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Monteggia’s骨折即孟氏骨折.约占全身骨折的0.8%。1814年Monteggia首先描述了这种骨折类型.是指尺骨上1/3骨折合并桡骨头向前脱位的一种联合损伤。1967年Bado进一步完善TMonteggia’s骨折的概念.即任何部位的尺骨骨折合并桡骨头脱位。后来随着人们对这种损伤机制的进一步研究.使该损伤概念的范围逐渐扩大.将桡骨头各方向脱位合并不同水平的尺骨骨折或尺、桡骨双骨折都列入住内。该损伤可见于各年龄人群,但以儿童和少年多见。虽然Monteggia’s骨折在临床上不常见,但其漏诊率可高达20.8。因此本文就Monteggia’s骨折的分型、机制及诊断作一详细探讨。  相似文献   

微创穿针治疗新鲜孟氏骨折   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Monteggia(孟氏)骨折原指尺骨上1/3骨折合并桡骨头脱位,后来许多学者使该损伤概念扩大指尺骨不同水平骨折或尺桡骨双骨折合并桡骨头脱位。该骨折是临床常见的一种前臂骨折,对于严重移位及脱位的不稳定骨折,难以手法复位,且手法复位后小夹板或石膏很难维持,一般主张采用切开复位内固定[1],环状韧带修补的治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨合并肘关节脱位的尺骨冠状突骨折的不稳定性和手术内固定的必要性。方法分析15例合并肘关节后脱位的尺骨冠状突骨折的损伤特点.根据其分类采取相应的措施进行修复和内固定。结果15例患者均获至少2年随访,预后良好,无1例发生关节再脱位或僵硬。结论尺骨冠状突对肘关节的稳定起重要作用,根据不同类型积极处理合并肘关节后脱位的尺骨冠状突骨折。  相似文献   

孟氏骨折,又称Monteggia骨折,原指尺骨上1/3骨折合并桡骨头向前脱位.随着学者们对此类损伤的观察及研究的深入,该类骨折范围扩大为桡骨头各方向的脱位合并不同水平的尺骨骨折或尺桡骨双骨折.  相似文献   

李笛  汤健 《实用骨科杂志》2013,(5):435-438,462
肘关节脱位可以分为简单型和复杂型两种。简单型脱位仅有关节囊和韧带的损伤,而复杂型脱位常合并有肘关节周围的骨折。1996年Hotchkiss首先将肘关节后脱位合并尺骨冠状突和桡骨头骨折的这种复杂型脱位命名为“terribletriedinjuriesoftheelbow”,国内学者大多将其翻译为“肘关节恐怖三联征”。2005年Armstrong重新定义为肱尺关节后脱位合并尺骨冠状突骨折、桡骨头骨折及外侧副韧带损伤,伴或不伴有内侧副韧带、屈肌一旋前圆肌止点、伸肌总腱、肱骨头及尺骨滑车切迹等骨与软组织损伤。肘关节恐怖三联征可以引起肘关节僵硬、创伤性关节炎、异位骨化等各种并发症,因此,这种损伤越来越受到广大创伤学者的关注。本文将对肘关节恐怖三联征的诊治进行综述。  相似文献   

1914年Monteggia首先报告尺骨上1/3骨折合并桡骨头前脱位而得名。后来许多学者将桡骨头各方向脱位合并不同水平的尺骨骨折或尺桡骨双骨折都列入在内,使该损伤的概念扩大。我院1990~1993年诊治孟氏骨折13例,其中3例桡骨头脱位漏诊,报告如下:  相似文献   

正Monteggia骨折由Giovanni Monteggia于1814年描述,为同时涉及尺骨或/和桡骨的骨折,并伴发桡骨头脱位~([1])。骨折分型已经经过了好多次校正~([2])。Bado和随后的Jupiter增加了更多的亚型~([3,4])。其他Monteggia骨折变型和相当的损伤类型也已被描述~([2,5])。然而,据作者所知,没有报告这种Monteggia骨折变型的损伤:尺骨上1/3骨折,桡骨头脱  相似文献   

