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Recently, the presence of two high affinity binding sites for phencyclidine were described in guinea pig brain, with one site coupled to the glutamate excitatory amino acid receptor, specifically activated by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) (site 1) and the other site associated with the dopamine (DA) reuptake carrier (site 2). Phencyclidine and its analogs, as well as the benzomorphan opiates, are known to interact with binding sites for phencyclidine. In this study, the equilibrium dissociation constants (Kd) of these compounds for the two binding sites for phencyclidine were determined. Phencyclidine and 1-[1-(2-thienyl)cyclohexyl]piperidine (TCP), an analog of PCP, were essentially non-selective between the two sites and also were the two drugs of the group observed to have the highest affinity for site 2. (+)-5-Methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cycloheptene-5,10-imine [(+)MK801] was the most selective agent for site 1, while none of the drugs tested showed selectivity for site 2. In humans, phencyclidine produces psychotomimetic effects, while (+)MK801 has been reported to produce minimal, if any, psychotomimetic effects, at doses sufficient to reduce seizures. These clinical observations, in conjunction with the present biochemical binding data, suggest that (+)MK801 may serve as a "marker" for site 1 and that the psychotomimetic effects of phencyclidine might be mediated by site 2.  相似文献   

Quantitative ligand binding studies have been used to characterize binding sites for N-allylnormetazocine ((+)SKF10,047) (SKF), 1-(1-phenylcyclohexyl) piperidine (PCP), N-[1-(2-thienyl)cyclohexyl]piperidine (TCP) and haloperidol in membranes from the brain of rat and guinea pig under conditions which permitted simultaneous analysis of the binding of both PCP and SKF. Using four labelled ligands (SKF, TCP, PCP and haloperidol), each displaced by the corresponding four unlabelled ligands, four classes of binding sites were observed in membranes from the brain of the rat, corresponding to sigma (sigma), two classes of PCP sites (PCP1, PCP2) and dopamine (D2) sites. The sigma site was suppressed by 50 nM haloperidol, while the PCP1 and PCP2 sites were not. These results were confirmed by studies employing a self- and cross-displacement design and dose-response surfaces for SKF and TCP, with and without blockade by haloperidol of the sigma site. Using mathematical modelling, employing the program LIGAND, it was possible to reject simpler models involving a common "PCP/sigma" site or a model involving only two classes of sites (sigma and PCP). Similar methods were used to identify two classes of sigma binding sites and two classes of PCP binding sites, in membranes prepared from the brain of the guinea pig. The relative potencies of 18 ligands for displacement of (+)[3H]SKF10,047 and [3H]TCP were compared: there were significant qualitative and quantitative differences in the "sigma" binding sites in the brain of rat and guinea pig, while the PCP binding sites were very similar in the two species.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the occurrence of both high and low affinity sites for dihydropyridines in crude membrane preparations from guinea pig ventricular tissue. The physiological significance of the low affinity site (apparent dissociation constant = 76 +/- 9 nM) is not currently known; it has, however, a binding capacity which was 300-1000 times that of the high affinity site and was resistant to heat denaturation. The magnitude of the binding to the low affinity site was affected by both the ionic strength of the medium and by the presence of divalent ions. Both unlabeled nitrendipine and nimodipine inhibited [3H]nitrendipine binding at both sites, but verapamil and diltiazem only affected binding at the high affinity site. We also characterized, both kinetically and by equilibrium binding, a low affinity, heat-stable nitrendipine binding site in purified mitochondria. The Bmax for this site was also dependent on ionic strength. This suggests the possibility that the low affinity site in crude membranes is due to mitochondrial contaminants and hence not directly related to voltage-dependent calcium channels.  相似文献   

