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Dual-energy subtraction mammography was performed for breast examinations. To obtain a dual-energy subtraction image with a digital radiography unit, high- and low-energy images were obtained at an appropriate time interval under different x-ray exposure conditions. In about 50% of the patients with breast cancer included in this study, we obtained better diagnostic accuracy with dual-energy subtraction images than with conventional mammography. In some cases of breast cancer, it was possible to diagnose intraductal spread of this lesion on the subtracted images. Furthermore, abnormal lesions commonly observed on mammography in cases of fibrocystic disease tended to be erased on subtracted images. Thus, dual-energy subtraction mammography provided useful information for diagnosing breast diseases. However, there were several cases in which the subtracted images lacked sufficient image quality, and several technical problems with subtraction are thought to remain.  相似文献   

Dual-energy mammography: a detector analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dual-energy mammography acquisition scenarios employing single-shot techniques are examined using computer simulation. A figure of merit of the signal-to-noise ratio squared over the glandular dose was chosen for the optimization task due to its exposure independence. Doses were evaluated using Monte Carlo techniques. The effects of kilovoltage, prepatient filtration, front detector thickness, mid-detector filtration thickness and composition were studied. Of the six detector pairs studied (Y2O2S/Gd2O2S, SrFBr/BaFBr, Y2O2S/LaOBr, Y2O2S/CaWO4, Y2O2S/YTaO4, and Y2O2S/LuTaO4), Y2O2S/Gd2O2S and SrFBr/BaFBr were found to be the best combinations. The effects of scatter and signal quantization were also examined. An alternative display technique whereby the tissue-subtracted (i.e., calcium) image is colorized and overlaid onto the conventional mammogram is introduced.  相似文献   

Dual-energy x-ray techniques may be able to enhance the detectability of calcifications in mammographic examinations by removing the background "clutter" caused by contrast between adipose and glandular tissue. This hypothesis is examined experimentally by implementation of dual-energy imaging on a prototype digital scanned projection radiography system developed in our laboratory. A model of the propagation of signal and noise in dual-energy processing for a given radiation dose is validated by measurements from phantom images. The experimental imaging system has low spatial resolution and cannot be operated at dose-optimum energies; however, since both the single- and dual-energy images are subject to the same technical limitations, a comparison of such images allows an assessment of the benefits of dual energy. Experimental images of breast tissue specimens, showing improved detectability of calcifications when obscuring background clutter is removed, are presented. The dose required for a given signal-to-noise ratio can be reduced by smoothing the higher energy image prior to dual-energy processing. For practical implementation, it is reasonable to smooth the higher energy image such that its variance is reduced fourfold.  相似文献   

We have previously developed a dual-energy digital mammography (DEDM) technique for calcification imaging under full-field imaging conditions using a commercially available flat-panel based digital mammography system. Although dual-energy (DE) imaging could suppress the obscuration of calcifications by tissue-structure background, it also increases the intrinsic noise in the DE images. Here we report on the effects of three different noise reduction techniques on DE calcification images: a simple smoothing (boxcar) filter applied to the DE image, a median filter applied to the HE image prior to the computation of the DE image and an adaptation of the Kalender's correlated-noise reduction (KNR) technique for DEDM. We compared the different noise reduction techniques by evaluating their effects on DE calcification images of a 5 cm thick breast-tissue-equivalent slab with continuously varying glandular-tissue ratio superimposed with calcium carbonate crystals of various sizes that simulate calcifications. Evaluations of different noise reducing techniques were performed by comparison of the root-mean-square signal in background regions (no calcifications present) of the DE calcification images and the contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR) of the calcifications in the DE calcification images. Amongst the different noise reduction techniques evaluated in this study, the KNR method was found to be most effective in reducing the image noise and increasing the calcification visibility (or CNR), closely followed by the HE median filter technique. Although the simple smoothing (boxcar) filter reduced the noise, it did not improve calcification visibility. The visible calcification threshold size with DEDM over smoothly varying background at screening mammography doses, assuming a CNR threshold of 4, was estimated to be around 250 microm with both the HE median filter and the KNR techniques. The quality of DE images with noise reduction techniques based on phantom studies were verified with DE images of an animal-tissue phantom that consisted of calcifications superimposed over more realistic tissue structures.  相似文献   