肘关节“恐怖三联征”(terrible triad of the elbow)是肘关节后脱位同时伴有桡骨头和尺骨冠状突骨折的总称,是复杂肘关节骨折脱位中损伤较严重的一种情况.在该损伤正式命名之前,多数病例都是作为复杂肘关节不稳的单个特殊病例进行报道的,直至1996年Hotchkiss首先引出“肘关节恐怖三联征”这一概念.在临床上肘关节后脱位同时伴有桡骨头和尺骨冠状突骨折典型病例的并不少见,但国内外学者报道病例数较少,过去对此类损伤认识有限,故以尺骨冠突或桡骨头骨折伴其他损伤的报道较多见.  相似文献   

肘关节是人体内在稳定性最强的关节之一,骨性结构和软组织结构复杂。单纯肘关节脱位时没有骨折,但常伴有关节囊、韧带和其他软组织的损伤。复位后常比较稳定,很少出现慢性不稳定和关节退变。相反,复杂肘关节脱位是关节囊、韧带损伤的同时合并下列一处或多处主要稳定结构的骨折:桡骨头、冠状突或尺骨鹰嘴。这些骨折使肘关节脱位变得很不稳定,  相似文献   

[目的]评价儿童陈旧性桡骨头脱位合并桡神经深支损伤(Monteggia骨折)手术治疗的中、远期效果。[方法]8例单纯性桡骨头脱位合并桡神经损伤采用切开整复桡骨头脱位重建环状韧带术治疗(5例患者同时施行神经松解术)。18例Monteggia骨折合并桡神经深支损伤采用切开尺骨矫形、桡骨头复位并重建环状韧带术治疗(9例同时施行神经松解术)。[结果]26例患者随访6个月~2a,根据肘功能评价标准(美国特种外科医院,HSS),评定结果:术前优良率88.4%;术后优良率84.6%。桡神经深支功能恢复优良率:松解组71.4%;非松解组91.6%。[结论]手术切开整复桡骨小头脱位重建环状韧带治疗儿童陈旧性桡骨头脱位效果良好;桡神经深支损伤在桡骨头脱位整复后大多能自行恢复,神经松解效果欠佳。  相似文献   

经典孟氏骨折的定义是尺骨骨折伴上尺桡关节脱位,如合并桡骨头后脱位,即肱桡关节后脱位时,称为后孟氏骨折。而对于不伴有上尺桡关节脱位者,不应笼统称为后孟氏骨折,可称为经尺骨近端骨折后脱位。对于伴有上尺桡关节脱位后孟氏骨折,临床相对少见,其冠突骨折通常粉碎,上尺桡关节遭到破坏,环状韧带及骨间膜损伤,治疗时在恢复骨性结构及处理外侧韧带复合体后,还须关注与处理上尺桡关节的稳定,预后疗效不确定。而经尺骨近端骨折后脱位临床相对多见,其冠突骨折块通常完整,环状韧带及骨间膜完好,在治疗上以恢复骨性结构为主,同时处理肘关节外侧韧带复合体,预后效果好。通过解剖基础、影像学特征、损伤特点、治疗方法及预后等方面鉴别和区分后孟氏骨折与经尺骨近端骨折后脱位。  相似文献   

Abstract   Monteggia fractures consist of an ulna fracture accompanied by radial head dislocation. Such fractures are easily overlooked due to the prominence of the ulna fracture. Earlier studies have reported on the results of treating Monteggia fractures in children and adults even though this type of fracture is different in these two patient populations. As such they should be considered as separate entities due to the different injury pattern, the prognosis, and the preferred method of treatment. For a good postoperative result, an early detection of the Monteggia dislocation, an efficient operative treatment of the ulna fracture, and reposition of the radial head are essential. The goal of reconstruction is an early mobilization within a stable arc of motion. Here, we provide an overview of the classification of Monteggia fractures, the mechanism of injury, and treatment options with the aim of providing sufficient information to reduce the possibility of underestimating forearm injuries in adults.  相似文献   