In vitro mu and delta opioid receptor binding is known to be influenced by ions. High affinity 3H-SKF10047 and 3H-ethylketocyclazocine binding sites are found in brain membranes and postulated to be similar to mu opioid receptor binding. To investigate this postulate, we have studied how the high affinity binding of 3H-SKF10047, 3H-ethylketocyclazocine, a tritiated mu agonist, mu antagonist and delta agonist is altered when the radioreceptor binding assay incubation buffer is changed. The binding of 3H-ethylketocyclazocine and the mu antagonist (3H-naloxone) is highest in isotonic HEPES buffer, while the binding of the mu (3H-dihydromorphine) and delta (3H-D-ala-D-leu-enkephalin) agonist is highest in hypotonic Tris-HCl buffer. 3H-SKF10047 binding is similar in the two buffers. The inhibition of 3H-ethylketocyclazocine, 3H-SKF10047 and tritiated mu and delta opioid ligands by seven unlabeled ligands is then compared in the two buffers. Morphine chloride is a more potent inhibitor of 3H-ethylketocyclazocine binding and tritiated mu ligand in hypotonic Tris-HCl buffer than in isotonic HEPES buffer. The potency of naloxone, nalorphine, SKF10047, D-ala-D-leu-enkephalin, cyclazocine and phencyclidine in inhibiting 3H-ethylketocyclazocine binding is independent of the buffer system. None of the seven unlabelled substances change potency with buffer change when inhibiting the 1.2 nM 3H-SKF10047 binding. In sum our results show that 1 nM 3H-ethylketocyclazocine binding is influenced by buffer change in a manner very similar to mu ligand binding, while the 1.2 nM 3H-SKF10047 binding is only slightly influenced by buffer change and therefore different from mu ligand binding.  相似文献   

Biochemical and electrophysiological studies have provided evidence that a complex comprising the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-type excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptor and the phencyclidine (PCP) recognition site exists in mammalian brain. This complex, which has been compared to that established for the inhibitory amino acid, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and the benzodiazepine anxiolytic, diazepam, is sensitive to the effects of the divalent cation Mg2+, which has suggested the presence of a third, ion channel component. Using a radioreceptor assay for the PCP receptor, L-glutamate (L-Glu) produced a concentration-dependent increase in the binding of [3H]thienyl cyclohexylpiperazine ([3H]TCP) in well washed membranes from rat forebrain. The EAA produced a maximal increase in specific binding of 400%, with an EC50 value of 340 nM. The ability of L-Glu to enhance [3H]TCP binding was 10-fold more potent in the presence of 30 microM Mg2+, which inhibits NMDA-evoked responses in intact tissue preparations and produces a 50% increase in [3H]TCP binding on its own. Analysis of saturation curves indicated that the effect of both L-Glu and Mg2+ could be attributed to an increase in receptor affinity as well as increases in the proportion of a high affinity state of the PCP-binding site. Assessment of the effect of a number of EAAs on basal [3H]TCP binding (well washed membranes in the absence of either L-Glu or Mg2+) showed that the EAA recognition site involved in the effects of L-Glu was the NMDA subtype. Further studies examined a series of compounds thought to interact with either the NMDA or PCP components of the receptor complex under four binding conditions: basal, +Mg2+; +L-Glu; and +Mg2+/L-Glu. These results showed that dissociative anesthetics, such as dexoxadrol and PCP, as well as the novel anticonvulsant MK-801, selectively interact with the high affinity state of the PCP receptor. NMDA antagonists, such as CPP, were also found to inhibit binding to the high affinity state of the PCP receptor, although not as potently as the dissociative anesthetics. Interestingly, the NMDA antagonists did not inhibit any of the binding to the low affinity state of the receptor. The sigma ligands (+/-)-SKF 10,047 and haloperidol recognized two components of [3H]TCP binding only in the presence of L-Glu. The results of the present study are consistent with the finding that agonists of the NMDA receptor induce a high affinity state of the PCP receptor.  相似文献   