A dual-energy technique which employs the basis decomposition method is being investigated for application to digital mammography. A three-component phantom, made up of plexiglas, polyethylene, and water, was doubly exposed with the full-field digital mammography system manufactured by General Electric. The 'low' and 'high' energy images were recorded with a Mo/Mo anode-filter combination and a Rh/Rh combination, respectively. The total dose was kept within the acceptable levels of conventional mammography. The first hybrid images obtained with the dual-energy algorithm are presented in comparison with a conventional radiograph of the phantom. Image-quality characteristics at contrast cancellation angles between plexiglas and water are discussed. Preliminary results show that a combination of a standard Mo-anode 28 kV radiograph with a Rh-anode 49 kV radiograph provides the best compromise between image-quality and dose in the hybrid image.  相似文献   

Dual-energy subtraction is a radiographic technique for the acquisition of a material selective image by the weighted subtraction of low- and high-energy digital X-ray images. This is achieved by exploiting the energy dependence of the X-ray attenuation components in the image. This can allow the removal of background morphology to enhance the presentation of otherwise obscured details. The detection of microcalcifications in a mammogram by dual-energy techniques has previously been investigated. These investigations indicated that, using dual-energy techniques, small microcalcifications could be extracted from the background breast morphology with sufficient signal to noise ratio (SNR) to be full visualized. The authors present the extension of a theoretical dual-energy model to incorporate practical considerations and then compare the results with experimentally derived data using a commercially available computed radiography system. In particular the extended model now takes into account the energy dependent detective quantum efficiency of a system. This is thought to be a major factor in reducing the efficiency of dual-energy mammography. The theoretical model predicts that dual-exposure dual-energy mammography, utilizing HRIII image plates, could not provide a detail SNR of five for calcifications smaller than 470 mu m. The experimental results verify this and indicate that dual-energy subtraction mammography, utilizing computed radiography, is currently not a viable technique for the detection of clinically significant microcalcifications. Further advances in X-ray image detector efficiency will be required if the full potential of this technique is to be achieved.  相似文献   

Dual-energy radiography has not evolved into a routine clinical examination yet due to intrinsic limitations of both dual-kVp imaging and single-exposure imaging with conventional x-ray sources. The recent introduction of novel quasi-monochromatic x-ray sources and detectors could lead to interesting improvements, especially in mammography where the complex structure of healthy tissues often masks the detectability of lesions. A dual-energy radiography technique based on a tissue cancellation algorithm has been developed for mammography, with the aim of maximizing the low intrinsic contrast of pathologic tissues while being able to minimize or cancel the contrast between glandular and fat tissues. Several images of a plastic test object containing various tissue equivalent inserts were acquired in the energy range 17-36 keV using a quasi-monochromatic x-ray source and a scintillator-coated CCD detector. Images acquired at high and low energies were nonlinearly combined to generate two energy-independent basis images. Suitable linear combinations of these two basis images result in the elimination of the contrast of a given material with respect to another. This makes it possible to selectively cancel certain details in the processed image.  相似文献   

Kappadath SC  Shaw CC 《Medical physics》2005,32(11):3395-3408
Mammographic images of small calcifications, which are often the earliest signs of breast cancer, can be obscured by overlapping fibroglandular tissue. We have developed and implemented a dual-energy digital mammography (DEDM) technique for calcification imaging under full-field imaging conditions using a commercially available aSi:H/CsI:Tl flat-panel based digital mammography system. The low- and high-energy images were combined using a nonlinear mapping function to cancel the tissue structures and generate the dual-energy (DE) calcification images. The total entrance-skin exposure and mean-glandular dose from the low- and high-energy images were constrained so that they were similar to screening-examination levels. To evaluate the DE calcification image, we designed a phantom using calcium carbonate crystals to simulate calcifications of various sizes (212-425 microm) overlaid with breast-tissue-equivalent material 5 cm thick with a continuously varying glandular-tissue ratio from 0% to 100%. We report on the effects of scatter radiation and nonuniformity in x-ray intensity and detector response on the DE calcification images. The nonuniformity was corrected by normalizing the low- and high-energy images with full-field reference images. Correction of scatter in the low- and high-energy images significantly reduced the background signal in the DE calcification image. Under the current implementation of DEDM, utilizing the mammography system and dose level tested, calcifications in the 300-355 microm size range were clearly visible in DE calcification images. Calcification threshold sizes decreased to the 250-280 microm size range when the visibility criteria were lowered to barely visible. Calcifications smaller than approximately 250 microm were usually not visible in most cases. The visibility of calcifications with our DEDM imaging technique was limited by quantum noise, not system noise.  相似文献   

