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The present study investigated the rate of catabolism of CR1 (the C3b receptor, CD35) on erythrocytes (E) in vivo, in relationship with the expressed number of CR1/E, the CR1.1 HindIII quantitative CR1 polymorphism, and cell age. The relationship between the number of CR1/E and cell age was analysed by measuring G6PDH activity in E that had been sorted according to high or low expression of CR1 (CD35), by assessing the expression of CR1 (CD35) on E separated according to cell density, and by comparing the number of CR1 (CD35) antigenic sites on reticulocytes and on E. A physiological catabolism of CR1 (CD35) manifested by a reduction in the number of CR1 (CD35) antigenic sites/E with cell ageing was consistently observed in healthy individuals. The number of CR1/E decreased with ageing of E according to a complex pattern that associated an exponential decay and an offset. Calculated half-lives of CR1 (CD35) ranged between 11 and 32 days in healthy individuals. A more rapid loss of CR1 (CD35) with cell ageing occurred on cells from individuals expressing high numbers of CR1/E. In patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), half-lives of CR1 (CD35) on E were in the same range as those of healthy individuals with a similar quantitative CR1 genotype; the number of CR1 (CD35) on reticulocytes was reduced and linearly related to the number of CR1/E, independently of the patients' quantitative CR1 genotype. Transfusion experiments with E bearing high or low amounts of CR1/E indicated the lack of preferential removal of E bearing high numbers of CR1 (CD35) in patients with SLE. These results indicate that the rate of loss of CR1 (CD35) from E with cell ageing is directly related to the quantitative CR1 phenotype and suggest that enhanced peripheral catabolism is not the sole mechanism of the acquired loss of CR1 (CD35) on E in patients with SLE.  相似文献   

Ninety-five (85%) of the 112 Japanese patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) were negative for the complement receptor 1 (CR1) activities on erythrocytes, while 770 (91%) of the 847 normal subjects were positive for CR1, as determined by immune-adherence hemagglutination. Pedigree analyses of the normal population suggested that the phenotype of negative CR1 was determined by a autosomal recessive gene. Among 112 SLE patients, 73 (65%) showed persistently negative CR1 during remission for over 26 months of follow-up, although the CR1 levels did vary with the disease activity in 22 SLE patients. These results show that the relative risk for developing SLE in persons with negative CR1 is 19. CR1 activity appears to be an important genetic factor related the development of SLE.  相似文献   

We measured in vitro C3 production by peripheral blood monocytes from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and found it to be significantly greater than that from normal controls. We also found that monocytes from SLE patients with active disease produced a markedly larger amount of C3 than those from SLE patients with inactive disease. Production of C3 by monocytes correlated with serum levels of anti-dsDNA antibodies and inversely correlated with serum C3 levels in SLE patients. Serial measurement of C3 in the culture supernatant from each SLE patient showed that C3 production by monocytes fell in parallel with a decrease of disease activity. The effect of corticosteroids was ruled out as there was no relation between the level of C3 production by monocytes and the dose of prednisolone. This seems to be the first study in which the C3 production was assayed at a cellular level in SLE patients, and this study suggests that the local C3 production is increased in SLE patients.  相似文献   

C1 inhibitor (C1-inh) was assayed in eight SLE patients presenting with consistently low levels of intact C4. C1-inh antigenic levels were normal in all patients; however, the function of the C1-inh tested against C1s and C1r was variable and outside the normal functional range in seven of the eight patients. The molecular weight of patients' C1-inh protein was 105 kD, corresponding to the size of the intact molecule. The C1-inh gene was analysed in all patients. Restriction fragments generated with TaqI, PstI and HgiAI gave no indication of a major C1-inh gene rearrangement. Direct genomic sequencing of exon VIII revealed three polymorphic point mutations, but there were no changes from the normal gene in or around the reactive-centre residue of C1-inh. Furthermore, we found no evidence for a C1-inh autoantibody in patients which could affect normal C1-inh function in vitro. These results indicate that the etiology of C1-inh dysfunction in SLE is heterogeneous and distinct from that reported in either hereditary or acquired angioedema.  相似文献   

