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目的探讨双功能超声(DU)、阴部内动脉造影(IPA)在外伤动脉性勃起功能障碍诊断中的应用。方法7例骨盆骨折外伤引起阴茎动脉供血受损致勃起功能障碍患者进行DU和IPA检查。结果DU检查提示7例患者阴茎勃起动脉血液灌注血流动力学受到损害。IPA检查显示7例患者有阴茎动脉血供受损解剖形态学上的变化,包括阴部内动脉断裂、阴茎动脉主干断裂、阴茎动脉主干狭窄和髂总动脉假性动脉瘤病变。结论DU和IPA为阴茎动脉功能和解剖形态学“金标准”试验,DU提供了阴茎勃起动脉血供受损血流动力学改变的客观数据,而IPA显示了阴茎动脉受损解剖形态学上的变化,对损伤病变部位进行定位。对于外伤所致动脉性勃起功能障碍的患者首选DU检查。  相似文献   

目的探讨高血流量阴茎异常勃起临床诊疗程序。方法5例阴茎异常勃起患者,经病史和体检,海绵体穿刺血气分析,彩色多普勒超声和超选择血管造影确诊为高血流量阴茎异常勃起,超选择阴部内动脉造影监视下动脉栓塞治疗,IIEF-5评分随访远期效果。结果4例有骑跨伤或会阴部钝性外伤史,血气分析结果接近动脉血。超声显示5例患者患侧海绵体动脉血流速度显著增加。超选择阴部内动脉造影4例患1者在阴部内动脉海绵体支末端形成动静脉瘘(2例左侧和2例右侧);1例非外伤患者发现为海绵体血管瘤自发破裂。5例患者即时行明胶海绵动脉栓塞治疗,4例成功。1例失败患者改用微钢圈栓塞成功。随访结果无阴茎异常勃起复发,IIEF-5评分1例有中度勃起功能障碍。结论超选择性阴部内动脉栓塞是治疗高血流量阴茎异常勃起首选治疗方法。  相似文献   

血管性勃起功能障碍特殊检查的临床应用(附105例报告)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的应用双功能超声、阴部内动脉造影和海绵体造影三项血管性勃起功能障碍(ED)主要特殊检查结合海绵体血管活性药物注射,对血管性ED动脉功能和静脉关闭机制进行评估。方法105例血管性ED,其中12例有骨盆骨折尿道断裂。本组病人先行阴茎双功能超声检查,判断动脉功能和静脉关闭机制异常情况。外伤动脉性ED病人进一步行阴部内动脉造影,静脉性ED进一步行海绵体造影。结果(1)阴茎双功能超声检查显示,动脉性ED 63例,静脉性ED 42例;(2)12例外伤性动脉性ED阴部内动脉造影显示,阴茎勃起供血动脉受损,包括阴茎动脉主干狭窄、断裂和阴部内动脉断裂;(3)42例静脉性ED阴茎海绵体造影显示静脉漏,包括背深静脉漏、脚静脉漏、海绵体间静脉漏和混合性静脉漏。结论(1)双功能超声检查提供了阴茎勃起血流动力学异常的客观数据,可鉴别动脉功能或静脉关闭机制异常,为血管性ED第一线检查方法;(2)动脉造影检查可对阴茎供血动脉病变损伤部位进行解剖定位;(3)海绵体造影检查提供了静脉漏病变的解剖部位,后二项造影检查可为手术方案制定提供客观依据。  相似文献   

