. Patients with peak lactic acid value≥10 mmol/L or 12-hour lactic clearance≤10% had significantly higher mortality: 77. 8% and 70. 6%, respectively (P<0. 05 and P< 0.01). Although patients with lacticemia > 24 hours had higher mortality, there was no statistically significant difference. Conclusion Peak lactic acid level, 12-hour lactic clearance, APACHE Ⅰ score and blood pH are good indicators to evaluate patients' prognosis. Peak lactic acid value≥10 mmol/L or 12-hour lactic clearance≤10% is an alert of extremely bad prognosis. Prognosis value of duration of lacticemia is limited.  相似文献   

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