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通过对重庆黔江区210户扶贫户和163户非扶贫户的人户调查资料的比较研究,分析了卫Ⅵ项目特困家庭医疗救助对贫困家庭就医的影响,得出了特困医疗救助可以提高贫困家庭对妇幼卫生服务的利用率、有效控制不合理的卫生费用、减少妇幼卫生领域的不公平现象等结论,总结了黔江区卫VI项目特困家庭医疗救助工作的经验和教训,提出了利用财政转移手段建立特困医疗救助等建议。  相似文献   

特困家庭医疗救助对贫困家庭就医行为的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对重庆黔江区210户扶贫户和163户非扶贫户的入户调查资料的比较研究,分析了卫Ⅵ项目特困家庭医疗救助对贫困家庭就医的影响,得出了特困医疗救助可以提高贫困家庭对妇幼卫生服务的利用率、有效控制不合理的卫生费用、减少妇幼卫生领域的不公平现象等结论,总结了黔江区卫Ⅵ项目特困家庭医疗救助工作的经验和教训,提出了利用财政转移手段建立特困医疗救助等建议.  相似文献   

特困人群医疗保健救助工作的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:结合利用世界银行贷款在我省实施的“基层卫生服务项目”,开展特困人群医疗保健教助工作,探讨对特困人群医疗救助的计划,方案的制定,资金的筹措,管理,报帐程序等。方法:按项目实施原则和工作范围以及各项目县制定的“特困人群医疗保健救助实施方案”和试 运行的情况,从年报表和年度工作总结获取资料,进行数理统计和描述性分析,结果:建立切合实际的特困人群医疗保健教助实施方案,工作计划和管理体系,提高特困人群的卫生服务利用率,以期达到项目目标。  相似文献   

甘肃省宕昌县是英国国际发展部(DFID)卫生Ⅷ支持性项目试点县之一。在英国国际发展部、中央、省、地有关部门的关心支持下,自项目实施以来,改善了贫困地区人群对卫生服务的利用能力,特别是特困人口、妇女、儿童和老人对基本卫生服务的可及性方面提供支持。结果显示:英国政府DFID项目的介入,对缓解宕昌县在卫生Ⅷ项目实施过程中的困难,加强项目实施力度起到了很大的利用,扩大了特困人口救助面,提高了住院补偿比,并开展了门诊服务,增加了特困人口,特别是妇女、儿童和老人对卫生服务的利用率。  相似文献   

实施特困人口医疗救助难点初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对农村地区特困人口实施医疗救助是世界银行贷款“基本卫生服务项目(简称卫生Ⅷ项目)”的一项重要内容。河南省作为卫生Ⅷ项目试点省之一,先后在10个项目县88个乡镇开展了特困人口医疗救助工作。自项目实施以来,在提高贫困地区卫生机构服务能力,改善特困人群健康状况方面取得了显著成效,实践证明该做法是可行的。但在实际工作中,也发现存在一些常见而又难以克服的问题。  相似文献   

为了解重庆市黔江区贫困地区特困人口医疗救助利用情况,便于以后有针对性地进行干预活动,对重庆市黔江区医疗救助利用情况进行了调查。结果:显示自1999年7月在重庆市黔江区实施卫生Ⅷ支持性项目以来,改善了贫困地区特困人群对基本卫生服务利用的可及性,加快了卫生改革与发展的步伐,促进了卫生事业的发展。  相似文献   

对实施特困人群医疗救助基金制度试点的四川某县两个乡镇1年期间被该基金救助的5岁以下儿童门诊处方及同期同乡未被该基金救助的5岁以下儿童门诊ARI、CDD处方进行分析。结果表明:平均每张处方的费用、用药品种及不合理用药的比例均是被该基金救助的处方高于未被该基金救助的处方。建议加强监督管理以控制实施该基金制度存在的费用超支和不合理用药现象。  相似文献   

农村医疗救助对象确定中的公平性测度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:通过对河南省农村医疗救助试点县医疗救助对象的“最困难”和“最急需”程度的测度,初步分析当前国家医疗救助实施的公平性。方法:用贫困缺口、贫困距、医疗支出比和灾难性支出家庭比等指标定量测度“最困难”和“最急需”的程度。结果:样本县现在所确定的医疗救助对象确属“最困难的人员”;而非医疗救助对象的医疗支出是“最急需的医疗支出”;但疾病经济负担仍是救助户重于非救助户。结论:建议增大救助覆盖面和救助力度,民政部门和新型农村合作医疗管理机构联合运作,关注低收入以及因病致灾的高医疗费用群体,及时给予恰当救助,提高政策执行力度和效率。  相似文献   