Kappadath SC  Shaw CC 《Medical physics》2003,30(6):1110-1117
Breast cancer may manifest as microcalcifications in x-ray mammography. Small microcalcifications, essential to the early detection of breast cancer, are often obscured by overlapping tissue structures. Dual-energy imaging, where separate low- and high-energy images are acquired and synthesized to cancel the tissue structures, may improve the ability to detect and visualize microcalcifications. Transmission measurements at two different kVp values were made on breast-tissue-equivalent materials under narrow-beam geometry using an indirect flat-panel mammographic imager. The imaging scenario consisted of variable aluminum thickness (to simulate calcifications) and variable glandular ratio (defined as the ratio of the glandular-tissue thickness to the total tissue thickness) for a fixed total tissue thickness--the clinical situation of microcalcification imaging with varying tissue composition under breast compression. The coefficients of the inverse-mapping functions used to determine material composition from dual-energy measurements were calculated by a least-squares analysis. The linear function poorly modeled both the aluminum thickness and the glandular ratio. The inverse-mapping functions were found to vary as analytic functions of second (conic) or third (cubic) order. By comparing the model predictions with the calibration values, the root-mean-square residuals for both the cubic and the conic functions were approximately 50 microm for the aluminum thickness and approximately 0.05 for the glandular ratio.  相似文献   

Saito M 《Medical physics》2007,34(11):4236-4246
Dual-energy contrast agent-enhanced mammography is a technique of demonstrating breast cancers obscured by a cluttered background resulting from the contrast between soft tissues in the breast. The technique has usually been implemented by exploiting two exposures to different x-ray tube voltages. In this article, another dual-energy approach using the balanced filter method without switching the tube voltages is described. For the spectral optimization of dual-energy mammography using the balanced filters, we applied a theoretical framework reported by Lemacks et al. [Med. Phys. 29, 1739-1751 (2002)] to calculate the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in an iodinated contrast agent subtraction image. This permits the selection of beam parameters such as tube voltage and balanced filter material, and the optimization of the latter's thickness with respect to some critical quantity-in this case, mean glandular dose. For an imaging system with a 0.1 mm thick CsI:T1 scintillator, we predict that the optimal tube voltage would be 45 kVp for a tungsten anode using zirconium, iodine, and neodymium balanced filters. A mean glandular dose of 1.0 mGy is required to obtain an SNR of 5 in order to detect 1.0 mg/cm2 iodine in the resulting clutter-free image of a 5 cm thick breast composed of 50% adipose and 50% glandular tissue. In addition to spectral optimization, we carried out phantom measurements to demonstrate the present dual-energy approach for obtaining a clutter-free image, which preferentially shows iodine, of a breast phantom comprising three major components-acrylic spheres, olive oil, and an iodinated contrast agent. The detection of iodine details on the cluttered background originating from the contrast between acrylic spheres and olive oil is analogous to the task of distinguishing contrast agents in a mixture of glandular and adipose tissues.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulations of digital images of the contrast detail phantom and the ACR phantom are presented for two different x-ray digital mammography modalities: a synchrotron mammography system and a next-generation scanning slot clinical system. A combination of variance reduction methods made it possible to simulate accurate images using real pixel dimensions within reasonable computation times. The complete method of image simulation, including a simple detector response model, a simple noise model, and the incorporation of system effects (MTF), is presented. The simulated images of the phantoms show good agreement with images measured on the two systems.  相似文献   

