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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of a new, once-daily extended-release (ER) formulation of tolterodine in treating overactive bladder in older (> or =65) and younger (<65) patients. DESIGN: A 12-week double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. SETTING: An international study conducted at 167 medical centers. PARTICIPANTS: One thousand fifteen patients (43.1% aged > or =65) with urge incontinence and urinary frequency. INTERVENTION: Patients were randomized to treatment with tolterodine ER 4 mg once daily (qd) (n = 507) or placebo (n = 508) for 12 weeks. MEASUREMENTS: Efficacy, measured with micturition charts (incontinence episodes, micturitions, volume voided per micturition) and subjective patient assessments, safety, and tolerability endpoints were evaluated, relative to placebo, according to two age cohorts: younger than 65 and 65 and older. RESULTS: Mean age in the older and younger patient cohorts was 74 (range 65-93) and 51 (range 20-64), respectively. Compared with placebo, significant improvements in micturition chart variables with tolterodine ER showed no age-related differences. Irrespective of age, significantly more tolterodine ER recipients than placebo recipients reported an improvement in urgency symptoms. After 12 weeks of treatment with tolterodine ER, a fivefold increase in the percentage of patients able to finish tasks before voiding in response to urgency was noted in both age groups (<65: from 6.5-32.8%, > or =65: from 5.1-26.2%). Tolterodine ER recipients, irrespective of age, also had significant improvements in their bladder condition than did placebo recipients. Overall, a greater percentage of patients, irrespective of age, perceived any benefit with tolterodine ER than with placebo (P <.001). Dry mouth (of any severity) was the most common adverse event in both the tolterodine ER and placebo treatment arms, irrespective of age (<65: ER 22.7%, placebo 8.1%; > or =65: ER 24.3%, placebo 7.2%). Few patients (<2%) experienced severe dry mouth. No central nervous system, visual, cardiac (per electrocardiogram), or laboratory safety concerns were noted. Withdrawal rates due to adverse events on tolterodine ER 4 mg qd were comparable in the two age cohorts (<65: 5.5%; > or =65: 5.1%; P =.87). CONCLUSIONS: The new, once-daily ER formulation of tolterodine is efficacious, safe, and well tolerated in the treatment of patients with symptoms of overactive bladder, irrespective of age.  相似文献   



To evaluate the efficacy of the onabotulinum toxin type A in the treatment of HTLV-1 associated overactive bladder and its impact on quality of life (QoL).


Case series with 10 patients with overactive bladder refractory to conservative treatment with anticholinergic or physical therapy. They received 200Ui of onabotulinumtoxin type A intravesically and were evaluated by overactive bladder symptoms score (OABSS) and King's Health Questionnaire.


The mean (SD) of the age was 52 + 14.5 years and 60% were female. All of them had confirmed detrusor overactivity on urodynamic study. Seven patients had HAM/TSP. The median and range of the OABSS was 13 (12–15) before therapy and decreased to 1.0 (0–12) on day 30 and to 03 (0–14) on day 90 (p < 0.0001). There was a significant improvement in 8 of the 9 domains of the King's Health Questionnaire after the intervention. Hematuria, urinary retention and urinary infection were the complications observed in 3 out of 10 patients. The mean time to request retreatment was 465 days.


Onabotulinum toxin type A intravesically reduced the OABSS with last long effect and improved the quality of life of HTLV-1 infected patients with severe overactive bladder.  相似文献   

Anticholinergics are commonly used in primary and secondary care settings for the treatment of overactive bladder syndrome. The number of anticholinergic drugs available on the market is increasing and various studies, both observational and randomized controlled trials, have evaluated effectiveness of the different preparations available. When anticholinergic therapy is prescribed, there is still uncertainty about which anticholinergic drugs are most effective, at which dose, and by which route of administration. There is also uncertainty about the role of anticholinergic drugs in different patient groups, particularly in the elderly. The rationale for using anticholinergic drugs in the treatment of overactive bladder syndrome is to block the parasympathetic acetylcholine pathway and thus abolish or reduce the intensity of detrusor muscle contraction. There are currently five recognized subtypes of muscarinic receptor; the M1, M2, and M3 subtypes are of interest in bladder activity. Muscarinic receptors are found in other parts of the body, eg, in the gut, salivary glands, tear ducts. Side effects associated with non-selective antimuscarinics can be particularly distressing in the elderly. The development of bladder selective M3 specific antagonists has the advantage of providing increased efficacy with minimal side effects. Darifenacin is one such preparation. The aim of this review is to assess the pharmacology, interactions and the safety and tolerability of darifenacin in the treatment of overactive bladder in the elderly population with particular reference to clinical trial data available.  相似文献   