目的:通过分析江苏省R医院近两年慈善医疗救助项目申请人的特征,回顾实践开展的成效,为进一步完善慈善医疗救助的实施提供参考。方法:采用回顾性研究方法,对江苏省R医院2020年3月—2022 年3月申请慈善医疗救助患者的情况进行分析。结果:根据经济困难病人的需求而对应产生的慈善医疗救助项目在实施过程中存在供过于求、供求不匹配的现象。医院较快的周转率、慈善医疗救助的病种限定、申请流程的复杂以及申请人在经济上的感觉性需求是造成申请人审核未通过的主要原因。结论:慈善医疗救助项目要强化医疗救助申请审核,明确申请条件。对外宣传需清晰有效,做到信息对称。同时也需要根据实际情况适时调整申请方式,帮助到切实需要慈善医疗求助的人。  相似文献   

宁夏同心县实施特困医疗救助的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宁夏同心县是秦巴卫生项目县之一,该县医疗救助的实施已形成了一套较为完善、行之有效的监督管理办法及制度。其主要做法为:(1)强化组织领导,加强宣传力度;(2)严格把关,选准、选好救助对象;(3)严格监管,确保救助效果。特困医疗救助的实施,为老百姓就医减轻了负担,提高了卫生院的服务能力。为探讨农村实施合作医疗、贫困医疗救助提供了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

Heroin use causes considerable harm to individual users including dependence, fatal and nonfatal overdose, mental health problems, and blood borne virus transmission. It also adversely affects the community through drug dealing, property crime and reduced public amenity. During the mid to late 1990s in Australia the prevalence of heroin use increased as reflected in steeply rising overdose deaths. In January 2001, there were reports of an unpredicted and unprecedented reduction in heroin supply with an abrupt onset in all Australian jurisdictions. The shortage was most marked in New South Wales, the State with the largest heroin market, which saw increases in price, dramatic decreases in purity at the street level, and reductions in the ease with which injecting drug users reported being able to obtain the drug. The abrupt onset of the shortage and a subsequent dramatic reduction in overdose deaths prompted national debate about the causes of the shortage and later international debate about the policy significance of what has come to be called the "Australian heroin shortage". In this paper we summarise insights from four years' research into the causes, consequences and policy implications of the "heroin shortage".  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Underlying the diversity and changeability of US eating habits are fundamental dietary patterns shaped by common sociohistorical experiences. Currently, little is known of what patterns exist or their associations with sociodemographic/lifestyle factors. We examined these issues in third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data.METHODS: Analyses were based on 5,794 US-born, white participants. Interviews included a 60-item food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and questions on sociodemographics and health behaviors. Dietary patterns were identified by principal components analysis on FFQ responses. Component scores representing intake level of each pattern were dichotomized at the median. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI).RESULTS: We identified two primary dietary patterns-a "western" pattern characterized by processed and red meats, eggs, potatoes, and refined grains, and a "prudent" pattern characterized by cruciferous vegetables, greens, carrots, salads, and fresh fruits. The two patterns occurred across geographic regions and in both women and men. After age- and sex-adjustment, the "western" diet was associated with rural residence (OR = 1.9, 95% CI 1.7-2.2), working class status (OR = 1.4, 95% CI 1.2-1.6), and lack of high school completion (OR = 1.6, 95% CI 1.4-1.8). The "prudent" diet was associated with high school completion (OR = 2.8, 95% CI 2.5-3.3) and behaviors reflecting greater health awareness, such as daily physical activity (OR = 2.0, 95% CI 1.8-2.2), non-smoking (OR = 2.1, 95% CI 1.8-2.4), and supplement use (OR = 1.8, 95% CI 1.6-2.0).CONCLUSIONS: The two dietary patterns resemble those found in previous US studies. Findings regarding correlates agree with social histories describing the emergence of those patterns. Principal components analysis is potentially useful for identifying fundamental dietary patterns for future investigations of diet-disease associations.  相似文献   

越来越多的职业人在越来越多的时间里感到疲劳.或者疲劳成为了日常性的,甚至于连疲劳感都变得模糊了。以此为标志.职业人已经走进了一个多事的过劳时代。  相似文献   

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