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双气囊推进式电子小肠镜对小肠疾病的诊断应用   总被引:15,自引:12,他引:15  
目的 评价双气囊推进式小肠镜对小肠疾病的诊断价值。方法 对2003年7月至2004年3月间38例有消化道症状,但是经胃镜、结肠镜、全消化道钡餐、腹部血管造影等检查为阴性者,进行双气囊推进式电子小肠镜检查。根据患者病情决定从上消化道或下消化道插镜,其中8例经上消化道插镜未能到达回盲部者改从下消化道插镜。结果 双气囊推进式小肠镜检查发现有小肠病变33例(检出率86.8%),其中空回肠克罗恩病7例,空回肠多发溃疡5例,空肠血管畸形并出血4例,空肠多发憩室4例,空回肠静脉显露3例,小肠恶性间质瘤2例,非特异性回肠炎2例,回肠中分化腺癌1例,空肠钩虫病1例,回肠蛔虫病1例,嗜酸细胞性小肠炎1例,吻合口狭窄1例,回肠结核1例。检查过程中未见明显并发症,除2例因腹痛不能耐受而中途放弃外,其余患者均可完成检查。结论 双气囊推进式小肠镜可直视检查全小肠腔内病变,病变检出率高,安全性好,是诊断和治疗小肠疾病的有利工具,但操作难度较高。  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) includes Crohn's disease(CD), ulcerative colitis and unclassified entities. CD commonly involves the terminal ileum and colon but at the time of diagnosis it can be confined to the small bowel(SB) in about 30% of the patients, especially in the young ones. Management of isolated SB-CD can be challenging and objective evaluation of the SB mucosa is essential in differentiating CD from other enteropathies to achieve therapeutic decisions and to plan the follow-up. The introduction of cross-sectional imaging techniques and capsule endoscopy(CE) have significantly expanded the ability to diagnose SB diseases providing a non-invasive test for the visualization of the entire SB mucosa. The main CE limitations are the low specificity, the lack of therapeutic capabilities and the impossibility to take biopsies. Device assisted enteroscopy(DAE) enables histological confirmation when traditional endoscopy, capsule endoscopy and cross-sectional imaging are inconclusive and also allows therapeutic interventions such as balloon stricture dilation, intralesional steroid injection, capsule retrieval and more recently stent insertion. In the current review we will discuss technical aspect, indications and safety profile of DAE in children and adults with IBD.  相似文献   

Until the end of the 20th century, push enteroscopy (PE) was the most commonly used method for the endoscopic investigation of the small bowel. However, PE has been almost completely replaced by double balloon enteroscopy (DBE). Undoubtedly the major endoscopic breakthrough of the last decade, DBE has contributed to the better diagnosis and understanding of diseases of the small bowel, opening-up this obscure part of the gastrointestinal tract to visualisation. Modern diagnostic and therapeutic DBE allows for a deeper and more thorough evaluation of the small bowel than PE, enabling the detection of more pathological lesions. In addition, DBE has for the first time enabled endoscopists to observe the entire small intestine, and has provided endoscopic interventions such as cauterisation of bleeding lesions, polypectomy, placement of small bowel stents, and foreign-body extraction.  相似文献   

Introduction  It is estimated that 10–30% of patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) have small bowel (SB) involvement, but the exact frequency and clinical relevance of these findings is unknown. Double-balloon enteroscopy (DBE) enables endoscopic visualization of the SB. In this study we evaluated whether DBE is a feasible technique for detection of CD localized in the SB in CD patients with clinical suspicion of SB lesions and whether these findings have clinical impact. Methods  Retrospectively we analyzed 52 DBE procedures in 40 CD patients (16 males, mean age 40 years, mean duration of CD 15 years). Included patients had clinical suspicion of small bowel CD activity, including persistent abdominal discomfort (n = 27), iron deficiency anemia (n = 9) and/or hypomagnesemia (n = 4). Results  Active small bowel CD was found in 24 (60%) patients, leading to a change in therapy in 18 patients (75%). After a mean follow-up of 13 months, 15 (83%) had persistent clinical improvement with a significant drop of mean CDAI from 178 to 90, after a mean follow-up of 13 months. Conclusions  DBE is a useful diagnostic tool for the evaluation of SB lesions in CD patients. The significance of these findings is emphasized by the fact that adjustment of therapy in the majority of these patients leads to significant and sustained clinical improvement.  相似文献   