目的:探讨选择性阴部内动脉造影的操作流程及其在动脉性ED诊断中的价值。方法:选择阴茎海绵体动脉血流收缩期峰速(PSV)25 ml/s并且NPT异常,高度怀疑动脉性ED患者62例,对其进行选择性阴部内动脉造影检查,观察并测定阴部内动脉主干的狭窄程度以及阴茎背动脉和阴茎海绵体动脉的显影长度。结果:21例患者阴部内动脉主干、阴茎背动脉、阴茎海绵体动脉均显影良好;7例患者阴部内动脉主干狭窄;37例患者阴茎背动脉或(和)阴茎海绵体动脉显影长度不足;3例患者同时有阴部内动脉主干狭窄和阴茎背动脉或阴茎海绵体动脉显影长度不足。仅3例患者股动脉穿刺部位皮下血肿,无其他并发症。结论:选择性阴部内动脉造影能够显示供应阴茎的动脉的解剖形态学上的变化,对动脉病变部位做出定位,还能判断阴茎动脉的血流情况,并可以指导此类患者治疗方案的选择,可作为动脉性ED诊断的金标准。  相似文献   

高流量性阴茎异常勃起   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨高流量性阴茎异常勃起的诊断及治疗方法。方法 高流量性阴茎异常勃起患者5例,年龄18~54岁。症状均为阴茎无痛性、持续性勃起。查体见阴茎呈半勃起状态,给予刺激后勃起强度增加。均行海绵体穿刺抽血,血气分析呈动脉血特征。4例经会阴彩超检查发现一侧海绵体动脉裂口及附近灶性高流速漩涡。5例行阴部内动脉血管造影均有造影剂外渗。5例均先行保守疗法,无效后行超选择性阴部内动脉栓塞治疗。结果 栓塞后5例阴茎立即呈悬垂状,1例术后12h复发,经再次栓塞后治愈,术后完全恢复疲软时间5~42d。术后2周~4个月性功能及勃起硬度恢复如初。随访11~143个月,5例均无复发。结论 海绵体穿刺血气分析、彩超、阴部内动脉血管造影检查是高流量性阴茎异常勃起有效的诊断手段,超选择性阴部内动脉栓塞具有较好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨高流量性阴茎异常勃起的诊断和治疗方法。方法 复习3例高流量性阴茎异常勃起,2例会阴部外伤所致,1例原因不明。行体检、血气分析、阴茎彩色超声、阴部内动脉血管造影等检查,并分别行阿拉明注射、穿刺放血、阴茎头.阴茎海绵体分流、明胶海绵动脉瘘栓塞等治疗。结果 2例明确诊断为高流量性阴茎异常勃起,右侧动脉瘘栓塞后勃起完全消失,随访短期内勃起功能恢复。1例诊断模糊,行分流手术后勃起不完全消退,随访2年内发生勃起功能障碍。结论 选择性阴部内动脉造影和栓塞治疗是高流量性阴茎异常勃起有效的诊治方法。  相似文献   

老年自发性高流量阴茎异常勃起(附1例报告及文献复习)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 :探讨高流量阴茎异常勃起的病因与发病机制 ,提高对高流量阴茎异常勃起的诊断和治疗的认识。 方法 :报告 1例老年自发性高流量阴茎异常勃起病人的临床资料。 结果 :动脉血管造影提示右侧阴茎海绵体动脉破裂 ,海绵体血气分析结果正常。行明胶海绵体栓塞术 ,术后阴茎很快转入疲软状态。 结论 :老年自发性高流量阴茎异常勃起 (非缺血性 )较少见 ,保守治疗无效时需采用血气分析和动脉造影确定出血部位后行栓塞或海绵体动脉结扎术。  相似文献   

目的 分析2例外伤后高血流性阴茎异常勃起的治疗,提高高血流性阴茎异常勃起的诊断、处理能力.方法 2007年10月至2008年10月2例患者因尿道扩张及会阴部外伤后出现阴茎无痛性持续性勃起;经阴茎海绵体穿刺血气分析分析鉴别疾病类型,血常规、肝肾功能等检查排除其他致病因素,阴茎彩色超声多普勒及超选择性阴茎内动脉造影发现异常血流;采用阴茎海绵体穿刺放血、局部冰敷、持续阴茎内注射药物等保守治疗无效后行阴部内动脉栓塞术.结果 2例患者分别栓塞术后4d、2d阴茎疲软,随访6个月、12个月勃起功能正常,均无复发.结论 阴茎穿刺血气分析、彩色超声多普勒及阴部内动脉造影术是诊断高血流性阴茎异常勃起的有效诊断方法,超选择阴部内动脉栓塞术具有良好的治疗效果.  相似文献   

