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The microbial biomass, basal respiration, and substrate utilization pattern in a copper mining wasteland of red soil area, southern China, were investigated, and indicated that soil microflora were obviously affected by heavy metals. Microbial biomass and basal respiration were negatively affected by comparatively high heavy metal levels. Two important microbial ecophysiological parameters, namely, the microbial biomass C (C(mic))/microbial biomass N (N(mic)) ratio and the metabolic quotient (qCO(2)) were significantly correlated to heavy metal stress. There was a significant decrease in the C(mic)/N(mic) ratio and an increase in the metabolic quotient with increasing metal concentration. Multivariate analysis of Biolog data for sole carbon source utilization pattern demonstrated that heavy metal pollution had a significant impact on microbial community structure and functional diversity. All the results showed that soil microbiological parameters could have great potential as sensitive, effective, and liable indicators of the stresses or perturbations in soils of mining ecosystems.  相似文献   

重金属和有机污染物是土壤环境中普遍存在的污染物,开展两者复合污染效应研究,对于土壤环境生态安全具有重要意义。该文总结了重金属和有机污染物复合污染对土壤酶活力交互作用模型的判断方法,并从重金属-重金属、有机污染物-有机污染物以及重金属-有机污染物复合污染三个方面对土壤酶活力的复合污染效应的最新进展进行了综述,分析了当前土壤环境复合污染研究中存在的问题,并对未来研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

It has been shown that soil pollution with heavy metals (copper, nickel) lead to negative changes in parameters characterizing potential biological activity of soil (nitrogen-fixation, breath, invertase activity, bacteria and fungi count). More profound changes were observed in sandy soil compared to loamy soil. A direct relationship of these effects with the content of mobile forms of heavy metals in soil has been established. For the comparative and prognostic investigation of the danger of soil pollution with heavy metals it has been suggested to use a coefficient of differences in the content of mobile forms and a coefficient of biological effect.  相似文献   

Various physiological parameters of Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) in the presence of nine heavy metal salts were investigated. The mycelial growth was highly sensitive to cadmium and mercury, but less sensitive to zinc, copper, and lead. This resistance can be particularly dangerous to humans in the case of edible fungi such as Shiitake because of the possible heavy metal accumulation during growth and fruiting body production. All of the tested heavy metals inhibited decolorization of the dye Poly R-478 and the production of manganese peroxidase to a greater extent than they inhibited growth. Interestingly, with the exception of iron, the addition of all heavy metal salts investigated led to the increase of laccase production. Apart from cadmium and iron, none of the heavy metals inhibited the in vitro enzyme activities in concentrations up to 3mM. The results of this study indicated the applicability of L. edodes in biosorption technologies used in the removal of toxic metals from contaminated effluents and in bioremediation technologies designed to treat complex wastes contaminated with heavy metals in addition to other xenobiotics.  相似文献   

Abstract-Elevated metal concentrations in soils can disturb the soil ecosystem; thus, researchers strive to identify the most sensitive assay for detection of the early signs of toxicity. The purpose of the present study was to compare eight different ecotoxicological endpoints on the same set of metal-contaminated soils that were collected from seven series of soils sampled during field trials. The endpoints are based on three microbial assays (potential nitrification rate [PNR], substrate-induced respiration [SIR], and basal respiration [BR]) and two plant growth tests, one of which included symbiotic N fixation. The overall sensitivity of the endpoints to detect statistically significant adverse effects ranked as follows: PNR > SIR (lag time) > plant yield and N fixation > SIR (respiration after 24 and 48 h) > BR. The lowest adverse effect concentrations were found with the PNR at 7 mg kg(-1) of Cd and 107 mg kg(-1) of Zn. The variability of these endpoints among different uncontaminated soils was additionally assessed on 14 soil samples. That variability showed a strong correlation with sensitivity scores, illustrating that metal-sensitive endpoints have a large natural variability. We question the ecological relevance of highly sensitive microbial assays, because they tend to have a large natural variability. The identification of toxicity in the field requires endpoints that are highly sensitive and that do not vary greatly among soils (i.e., robust); however, no such endpoint was found in the present study. The endpoints that combined average sensitivity and robustness were SIR (lag time), clover yield, and N fixation in clover.  相似文献   