A complete functional deficiency of C1q is described in a patient suffering from SLE. From reduced plasma C1 activity of the parents a hereditary trait was assumed. The defective C1q molecule was haemolytically inactive, did not bind to immune complexes, and was not recognized by the monocyte C1q receptor. C1 activity in the patient's serum could be restored by the addition of purified C1q. Analysis by gel-filtration and ultracentrifugation experiments revealed an immunoreactive molecule of about 150 kD mol. wt, corresponding to one structural subunit of the C1q macromolecule, containing two A chain-B chain dimers and a C-C chain dimer. Applying Southern blot analysis with cDNA clones encoding for the three individual chains of the C1q molecule, no restriction fragment length polymorphism was detected, ruling out possible major alterations of the genetic information.  相似文献   

An allotypic variant of FcγRIIa, FcγRIIa-HR (FcγRIIa-R131), has been shown in vitroto reduce the capacity of phagocytic cells to bind and internalize IgG-containing immune complexes. Our aim was to determine whether this allotypic variant was associated with susceptibility to SLE and the development of lupus nephritis, as previous studies have suggested. FcγRIIA genotype analysis was performed by amplification refractory mutation system-polymerase chain reaction (ARMS-PCR) in 215 Caucasoid, 70 Afro-Caribbean, and 46 Chinese patients with SLE, and in 259, 77, and 49 ethnically matched controls, respectively. Distribution of FcγRIIa genotypes between the patients and ethnically matched controls was not significantly different in the three populations studied. No association between the FcγRIIa-HR allotype and nephritis was found. Our results suggest that the FcγRIIa-HR allotype is not a major factor predisposing to the development of SLE, or to lupus nephritis.  相似文献   

The first inherited combined total deficiency of C7 and C4B complement components associated with SLE is described in a young female. Functional C7 assays showed a homozygous C7 deficiency in the propositus and her sister, and an heterozygous one in their parents. C4 molecular analyses showed that both the propositus and her mother had two HLA haplotypes carrying only C4A-specific DNA sequences and a normal C4 gene number. Thus, only C4A proteins could be expressed, with resultant normal C4 serum levels. The coexistence of a combined complete C7 and C4B deficiency may therefore abrogate essential functions of the complement cascade presumably related to immune complex handling and solubilization despite an excess of circulating C4A. These findings challenge the putative pathophysiological roles of C4A and C4B and stress the need to perform both functional assays and C4 allotyping in patients with autoimmune pathology and low haemolytic activity without low serum levels of a classical pathway complement component.  相似文献   

It has previously been reported that the expression of the complement receptors, CR1 on erythrocytes and blood leucocytes and CR2 on B cells, is reduced in patients with SLE, and that the reduced expression of CR1 on erythrocytes is related to disease activity. We have earlier demonstrated that normal B cells are capable of activating the alternative pathway (AP) of complement in a CR2-dependent fashion. In this study we have investigated whether disturbances in this activity may be related to the altered phenotype of SLE B cells. Flow cytometry was used to measure expression of complement receptors and regulatory proteins on B cells from SLE patients, as well as the deposition of C3 fragments occurring in vivo or after in vitro AP activation. We have confirmed, for a proportion of the patients studied, reduced expression of CR1 and CR2 on B cells, and shown a consistency between low CR2 expression and reduced in vitro AP activation in the presence of homologous, normal serum. In addition, the B cells, like erythrocytes, bear raised levels of in vivo-deposited C3dg, but not C3b fragments, compared with normal B cells. The erythrocytes from SLE patients were unable to inhibit in vitro AP activation by B cells in homologous serum. Finally, we demonstrated an inverse relationship between SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) and the expression of complement receptor 2 (CR2) on SLE B cells. Thus, determination of CR2 on B cells may emerge as an additional laboratory tool in the assessment of SLE activity.  相似文献   