Computer-assisted, simultaneous analysis of self- and cross-displacement experiments demonstrated the existence of several binding sites in guinea pig brain for dextromethorphan, (+)-3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-N-(1-propyl)piperidine ((+)-3-PPP)- and 1,3-di-o-totyl guanidine (DTG). Dextromethorphan binds with high affinity to two sites (R1 Kd 50–83 and R2 Kd 8–19 nM) and with low affinity to two additional sites (R3 and R4). (+)-3-PPP binds to one high-affinity (R1 Kd 24–36 nM), to one intermediate-affinity (R3 Kd 210–320 nM), and to two (R2 and R4) low-affinity sites. DTG binds with almost identical high affinity to two different sites (R1 Kd 22–24 and R3 Kd 13–16 nM). These results confirm that dextromethorphan, (+)-3-PPP, and DTG bind to the common DM1/σ1 site (R1). The binding of DTG to two different sites with identical affinities precludes the use of this compound as a specific marker for σ receptors. Besides, haloperidol displaces labeled ligands from both high-affinity DTG sites (R1 and R3) with high affinity. Thus, haloperidol sensitivity should not be used as the single criterion to identify a putative receptor. The resolution of these novel sites also may provide new insights into the multiple effects of antipsychotic drugs. In addition, this investigation has important implications regarding the methods that must be applied to characterize multiple binding sites and their relations with putative receptors.  相似文献   

Equilibrium binding studies with the sigma receptor ligand [3H]1,3-di(2-tolyl)guanidine ([3H]DTG) demonstrated two high affinity binding sites in membranes prepared from guinea pig brain. The apparent Kd values of DTG for sites 1 and 2 were 11.9 and 37.6 nM, respectively. The corresponding Bmax values were 1045 and 1423 fmol/mg of protein. Site 1 had high affinity for (+)-pentazocine, haloperidol, (R)-(+)-PPP, carbepentane, and other sigma ligands, suggesting a similarity with the dextromethorphan/sigma 1 binding site described by Musacchio et al. [Life Sci. 45:1721-1732 (1989)]. Site 2 had high affinity for DTG and haloperidol (Ki = 36.1 nM) and low affinity for most other sigma ligands. Kinetic experiments demonstrated that [3H]DTG dissociated in a biphasic manner from both site 1 and site 2. DTG and haloperidol increased the dissociation rate of [3H]DTG from site 1 and site 2, demonstrating the presence of pseudoallosteric interactions. Inorganic calcium channel blockers such as Cd2+ selectively increased the dissociation rate of [3H]DTG from site 2, suggesting an association of this binding site with calcium channels.  相似文献   

Brain sigma-type receptors and phencyclidine receptors are thought to mediate the psychotomimetic effects of benzomorphans and phencyclidine in humans. Recently, we reported the characterization of a selective sigma receptor ligand, 1,3-di-o-tolyl-guanidine (DTG), that shows negligible crossreactivity with phencyclidine receptors. Here we describe the synthesis and characterization of an isothiocyanate derivative of DTG, di-o-tolyl-guanidine-isothiocyanate (DIGIT). Guinea pig brain membranes treated with nanomolar doses of DIGIT followed by extensive washing exhibit a dose dependent reduction of [3H]DTG and (+)[3H]3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-N-(1-propyl)piperidine [+)[3H]3-PPP) binding to sigma receptors. Binding of radiolabelled ligands for phencyclidine, mu-opioid, benzodiazepine and dopamine-D2 receptors is not affected by membrane treatment with DIGIT, indicating specificity of the affinity label for sigma-type receptors. Treatment of DIGIT-derivatized membranes with 2 M NaCl does not result in recovery of sigma binding activity, suggesting that DIGIT's interaction with sigma receptors is not of an ionic nature. Equilibrium saturation binding experiments show that the inhibition of [3H]DTG binding to sigma receptors by DIGIT pretreatment of membranes is attributable to an irreversible reduction in the affinity (increase in Kd) of sigma receptors for DTG. The finding that sigma receptors are irreversibly modified by DIGIT whereas phencyclidine receptors are not affected suggests that sigma receptors are physically separate from phencyclidine receptors. The availability of a selective affinity label for the sigma receptor should facilitate the purification of the receptors and the characterization of sigma-type pharmacological effects in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