Objective Several studies suggested that colonic microbiota have impacts on irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients. However, the knowledge about the association of small intestine (SI) microbiota with IBS is limited. We aimed to investigate the gut microbiota composition of SI and stool in IBS patients. Materials and methods Biopsies of jejunum mucosa by balloon-assisted enteroscopy and faecal samples from 28 IBS patients and 19 healthy controls were analysed by next-generation sequencing method. Results The three major phyla in SI microbiota of case/control groups were Proteobacteria (32.8/47.7%), Bacteroidetes (25.2/15.3%), and Firmicutes (19.8/11.2%), and those of stool were Bacteroidetes (41.3/45.8%), Firmicutes (40.7/38.2%), and Proteobacteria (15.4/7.1%). Analysis based on the family level, IBS patients had a higher proportion of Veillonellaceae (mean proportion 6.49% versus 2.68%, p?=?0.046) in stool than controls. Prevotellaceae was more abundant in IBS patients than in control group (14.27% versus 6.13%, p?=?0.023), while Mycobacteriaceae (0.06% versus 0.17%, p?=?0.024) and Neisseriaceae (6.40% versus 8.94%, p?=?0.038) was less abundant in IBS patients’ jejunal mucosa than those in controls. This less abundant jejunal Neisseriaceae was associated with more severe IBS (p?=?0.03). The ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes in the stool of IBS-diarrhoea type patients was approximately three-fold higher, and the ratio of Firmicutes to Actinobacter in SI of IBS-mixed type patients was about nine-fold higher than healthy subjects. Conclusion Higher abundance of colonic Veillonellaceae and SI Prevotellaceae, and lower amount of oral cavity normal flora in proximal SI were found in IBS patients. We may manipulate these bacteria in IBS patients in future studies (ClinicalTrial.gov Number NCT01679730).  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONCeliac disease(CD)is a chronic disease that affects genetically susceptible individuals and is characterized by permanent intolerance to gluten and other related proteins,causing nonspecific,characteristic lesions in the small bowel mucosa[1].…  相似文献   

Crohn’s disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract resulting in inflammation, stricturing and fistulae secondary to transmural inflammation. Diagnosis relies on clinical history, abnormal laboratory parameters, characteristic radiologic and endoscopic changes within the gastrointestinal tract and most importantly a supportive histology. The article is intended mainly for the general gastroenterologist and for other interested physicians. Management of small bowel CD has been suboptimal and limited due to the inaccessibility of the small bowel. Enteroscopy has had a significant renaissance recently, thereby extending the reach of the endoscopist, aiding diagnosis and enabling therapeutic interventions in the small bowel. Radiologic imaging is used as the first line modality to visualise the small bowel. If the clinical suspicion is high, wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) is used to rule out superficial and early disease, despite the above investigations being normal. This is followed by push enteroscopy or device assisted enteroscopy (DAE) as is appropriate. This approach has been found to be the most cost effective and least invasive. DAE includes balloon-assisted enteroscopy, [double balloon enteroscopy (DBE), single balloon enteroscopy (SBE) and more recently spiral enteroscopy (SE)]. This review is not going to cover the various other indications of enteroscopy, radiological small bowel investigations nor WCE and limited only to enteroscopy in small bowel Crohn’s. These excluded topics already have comprehensive reviews. Evidence available from randomized controlled trials comparing the various modalities is limited and at best regarded as Grade C or D (based on expert opinion). The evidence suggests that all three DAE modalities have comparable insertion depths, diagnostic and therapeutic efficacies and complication rates, though most favour DBE due to higher rates of total enteroscopy. SE is quicker than DBE, but lower complete enteroscopy rates. SBE has quicker procedural times and is evolving but the least available DAE today. Larger prospective randomised controlled trial’s in the future could help us understand some unanswered areas including the role of BAE in small bowel screening and comparative studies between the main types of enteroscopy in small bowel CD.  相似文献   