Homozygous C4A deficiency was found at a prevalence of 16% (13/80 patients) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The patients represented all diagnosed cases retrieved from a defined population in Southern Sweden, which minimizes the influence of patient selection. Photosensitivity was more common among C4A-deficient patients than among other SLE patients (p less than 0.05). Otherwise, clinical features were similar in the two groups. In addition, no differences were found with regard to presence of various autoantibodies (anti-dsDNA, anti-Sm, anti-RNP, anti-SSA, anti-SSB, rheumatoid factors and anti-cardiolipin). In patients expressing both C4A and C4B isotypes, C4B/C4A quotients were fairly stable in plasma irrespective of disease activity. This argues against preferential break-down of either isotype during complement activation in the disease. The increased photosensitivity of C4A-deficient patients partly resembles the findings in patients with complete deficiencies of classical pathway components.  相似文献   

CR1 exhibits a molecular weight polymorphism and variability in the number of C3b-binding sites. Because this may affect immune complex clearance, we used erythrocytes to investigate the CR1 size polymorphism in SLE patients from three ethnic groups. The CR1-C allele was found more frequently in African–Americans, but the frequency did not differ between controls (10%, n = 63) and SLE patients (9%, n = 79). A 160-kD band similar to CR1-C was noted in a number of patients and was shown to be a proteolytic cleavage fragment. The study shows that the smallest form of CR1, i.e. CR1-C, is not a genetic risk factor for SLE and that the frequencies of the CR1 structural alleles do not differ from race-matched healthy controls.  相似文献   

Discoid lupus (DL) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients have been comparatively evaluated for complement and immunoglobulin deposits at the dermoepidermal junction (DEJ) by immunofluorescence (IF). When IF was positive, C1q deposits were quasi-constantly found in SLE patients with or without skin lesions (90%), while C1q was found in only 29% of the DL patients. Of the 42 DL patients followed-up for at least 2 years, 4 have eventually evolved a systemic disease. In these 4, neither cryoglobulinemia nor significant titers of ANA had been found at the time of presentation. Only 1 of these 4 patients had initially circulating immune complexes (P.E.G.) and a positive IF in a normal sunprotected area. C1q deposits at the DEJ were present in all these 4. Of the remaining 38 DL patients, none has progressed to SLE: 8 had had significant titers of ANA, 5 had had circulating immune complexes, and 3 others had had cryoglobulinemia. Thus C1q deposits in DL cases are associated with a relatively high incidence of eventual systemic disease. Taken together, these data suggest that C1q deposits in skin may be a marker for systemic lupus.  相似文献   

The triggering of the respiratory burst by phagocytosis via different receptors in monocytes of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) was investigated. The superoxide anion synthesis was assayed by reduction of ferricytochrome C that was inhibited by superoxide dismutase. The mononuclear cell suspensions were triggered by IgG-coated latex, C3 complement fragment-coated and uncoated yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Superoxide generation induced by phagocytosis via Fc gamma R was decreased in monocytes of patients with SLE. On the other hand, MoAbs against Fc gamma RI, Fc gamma RII and especially CR3 could also induce superoxide anion synthesis. At the same time, superoxide generation induced by anti-CR3 could be inhibited with C3-coated yeast.  相似文献   

