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Summary— Comparative hemodynamic effects of nicorandil (NCR), nitroglycerin (NTG) and cromakalim (CRM) were examined in a canine model of acute congestive heart failure (CHF). CHF was produced by injections of saponin into coronary arteries of anesthetized dogs followed by volume loading and continuous iv infusion of methoxamine. After the treatment, aortic blood flow (AoF), left ventricular d P /d t and myocardial segment shortening (SS) markedly decreased, while the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), the right atrial pressure (RAP) and the systemic vascular resistance (SVR) increased. NCR ( n = 6), NTG ( n = 6) and CRM ( n = 8), which were administered iv after production of CHF, caused a comparable reduction in LVEDP. NCR and CRM profoundly increased AoF and SS but NTG did only slightly. On the other hand, NTG and NCR but not CRM significantly reduced RAP. Intracoronary NCR ( n = 8) exerted no or similar effects on SS as well as systemic hemodynamic indices to those observed with iv NCR despite distinct coronary vasodilation. These results indicate that NCR may exert beneficial hemodynamic effects in an experimental CHF mainly due to lessening both afterload and preload rather than the coronary vasodilating effect.  相似文献   

The hemodynamic, renal, neurohormonal effects and pharmacokinetics of synthetic atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) were studied in six conscious dogs with severe heart failure induced by right ventricular pacing at 250 beats/min for 5.0 +/- 0.6 weeks. Severe heart failure was characterized by a low cardiac output (2.1 +/- 0.1 L/min, elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (26.8 +/- 2.8 mmHg) and right atrial pressure (14.5 +/- 2.2 mmHg). Synthetic ANF (human 99ser-126tyr ANF) was administered intravenously as 2 consecutive 30 min infusions (0.02 and 0.10 microgram/kg.min respectively); and each infusion was preceded by a priming dose of 1 microgram/kg. In contrast to the potent vasorelaxant, natriuretic and renin-lowering effects previously reported in normal dogs, these effects were not observed in the dogs with heart failure with either dose of ANF. The plasma half-life was 10.0 +/- 2.6 min, significantly longer than that reported previously in normal dogs. These data suggest that in this model of heart failure, the pharmacokinetics of ANF are altered and there is generalized target organ resistance to the actions of ANF.  相似文献   

After a sublingual test dose, 12 healthy men aged 21 to 29 yr were treated with controlled-release transdermal nitroglycerin skin patches designed to deliver 10 mg/day nitroglycerin and with nitroglycerin ointment (2%) (1-in amount from the tube spread over 50 cm2) for 24 hr in a double-blind crossover study. Assessment was by measurement of nitroglycerin in plasma, blood pressure, and pulse rate. The mean plasma concentration of nitroglycerin during ointment dosing was approximately 200% to 400% that during skin patch dosing. Levels during ointment dosing were closer to those from sublingual dosing than were those during skin patch dosing. Blood pressure and pulse rate changes were much the same during both transdermal treatments. Calculations showed that delivery of nitroglycerin from the skin patches would have to be over 40 to 80 cm2 of the skin to achieve nitroglycerin exposure of the order of that induced by 1 in of ointment spread over 50 cm2 or from sublingual dosing.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) often require higher doses of nitroglycerin (glyceryl trinitrate, GTN) than patients with normal cardiac function to achieve a given haemodynamic goal. Two pathways leading to biotransformation of GTN have been characterized; a high-affinity pathway operative in nanomolar concentration ranges yielding predominantly 1,2-glyceryl dinitrate (1,2-GDN), and a low-affinity pathway operative at higher, micromolar concentrations of GTN associated with a greater proportion of 1,3-GDN formation. We tested the hypothesis that, at a given GTN-induced blood pressure reduction, the CHF group would present with: (i) higher concentrations of GTN; and (ii) decreased ratios of 1,2-GDN/GTN and 1,2-GDN/1,3-GDN compared with healthy subjects (HS). METHODS: Twelve patients with CHF (left ventricular ejection fraction 20 +/- 5%, NYHA III) and nine HS were investigated during a right cardiac catheterization. GTN was titrated intravenously until mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) was reduced by 15%. RESULTS: At arterial GTN concentrations of 27.2 [10.0-57.8] nmol l(-1) in CHF and 2.8 [2.5-3.5] nmol l(-1) in HS [median (quartile range), P<0.05 between groups], MAP and mean capillary wedge pressures were reduced similarly in both groups (approx. 15% and 65%, respectively, P = NS between groups). The ratios of 1,2-GDN/GTN and 1,2-GDN/1,3-GDN were lower in CHF (0.86 [0.28-1.58] and 5.8 [5.6-6.3]) compared with HS [1.91 (1.54-2.23) and 7.6 (7.2-10.2), P<0.05], with a negative correlation between the 1,2-GDN/1,3-GDN ratio and the arterial GTN concentrations in the CHF patients (R = -0.8, P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Patients with CHF have attenuated GTN responsiveness and decreased relative formation of 1,2-GDN in comparison with HS, indicating an altered biotransformation of GTN.  相似文献   