阴茎异常勃起的诊断及治疗(附13例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨阴茎异常勃起的病因、诊断、分型及治疗.方法:阴茎异常勃起患者13例,年龄20~61岁,平均36岁.勃起时间16~240 h.平均128 h.根据阴茎海绵体血气分析,阴茎海绵体超声多谱勒检查,放射性核素显像,选择性阴部内动脉造影等检查对患者进行诊断和分型.根据分型及病情轻重分别给以保守治疗、选择性阴部内动脉栓塞术、阴茎海绵体灌洗术等治疗.结果:5例高流量型阴茎异常勃起患者均有外伤史,8例低流量型阴茎异常勃起病因较为复杂.所有患者经相应治疗后阴茎勃起消失.随访2~24个月,5例高流量型患者均保留良好的勃起功能,7例低流量型患者有不同程度的勃起功能减退.结论:详细的病史、阴茎海绵体血气分析、彩色多谱勒超声检查、阴部内动脉造影是区分高流量型和低流量型阴茎异常勃起的重要方法.高流量型阴茎异常勃起可采取保守治疗和选择性阴部内动脉栓塞术治疗.而阴茎海绵体灌洗术是治疗低流量型阴茎异常勃起的较好选择.  相似文献   

阴茎异常勃起的诊断和治疗(附10例报告)   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 分析不同病因 ,区分低流量型和高流量型阴茎异常勃起 ,提高急诊处理阴茎异常勃起的能力。 方法  10例阴茎异常勃起患者年龄 2 2~ 6 4岁 ,平均 4 1岁。持续勃起时间 8~ 2 12h ,平均 2 1.2h。其中阴茎海绵体内注射前列腺素E、罂栗碱、酚妥拉明治疗勃起功能障碍致异常勃起1例 ,服用西地那非后性交勃起异常 1例 ,阴茎原发肉瘤 1例 ,膀胱癌转移至阴茎 1例 ,白血病 1例 ,有外伤史者 2例 ,不明诱因者 3例。对异常勃起分型 ,治疗及预后进行分析。 结果  10例患者中 8例为低流量型 ,2例为高流量型。 8例低流量型患者中 ,4例经阴茎海绵体根部注射间羟胺 2~ 8mg ,必要时在阴茎头及阴茎海绵体根部置 9号针头灌注肝素化生理盐水对冲治愈 ,其中 1例发生勃起功能障碍 (ED) ;1例行阴茎海绵体与阴茎头血管分流术治愈。因白血病引起的阴茎异常勃起 1例 ,经化疗后治愈 ;阴茎肉瘤 1例 ,膀胱癌转移至阴茎 1例 ,预后均不佳。 2例高流量型患者中 1例行选择性阴部内动脉栓塞后治愈 ,1例行保守治疗出院 ,随访出现ED。 结论 详细的病史、阴茎海绵体血气分析、彩色多谱勒检查、阴部内动脉造影等是区分高流量型和低流量型阴茎异常勃起的重要方法。阴茎异常勃起如保守治疗无效 ,应立刻进行手术治疗  相似文献   

