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Among 138 Rattus norvegicus and 98 R. rattus trapped on Barbados in 1964-65 and examined for evidence of leptospiral infection, seropositivity prevalence rates were similar (34 and 30%, respectively), but isolation/dark field microscopy rates were higher in R. norvegicus (27%) than R. rattus (15%). R. norvegicus carried mainly serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae and R. rattus mainly serogroup Autumnalis. These two serogroups cause 90% of severe human leptospirosis on the island.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty one house rats, Rattus rattus diardii from five different localities, Jinjang, Dato Keramat, Kuala Lumpur, Sungai Besi and Selayang Baru, were examined for parasites. Nineteen species of parasites were recovered. Hymenolepis diminuta and Nippostrongylus brasiliensis are the predominant species. The dominancy of the parasite species in the rats differed in each locality: Hymenolepis diminuta in Dato Keramat and Kuala Lumpur; Nippostrongylus brasiliensis in Sungai Besi; Gongylomena neoplasticum in Jinjang and Selayang Baru. The influences of human habitats on the parasite fauna of house rats are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective To determine the prevalence of Cyclospora spp. oocysts in herb and water samples as well as in fecal specimens of clinical cases of diarrhoea in Hanoi, Vietnam. Method From November 2004 to October 2005, water and herb samples collected from markets and farms in Hanoi were examined for the presence of Cyclospora spp. oocysts in concentrated sediments and washings using UV epifluorescence examination of a wet mount. In addition, hospital based surveillance studies were carried out using a structured questionnaire which focused on potential risk factors for cyclosporiasis. Stool specimens were collected from individuals with diarrhoea attending primary healthcare facilities and examined for Cyclospora spp. oocysts by modified acid fast smear and wet mount examination using both light and UV epifluorescence microscopy. Results Cyclospora spp. were found in 34/288 (11.8%) market water and herb samples, and in 24/287 (8.4%) farm samples. All varieties of herbs sold at the market and grown in farms were contaminated with Cyclospora spp. oocysts. A marked seasonal increase in Cyclospora spp. contamination was observed before the rainy season (39/288) from November to April compared to the rainy season (19/268) from May to October (χ2 = 7.593, P = 0.006). However, Cyclospora spp. was not found in any stool samples collected in hospital‐based surveillance studies. Conclusions These results confirm the presence of Cyclospora spp. which varies seasonally in environmental samples (water and herbs collected from farms and markets) within the Hanoi metropolitan area.  相似文献   

广东徐闻县黄胸鼠和褐家鼠对杀鼠灵的抗药性观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解广东省徐闻县黄胸鼠和褐家鼠对杀鼠灵的抗药性。方法 采用实验室无选择性摄食试验。结果 黄胸鼠抗性率为 5 %,褐家鼠未发现抗性鼠。经t检验 ,2种鼠的致死剂量不存在性别差异 (t黄 =0 .677,t褐 =1.48,P >0 .0 5 )。结论 第一代抗凝血灭鼠剂还可以继续使用 ,但应加强抗药性监测 ,注意抗性种群形成  相似文献   

广东遂溪县黄胸鼠和褐家鼠对杀鼠灵的抗药性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解遂溪县黄胸鼠和褐家鼠对杀鼠灵的抗药性发展程度.方法采用全国鼠类抗药性监测协作组统一方法.结果黄胸鼠的抗性率为8.16%,比1992年2.7%监测结果有发展趋势;褐家鼠未发现抗性鼠. 结论第一代抗凝血灭鼠剂仍然敏感,可继续使用,但应加强监测,注意黄胸鼠抗性种群形成.  相似文献   

Identification of Seoul hantavirus in Rattus norvegicus in Indonesia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The first genetic evidence for the presence of Seoul hantavirus (SEOV) in Indonesia is presented. Partial M segment sequence was recovered from the lung tissue of Rattus norvegicus trapped in central Jakarta. The sequence belongs to SEOV genotype and is most closely related to the strain B-1 from Japan.  相似文献   

As pollinators decline globally, competition for their services is expected to intensify, and this antagonism may be most severe where the number of plant species is the greatest. Using meta-analysis and comparative phylogenetic analysis, we provide a global-scale test of whether reproduction becomes more limited by pollen receipt (pollen limitation) as the number of coexisting plant species increases. As predicted, we find a significant positive relationship between pollen limitation and species richness. In addition, this pattern is particularly strong for species that are obligately outcrossing and for trees relative to herbs or shrubs. We suggest that plants occurring in species-rich communities may be more prone to pollen limitation because of interspecific competition for pollinators. As a consequence, plants in biodiversity hotspots may have a higher risk of extinction and/or experience increased selection pressure to specialize on certain pollinators or diversify into different phenological niches. The combination of higher pollen limitation and habitat destruction represents a dual risk to tropical plant species that has not been previously identified.  相似文献   