According to prevailing clinical wisdom, most male lower urinary tract symptoms have been ascribed to disorders of the bladder outlet and the prostate gland in particular. Therefore, most pharmacologic therapy and surgical therapy has been directed toward the prostate. However, emerging laboratory and clinical data suggest that the bladder may be an important factor in the genesis of male lower urinary tract symptomatology, often independent of bladder outlet disorders. Overactive bladder, a diagnosis given to women with urinary frequency, urgency, and nocturia, clearly also occurs in men. In this context, and with the proliferation of various terminology changes describing lower urinary tract function, it is increasingly important to use precise and correct terminology when referring to male voiding symptoms and their treatment. Further, the traditional application of pharmacologic therapy for male lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) is undergoing changes, with antimuscarinics being used in some men with LUTS either alone or in combination with other oral therapies such as α-blockers. The therapy for LUTS in men will continue to evolve as newer agents in various pharmacologic classes become available.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To identify age-associated changes in female lower urinary tract function across a wide age spectrum, controlling for detrusor overactivity (DO). DESIGN: Secondary analysis of a cross-sectional study of DO and aging. Eligible volunteers were stratified by age group and presence of DO. SETTING: Community-based volunteers, evaluated in research laboratory. PARTICIPANTS: Eighty-five ambulatory, nondemented, community-dwelling female volunteers, with and without bladder symptoms suggestive of DO, recruited by advertising, mean age 54 (range 22-90); 75% Caucasian, 21% African American. MEASUREMENTS: Comprehensive assessment included bladder diary, uroflowmetry, and detailed videourodynamics. Predefined urodynamic and diary variables were examined for association with age and DO. Mean values of these variables were calculated for subgroups aged 20 to 39, 40 to 59, and 60 and older (14 subjects > or =70). RESULTS: Maximum urethral closure pressure, detrusor contraction strength, and urine flow rate declined significantly with age (P<.001, P<.001, P=.006, respectively), regardless of whether DO was present. Most elderly individuals continued to empty their bladder almost completely, with normal voiding frequency. Mean number of nocturnal voids was less than one in all age groups. Bladder capacity did not decrease with age (mean 522 mL in oldest group) but was smaller in subjects with DO. Bladder sensation diminished significantly with age (P<.001) but was stronger in subjects with DO. CONCLUSION: Female bladder and urethral function appear to deteriorate throughout adult life, whether DO is present or not. Specifically, detrusor contractility, bladder sensation, and urethral pressure decline. The common belief that bladder capacity shrinks with age may be related to DO rather than to aging itself.  相似文献   

Antimuscarinic agents are the predominant pharmacological treatment for patients with overactive bladder (OAB). These drugs are thought to act primarily through antagonism at muscarinic M3 receptors located at neuromuscular junctions in the human bladder detrusor muscle. Several of these drugs have been shown to be efficacious in ameliorating the symptoms of OAB in older patients, but most currently available agents lack selectivity for the M3 receptor subtype, and interaction with other muscarinic receptor subtypes throughout the body may adversely affect a variety of physiological functions and result in unwanted side effects, including cognitive dysfunction. With the recent availability of antimuscarinic agents that show increased selectivity for M3 receptors relative to other muscarinic subtypes, an invitational expert panel meeting was convened to review not only the mechanisms by which antimuscarinic agents could affect cognitive function, but also the published literature on cognitive adverse events. A review of the literature shows that the cholinergic system in the central nervous system (CNS) exerts a major influence on cognitive processes, in particular memory via M1 cholinergic receptors. In addition, recent evidence suggests a role for M2 receptors in mediating cognitive function. Thus, cognitive dysfunction (including memory loss) during treatment with nonselective antimuscarinic agents for OAB is of growing concern, particularly in older patients and those with mild cognitive impairment or dementia. Increased blood-brain barrier permeability, which can occur with advanced age and certain comorbidities, may also facilitate CNS access of antimuscarinic agents (regardless of their physiochemical properties) and add to antimuscarinic burden. On the basis of available evidence, antimuscarinic agents with selectivity for M3 over M1 and M2 receptors, limited CNS penetration, or both may therefore offer a favorable balance of efficacy in treating OAB together with a reduced risk of adverse cognitive events in the older population.  相似文献   

目的:探讨老年患者下尿路微创手术术后发生膀胱痉挛的危险因素。方法:收集2016年7月至2016年9月全国87家医学中心行膀胱、前列腺、尿道相关微创手术的老年患者病例资料,按照膀胱痉挛发生情况分为痉挛组和对照组,比较两组患者基本信息和临床资料,并分析术后发生膀胱痉挛的可能影响因素。结果:共纳入患者1275例,年龄65~9...  相似文献   