Objective: To study the diagnosis and treatment of the trauma-associated arteriogenic erectile dysfunction. Methods: Four patients suffers from arteriogenic erectile dysfunction caused by pelvic fractures trauma. Before operation they were examined using pharmacopenile duplex ultrasonography(PPDU) and internal pudendal arteriogram(IPA). Dorsal artery inferior epigastric artery anastomosis were performed in 3 cases. Results: PPDU and IPA suggested that both cavernous arteries and blood flow were not seen in 1 case in 2 cases both PSV of cavernous artery were less than normal level, and in 1 case the PSV of right cavernous artery was normal, the PSV of left cavernous artery was less than normal level. Injury of left common penile artery was comfirmed. After operation one recovers normal erection spontaneously and two have rigid erection induced by intracavernous injection. Conclusions: Trauma-associated arteriogenic erectile dysfunction may result from common penile artery and internal pudendal artery inj  相似文献   

Standardized evaluation of erectile dysfunction in 95 consecutive patients   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigated 95 patients referred for erectile dysfunction by penile blood pressure measurement, the intracavernous papaverine test and Doppler investigation of the penile arteries. Furthermore, penile cutaneous perception threshold, bulbocavernosus reflex latency and somatosensory cortical evoked potentials of the pudendal nerve were measured. In selected cases cavernosometry, cavernosography and corpus cavernosum electromyography were performed. Doppler investigation of the cavernous arteries after papaverine injection was more reliable than penile blood pressure measurement in the diagnosis of arteriogenic erectile dysfunction. Decreased sensibility of the penis may be the sole factor responsible for inability to sustain an erection. Erectile dysfunction may be provoked by impaired function of the pudendal nerve. Penile cutaneous perception threshold measurement and corpus cavernosum electromyography are mandatory in the evaluation of neurogenic etiology. Cavernosometry and cavernosography are reliable methods in the determination of abnormal drainage from the corpus cavernosum.  相似文献   

Contemporary therapies for erectile dysfunction are generally targeted towards older men and universally engage pharmacological and/or device related treatment options. Penile revascularization, using microvascular arterial bypass surgical techniques, is a non-pharmacological, non-device-related, and reconstructive surgical strategy for men with erectile dysfunction that was first described by Dr Vaclav Michal in 1973. Contemporary penile revascularization attempts to ‘cure'' pure arteriogenic erectile dysfunction in young men with arterial occlusive pathology in the distal internal pudendal, common penile or proximal cavernosal artery secondary to focal endothelial injury from blunt pelvic, perineal or penile trauma. A microvascular anastomosis is fashioned between the donor inferior epigastric and recipient dorsal penile artery. Increased perfusion pressure is theoretically communicated to the cavernosal artery via perforating branches from the dorsal artery. This article will review the history, indications and pathophysiology of blunt trauma-induced focal arterial occlusive disease in young men with erectile dysfunction, current surgical techniques utilized and results of surgery. Contemporary use of penile revascularization is a logical and wanted therapeutic option to attempt to reverse erectile dysfunction in young men who have sustained blunt pelvic, perineal or penile trauma.  相似文献   