The novel existence of multiple binding sites for the potent nucleoside transporter Probe, [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine, was identified in guinea pig platelet membranes and the binding characteristics compared to those of guinea pig erythrocyte membranes. Scatchard analysis of the binding in platelets reveled two high affinity binding sites with affinity constant (KD) of 0.94 ± 0.07 nM and 83 ± 13 nM with corresponding maximal binding capacities (Bmax) of 21 ± 7 and 110 ± 25 fmol/mg protein, respectively. In comparison, guinea pig erythrocyte membranes revealed a homogeneous population of the binding sites with KD of 0.17 ± 0.04 nM and a Bmax value of 73 ± 11 fmol/mg protein. Biphasic semi-log plots of the binding site heterogeneity in erythrocytes not reveled by Scatchard plots. Determination of the potencies of selected drugs in inhibiting the binding showed evidence of differential interacitons with the binding sites by various agents which may be exploited pharmacologically. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tritiated dextromethorphan ([3H]DM) binds to two distinct sites in guinea pig brain, a high-affinity site (Kd = 13-20 nM) and a low-affinity site (Kd greater than 200 nM). Binding of [3H] DM to the high-affinity site is rapid, reversible, saturable, proportional to tissue concentration, and pH-dependent. The sites have a protein-like component, since preincubating brain homogenate in the presence of proteolytic enzymes and protein-modifying reagents significantly reduces binding. There is also a progressive loss of binding when brain homogenate is heated to temperatures in excess of 37 degrees. Millimolar concentrations of lithium, calcium, magnesium, and manganese decrease DM binding while sodium, in concentrations as high as 100 mM, has little effect; calcium in micromolar concentrations slightly enhances binding. The pons-medulla and cerebellum contain the highest density of sites. Subcellular localization studies have shown that high-affinity sites are confined almost exclusively to the microsomal fraction. Binding of DM to brain microsomes does not appear to be related to drug-metabolizing enzymes. The characteristics of DM binding suggest that DM sites are not a subclass of opiate receptors. Studies using tritiated dextrorphan as radioligand failed to reveal a high-affinity binding site for in brain.  相似文献   

Computer-assisted, simultaneous analysis of self- and cross-displacement experiments demonstrated the existence of several binding sites in guinea pig brain for dextromethorphan, (+)-3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-N-(1-propyl)piperidine ((+)-3-PPP), and 1,3-di-o-tolyl guanidine (DTG). Dextromethorphan binds with high affinity to two sites (R1 Kd 50-83 and R2 Kd 8-19 nM) and with low affinity to two additional sites (R3 and R4). (+)-3-PPP binds to one high-affinity (R1 Kd 24-36 nM), to one intermediate-affinity (R3 Kd 210-320 nM), and to two (R2 and R4) low-affinity sites. DTG binds with almost identical high affinity to two different sites (R1 Kd 22-24 and R3 Kd 13-16 nM). These results confirm that dextromethorphan, (+)-3-PPP, and DTG bind to the common DM1/sigma 1 site (R1). The binding of DTG to two different sites with identical affinities precludes the use of this compound as a specific marker for sigma receptors. Besides, haloperidol displaces labeled ligands from both high-affinity DTG sites (R1 and R3) with high affinity. Thus, haloperidol sensitivity should not be used as the single criterion to identify a putative receptor. The resolution of these novel sites also may provide new insights into the multiple effects of antipsychotic drugs. In addition, this investigation has important implications regarding the methods that must be applied to characterize multiple binding sites and their relations with putative receptors.  相似文献   