Aim:   This article examines the prevalence of functional disability as well as sociodemographic correlations among Chinese older adults based on the most recent China National Sample Survey on Disability in 2006.
Methods:   Functional disability was defined as lost motor function or limited movements and activities according to the International Classification of Function, Disability and Health, and physicians made the diagnosis of disability. Utilizing stratified, multiphase and cluster probability sampling design, a nationally representative sample of the non-institutionalized elderly Chinese population was studied. Factors associated with functional disability were determined using a logistic regression model.
Results:   The prevalence of functional disability was 8.1%. Major causes were vascular disease, osteoarthritis and accidents. In the non-institutionalized elders, increased age, rural residence, less education, lower income, unemployment, being unmarried, living in simple housing, and living with others or non-homeowners emerged as factors associated with functional disability in men and women.
Conclusion:   To face the challenge of the rising prevalence of functional disability, prevention strategies should focus on reducing the incidences of chronic disease and improving socioeconomic status of older adults.  相似文献   

Objectives: We conducted a questionnaire survey to access whether the amount of hours spent studying has an effect on the prevalence of OAB in college women. Methods: A total of 126 (63%; mean: 23.2 years) of 200 women participants completed the questionnaire. They were divided into two groups: group A (weekly studying hour >40 h) consisted of medical female students and group B (weekly studying hour <25 h) consisted of French literature woman students. The factors related to OAB were analyzed by the chi‐squared test. Results: Of 126 respondents, the prevalence of OAB was prevalent in 38 (30.2%) women. There was significant difference in prevalence between the two groups: 7.0% for group A and 42.2% for group B. In group B, OAB prevalence was 66.7% for ≤2 h, 41.2% for 2–≤4 h, 46.5% for 4–≤6 h, and >6 h was 23.5%. This survey showed that there is no relationship between the amount of hours spent studying and OAB. Conclusion: Although the amount of hours spent studying had no association with OAB in college women, OAB prevalence showed a decreasing pattern as the quantity of studying hour increases. Consequently, it is thought that the attitude toward study has more association with OAB than the quantity of studying hours.  相似文献   

Background : There is increasing recognition of the importance of a wide range of urinary symptoms in both men and women and that these symptoms are undertreated.
Aims : To determine the prevalence of and factors associated with urinary symptoms, including nocturia, urgency, urge and stress incontinence and, in men, urinary stream difficulties; and the prevalence of being bothered by the symptoms and ever seeking treatment for them.
Method : Household survey by computer-assisted telephone interviews of people aged 41 years and over and living in inner metropolitan Sydney.
Results : Fifty-three per cent (95% confidence interval (CI) 46–60) of men and 61% (95% CI 55–67) of women reported one or more symptoms in the previous month. In men, the most frequently reported symptoms were urgency (30%, 95% CI 24–36) and nocturia (25%, 95% CI 19–31). In women, stress incontinence (35%, 95% CI 29–41) and urgency (33%, 95% CI 27–39) were the most common symptoms reported. In men, the significant factors associated with reporting one or more symptoms, after adjustment for other variables, were age 60 years or more, no private medical insurance, obesity and fair or poor self-rated health. For women, the significant associations were age 50–59 years, age 70 years or more, no private health insurance, high psychological distress and fair or poor self-rated health.
Conclusions : Urinary symptoms are experienced by more than half of men and women aged over 40 in the central Sydney community, but many do not seek treatment. Such symptoms should be considered more broadly than the traditional focus on male 'prostatism' and female incontinence. (Intern Med J 2001; 31: 151–160)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe the types of continence aids that older adults hospitalized in acute medical units use and to test the association between use of continence aids and development of new urinary incontinence (UI) at discharge. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: A 900‐bed teaching hospital in Israel. PARTICIPANTS: Three hundred fifty‐two acute medical patients aged 70 and older who were continent before admission. MEASUREMENTS: In‐hospital use of continence aids was assessed according to participant self‐report on use of urinary catheters (UCs) or adult diapers or of self‐toileting. The development of new UI was defined as participant report of inability to control voiding at discharge. Multivariate analyses modeled the association between use of continence aids (vs self‐toileting) and the development of new UI, controlling for baseline functional and cognitive status, disease severity, age, and length of stay. RESULTS: Of the 352 participants, 58 (16.5%) used adult diapers, and 27 (7.7%) had a UC during most of the hospital stay. Sixty (17.1%) participants developed new UI at discharge. The odds of developing new UI were 4.26 (95% confidence interval (CI)=1.53–11.83) times higher for UC users and 2.62 (95% CI=1.17–5.87) times higher for adult diaper users than for the self‐toileting group, controlling for the above risk factors. CONCLUSION: The use of adult diapers and UCs during acute hospitalization is associated with the development of new UI at discharge. The management of continence in hospitalized older adults requires more diligence, and further investigation is needed to devise continence promotion methods in hospital settings.  相似文献   

