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AIM: To identify findings concerning white matter (WM) fibre microstructural alterations in anorexia nervosa (AN). METHODS: A systematic electronic search was undertaken in several databases up to April 2015. The search strategy aimed to locate all studies published in English or Spanish that included participants with AN and which investigated WM using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Trials were assessed for quality assessment according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses checklist and a published quality index guideline. RESULTS: A total of 6 studies met the inclusion criteria, four of people in the acute state of the illness, one included both recovered and unwell participants, and one included people who had recovered. Participants were female with ages ranging from 14 to 29 years. All studies but one measured a range of psychopathological features. Fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity were the main DTI correlates reported. Alterations were reported in a range of WM structures of the limbic system, most often of the fornix and cingulum as well as the fronto-occipital fibre tracts, i.e., regions associated with anxiety, body image and cognitive function. Subtle abnormalities also appeared to persist after recovery. CONCLUSION: This diversity likely reflects the symptom complexity of AN. However, there were few studies, they applied different methodologies, and all were cross-sectional.  相似文献   

Recent functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies have suggested atypical functional connectivity and reduced integrity of long-distance white matter fibers in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, evidence for short-distance white matter fibers is still limited, despite some speculation of potential sparing of local connectivity in ASD. Short-distance U-fibers are an important component of neural networks and are thought to play a crucial role in cognitive function. In the present study, we applied tract-based spatial statistics to derive short- and long-distance white matter tracts in frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes in both hemispheres. DTI data were acquired from 26 children with ASD and 24 typically developing (TD) children. A mean fractional anisotropy (FA) image was created and thinned to represent centers of all common tracts. Evidence of compromised short-distance tracts for the ASD group was found in frontal lobe (reduced FA, increased mean diffusivity [MD] and radial diffusivity) as well as in temporal and parietal lobes (increased MD and radial diffusivity). Significant positive correlations between age and FA and negative correlations between age and MD and radial diffusivity were also found for short-distance tracts in each lobe in the TD, but not the ASD group. These results suggest white matter compromise in short-distance tracts in ASD. Absence of typical age-related correlations with DTI indices may reflect altered maturation of short-distance tracts in ASD. Our results are inconsistent with a notion of selective sparing of short-distance connectivity in ASD.  相似文献   

目的对应用弥散张量成像及纤维束示踪技术进行锥体束重建的可重复性进行研究。方法随机选取20例接受术中MRI及导航辅助切除颅内肿瘤的患者作为研究对象,分别应用两种不同的感兴趣区(ROI)选择对正常一侧锥体束进行重建,每种方法重复3次。针对同一方法不同次重建结果之间的一致性以及两种方法之间重建结果的一致性进行评估,计算重复性系数к。两种重建方法的主要不同是起始ROI的不同。第一种方法的起始ROI包含一侧半卵圆区白质。第二种方法起始ROI放置在脑干。结果同一方法的不同次重建结果一致性:方法一的к值为0.65715~0.81239,平均0.73616±0.04209。方法二的к值为0.58368~0.86336,平均0.76622±0.0712;二者к值无显著差别(P0.05)。方法一与方法二重建结果的к值为0.31508~0.67464,平均0.46962±0.07817,与前二组к值差异显著(P0.05)。方法一重建锥体束体积为(11.88505±2.06821)cm3,方法二重建锥体束体积为(7.02245±1.75883)cm3。二者差异显著(P0.05)。结论两种方法的不同次重建结果之间均能达到基本一致(к:0.61-0.8),而两种方法之间只能达到中等的一致(к:0.41-0.6)。方法一重建锥体束范围明显大于方法二,更接近锥体束的实际形态。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), we previously reported abnormalities in two critical white matter tracts in schizophrenia, the uncinate fasciculus (UF) and the cingulum bundle (CB), both related to fronto-temporal connectivity. Here, we investigate these two bundles in unmedicated subjects with schizotypal personality disorder (SPD). METHODS: Fifteen male SPD subjects and 15 male control subjects were scanned with line-scan DTI. Fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (D(m)) were used to quantify water diffusion, and cross-sectional area was defined with a directional threshold method. Exploratory correlation analyses were evaluated with Spearman's rho, followed by post hoc hierarchical regression analyses. RESULTS: We found bilaterally reduced FA in the UF of SPD subjects. For CB, there was no significant group difference for FA or D(m) measures. Additionally, in SPD, reduced FA in the right UF was correlated with clinical symptoms, including ideas of reference, suspiciousness, restricted affect, and social anxiety. In contrast, left UF area was correlated with measures of cognitive function, including general intelligence, verbal and visual memory, and executive performance. CONCLUSIONS: These findings in SPD suggest altered fronto-temporal connectivity through the UF, similar to findings in schizophrenia, and intact neocortical-limbic connectivity through the CB, in marked contrast with what has been reported in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