Materials such as a-Se, a-As(2)Se(3), GaSe, GaAs, Ge, CdTe, CdZnTe, Cd(0.8)Zn(0.2)Te, ZnTe, PbO, TlBr, PbI(2) and HgI(2) are potential candidates as photoconductors in direct detectors for digital mammography. The x-ray induced primary electrons inside a photoconductor's bulk comprise the initial signal that propagates and forms the final signal (image) on the detector's electrodes. An already developed model for a-Se has been properly extended to simulate the primary electron production in the materials mentioned. Primary electron characteristics, such as their energy, angular and spatial distributions that strongly influence the characteristics of the final image, were studied for both monoenergetic and polyenergetic x-ray spectra in the mammographic energy range. The characteristic feature in the electron energy distributions for PbI(2) and HgI(2) is the atomic deexcitation peaks, whereas for the rest of the materials their shape can also be influenced by the electrons produced from primary photons. The electrons have a small tendency to be forward ejected whereas they prefer to be ejected perpendicular (theta = pi/2) to the incident beam's axis and at two lobes around phi = 0 and phi = pi. At practical mammographic energies (15-40 keV) a-Se, a-As(2)Se(3) and Ge have the minimum azimuthal uniformity whereas CdZnTe, Cd(0.8)Zn(0.2)Te and CdTe the maximum one. The spatial distributions for a-Se, a-As(2)Se(3), GaSe, GaAs, Ge, PbO and TlBr are almost independent of the polyenergetic spectrum, while those for CdTe, CdZnTe, Cd(0.8)Zn(0.2)Te, ZnTe, PbI(2) and HgI(2) have a spectrum dependence. In the practical mammographic energy range and at this primitive stage of primary electron production, a-Se has the best inherent spatial resolution as compared to the rest of the photoconductors. PbO has the minimum bulk space in which electrons can be produced whereas CdTe has the maximum one.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for three-dimensional (3D) computer modelling of the breast, using a combination of 3D geometrical primitives and voxel matrices that can be further subjected to simulated x-ray imaging, to produce synthetic mammograms. The breast phantom is a composite model of the breast and includes the breast surface, the duct system and terminal ductal lobular units. Cooper's ligaments, the pectoral muscle, the 3D mammographic background and breast abnormalities. A second analytical x-ray matter interaction modelling module is used to generate synthetic images from monoenergetic fan beams. Mammographic images of various synthesized breast models differing in size, shape and composition were produced. A preliminary qualitative assessment performed by three radiologists and a quantitative evaluation study using fractal and grey-level histogram analysis were conducted. A comparative study of extracted features with published data has also been performed. The evaluation results indicated good correlation of characteristics between synthetic and actual radiographs. Applications foreseen are not only in the area of breast imaging experimentation but also in education and training.  相似文献   

A model for generating x-ray spectra in mammography is presented. This model used the ITS version 3 Monte Carlo code for simulating the radiation transport. Various target/filter combinations such as tungsten/aluminium, molybdenum/molybdenum, molybdenum/rhodium and rhodium/rhodium were used in the simulation. Both bremsstrahlung and characteristic x-ray production were included in the model. The simulated x-ray emission spectra were compared with two sets of spectra, those of Boone et al (1997 Med. Phys. 24 1863-74) and IPEM report 78. The chi2 test was used for the overall goodness of fit of the spectral data. There is good agreement between the simulated x-ray spectra and the comparison spectra as the test yielded a probability value of nearly 1. When the transmitted x-ray spectra for specific target/filter combinations were generated and compared with a measured molybdenum/rhodium spectrum and spectra generated in IPEM report 78, close agreement is also observed. This was demonstrated by the probability value for the chi2 test being almost 1 for all the cases. However, minor differences between the simulated spectra and the 'standard' ones are observed.  相似文献   

In contrast to conventional analog screen-film mammography new flat detectors have a high dynamic range and a linear characteristic curve. Hence, the radiographic technique can be optimized independently of the receptor exposure. It can be exclusively focused on the improvement of the image quality and the reduction of the patient dose. In this paper we measure the image quality by a physical quantity, the signal difference-to-noise ratio (SDNR), and the patient risk by the average glandular dose (AGD). Using these quantities, we compare the following different setups through simulations and phantom studies regarding the detection of microcalcifications and tumors for different breast thicknesses and breast compositions: Monochromatic radiation, three different anode/filter combinations: Molybdenum/molybdenum (Mo/Mo), molybdenum/rhodium (Mo/Rh), and tungsten/rhodium (W/Rh), different filter thicknesses, use of anti-scatter grids, and different tube voltages. For a digital mammography system based on an amorphous selenium detector it turned out that, first, the W/Rh combination is the best choice for all detection tasks studied. Second, monochromatic radiation can further reduce the AGD by a factor of up to 2.3, maintaining the image quality in comparison with a real polychromatic spectrum of an x-ray tube. And, third, the use of an anti-scatter grid is only advantageous for breast thicknesses larger than approximately 5 cm.  相似文献   