PurposeThe increasing life expectancy of the population prompts an array of health conditions that impair an older adults’ quality of life (QoL). Although demographics and spirituality have been associated with QoL, limited literature elucidated the exact mechanisms of their interactions, especially in a culturally-diverse country like Philippines. Hence, this study determined the relationship among socio-demographics, spirituality, and QoL of Filipino older adults in a community and institutional setting.Materials and methodsA predictive-correlational study among 200 randomly-selected community-dwelling and institutionalized older adults was conducted, with a 99% power and a medium effect size. Data were collected using a three-part questionnaire from September to November 2015. The questionnaire was composed of the robotfoto, Spirituality Assessment Scale, and modified Older People’s Quality of Life which assessed socio-demographics, spirituality, and QoL.ResultsAnalysis showed that institutionalization in a nursing home positively and negatively affected spirituality and QoL, generating an acceptable model (χ2/df = 2.12, RMSEA = 0.08, and CFI = 0.95). The negative direct effect of institutionalization on social relationship, leisure, & social activities QoL (β=–0.42, p < 0.01) also initiates a cascade of indirect negative effects on both spirituality and QoL dimensions.ConclusionsThe development of a structural model illustrating the interrelationship of socio-demographics, spirituality, and QoL helps healthcare professionals in predicting facets of spirituality and QoL that can be compromised by living in a nursing home. This understanding provides impetus in evaluating and refining geriatric healthcare programs, policies, and protocols to render individualized, holistic care in a socially-cohesive environment among older adults.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To test whether baseline depressive symptoms in older adults increase the risk of subsequent decline in self-rated health and decrease the likelihood of subsequent improvement in self-rated health. DESIGN: A 2-year prospective cohort study. SETTING: Six thousand seven hundred fourteen community-dwelling older persons who completed the first and second wave of the Asset and Health Dynamics among the Oldest-Old Survey in the United States. PARTICIPANTS: Community-dwelling older people in the United States. MEASUREMENTS: Baseline depressive symptoms were measured using a short-form of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. Self-rated health was measured using a single item of global health rating. RESULTS: After adjustment for covariates, a high burden of depressive symptoms at baseline was predictive of greater decline in self-rated health (odds ratio (OR) for decline in those with high burden of depressive symptoms vs those without = 1.47, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.26-1.70). Likewise, high burden of depressive symptoms at baseline predicted less improvement in self-rated health (OR for improvement in those with high burden of depressive symptoms vs those without = 0.57, 95% CI = 0.50-0.65). CONCLUSIONS: Depressive symptomatology is an independent risk factor for subsequent changes in self-rated health in older adults. Thus, early prevention and intervention of depressive symptoms in community-dwelling older adults might be critical to promote and maintain their self-rated health.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether nursing home residents with urinary incontinence (UI) have worse quality of life (QoL) than continent residents, whether the relationship between UI and QoL differs across strata of cognitive and functional impairment, and whether change in continence status is associated with change in QoL. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study using a Minimum Data Set (MDS) database to determine cross-sectional and longitudinal (6 month) associations between UI and QoL. SETTING: All Medicare- or Medicaid-licensed nursing homes in Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, New York, and South Dakota during 1994 to 1996. PARTICIPANTS: All residents aged 65 and older, excluding persons unable to void or with potentially unstable continence or QoL status (recent nursing home admission, coexistent delirium, large change in functional status, comatose, near death). MEASUREMENTS: UI was defined as consistent leakage at least twice weekly over 3 months and continence as consistent dryness over 3 months. QoL was measured using the validated MDS-derived Social Engagement Scale. RESULTS: Of 133,111 eligible residents, 90,538 had consistent continence status, 58,850 (65%) of whom were incontinent. UI was significantly associated with worse QoL in residents with moderate cognitive and functional impairment. New or worsening UI over 6 months was associated with worse QoL (odds ratio = 1.46, 95% confidence interval = 1.36-1.57) and was second only to cognitive decline and functional decline in predicting worse QoL. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to quantitatively demonstrate that prevalent and new or worsening UI decreases QoL even in frail, functionally and cognitively impaired nursing home residents. These results provide a crucial incentive to improve continence care and quality in nursing homes and a rationale for targeting interventions to those residents most likely to benefit.  相似文献   