Objective: Monteggia fracture dislocation equivalent, though already described by Bado, is still an unclassified entity. We aimed to retrospectively analyze 18 cases of Monteggia variants and discuss the injury mechanisms, management, and outcome along with a re view of the literature. Methods: A retrospective record of Monteggia fracture dislocation (2003-2008) was reviewed from medical record department of our institute. Classic Monteggia fracture dislocation, children below 12 years or adults over 50 years, as well as open grade Ⅱ & Ⅲ cases were excluded from this study. Monteggia variant inclusion criteria included fracture of the proximal ulna together with a fracture of the radial head or neck and skeletal maturity. Totally 26 patients were identified with Monteggia variants and 18 were available for follow-up, including 11 males and 7 females with the mean age of 35 years. The ulna fracture was treated by compression plating along with tension band wiring. Radial head/neck was reconstructed in 12 patients while excised in 6 patients. Results: Follow-up ranged from 1 -4 years, mean 2.6 years. Patients were assessed clinicoradiologically. Mayo Elbow Performance Score was employed to assess the outcomes. At final follow-up, the results were excellent in 10 patients, good in 4, fair in 2 and poor in 2. Mean range of motion of the elbow was 20°, 116°, 50° and 55° for extension, flexion, pronation and supination, respectively. Two patients had complications in the form of heterotopic ossification and stiffness of the elbow. One nonunion ulna, primarily treated by tension band wiring, was managed by refixation with locking reconstruction plate and bone grafting. Bone grafting was only required in this patient for nonunion. Another patient had implants removed on his request. The results in our series closely correlated with extent of intraarticular damage, coronoid fracture and comminuted fractures. Conclusions: Monteggia fracture dislocation equivalents are rare injuries and pre-surgery recognition by radiographs and 3-D CT helps make optimal plan. The poor results usually relate to intraarticular damage, coronoid fractures and comminution of the ulna and radial head fractures.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To review the results of internal fixation with a dorsal contoured plate in patients with malalignment after internal fixation of a posterior Monteggia fracture. METHODS: Seventeen patients with malalignment after surgical treatment of a posterior Monteggia fracture were treated with realignment of the ulna and fixation with a contoured dorsal plate. Fifteen patients had loose fixation and 12 patients had subluxation or dislocation of the ulnohumeral joint. Sixteen patients had fracture of the radial head and 9 patients had fracture of the coronoid process. Nine patients had ancillary procedures on the radial head, 4 had ancillary procedures on the coronoid, 5 had hinged external fixation, and one had fascial arthroplasty. Seven patients had another surgery before the final evaluation related to a complication in 6 patients and a to subsequent injury in 1 patient. RESULTS: At the final evaluation at an average of 59 months the fracture was healed and the ulnohumeral joint was reduced concentrically in all 17 patients. The average arc of elbow flexion was 108 degrees and the average arc of forearm rotation was 134 degrees. The average American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Elbow Evaluation Score was 88. According to the system of Broberg and Morrey, the final result was rated excellent for 5 patients, good for 9, fair for 2, and poor for 1. One patient had fascial arthroplasty as part of the index procedure and 9 patients had radiographic signs of ulnohumeral arthrosis. CONCLUSIONS: Malalignment after surgical treatment of posterior Monteggia fractures often is associated with unstable fixation. Dorsal contoured plating of the ulna in combination with other procedures can help salvage a malaligned posterior Monteggia fracture with satisfactory function restored in the majority of patients.  相似文献   

Monteggia fractures are rare but commonly discussed lesions, with increasing complications due to late diagnosis. This article describes a case of a Monteggia fracture with delayed dislocation of the radial head. Previous radiographs of a 2-year 8-month-old boy show complete fracture of the distal ulna, with no radial head dislocation. The radial head remained well positioned after 4 weeks. Seven years later, he sustained another arm injury. He was diagnosed with a hematoma but was later believed to have nursemaid's elbow. He presented to our institution 5 weeks after the injury, and the radial head was found to be chronically dislocated, indicating a displacement occurring sometime during the past 7 years. After failing conservative treatment, the patient underwent surgical repair. The annular ligament was reconstructed using a harvested triceps fascia band, and an ulnar osteotomy was performed. A review of the literature found few reports of delayed Monteggia fractures, which accounted the delayed dislocations to ulnar angulation. However, our patient showed minimal ulnar angular deformity. We propose that the initial fracture disrupted the annular ligament and the radial head spontaneously relocated prior to being seen, which put the radial head at risk for later dislocation. We present an alternative hypothesis of dislocation after fracture healing and report the longest known period of delay between fracture and dislocation.  相似文献   