BackgroundPrevious case–control studies of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) have identified altered brain structure such as altered frontal and temporal cortex volumes, or decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) within the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus in patients. It remains unclear whether subclinical autistic-like traits might also be related to variation in these brain structures.MethodsIn this study, we analyzed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data of 250 psychiatrically healthy subjects phenotyped for subclinical autistic-like traits using the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ). For data analysis, we used voxel-based morphometry of T1-MRIs (Computational Anatomy Toolbox) and tract-based spatial statistics for diffusion tensor imaging data.Results AQ attention switching subscale correlated negatively with FA values in the bilateral uncinate fasciculus as well as the bilateral inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus. Higher AQ attention switching subscale scores were associated with increased mean diffusivity and radial diffusivity values in the uncinate fasciculus, while axial diffusivity values within this tract show a negative correlation. AQ attention to detail subscale correlated positively with gray matter volume in the right pre- and postcentral gyrus.ConclusionsWe demonstrate that individuals with higher levels of autism-spectrum-like features show decreased white matter integrity in tracts associated with higher-level visual processing and increased cortical volume in areas linked to movement sequencing and working memory. Our results resemble regional brain structure alterations found in individuals with ASD. This offers opportunities to further understand the etiology and pathogenesis of the disorder and shows a subclinical continuum perspective.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is associated with deficits in the structure and function of the brain. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a highly sensitive method for characterizing cerebral tissue microstructure. Using PRISMA guidelines, we identified 29 studies which have demonstrated widespread brain microstructural impairment and topological network disorganization in patients with T2DM. Most consistently reported structures with microstructural abnormalities were frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes in the lobar cluster; corpus callosum, cingulum, uncinate fasciculus, corona radiata, and internal and external capsules in the white matter cluster; thalamus in the subcortical cluster; and cerebellum. Microstructural abnormalities were correlated with pathological derangements in the endocrine profile as well as deficits in cognitive performance in the domains of memory, information-processing speed, executive function, and attention. Altogether, the findings suggest that the detrimental effects of T2DM on cognitive functions might be due to microstructural disruptions in the central neural structures.  相似文献   

目的通过磁共振扩散加权成像(DWI)和扩散张量成像(DTI)定量分析轻微型肝性脑病(MHE)患者脑功能的异常改变,探讨DWI和DTI在MHE中的应用价值。方法30例肝硬化患者经神经心理测试评分量表测试后,分为MHE组16例和无MHE单纯肝硬化组14例,同时选取15例健康志愿者为正常对照组。所有受试者均行DWI与DTI扫描,选取脑内8个部位为感兴趣区,计算各部位的表观扩散系数(ADC)值和各向异性分数(FA)值。结果18例肝硬化患者于T1WI图像上可见到双侧内囊、苍白球对称性高信号。额叶、枕叶白质、胼胝体膝部、胼胝体压部、内囊前肢、内囊后肢、尾状核头部由正常组、单纯肝硬化组至MHE组ADC值逐渐增加,且MHE组的ADC值较肝硬化组和正常组增加,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);胼胝体膝部和压部的FA值由正常组、单纯肝硬化组至MHE组逐渐降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论DWI与DTI联合应用能够预测肝硬化患者MHE的进展程度,具有潜在的临床价值。  相似文献   