The current longitudinal study consisted of baseline and follow-up surveys among older adults living with HIV (OALHIV) in Thailand. The health-related quality of life (HRQoL) was assessed using the Medical Outcomes Study HIV (MOS-HIV) questionnaire. We performed multiple linear regression analysis to document correlates of HRQoL at baseline and the predictors of the changes in HRQoL at follow-up. Of the 364 participants recruited at baseline; 327 (89.9%) completed the follow-up survey. The mean (SD) Physical Health Summary (PHS) and Mental Health Summary (MHS) scores were respectively 49.8 (7.3) and 53.2 (6.4). There was a significant increase in the mean score of most of the MOS-HIV domains, ranging between 1.3 for the PHS and 26.9 for the energy/fatigue dimension. In contrast, the mean score significantly decreased by 4.1 and 10.3 points, respectively for the cognitive and social functioning. Female gender was a predictor of the decline in social (β?=??11.37; P?=?0.031) and cognitive (β?=??8.05; P?=?0.002) functioning at follow-up, while being married was related to an increase of in the score of energy/fatigue (vitality) (β?=?5.98; P?=?0.011) at follow-up. Physical exercise was associated with an increase in social functioning (β?=?9.38; p?=?0.042). Overall the HRQoL of OALHIV improved or was maintained over time.  相似文献   


The prevalence and associated risk factors of apparent treatment-resistant hypertension (aTRH) in older people in China is unknown. The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence of aTRH in older people and describe the characteristics of older patients with aTRH. Using two-stage random clustering sampling, 3774 patients with hypertension aged ≥60–75 years were recruited between July 2012 and December 2015. The patients were divided into two groups: aTRH and non-aTRH groups according to their blood pressure (BP) levels, and whether or not they reached goal BP value. A multivariable logistical model was used to evaluate the risk factors of aTRH. The rate of antihypertensive treatment was 75.1%, BP control rate was 40.7%, and the prevalence of aTRH was 5.97% (169) according to the cross-sectional data among all the patients. The prevalence of aTRH patients taking 4 different classes of antihypertensive drugs or more was found to be 3.29% (93) in this study. Compared with non-aTRH patients, those with aTRH had a worse cardiovascular risk profile, including obesity (29.61% vs 20.53%, P = 0.005), hyperlipidemia (54.44% vs 46.66%, P = 0.050), type 2 diabetes mellitus (2-DM) (34.31% vs 25.64%, P = 0.013), and stroke (26.03% vs 19.26%, P = 0.032). After multivariable adjustment, logistic regression analyses showed that the risk factors of aTRH were male sex (OR 1.638; 95%CI 1.196–2.245, P = 0.002) and 2-DM (OR 1. 371; 95%CI 0.995–1.888, P = 0.049). Regular physical exercise (OR 0.696; 95%CI 0.505–0.960, P = 0.049) was a protective factor of aTRH. The prevalence of aTRH was 5.97% in older people in this cross-sectional study in China.  相似文献   


Older people living with HIV (PLWH) experience multimorbidity that can negatively impact quality of life (QoL). Exercise can improve physical function, but effects on QoL are not well understood. 32 PLWH and 37 controls aged 50–75 completed 12-weeks of moderate-intensity exercise, then were randomized to moderate or high-intensity for 12 additional weeks. Depressive symptoms (CES-D scores) were significantly greater and QOL (SF-36 mental and physical summary scores) significantly lower among PLWH at baseline (all p?<?0.05). PLWH had significantly greater worsening in CES-D scores compared to controls (3.4 [0.7, 6.0]; p?=?0.01) between 13and 24 weeks. Mental QoL changed minimally, with no significant difference in changes by serostatus between weeks 0 and 12 or weeks 13 and 24 (p?≤?0.22). Changes in physical function summary scores were similar by serostatus between 0 and 12 weeks (1.5 [?1.6, 4.6], p?=?0.35), but declined significantly more among PLWH between 13 and 24 weeks (?4.1 [?7.2,?1], p?=?0.01). Exercise intensity had no significant effect on changes in CES-D or SF-36 summary scores; high-intensity exercise was associated with greater improvements in vitality/fatigue (4.1 [0.8, 7.3], p?=?0.02), compared to moderate-intensity. Exercise initiation failed to improve depressive symptoms or QoL among PLWH. Additional interventions may be needed to maximize these patient-reported outcomes among older PLWH initiating an exercise program.  相似文献   

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