Early results obtained in 23 Monteggia-type fractures were analysed. Osteosynthesis of the fracture of the ulnar shaft has to be carried out according to the art. Application of a plate on the radial or the ulnar side always leads to secondary angulation. If primary resection of the radial head is carried out poor results must be expected. The fractured radial head should be reconstructed, replaced by an implant, or at least left in place until the fracture of the ulna is consolidated. In Monteggia type-I/6 fractures the coronoid process must be reliably stabilized. Conservative treatment is inadequate for Monteggia-type fractures.  相似文献   

Coronoid fracture height in terrible-triad injuries   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
PURPOSE: The coronoid fractures that occur in the terrible-triad pattern of traumatic elbow instability (posterior dislocation with fractures of the radial head and coronoid) usually are small transverse fragments. Attempts to classify these fragments according to height as suggested by Regan and Morrey have been inconsistent and contentious. The purpose of this study was to quantify coronoid fracture height in terrible-triad injuries. METHODS: The height of the coronoid process of the ulna and the coronoid fracture fragment were measured on computed tomography scans of 13 patients with terrible-triad-pattern elbow injuries. Two observers performed the measurements with excellent intraobserver and interobserver reliability. RESULTS: The total height of the coronoid process of the ulna averaged 19 mm. The average height of the coronoid fracture fragment was 7 mm. This corresponds to an average of 35% of the total height of the coronoid process. CONCLUSIONS: The transverse coronoid fractures associated with terrible-triad elbow injuries have a variable height that may not be easy to classify according to the system of Regan and Morrey. Classification of coronoid fractures according to fracture morphology and injury pattern may be preferable.  相似文献   

Elbow joints are the second most common joints to dislocate, second only to shoulder joints with most of the dislocations occurring in the posterolateral direction. The dislocations can be simple involving capsuloligamentous structures around the joint or complex involving associated bony injuries. The dislocations can be disabling for the patients with the sequelae involving decreased range of movement, valgus instability due to ruptured medial collateral ligament complex, ectopic calcification, degenerative changes and neurologic deficits. The terrible triad is a type of complex elbow dislocation involving fracture of radial head along with coronoid process fracture. This injury is highly unstable and most of the time requires surgical intervention. We present 2 cases of terrible triad injuries that needed surgical intervention. The radial head fractures in both the cases could be classified as Mason type 2 injuries and the coronoid fractures could be classified as type 1 fracture according to Regan and Morrey classification. The aim of this report is to highlight the medial and distal migration of the fractured fragment of the radial head to the anterior aspect of ulna underneath flexor digitorum profundus, at the junction of proximal third and distal two thirds of the shaft of ulna. On radiographs, this could be mistaken for fractured fragment of coronoid process of ulna, which could mislead the surgeon pre and intra operatively causing delay and confusion in the surgery.  相似文献   

Combined forearm fractures are identified according to their location as Galeazzi, Monteggia, or Essex-Lopresti injuries. The feature common to these three forms is the combination of a forearm fracture with instability of the distal or proximal radioulnar joint. Appropriate management of the injury at an early stage is indispensable to achieve good functional results. Galeazzi fractures should initially be treated by open reduction and correct anatomy restored by plate osteosynthesis. Fixation of the distal radioulnar joint with Kirschner wires should be performed in cases of persistent dislocation or instability and limited to 6 weeks. Monteggia fractures should be surgically approached, taking care not to overlook possible additional injuries (radial head, coronoid process). Essex-Lopresti injuries are treated by surgical reconstruction of the radial head, and in cases of comminuted fractures by implanting a radial head prosthesis. Subsequent treatment entails at least 14 days immobilization in a supinated position using an upper arm cast. Early functional therapy should follow when all three forms of injuries have been treated.  相似文献   

Over the past fifty years, treatment outcomes of traumatic injuries in the upper limb have improved with the advent of better implants. However, the Monteggia fracture is often still associated with various complications, poor functional outcomes and a relatively high rate of revision surgeries. Rigid anatomic fixation of ulnar fracture is paramount. Open relocation of the radial head and soft tissue procedures are redundant. Monteggia fractures are challenging to treat. Critical analysis with respect to the high rate of complications and unsatisfactory functional outcomes is required. The type of fracture and associated injuries such as coronoid fracture and radial head fracture appear to influence the outcome in most cases. Negative prognostic factors such as prolonged immobilization, associated coronoid and radial head fractures must be minimized and treated appropriately. Prior to surgery the patient should be informed regarding the possible risk of residual functional limitations and the potential need for further revision surgeries.  相似文献   

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