To learn more about the binding conformation of phencyclidine (PCP) and to arrive at analogues of higher affinity, which may serve as noncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists, eight optically pure PCP analogues were designed with the aid of computer. These compounds represent conformationally constrained versions of PCP in which the motion of the phenyl ring is frozen, thus allowing a determination of the orientation of the phenyl ring relevant to binding. The analogues were synthesized by a Diels-Alder strategy and tested in a radioligand binding assay to evaluate their affinity for the PCP binding site of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor complex. One of the analogues was found to bind with nanomolar affinity (IC50 = 19 nM) and to be 73-fold more potent in binding than its enantiomer. These results, which further elucidate the structural determinants of high affinity binding, should aid both in the design of higher affinity molecular probes of the PCP binding site and in the discovery of potential neuroprotective agents.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the characteristics of binding sites with which delta opioid receptor agonists interact in homogenates of mouse brain using Krebs-HEPES medium. [3H][D- Ser2,Leu5,Thr6]enkephalin (DSLET), [3H][D-Ala2,D-Leu5]enkephalin (DADLE) and [3H][D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin (DPDPE) were used to label delta opioid binding sites. The analyses of the saturation binding data of these ligands (Scatchard plots) gave best fits to single rather than multiple site models. The binding capacity (Bmax) labelled by [3H]DSLET was found to be significantly greater than those of [3H]DADLE and [3H]DPDPE in brains of mice. Naltriben (the benzofuran analogue of naltrindole) was equally effective in competing for [3H]DSLET, [3H]DPDPE and [3H]DADLE binding sites. On the other hand, DADLE was significantly more potent in competing for [3H]DADLE and [3H]DPDPE binding sites than for [3H]DSLET binding sites. Also, DPDPE was more potent in competing for the binding sites of [3H]DADLE and [3H]DPDPE than for those of [3H]DSLET. DSLET was found to be equipotent in competing for [3H]DSLET, [3H]DPDPE and [3H]DADLE binding sites. These results suggest a heterogeneity of delta opioid receptors which may be explained possibly by the existence of delta opioid receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that [3H]yohimbine binding to human platelet membranes does not follow the simple mass action kinetics. Although [3H]yohimbine binding was saturable and stereospecific, Scatchard analysis of the equilibrium binding data produced a curvilinear plot. Competitive displacement of [3H]yohimbine from the binding sites by unlabeled yohimbine and other alpha 2-antagonists produced shallow inhibition curves. Further, the apparent Hill coefficients of equilibrium binding and competitive displacement data were found to be less than unity. Factors such as binding to nonreceptor sites or to alpha1-adrenoceptors, dopamine receptors, or 5-HT receptors that may explain the curvilinear curve were excluded. The rank order for inhibiting [3H]yohimbine was rauwolscine greater than yohimbine greater than phentolamine greater than clonidine much greater than prazosin, suggesting that the binding sites had the characteristics of alpha2-adrenoreceptors. The affinity of the alpha2-antagonist for the receptor was enhanced by Na+ but not by guanine nucleotide, suggesting that the binding of the antagonist is modulated only by Na+. Graphic analysis of the specific binding data resulted in two components: one with high affinity and low capacity sites, and second with low affinity and high capacity sites. The experiments on dissociation kinetics, however, suggest that the observed deviation of [3H]yohimbine binding from the simple mass action kinetics is most likely due to negative cooperative interactions among alpha2-adrenoceptor sites.  相似文献   

We have used in vitro autoradiography to visualize [3H]sumatriptan binding sites in sections of guinea-pig and rat brain. In saturation studies, this ligand recognized a single saturable population of high affinity binding sites in all regions examined (pKD = 8.3–9.3). While 5-HT and the sumatriptan derivative CP-122,288 (5-methyl-aminosulfonylmethyl-3-(N-methylpyrrolidin-2R-yl-methyl)-1H-indole) competed for [3H]sumatriptan binding sites with a high affinity and monophasic profile, displacement experiments with 5-carboxamidotryptamine revealed the existence of 2 classes of binding sites. The high affinity component (pKD = 9.2–9.9) probably corresponded to 5-HT1B (rat) or 5-HT1D (guinea-pig) receptors. The intermediate affinity (pKD = 5.7–7.3) of the other component, taken together with their high affinity for [3H]sumatriptan, was similar to that of the cloned 5-HT1F receptor. The regional distribution of the 5-HT1B/1D [3H]sumatriptan binding sites was in agreement with previously published studies (striatonigral system, hypothalamus, central gray, superficial layer of the superior colliculus) and corresponded to the pattern of serotonin-5-O-carboxymethyl-glycyl [125I]tyrosinamide labeling in consecutive sections. [3H]sumatriptan binding sites with a low affinity for 5-CT predominated in the intermediate neocortical layers, the claustrum (in the guinea-pig only), the mammillary nuclei, most of the thalamic nuclei and the principal oculomotor nucleus (in the guinea-pig only). This distribution is very similar to that of 5-HT1F mRNA, indicating further the identity of these sites with 5-HT1F receptors. Very high densities of 5-HT1F sites were also found in the rat parafascicular nucleus.Some regions, such as the caudate/nucleus, the lateral geniculate nuclei and the spinal trigeminal nucleus appeared to contain both 5-HT1B/1D and 5-HT1F binding sites. Ketanserin had a low affinity for [3H]sumatriptan binding sites in all guinea-pig brain regions, compatible with the presence of the 5-HT1D\ subtype. An exception was the substantia nigra, where a significant proportion of sites displayed an intermediate affinity for this compound, suggesting the presence of 5-HT1D receptors. [3H]5-HT labeled 5-HT1F sites in the claustrum and intermediate cortical layers in the guinea-pig. However these data show that [3H]sumatriptan, in the presence of 10 nM 5-carboxamidotryptamine, is a more suitable radioligand to study the distribution of 5-HT1F binding sites.  相似文献   