Little is known about the spatial connection between soil microbial community composition and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentration. A spatially explicit survey at a creosote-contaminated site demonstrated that microbial biomass (total concentration of phospholipid fatty acids [PLFAs]) and microbial community composition (PLFA fingerprints) were spatially autocorrelated, mostly within a distance of 25 m, and covaried with PAH concentrations. The concentration of PLFAs indicative of gram-negative bacteria (16:1omega7c, 16:1omega7t, 18:1omega7, cy17:0, and cy19:0) increased in the PAH hot spots, whereas PLFAs representing fungi and gram-positive bacteria (including actinomycetes) were negatively correlated to PAH concentrations. Most PLFAs were spatially autocorrelated, with distances varying between 4 and 25 m. Those PLFAs that increased in PAH-contaminated soil had autocorrelation ranges between 4 and 16 m, whereas the fungal indicator PLFA 18:2omega6,9 had the largest autocorrelation range (25 m). Bacterial strains isolated using a spray-plate technique and with the same PLFA composition as that in contaminated soil samples were capable of degrading phenanthrene, fluoranthene, and pyrene, indicating that the main PAH degraders could be isolated.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have reported associations between fine particulate and sulfur oxide air pollution and human mortality. Yet there continues to be concern that public policy efforts to improve air quality may not produce actual improvement in human health. OBJECTIVES: This study retrospectively explored a natural experiment associated with a copper smelter strike from 15 July 1967 through the beginning of April 1968. METHODS: In the 1960s, copper smelters accounted for approximately 90% of all sulfate emissions in the four Southwest states of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada. Over the 8.5-month strike period, a regional improvement in visibility accompanied an approximately 60% decrease in concentrations of suspended sulfate particles. We collected monthly mortality counts for 1960-1975 and analyzed them using Poisson regression models. RESULTS: The strike-related estimated percent decrease in mortality was 2.5% (95% confidence interval, 1.1-4.0%), based on a Poisson regression model that controlled for time trends, mortality counts in bordering states, and nationwide mortality counts for influenza/pneumonia, cardiovascular, and other respiratory deaths. CONCLUSIONS: These results contribute to the growing body of evidence that ambient sulfate particulate matter and related air pollutants are adversely associated with human health and that the reduction in this pollution can result in reduced mortality.  相似文献   

Actions and interactions between heavy metals (HM)-cadmium, zinc, lead, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)-phenanthrene, fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene toward soil urease activity were studied after 7, 14, 21, and 28 days of exposure under controlled conditions. The experimental approach was based on the uniform design. Ten different contamination conditions were studied simultaneously, with 10 concentration levels for each pollutant. Data treatment was essentially based on the multiple regression technique. The results showed that Zn interacted more easily with PAHs than Pb or Cd. On the first 7 days of incubation, zinc alone reduced the urease activity more significantly than any other pollutants and no significant interactions between PAH and HM were observed. From 14 to 21 days of incubation, the interaction between Zn and benzo(a)pyrene decreased the soil urease activity. At 14 days, the interaction between Zn and phenanthrene was antagonistic (less than additive), while at 21 days it was synergistic (more than additive). At 28 days, the interaction between phenanthrene and fluoranthene was synergistic. This study indicated that the combined effect of PAH and HM on soil urease activity depends largely on the incubation time. Uniform design appears to be a good method for investigating the combined effect of PAH and HM.  相似文献   

The Fe(III) reduction test was used to measure the toxicity of 12 organic chemicals [dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T), atrazine, picloram, 4-chlorobenzeneamine, pentachlorophenol (PCP), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), 1,1-bis-4-chlorophenyl-2,2,2-trichloroethane (DDT), trichloroethene, benzene, phenol, linear alkylbenzenesulfonate (LAS)]. The different inherent toxicity of the pollutants is strongly modified by interactions with the soils. The total amounts that cause 10, 50, and 90% inhibitions (effective doses, ED10, ED50, ED90) can be statistically related to soil parameters that control the sorption and solubility of the chemicals. Sorption experiments with 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, PCP, and LAS confirm that the degree of sorption and the concentration in the soil solution are important for potential toxic effects. However, toxic solution concentrations of a chemical (effective concentrations, EC10, EC50, EC90) also vary considerably. For some chemicals the influence of soil pH on their speciation in the soil solution is mainly responsible for this, e.g., the transformation from anionic to nonionic species with decreasing pH. The nonionic species of 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, and PCP formed under acidic conditions are more toxic than the anionic species. Thus, depending on the chemical parameters of the soils that determine the degree of sorption and the speciation of toxicants in the liquid phase, soils either can "buffer" high loads of toxicants or can be very sensitive toward contamination.  相似文献   

The effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on soil microbial activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nanomaterials such as multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) are applied to various industrial products and thus may be released to soils, but their potential environmental impacts remain largely undetermined. We investigated the short-term effect of MWCNTs on the activity and biomass of microorganisms inhabiting two different soil types in an incubation study. Up to 5000 μg MWCNT g−1 soil was applied and the activities of 1,4-β-glucosidase, cellobiohydrolase, xylosidase, 1,4-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase, and phosphatase and microbial biomass were measured. In both soil types, most enzyme activities showed a tendency to be repressed under 500 μg MWCNT g−1 soil, and all enzymatic activities as well as microbial biomass C and N were significantly lowered under 5000 μg MWCNT g−1 soil. Our results suggest that high concentrations of MWCNTs could lower the microbial activity and biomass in soils, and they may serve as an important guideline in regulating the release of MWCNTs to the soil environment.  相似文献   

Bioremediation of a refinery sludge containing hydrocarbons in a semi-arid climate using landfarming techniques is described. The objective of this study was to assess the ability of this technique to reduce the total hydrocarbon content added to the soil with the refinery sludge in semiarid climate (low rain and high temperature). In addition, we have evaluated the effect of this technique on the microbial activity of the soil involved. For this, biological parameters (carbon fractions, microbial biomass carbon, basal respiration and ATP) and biochemical parameters(different enzymatic activities) were determined. The results showed that 80% of the hydrocarbons were eliminated in eleven months, half of this reduction taking place during the first three months. The labile carbon fractions, MBC, basal respiration and ATP of the soils submitted to landfarming showed higher values than the control soil during the first months of the process, although these values fell down by the end of the experimental period as the hydrocarbons were degraded by mineralisation. All the enzymatic activities studied: oxidoreductases such as dehydrogenase activity, and hydrolases of C(beta-glucosidase activity) and N Cycle (urease and protease) showed higher values in the soils amended with the refinery sludge than in the control. As in the case of the previous parameters, these value fell down as the bioremediation of the hydrocarbons progressed, many of them reaching levels similar to those of the control soil after eleven months.  相似文献   

目的评价某农场土壤中重金属污染物对人体健康产生的潜在威胁。方法在对该农场8个采样点进行土壤中Cd、Ph、Zn、Cu4种重金属检测的基础上,建立土壤环境污染健康风险评价模型,并对土壤一人体所引起的健康风险作出初步评价。结果8个采样点土壤中Cd、Pb、Zn、Cu4种重金属的平均质量浓度分别为0.06~0.34、38.25—127、45.28~156.43和5.61~22.40mg/kg。致癌污染物cd对人体健康危害的个人年风险水平均集中在10-6/a,最大值为1.9×10-6/a。非致癌污染物(Pb、Zn、Cu)所引起的健康危害的个人年风险顺序为Pb〉Zn〉Cu。3种非致癌污染物对人体健康危害的个人年风险水平均集中在10-5~10-2/a。结论该农场土壤中Cd、Pb、Zn、Cu4种重金属低于国家土壤环境质量二级标准,所引起的健康风险比较小。  相似文献   

We conducted a pilot-scale experiment to study the effects of an aided phytostabilisation on soil microbial and biological endpoints in an ore dust-contaminated soil. Soil was amended with alkaline fly ashes plus peat to reduce mobility of trace elements and vegetated with a proprietary grass/herb mixture. Results indicated that the proposed aided phytostabilization approach of Cu-Pb contaminaed soil significantly increased microbial biomass and respiration, reduced microbial stress and increased key soil enzyme activities. Further research is needed to unambiguously determine whether the soil biochemical endpoints that were studied responded more to decreased metal mobility or to general soil amelioration.  相似文献   

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