目的探讨多层CT小肠造影(MSCTE)与单气囊小肠镜(SBE)在小肠梗阻性病变的诊断价值。方法收集2009年6月-2013年2月临床和/或腹部X线平片疑为小肠梗阻的患者30例。所有患者先行MSCTE检查,根据检查结果选择经口或经肛SBE检查。分析两种检查方法对小肠梗阻性病变的诊断率。结果①MSCTE检查诊断小肠梗阻的灵敏度为85.19%,特异度为66.67%,阳性预测值为95.83%,阴性预测值为33.33%。SBE检查分别为81.48%、100%、100%和37.50%。②MSCTE和SBE检出病变一致性为53.33%(16/30)。③根据MSCTE检查结果选择经口或经肛SBE检查,MSCTE检查阳性指导SBE选择进镜方式正确率高于MSCTE检查阴性(95.83%vs33.33%,P<0.05)。结论 MSCTE和SBE对小肠梗阻的诊断率相当,二者联合应用可提高对小肠梗阻性病变的诊断率。MSCTE检查结果可以指导SBE选择进镜方式。  相似文献   

《Digestive and liver disease》2014,46(12):1099-1102
BackgroundThe “multiple-biopsy” approach both in duodenum and bulb is the best strategy to confirm the diagnosis of celiac disease; however, this increases the invasiveness of the procedure itself and is time-consuming.AimTo evaluate the diagnostic yield of a single biopsy guided by narrow-band imaging combined with water immersion technique in paediatric patients.MethodsProspective assessment of the diagnostic accuracy of narrow-band imaging/water immersion technique-driven biopsy approach versus standard protocol in suspected celiac disease.ResultsThe experimental approach correctly diagnosed 35/40 children with celiac disease, with an overall diagnostic sensitivity of 87.5% (95% CI: 77.3–97.7). An altered pattern of narrow-band imaging/water immersion technique endoscopic visualization was significantly associated with villous atrophy at guided biopsy (Spearman Rho 0.637, p < 0.001). Concordance of narrow-band imaging/water immersion technique endoscopic assessments was high between two operators (K: 0.884). The experimental protocol was highly timesaving compared to the standard protocol.ConclusionsAn altered narrow-band imaging/water immersion technique pattern coupled with high anti-transglutaminase antibodies could allow a single guided biopsy to diagnose celiac disease. When no altered mucosal pattern is visible even by narrow-band imaging/water immersion technique, multiple bulbar and duodenal biopsies should be obtained.  相似文献   