福建省市售水产品中寄生虫感染调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查福建省市售水产品鱼、虾中寄生虫感染状况,为保障食品安全提供依据。方法采用分层随机抽样调查方法,以自然地域将福建省划分为闽东、闽南、闽西、闽北和闽中5个地区,收集各个地区农贸市场和超市的淡水或海水水产品为材料,采用消化法和压片法检测寄生虫囊蚴或幼虫。结果 2012-2016年检测淡水类水产品20种,寄生虫感染率为5.15%(130/2 524),其中囊蚴的感染率为3.72%(94/2 524),幼虫的感染率为1.43%(36/2 524);检查海水类水产品28种,寄生虫感染率为17.25%(88/510),均为异尖线虫。5个地区的寄生虫感染率分别为:闽东地区为10.38%(27/260)、闽南地区为5.84%(27/462)、闽西地区为4.63%(30/648)、闽北地区为4.64%(29/625)和闽中地区为9.91%(103/1 039)。结论福建省淡水类水产品受到寄生虫污染,不同地区流行情况有较大差异,海水类水产品的感染率相差很大。应加强食品安全卫生宣传,采取有效的防控策略,以保障食品安全。  相似文献   

The largest excess in tumor incidence due to pollution (616%) was observed in the fish species: Ictalurus nebulosis (the brown bullhead). Extensive analysis of waters on the Fox River in Illinois disclosed a heavy chemical and physical organic and inorganic materials far exceeding State and Federal minimal safety standards. Additional tests showed the presence of numerous human viral agents in the Fox River. Certain chemicals in the water appear to be potential carcinogens for fish. Two types of leukemia were found in 11% of the Esox lucius caught in the Fox River. It is hypothesized that these leukemias might also be of viral etiology. Experiments were conducted on Esox lucius caught in the Fox River. It is hypothesized that these leukemias might also be of viral etiology. Experiments were conducted on Esox lucius (Northern Pike). Interest centered around the possible viral origin of lymphosarcoma of the jaw in that species. Cell-free filtrates of this tumor were inoculated into a test group of fish from pollution-free waters. At the end of seven weeks, lymphosarcoma developed in 89% of the fish inoculated with cell-free homogenates. Control fish receiving inoculation of either Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS) or normal tissues and kept in separate tanks at all times did not develop lymphosarcomas.  相似文献   

As the world grows less biologically diverse, it is becoming less linguistically and culturally diverse as well. Biologists estimate annual loss of species at 1,000 times or more greater than historic rates, and linguists predict that 50-90% of the world's languages will disappear by the end of this century. Prior studies indicate similarities in the geographic arrangement of biological and linguistic diversity, although conclusions have often been constrained by use of data with limited spatial precision. Here we use greatly improved datasets to explore the co-occurrence of linguistic and biological diversity in regions containing many of the Earth's remaining species: biodiversity hotspots and high biodiversity wilderness areas. Results indicate that these regions often contain considerable linguistic diversity, accounting for 70% of all languages on Earth. Moreover, the languages involved are frequently unique (endemic) to particular regions, with many facing extinction. Likely reasons for co-occurrence of linguistic and biological diversity are complex and appear to vary among localities, although strong geographic concordance between biological and linguistic diversity in many areas argues for some form of functional connection. Languages in high biodiversity regions also often co-occur with one or more specific conservation priorities, here defined as endangered species and protected areas, marking particular localities important for maintaining both forms of diversity. The results reported in this article provide a starting point for focused research exploring the relationship between biological and linguistic-cultural diversity, and for developing integrated strategies designed to conserve species and languages in regions rich in both.  相似文献   

Parasite antigenemia in untreated and treated lymphatic filarial infections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To evaluate the merit of antigen detection assays as a tool to monitor the efficacy of chemotherapy for lymphatic filariasis, we serially measured antigen levels in sera from jirds infected with Brugia malayi and from humans with bancroftian filariasis. Antigenemia was detected in all animals with parasitologically proven infection and was present in jirds with prepatent or occult filariasis. Antigen levels correlated with worm burdens, and progressively declined in drug-cured animals. Treatment with diethylcarbamazine (DEC) triggered a transient increase in serum levels of filarial antigens bearing the epitope recognized by the monoclonal antibody HC 11. All patients with bancroftian filariasis became amicrofilaremic within one week after DEC treatment. Antigenemia levels slowly declined over a period of several months in all but one treated individual. Forty-two months after treatment, progressively rising antigen levels are present in 10 patients. Six of these remain amicrofilaremic; in the other 4, elevated antigenemia levels preceded or were detected at the same time as recurrent parasitemia. Periodic monitoring of antigenemia levels after treatment of patients with lymphatic filariasis can be used to identify individuals who are likely to develop recurrent microfilaremia before the parasites become detectable in blood samples, thereby allowing timely retreatment.  相似文献   

The relationship between quantitative Plasmodiumfalciparum or P. vivax parasitemia and clinical illness has not been defined in Pakistan or in other areas where malaria transmission is not highly endemic. Standardized questionnaires were given to and physical examinations and parasitologic tests were performed in 8,941 subjects seen in outpatient clinics in 4 villages for 13 consecutive months in the Punjab region of Pakistan. The results, based on multivariable analysis, showed that a clinical diagnosis of malaria, a history of fever, rigors, headache, myalgia, elevated temperature, and a palpable spleen among children were all strongly associated with the presence and density of P. falciparum or P. vivax malaria in a monotonic dose-response fashion. The malaria attributable fraction of a clinical diagnosis of malaria, and the same symptoms and signs also increased with increasing P. falciparum and, to a lesser extent, P. vivax, parasitemia. Unlike in sub-Saharan Africa, clinical illness due to malaria often occurs in the Punjab among adolescents and adults and in patients with parasite densities less than 1,000/microl. Clinical guidelines based upon parasitemia and symptomatology must be adjusted according to the intensity of transmission and be specific for each geographic area.  相似文献   

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