A dual-energy Compton scatter imaging technique, analogous to that used in computed tomography and conventional radiography, has been explored. It is shown that this technique allows the photoelectric component of the attenuation factors for the primary and scattered radiations to be derived. Compton scatter images of the ear, corrected for photo-attenuation using dual energy, have been obtained with a novel Compton scatter scanner (Comscan) and are presented here. In addition, dual-energy Compton scatter imaging allows photo-effect slice images to be obtained which are a useful extension to the customary Compton images. The application of dual-energy Compton scatter to imaging bony structures and densitometry is illustrated.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo calculations were used to simulate the propagation of visible and near-infrared light through homogenous tissue in order to quantitate the potential spatial resolution performance for transillumination imaging. Specifically, the relative effectiveness of coaxial collimation and time of flight (TOF) detection for improving spatial resolution was investigated. The results demonstrate that significant improvements in spatial resolution can be achieved through these techniques, with TOF methods offering superior performance for a given level of detected signal intensity.  相似文献   

Selenium is among the materials under investigation that may form effective detectors and provide a major contribution to digital mammography. Till the final image formation, there is an intervention of the x-ray photons transformation to primary electrons and their subsequent ionizing drift towards the electrodes that collect them. The characteristics of the generated primary electrons inside a-Se material such as their angular, spatial and energy distribution affect the characteristics of the final image. A Monte Carlo based model has been developed that simulates the x-ray irradiation of an a-Se detector plate, including primary photon interactions (photoelectric absorption, coherent and incoherent scattering), as well as secondary ones, such as fluorescence (Kalpha, Kbeta) and emission of Auger electrons. The angular, spatial and energy distributions for the generated primary electrons inside a-Se have been produced for various mammographic x-ray spectra and their usefulness in designing and optimizing a detector made of a-Se for digital mammography is discussed.  相似文献   

Mammography is the technique with the highest sensitivity and specificity, for the early detection of nonpalpable lesions associated with breast cancer. As screening mammography refers to asymptomatic women, the task of optimization between the image quality and the radiation dose is critical. A way toward optimization could be the introduction of new anode materials. A method for producing the x-ray spectra of different anode/filter combinations is proposed. The performance of several mammographic spectra, produced by both existing and theoretical anode materials, is evaluated, with respect to their dose and subject contrast characteristics, using a Monte Carlo simulation. The mammographic performance is evaluated utilizing a properly designed mathematical phantom with embedded inhomogeneities, irradiated with different spectra, based on combinations of conventional and new (Ru, Ag) anode materials, with several filters (Mo, Rh, Ru, Ag, Nb, Al). An earlier developed and validated Monte Carlo model, for deriving both image and dose characteristics in mammography, was utilized and overall performance results were derived in terms of subject contrast to dose ratio and squared subject contrast to dose ratio. Results demonstrate that soft spectra, mainly produced from Mo, Rh, and Ru anodes and filtered with k-edge filters, provide increased subject contrast for inhomogeneities of both small size, simulating microcalcifications and low density, simulating masses. The harder spectra (W and Ag anode) come short in the discrimination task but demonstrate improved performance when considering the dose delivered to the breast tissue. As far as the overall performance is concerned, new theoretical spectra demonstrate a noticeable good performance that is similar, and in some cases better compared to commonly used systems, stressing the possibility of introducing new materials in mammographic practice as a possible contribution to its optimization task. In the overall optimization task in terms of subject contrast to dose ratio, tube voltage was found to have a minor effect, while with respect to the filter material, a lesion specific performance was noticed, with Al filtered spectra showing improved characteristics in case of the inhomogeneities simulating microcalcifications, while softer k-edge filtered spectra are more suitable for the discrimination of inhomogeneities simulating masses.  相似文献   

Laser interstitial thermotherapy (LITT) is a minimally-invasive laser hyperthermia procedure for the treatment of localized tumours. Real-time monitoring of LITT is essential to control the extent of tumour destruction and ensure safe and effective treatments. The feasibility of using high-resolution digital x-ray mammography to monitor LITT of breast cancer was evaluated. Tissue phantoms including polyacrylamide hydrogel and cadaver porcine tissue were heated using a 980 nm diode laser delivered through optical fibres with diffusing tips. Digital images of the tissue phantoms were recorded with a high-resolution digital stereotactic breast biopsy system during heating. The recorded images were processed and analysed to detect heat-induced changes. No changes were detected during heating of the hydrogel. Pixel-by-pixel subtraction of the initial image from images taken during laser heating shows observable thermally-induced changes around the fibre during laser irradiation that correlate with the thermal denaturation zone observed by gross anatomy. These experiments demonstrate that high-resolution digital x-ray mammography can be used to detect heat-induced tissue changes during experimental LITT in fibro-fatty tissue.  相似文献   

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