We designed two animal experiments to elucidate the effect of obstruction of the internal pudendal artery on erectile function. In five dogs the internal pudendal or penile artery was acutely clamped unilaterally or bilaterally with a non-crushing vascular clamp. In eight dogs, the internal pudendal or penile artery was ligated, unilaterally or bilaterally, and occlusion was maintained for two months. In both models, electrodes were implanted around the cavernous nerves for electroerection. In unilateral occlusion, blood flow in the contralateral internal pudendal artery was recorded via an ultrasonic probe. In both unilateral and bilateral occlusion, intracavernous pressure in both corpora cavernosa was recorded through a 21-gauge butterfly needle connected to a Statham transducer. In the chronic model, selective pudendal angiography was done after the erection study was completed; the dogs were then sacrificed and the penile tissue was examined histologically under light microscopy. Unilateral acute clamping of the internal pudendal or penile artery caused a compensatory increase in arterial flow in the contralateral pudendal artery with only moderate impairment of intracavernous pressure on the ipsilateral side, but bilateral occlusion resulted in a marked reduction in the intracavernous pressure response to neurostimulation. In contrast, chronic obstruction of penile vessels had a minimal effect on erectile function due to the development of a rich network of collaterals around the penis. Histological evaluation revealed mild local changes in the cavernous tissue with characteristic compensatory enlargement of branches of the cavernous artery on the control side in cases of unilateral occlusion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: CT angiography reconstructed by a multidetector-row helical CT scanner is a newly developed form of imaging. We compared CT angiography and ultrasonic Doppler examination with digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in the diagnosis of arterial lesion. METHOD: Eighteen patients with arteriogenic erectile dysfunction (ED) underwent color Doppler study, DSA, and CT angiography after providing informed consent. The CT angiography images were obtained by a multidetector-row helical CT scanner, Asteion TSX021A (TOSHIBA). We injected prostaglandin E1 into the penile cavernous body, and then rapidly infused nonionic contrast medium into the antecubital vein. DSA and CT angiography images of the bilateral internal pudendal arteries and cavernous arteries were examined for stenotic lesions or occlusion. We also compared the peak systolic blood flow velocity in the cavernous artery measured by color Doppler ultrasound with CT angiography and DSA. RESULTS: The CT angiography and color Doppler studies were performed on an outpatient basis, but DSA required hospitalization. In the 36 internal pudendal arteries, DSA represented 22 normal arteries and 14 stenosis or occlusions. CT angiography showed 15 normal arteries and 21 occlusions. For the diagnosis of stenosis or occlusion in the internal pudendal artery, the CT angiography image had a good agreement, with a sensitivity of 1.00, specificity of 0.68, and accuracy of 0.81. For diagnosis in the cavernous artery, CT angiography image also showed a good agreement with DSA; however, the quality of the images of fine arteries was better in the DSA images. The inferior view and internal view of the pelvis in CT angiography were helpful for visualizing the internal pudendal artery, especially at the pubic bone. There was insufficient correlation between peak systolic blood flow velocity and DSA findings. There were no serious complications involved in either examination. CONCLUSIONS: CT angiography has not yet reached the same level as DSA in the evaluation of fine arteries. However, CT angiography can produced images sufficient for the diagnosis of arteriogenic ED with some advantages. We believe that with improvement, CT angiography will become an adequate replacement for DSA in the diagnosis of penile arterisl lesion.  相似文献   

We designed acute and chronic animal models to evaluate a new procedure of arterialization of the cavernous vein. In the acute study, arteriogenic impotence was induced in 6 dogs by bilateral ligation of the penile arteries just proximal to the crus of the penis. The cavernous vein and penile artery were anastomosed proximal to the site of ligation, and the pudendal vein was ligated proximally to prevent the diversion of arterial blood away from the penis. Erection was induced either by electrostimulation of the cavernous nerves or by intracavernous injection of papaverine, and the erectile response was studied before and after cavernous vein arterialization. Four dogs were followed up for two months to evaluate the long-term effects of the procedure. Shortly after arterialization of the cavernous vein, the basal flow rate in the internal pudendal artery increased dramatically to almost six times the control rate, and the erectile response to neurostimulation was approximately 85 percent of control. Selective pudendal arteriography at two months confirmed the patency of all arteriovenous anastomoses. However, scanning electron microscopy and histologic examination revealed sinusoidal damage most probably consequent to the chronically elevated arterial flow.  相似文献   

Post-traumatic high-flow priapism: a case report   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 48-year-old man, who previously had normal erectile function, visited our hospital complaining of a painless erection that had persisted for 6 days. He had suffered perineal trauma in a traffic accident 9 days earlier. A diagnosis of post-traumatic high-flow priapism was suggested from the findings on penile blood gas analysis. Selective internal pudendal arteriography showed an arterial blush along the bilateral cavernous arteries. Subsequently, embolization of a cavernous fistula was performed with an autologous clot. However, the embolus was removed within a minute, so the procedure was repeated with Gelfoam. This patient had normal erectile function after 11 months, with no recurrence of priapism.  相似文献   

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