The use of a synthetic protease inhibitor, nafamstat mesilate, has enabled reliable estimations of in vivo complement activation to be made in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Elevation of C3a anaphylatoxins was found in two out of 24 patients and elevation of C4a anaphylatoxins was found in 20 out of 24 patients, confirming that complement activation, predominantly by the classical pathway, is a common occurrence in the disease. Significantly higher levels of C4a anaphylatoxin were found in 16 patients, with more aggressive disease requiring supplementary treatment with azathioprine, while the remaining eight patients, with less severe disease, required purely steroid therapy. Very strong associations between elevated C4a anaphylatoxins and raised DNA antibody titres, C1q binding activity and low complement C4 levels were also observed, suggesting that anaphylatoxin measurement may be a sensitive additional method for monitoring disease activity in SLE.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood and tissue mononuclear phagocytes serve as major viral reservoirs in HIV-infected individuals. We investigated the role of complement receptors CR1 (CD35) and CR3 (CD11b/CD18) in mediating productive infection with complement-opsonized HIV-1 and HIV-2 of cultured normal human peripheral blood monocytes, the promonocytic cell line THP-1, the monocytic cell line Mono Mac 6 and the glial cell line U251-MG. Cells were infected with the HTLV-IIIB strain of HIV-1 or the LAV-2 strain of HIV-2 that had been preopsonized with fresh human normal HIV seronegative serum. Productive infection was assessed by syncytia formation, the MTT cytotoxicity assay and/or release of p24 antigen in culture supernatants. Using suboptimal amounts of virus to infect the cells, we observed a higher and earlier productive infection of the cells with complement-opsonized HIV than with unopsonized virus. The enhancing effect of complement was totally suppressed by blocking CR1 or CR3 function with F(ab)'2 fragments of anti-receptor MoAbs; while blocking of the LFA-1 antigen had no effect. The infection of monocytic cells with complement-opsonized virus occurred independently of CD4 since it was not inhibited by F(ab)'2 fragments of a MoAb against the gp120 binding site of CD4 and since infection also occurred with Mono Mac 6 and U251-MG cells, which lack expression of the CD4 antigen and of CD4 mRNA. These observations suggest that complement may mediate productive infection of cells of the monocytic lineage with 'lymphocytotropic' HIV strains independently of CD4.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and polymorphisms in the interleukin-23 receptor (IL23R) gene, which have been previously found to be associated with two autoimmune diseases: inflammatory bowel disease and psoriasis. Our study includes 224 SLE patients and 342 healthy controls. The genotyping of IL23R variants was carried out using a polymerase chain reaction system with predeveloped TaqMan allelic discrimination assays. No statistically significant differences were observed between SLE patients and healthy controls with any of the IL23R genetic variants. In addition, we did not find any significant differences when we stratified SLE patients according to their clinical and demographic features. These results suggest that IL23R polymorphisms do not appear to play an important role in the susceptibility or severity of SLE in the Spanish population.  相似文献   



Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a complex, multifactor autoimmune disease. The studies on aetiopathogenesis of autoimmune diseases focus on the impact the genetically conditioned impairment of xenobiotic metabolism may exert. The knowledge of oxidation polymorphism in the course of SLE may be helpful in choosing more efficient and safer therapy. We determined whether there was an association between susceptibility to SLE and particularly to CYP2D6 genotypes.

Material and methods

The study was carried out in 60 patients with SLE and 129 healthy volunteers and all the subjects were of Polish origin. The samples were analysed for two major defective alles for CYP2D6 – CYP2D6*3 and CYP2D6*4 and one wild -type allele CYP2D6*1-by the polymerase chain reaction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) metod with DNA extracted from peripheral blood.


No statistically significant differences in the incidence of CYP2D6 genotypes between the studied groups were found (p = 0.615). Risk (OR) of SLE development was 1.03 for the carriers of CYP2D6*3 allele and 1.48 for the subjects with CYP2D6*4 allele; but it was not statistically significant.


Increased occurrence of mutant alleles of the CYP2D6 gene in SLE patients and the calculated OR values could suggest the effect of these mutations on increased SLE development.  相似文献   

The functional activity and the expression of CR1 on the erythrocytes (E) of patients with SLE were, respectively, determined by measuring the binding to E of either complement-opsonized bovine serum albumin (BSA)-anti-BSA immune complexes (ICC) or specific anti-ECR1 MoAbs. We found that both the functional activity and levels of ECR1 in SLE patients homozygous for ECR1 high density allele were significantly lowered compared with healthy controls having the same allele. Soon after plasmapheresis there was a significant increase in E ICC binding activity, and this increased functional activity was stable. Moreover, plasmapheresis reduced the level of immune complexes demonstrable in the circulation of the patients. The expression of ECR1 determined with several different anti-CR1 MoAbs was also elevated as a consequence of plasmapheresis. This elevation was observed for both MoAb 1B4, which competes for the ICC binding site of ECR1, and for MoAb HB8592, which does not, but the time course for the increase in binding of the two MoAbs was different, in that the epitope recognized by MoAb 1B4 increased more rapidly. The present results, considered in the context of previous findings, suggest that more than one mechanism may be operative with respect to the effects of the plasmapheresis in increasing ECR1 levels defined by different epitopes on the molecule.  相似文献   