BackgroundClinical evidence shows that bipolar disorder (BD) is characterized by white matter (WM) microstructural abnormalities. However, little is known about the biological mechanisms associated with these abnormalities and their relationship with cognitive functioning.Methods49 adult BD patients ((M ± SD): 29.27 ± 7.92 years; 17 males, 32 females; 34 BD-I, 10 BD-II, and 5 BD-NOS) and 28 age-matched normal subjects ((M ± SD): 29.19 ± 7.35 years; 10 males and 18 females) underwent diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) imaging. DTI metrics were computed using whole-brain tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) as part of the FMRIB Software Library. Measures of WM coherence (fractional anisotropy - FA) and axonal structure (mean, axial and radial diffusivity – MD, AD and RD) were employed to characterize the microstructural alterations in the limbic, commissural, association and projection fiber tracts. All participants performed the Brief Assessment of Cognition for Affective disorders (BAC-A).ResultsBD patients performed poorly on verbal fluency tasks and exhibited large clusters of altered FA, RD and MD values within the retrolenticular part of the internal capsule, the superior and anterior corona radiata, and the corpus callosum. Increased FA values in the left IFOF and the forceps minor correlated positively with verbal fluency scores. Altered RD parameters in the corticospinal tract and the forceps minor were associated with reduced visuomotor abilities.ConclusionsThe reported verbal fluency deficits and FA, RD and MD alterations in WM structures are potential cognitive and neural markers of BD. Abnormal RD values may be associated with progressive demyelination.  相似文献   

We report a 41-year-old man of presymptomatic spinocerebellar ataxia type 1. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) verified decreased fractional anisotropy of cerebellar afferent and efferent pathways compared to 5 age-matched healthy controls while conventional MRI revealed normal brain. DTI was valuable in detection of early microstructural damage of cerebellar pathways.  相似文献   

Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have provided evidence for corpus callosum (CC) white matter abnormalities in bipolar disorder (BD) and schizophrenia (SZ). These findings include alterations in shape, volume, white matter intensity and structural integrity compared to healthy control populations. Although CC alterations are implicated in both SZ and BD, no study of which we are aware has investigated callosal subregion differences between these two patient populations. We used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to assess CC integrity in patients with BD (n=16), SZ (n=19) and healthy controls (HC) (n=24). Fractional anisotropy (FA) of CC subregions was measured using region of interest (ROI) analysis and compared in the three groups. Significant group differences of FA values were revealed in five CC subregions, including the anterior genu, middle genu, posterior genu, posterior body and anterior splenium. FA values of the same subregions were significantly reduced in patients with SZ compared with HC. FA values were also significantly reduced in patients with BD compared to the HC group in the same subregions, excepting the middle genu. No significant difference was found between patient groups in any region. Most of the alterations in CC subregions were present in both the BD and SZ groups. These results imply an overlap in potential pathology, possibly relating to risk factors common to both disorders. The one region that differed between patient groups, the middle genu area, may serve as an illness marker and is perhaps involved in the different cognitive impairments observed in BD and SZ.  相似文献   

The development of the brain is structure-specific, and the growth rate of each structure differs depending on the age of the subject. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is often used to evaluate brain development because of the high spatial resolution and contrast that enable the observation of structure-specific developmental status. Currently, most clinical MRIs are evaluated qualitatively to assist in the clinical decision-making and diagnosis. The clinical MRI report usually does not provide quantitative values that can be used to monitor developmental status. Recently, the importance of image quantification to detect and evaluate mild-to-moderate anatomical abnormalities has been emphasized because these alterations are possibly related to several psychiatric disorders and learning disabilities. In the research arena, structural MRI and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) have been widely applied to quantify brain development of the pediatric population. To interpret the values from these MR modalities, a “growth percentile chart,” which describes the mean and standard deviation of the normal developmental curve for each anatomical structure, is required. Although efforts have been made to create such a growth percentile chart based on MRI and DTI, one of the greatest challenges is to standardize the anatomical boundaries of the measured anatomical structures. To avoid inter- and intra-reader variability about the anatomical boundary definition, and hence, to increase the precision of quantitative measurements, an automated structure parcellation method, customized for the neonatal and pediatric population, has been developed. This method enables quantification of multiple MR modalities using a common analytic framework. In this paper, the attempt to create an MRI- and a DTI-based growth percentile chart, followed by an application to investigate developmental abnormalities related to cerebral palsy, Williams syndrome, and Rett syndrome, have been introduced. Future directions include multimodal image analysis and personalization for clinical application.  相似文献   