Several putative affinity ligands, based on the structures of phencyclidine etoxadrol, 5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d] cycloheptene-5,10-imine (MK801) and 1,3-di-(2-methylphenyl)guanidine (DTG) were evaluated in vitro for their ability to produce a wash-resistant inhibition of phencyclidine and sigma receptor sites in homogenates of the brain of the guinea pig. All the phencyclidine-based ligands, including 1-[1-(3-isothiocyanatophenyl)cyclohexyl]piperidine (Metaphit) and (+/-)-N-(2-isothiocyanatoethyl) MK801 [(+/-)-MK801-NCS], produced a wash-resistant inhibition of binding sites for phencyclidine, labelled by [3H]-1-[1-(2-thienyl)cyclohexyl]piperidine ([3H]TCP) and sigma binding sites, labelled by [3H]DTG. The DTG-based ligands, 1-(4-isothiocyanato-2-methylphenyl)-3-(2-methylphenyl)guanidine (DIGIT) and 1-(4-[2-(2-isothiocyanatoethoxy)ethoxy]-2-methyl-phenyl)-3-(2- methylphenyl)guanidine (DIGIE), produced a wash-resistant inhibition of sigma sites, at concentrations as small as 1 microM and also inhibited binding sites for phencyclidine at larger concentrations (100 microM). Both 1-(3-isothiocyanatophenyl)-1-ethyl-4-(2-piperidyl)-1,3-dioxolane (ETOX-NCS) and 1-[1-(3-bromoacetyloxyphenyl)cyclohexyl]-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyri din e (Bromoacetyl-PCP) were the most potent and selective inhibitors of the binding of [3H]TCP, while DIGIT was the most selective inhibitor of the binding of [3H]DTG. Future studies will examine the selectivity of these agents in vivo after intracerebroventricular administration.  相似文献   

The specific binding of the selective mu-, delta-, and kappa-opioid ligands [3H][D-Ala2,MePhe4,Gly-ol5]enkephalin ([3H] DAGOL), [3H][D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin ([3H]DPDPE), and [3H]U69593, respectively, to crude membranes of the guinea pig and rat whole kidney, kidney cortex, and kidney medulla was investigated. In addition, the distribution of specific 3H-opioid binding sites in the guinea pig and rat kidney was visualized by autoradiography. Homogenate binding and autoradiography demonstrated the absence of mu- and kappa-opioid binding sites in the guinea pig kidney. No opioid binding sites were demonstrable in the rat kidney. In the guinea pig whole kidney, cortex, and medulla, saturation studies demonstrated that [3H]DPDPE bound with high affinity (KD = 2.6-3.5 nM) to an apparently homogeneous population of binding sites (Bmax = 8.4-30 fmol/mg of protein). Competition studies using several opioid compounds confirmed the nature of the delta-opioid binding site. Autoradiography experiments demonstrated that specific [3H]DPDPE binding sites were distributed radially in regions of the inner and outer medulla and at the corticomedullary junction of the guinea pig kidney. Computer-assisted image analysis of saturation data yielded KD values (4.5-5.0 nM) that were in good agreement with those obtained from the homogenate binding studies. Further investigation of the delta-opioid binding site in medulla homogenates, using agonist ([3H]DPDPE) and antagonist ([3H]diprenorphine) binding in the presence of Na+, Mg2+, and nucleotides, suggested that the delta-opioid site is linked to a second messenger system via a GTP-binding protein. Further studies are required to establish the precise localization of the delta binding site in the guinea pig kidney and to determine the nature of the second messenger linked to the GTP-binding protein in the medulla.  相似文献   

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