T cell and T cell‐related cytokine abnormalities are involved in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Our previous study showed that the interleukin (IL)‐22+CD4+T cells and IL‐22 play an important role in the pathogenesis of SLE. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of glucocorticoids (GCs) and immunodepressant agents on IL‐22 and IL‐22‐producing T cell subsets in SLE patients. The frequencies of peripheral blood T helper type 22 (Th22), IL‐22+Th17, IL‐22+Th1 and Th17 cells and the concentrations of serum IL‐22, IL‐17 and interferon (IFN)‐γ in SLE patients receiving 4 weeks of treatment with cyclophosphamide (CYC), methylprednisolone and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were characterized by flow cytometry analysis and enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The frequencies of Th22, IL‐22+ Th17 and Th17 cells and the concentrations of IL‐22 and IL‐17 were reduced in response to the drugs methylprednisolone, cyclophosphamide and hydroxychloroquine for 4 weeks in the majority of SLE patients. However, the percentage of Th1 cells showed no change. No differences in the levels of IL‐22 and IL‐22+CD4+ T cells were found between non‐responders and health controls either before or after therapy. IL‐22 levels were correlated positively with Th22 cells in SLE patients after treatment. These results suggest that elevated IL‐22 is correlated with IL‐22+CD4+T cells, especially Th22 cells, and may have a co‐operative or synergetic function in the immunopathogenesis of SLE. GC, CYC and HCQ treatment may regulate the production of IL‐22, possibly by correcting the IL‐22+CD4+T cells polarizations in SLE, thus providing new insights into the mechanism of GC, CYC and HCQ in the treatment of SLE.  相似文献   

The adhesion molecule L-selectin (CD62L) mediates lymphocyte recirculation and leucocyte rolling on vascular endothelium at sites of inflammation. Serum levels of soluble L-selectin (sL-selectin) were measured in patients with SLE in order to relate these levels to clinical activity and immunological parameters. An ELISA was used to detect the soluble form of human L-selectin (CD62L) in 42 patients with SLE and in 33 healthy individuals. The mean +/- s.e.m. values of sL-selectin were 1285 +/- 121 ng/ml for patients with SLE and 986 +/- 180 ng/ml for healthy blood donors, but there was no significant difference. When patients with active SLE were analysed, higher levels of circulating sL-selectin were found when compared with patients without activity (1497 +/- 167 ng/ml versus 941 +/- 150 ng/ml; P = 0.028). We found a significant correlation between the levels of sL-selectin and of dsDNA antibodies (r = 0.36, P = 0. 044) and between levels of sL-selectin and SLE Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI) score (r = 0.42, P = 0.003). Patients with active SLE studied cross-sectionally showed significant elevations of sL-selectin (CD62L) compared with controls. Thus, the levels of this soluble adhesion molecule correlated with active disease and levels of anti-dsDNA antibodies.  相似文献   

Disturbances in apoptosis or in the clearance of apoptotic material might result in increased presentation of autoantigens which could be relevant to the pathogenesis of SLE. Data concerning defects in apoptosis in SLE are conflicting. To determine whether intrinsic defects in apoptosis induction occur in SLE irrespective of disease activity, we examined anti-CD3 and anti-Fas-induced apoptosis in vitro in SLE patients with inactive disease. Isolated peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from 13 SLE patients and 14 healthy controls were incubated with anti-CD3, and, subsequently, after up-regulation of membrane Fas following anti-CD3 incubation, with anti-Fas. Expression of Fas and levels of apoptosis as detected by annexin V and propidium iodide staining were assessed by flow cytometry before and after the respective incubations. Fas expression on freshly isolated lymphocytes of SLE patients was increased whereas levels of circulating apoptotic cells were comparable between patients and controls. Stimulation with anti-CD3 resulted in up-regulation of membrane Fas in patients and in controls. In vitro induction of apoptosis by anti-CD3 as well as by anti-Fas occurred both in SLE patients and controls, and was higher in SLE patients after incubation with anti-CD3 as well as with anti-Fas. We conclude that Fas expression and in vitro induction of apoptosis are increased in SLE even in the absence of disease activity.  相似文献   

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