Effective management of patients with heart failure is guided by hemodynamic indices that may provide more objective evidence of cardiovascular status than physical signs and symptoms and the chest radiograph. Quantitative hemodynamic data obtained without the need for hospitalization supplements physical assessment findings, daily weights, and functional status classification and provides objective data for optimization of therapies and prevention or reduction of hospitalizations. The current health care climate is characterized by shrinking health care reimbursement and increased emphasis on patient-centered care focused on enhancing quality of life and patient satisfaction. In this climate, devices such as an implantable right ventricular hemodynamic monitor and impedance cardiography may improve nursing and medical management, promote appropriate use of resources, and contribute to enhanced quality of care and patient quality of life.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to confirm that positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) has a different effect on cardiac index (CI) in patients with or without heart failure, even after controlling for differences in thoracopulmonary compliance (Ctp) and minimizing the secondary effects of PEEP related changes in oxygenation and breathing effort. The hemodynamic effects of PEEP were evaluated in two groups of sedated and paralyzed patients with a low Ctp at 0 PEEP: 12 patients with normal pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (Ppao) and a CI> 2.5 L/min and 12 patients with a CI < 2.5 L/min and increased oxygen extractio ratio, despite a Ppao> 15 mm Hg. In patients with low Cl and high Ppao, PEEP had no hemodynamic effect and Ctp remained low at all PEEP levels. However, PEEP-induced CI reduction in patients with normal cardiovascular function was associated with an increase in Ctp with incremental PEEP Concerning PEEP-related hemodynamic effects, the significance between group differences persisted when data were analyzed after controlling for Ctp changes. However, Ctp changes with PEEP were the most significant correlators and discriminators of the magnitude and direction of PEEP-induced CI change. We conclude that (1) the observed different effect of PEEP on CI in patients with and without heart failure persists after the elimination of secondary effects due to underlying differences in Ctp, oxygenation, and breathing effort; and (2) PEEP-related changes in Ctp should be taken into consideration when dealing with the cardiovascular effects of PEEP Our data support the hypothesis that, in addition to the transmission of PEEP to the pleural space, changes in lung volume are a significant determinant of PEEP-induced CI changes.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Management of congestive heart failure is a serious public health problem. The use of implantable hemodynamic monitors (IHMs) may assist in this management by providing continuous ambulatory filling pressure status for optimal volume management. METHODS AND RESULTS: The Chronicle system includes an implanted monitor, a pressure sensor lead with passive fixation, an external pressure reference (EPR), and data retrieval and viewing components. The tip of the lead is placed near the right ventricular outflow tract to minimize risk of sensor tissue encapsulation. Implant technique and lead placement is similar to that of a permanent pacemaker. After the system had been successfully implanted in 148 patients, the type and frequency of implant-related adverse events were similar to a single-chamber pacemaker implant. R-wave amplitude was 15.2 +/- 6.7 mV and the pressure waveform signal was acceptable in all but two patients in whom presence of artifacts required lead repositioning. Implant procedure time was not influenced by experience, remaining constant throughout the study. CONCLUSION: Based on this evaluation, permanent placement of an IHM in symptomatic heart failure patients is technically feasible. Further investigation is warranted to evaluate the use of the continuous hemodynamic data in management of heart failure patients.  相似文献   

Summary— The effects of a single oral dose (6 mg) of the angiotensin-I converting enzyme inhibitor, spirapril, on systemic, pulmonary and regional (brachial, renal, hepato-splanchnic) hemodynamics as well as on biological parameters investigating the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone and sympathetic nervous systems were studied over a 24-hour period in eight patients with severe congestive heart failure (CHF). As compared to pretreatment values, spirapril significantly decreased mean arterial (-19%, peak effect), right atrial (-42%), mean pulmonary arterial (-38%) and pulmonary capillary wedge (-46%) pressures. Spirapril significantly decreased heart rate (-14%) and increased stroke volume index (+43%) thus resulting in a slight increase in cardiac index. All these effects were maximal between 2.5 and 4 h. Brachial artery diameter (+12%) and brachial (+41%) and renal (+36%) blood flows increased significantly whereas brachial (-41%) and renal (-36%) vascular resistances decreased significantly. All these effects were usually maximal between 1 and 2.5 h. Hepato-splanchnic hemodynamics were not drug-affected. Spirapril significantly inhibited plasma converting enzyme activity (-96% at 4 h), increased plasma renin activity (+505% at 4 h), and decreased plasma aldosterone (-46% at 24 h), norepinephrine (-31% at 24 h) and atrial natriuretic factor (-33% at 7 h). Thus, in severe CHF, acute administration of spirapril, 6 mg orally, exerts both arterial and venous vasodilating properties and improves both the systemic and regional hemodynamics and the biological status of the patients.  相似文献   

Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) is a common cause of hospitalizations. Intravenous nitroglycerin is widely used in the treatment of this condition. The use of this drug is based on its nitric oxide-mediated vasodilatory effect, which can lead to beneficial hemodynamic effects as well as improvement of myocardial ischemia and reduction of mitral regurgitation. However, information regarding the use of nitroglycerin for ADHF is limited to mostly hemodynamic evaluations in small groups of patients without cardiovascular outcome data. A single randomized, placebo controlled study that evaluated commonly used doses of nitroglycerin in patients with ADHF was disappointing and failed to show a significant hemodynamic effect or improvement of symptoms compared with placebo. The potential benefit of nitroglycerin seems to be limited by a decreased vasodilatory response in patients with heart failure, which requires an active titration of the drug and the use of high doses (>120 microg/min). In addition, the initial beneficial hemodynamic effect achieved with the appropriate dose of nitroglycerin is associated with neurohumoral activation and limited by an early development of nitrate tolerance that leads to a marked attenuation of the initial effect. More information obtained in large-scale studies that are appropriately designed to evaluate the effect of variable doses of nitroglycerin on short- and long-term cardiovascular outcome, with and without interventions shown to prevent nitrate tolerance, is needed before intravenous nitroglycerin can be recommended as a standard therapy for ADHF.  相似文献   

对 30例充血性心力衰竭 (心衰 )患者应用无创血流动力学监测方法评价利喜定扩血管治疗的效果 ,现报告如下。1 病例和方法1.1 病例 :30例患者中男 11例 ,女 19例 ;年龄 5 9~ 82岁 ,平均 6 9.7岁 ;冠心病 2 1例 ,风心病 2例 ,先心病 1例 ,高心病 2例 ,肺心病 4例 ;心功能为 NYHA 级 ;心衰反复发作且本次发作后经常规治疗效果不佳 ;血压≥ 90 / 6 0 m m Hg(1mm Hg=0 .133k Pa)。1.2 治疗方法 :吸氧 ,应用洋地黄、利尿剂。利喜定 2 0 0 mg用生理盐水 10 m l混合后用注射泵持续泵入 ,速度为 1.5~6 .0 m l/ h(10 0~ 4 0 0μg/ min) ,根据…  相似文献   

The strategy of diuretic drug administration remains to be defined in heart failure as experimental and clinical evidence have clearly established the benefit of neurohormonal blockade. The impact of addition of diuretic treatment to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition on survival remains to be demonstrated. The objectives of the study were to evaluate cardiovascular and renal effects of addition of diuretic treatment to captopril (2 g/L, in drinking water), on survival, on the experimental model of heart failure. Rats were followed for 10 months after coronary ligation. Echocardiographic, hemodynamic, morphometry and renal function investigations were then performed on surviving rats. Survival (from 34 to 61%), diuresis and natriuresis were significantly improved compared to control group only in animals treated with a combination of captopril + furosemide. In treated group: cardiac dimensions were reduced with left ventricular fractional shortening significantly increased in combination group (from 22.4 to 28%); captopril + furosemide animals had highest heart rate and lowest systolic and diastolic blood pressures; body and heart weight were reduced, but kidney weight was significantly increased with furosemide (1.7 g in control vs. 2 g in capto + furo); plasma renin activity and angiotensin 1 were greatly increased, and moderately stimulated in control. In conclusion, this combination of drugs significantly improved cardiac remodeling and survival of animals, increased diuresis and natriuresis despite stimulation of plasma renin activity and kidney hypertrophy.  相似文献   

The pathophysiological role of endogenous leukotrienes in cardiovascular control and the regulation of renal function in congestive heart failure is not known. Therefore, in six conscious dogs with or without heart failure induced by right ventricular pacing (270/min, 10 days) we studied the effects of the leukotriene receptor antagonist FPL55712 on hemodynamics, plasma hormones and renal function. In healthy dogs, FPL55712 (1 mg kg?1 + 0.01 mg kg?1 min?1 i. v.) had little effect on hemodynamics, only reducing heart rate by 11% and insignificantly increasing systemic vascular resistance. Plasma levels of norepinephrine (?57%), renin (?30%) and aldosterone (?24%) were significantly decreased. Renal function parameters were not changed. In dogs with heart failure, FPL55712 significantly increased systemic vascular resistance (+16%) and decreased cardiac output (?15%). Plasma hormone levels were not changed, but renal plasma flow was decreased (?13%) and glomerular filtration rate (+12%), renal vascular resistance (+13%) and filtration fraction (+23%) were increased. It is concluded that there is no evidence for a contribution of endogenous leukotrienes to the systemic vaso-constriction in experimental heart failure. Whether the increase in systemic and renal vascular resistance induced by the leukotriene antagonist in dogs with heart failure reflects a role for endogenous leukotrienes with vasodilator action is still unclear and deserves further investigation.  相似文献   



Microcirculatory abnormalities are frequently observed in patients with severe heart failure and correlate to worse outcomes. We tested the hypothesis that nitroglycerin dose-dependently improves perfusion in severe heart failure and that this could be monitored by measuring central-peripheral temperature gradient and with Sidestream Dark Field imaging of the sublingual mucosa.  相似文献   

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