磁共振弥散张量成像在脑梗死中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的应用磁共振弥散张量成像(DTI)技术分析缺血性脑梗死不同时期的表观弥散系数(ADC)、各向异性分数(FA)变化,并通过弥散张量纤维束成像(DTT)观察梗死灶与皮质脊髓束(CST)位置关系,以评估预后。方法 45例由于皮质脊髓束受损所致运动功能障碍的不同时期脑梗死患者作为研究组,分为超急性期(<6h)、急性期(6h~3d)、亚急性期(4d~8w)和慢性期(>8w),分析其DTI参数的变化特点,并与正常组进行比较。结果患侧FA值在超急性期无明显变化,在急性期、亚急性期及慢性期逐渐降低,与健侧和对照组比较有显著性差异(P值均<0.05);患侧ADC值在超急性期、急性期明显减低,亚急性期逐渐恢复接近于健侧,慢性期再度增高;DTT成像显示CST受损严重其预后较差。结论不同时期脑梗死病灶其FA、ADC值有一定规律变化,DTT图像可无创性的显示梗死灶与皮质脊髓束的空间位置关系,可作为评估预后的客观依据。  相似文献   

Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has revolutionized our understanding of the neural underpinnings of alcohol teratogenesis. This technique can detect alterations in white matter in neurodevelopmental disorders, such as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Using Prisma guidelines, we identified 23 DTI studies conducted on individuals with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). These studies confirm the widespread nature of brain damage in PAE by reporting diffusivity alterations in commissural, association, and projection fibers; and in relation to increasing cognitive impairment. Reduced integrity in terms of lower fractional anisotropy (FA) and higher mean diffusivity (MD) and radial diffusivity (RD) is reported more consistently in the corpus callosum, cerebellar peduncles, cingulum, and longitudinal fasciculi connecting frontal and temporoparietal regions. Although these interesting results provide insight into FASD neuropathology, it is important to investigate the clinical diversity of this disorder for better treatment options and prediction of progression. The aim of this review is to provide a summary of different patterns of neural structure between PAE and typically developed individuals. We further discuss the association of alterations in diffusivity with demographic features and symptomatology of PAE. With the accumulated knowledge of the neural correlates of FASD presenting symptoms, a comprehensive understanding of the heterogeneity in FASD will potentially improve the disease management and will highlight the diagnostic challenges and potential areas of future research avenues, where neural markers may be beneficial.  相似文献   

In this review paper we address whether deficits in reading (i.e. developmental dyslexia) are rooted in neurobiological anomalies in white matter tracts. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) offers an index of the connections between brain regions (via tractography) and of the white matter properties of these connections (via fractional anisotropy, FA). The reported studies generally show that lower FA values in left temporoparietal and frontal areas are indicative of poorer reading ability or dyslexia. Second, most studies have indicated that these regions coincide with the left arcuate fasciculus and corona radiata, with fewer studies suggesting a role for the posterior part of the corpus callosum or for more ventral tracts such as the inferior longitudinal fasciculus or the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus. Finally, a quantitative activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta-analysis on all reported studies that used a voxel-based approach reveals a cluster located close to the left temporoparietal region (x=-29, y=-17, z=26). Fibertracking through this cluster demonstrates that this region hosts both the left arcuate fasciculus and the left corona radiata.  相似文献   

There is now considerable evidence that white matter abnormalities play a role in the neurobiology of autism. Little research has been directed, however, at understanding (a) typical white matter development in autism and how this relates to neurocognitive impairments observed in the disorder. In this study we used probabilistic tractography to identify the cingulum bundle in 21 adolescents and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and 21 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers. We investigated group differences in the relationships between age and fractional anisotropy, a putative measure of white matter integrity, within the cingulum bundle. Moreover, in a preliminary investigation, we examined the relationship between cingulum fractional anisotropy and executive functioning using the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF). The ASD participants demonstrated significantly lower fractional anisotropy within the cingulum bundle compared to the typically developing volunteers. There was a significant group-by-age interaction such that the ASD group did not show the typical age-associated increases in fractional anisotropy observed among healthy individuals. Moreover, lower fractional anisotropy within the cingulum bundle was associated with worse BRIEF behavioral regulation index scores in the ASD group. The current findings implicate a dysregulation in cingulum bundle white matter development occurring in late adolescence and early adulthood in ASD, and suggest that greater disturbances in this trajectory are associated with executive dysfunction in ASD.  相似文献   

磁共振弥散张量成像动态观察脑梗死后继发锥体束损害   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
目的动态观察脑梗死后,远离梗死灶的锥体束纤维继发性损害的过程,并探讨其对神经功能恢复的影响。方法选择具单侧大脑中动脉(middle cerebral artery,MCA)供血区、累及内囊的单一病灶的脑梗死患者18例,选择年龄性别相匹配的健康志愿者18人作对照组。分别在发病的第1周、4周和第12周进行磁共振弥散张量成像(diffusion tensor imanging,DTI)检测,并行美国国立卫生研究院卒中评分(National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale,NIHSS)、简式Fugl-Meyer运动功能评分(FM)和Barthel生活指数(Barthel index,BI)评定。结果患者远离梗死灶的脑干(大脑脚、脑桥和延髓等部位的均数)部分弥散各向异性(fractional anisotropy,FA)值在第1周、4周和第12周各时间点逐渐减少(P<0.01),而平均弥散量(mean diffusivity,MD)却无明显变化(P>0.05)。脑干FA值减少的百分数与NIHSS减少的百分数(r=-0.46,P<0.05)及FM增加的百分数(r=-0.61,P<0.05)相关,与BI变化的百分数无明显相关(P>0.05)。结论局灶性脑梗死后,锥体束纤维继发性损害会随时间延长而逐渐加重,并可能会阻碍患者神经功能的恢复。  相似文献   

目的 应用基于体素分析的扩散张量成像研究伤害避免人格与脑各向异性分数之间的相关性,以探讨人格的脑白质微观结构基础. 方法 自2010年11月至2011年4月,通过广告招募333名右利手受试者参加研究(受试者为天津医科大学在校学生及周围社区人员).研究内容为填写三维人格问卷及Beck抑郁问卷,并行三维MRI及扩散张量成像扫描.所有扩散张量成像数据行预处理后,使用SPM8软件,以年龄和抑郁评分为控制变量,对整体数据进行偏相关分析,研究脑各向异性分数值与伤害避免人格评分的相关性[以簇体积大于30个体素,且P<0.001(未矫正)为差异有统计学意义的阈值]. 结果 伤害避免评分与中脑、脑桥、左侧海马旁回、颞下回、颞中回、右侧苍白球、双侧顶上小叶各向异性分数值呈正相关;与左侧壳核、丘脑、双侧楔前叶各向异性分数值呈负相关. 结论 伤害避免与特定脑结构的各向异性分数值存在相关性.  相似文献   

目的 分析高功能孤独症患儿的全脑白质纤维的完整性.方法 对18例高功能孤独症患儿(病例组)以及10名年龄、性别、智商与病例组相匹配的健康儿童(对照组)进行全脑弥散张量成像(DTI)测量;应用基于体素的分析方法,比较两组全脑各向异性分数(FA)的差异.使用Spearman相关分析,分析病例组各感兴趣区FA值与儿章期孤独症评定表(CARS)总分及各项目之间的关系.结果 与对照组相比,病例组右侧额下回、左侧额中回及右侧颞下回邻近白质的FA值低(分别为0.67±0.10、0.57±0.09、0.50 ±0.12),左顶上小叶邻近白质的FA值高(0.55±0.15;P<0.001).病例组左额中回邻近白质的FA值与CARS中的与非生命物体的关系的得分呈负相关(r=-0.63,P=0.005).结论 高功能孤独症患儿多个部位的脑白质纤维的完整性受到破坏.  相似文献   

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