 目的 筛查伴有血清学特征的成人乳糜泻在中国湖北人群特别是腹泻型肠易激综合征(D-IBS)患者中的患病情况。 
方法 依据罗马Ⅲ标准选取282例D-IBS患者,并以296例年龄和性别匹配并且无腹泻症状的体检人群作为对照组,采用ELISA法检测血清IgA/IgG型抗人组织转谷氨酰胺酶/脱酰胺麸朊肽抗体(抗htTG/DGP)水平。血清抗体阳性者建议行去麸质饮食治疗5~6个月,观察临床疗效,并复查血清中抗htTG/DGP水平。
结果 纳入试验的578例研究对象中,血清抗htTG/DGP阳性7例,其中D-IBS组5例(5/282, 1.77%),对照组2例(2/296, 0.68%)。抗htTG/DGP阳性研究对象中,4例同意并进行了平均5.2个月的去麸质饮食治疗,随访观察显示其临床症状均得到明显改善,并伴随血清抗htTG/DGP水平降低。
结论 乳糜泻在中国可能并非罕见疾病,特别是在D-IBS患者乳糜泻发病率更高,因此,在IBS患者中进行乳糜泻血清学筛查具有重要意义。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Capsule endoscopy has a greater diagnostic yield than radiology for detecting subtle inflammatory changes of the small bowel mucosa, but the clinical significance of these abnormalities is still uncertain because of the lack of long-term follow-ups. AIM AND METHODS: To verify the accuracy of capsule endoscopy in a cohort of patients with suspected Crohn's disease of the small bowel, taking as 'gold standard' the final diagnosis made after a long follow-up. From April 2002 to March 2005, we enrolled and examined by capsule endoscopy 27 consecutive patients with abdominal pain and diarrhea lasting more than 3 months and at least one of the following: anaemia, weight loss, fever, extra-intestinal manifestation(s) of inflammatory bowel disease. All patients already had an unremarkable pan-endoscopy, serology for celiac disease and intestinal radiology inconclusive for small bowel abnormality. On the basis of capsule endoscopy findings, patients were distributed in three groups; Group A had severe stricturing lesions requiring surgery; Group B, moderate inflammatory lesions further investigated invasively; Group C, minimal inflammatory changes or normal findings, clinically observed every 3 months (median 21 months, range 15-29). RESULTS: Small bowel inflammatory lesions were found in 16 of the 27 patients (diagnostic yield 59%). Three had surgery (Group A) and Crohn's disease was confirmed in two; the remainder had ileal adenocarcinoma in a pathological context of chronic inflammation. Crohn's disease was histologically confirmed in four of the five patients in Group B. Group C comprised 19 patients; Crohn's disease was confirmed in seven out of eight with positive capsule endoscopy, while only one of the patients with normal findings later developed overt ileal Crohn's disease. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratio were, respectively, 93%, 84%, 5.8 and 0.08. Assuming a 50% pre-test probability of disease, capsule endoscopy gave a post-test probability of 85%. CONCLUSIONS: In our selected cohort, capsule endoscopy was highly sensitive in detecting small bowel inflammatory changes, enhancing by nearly 35% the pre-test probability of structural small bowel disease. Focal erythema and luminal debris may limit the specificity of capsule endoscopy.  相似文献   

AIM To compare the diagnostic accuracy of video capsule endoscopy(VCE) and double-balloon enteroscopy(DBE) in cases of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding(OGIB) of vascular origin.METHODS MEDLINE(via PubMed), LILACS(via BVS) and Cochrane/CENTRAL virtual databases were searched for studies dated before 2017. We identified prospective and retrospective studies, including observational, cohort, single-blinded and multicenter studies, comparing VCE and DBE for the diagnosis of OGIB, and data of all the vascular sources of bleeding were collected. All patients were subjected to the same gold standard method. Relevant data were then extracted from each included study using a standardized extraction form. We calculated study variables(sensitivity, specificity, prevalence, positive and negative predictive values and accuracy) and performed a meta-analysis using Meta-Disc software.RESULTS In the per-patient analysis, 17 studies(1477 lesions) were included. We identified3150 exams(1722 VCE and 1428 DBE) in 2043 patients and identified 2248 sources of bleeding, 1467 of which were from vascular lesions. Of these lesions, 864(58.5%) were diagnosed by VCE, and 613(41.5%) were diagnosed by DBE. The pretest probability for bleeding of vascular origin was 54.34%. The sensitivity of DBE was 84%(95%CI: 0.82-0.86; heterogeneity: 78.00%), and the specificity was92%(95%CI: 0.89-0.94; heterogeneity: 92.0%). For DBE, the positive likelihood ratio was 11.29(95%CI: 4.83-26.40; heterogeneity: 91.6%), and the negative likelihood ratio was 0.20(95%CI: 0.15-0.27; heterogeneity: 67.3%). Performing DBE after CE increased the diagnostic yield of vascular lesion by 7%, from 83% to90%.CONCLUSION The diagnostic accuracy of detecting small bowel bleeding from a vascular source is increased with the use of an isolated video capsule endoscope compared with isolated DBE. However, concomitant use increases the detection rate of the bleeding source.  相似文献   

单气囊小肠镜在小肠疾病诊疗中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨单气囊小肠镜(SBE)在小肠疾病诊疗中的作用。方法对我院2009年4月~2010年10月84例怀疑小肠疾病的患者行SBE,并对检查结果进行分析。结果所有患者均无严重操作相关并发症,对SBE检查耐受性好。84例患者中67例检出阳性病灶,总体阳性率79.76%;不明原因消化道出血25例,发现阳性病灶者23例,确诊率92%;18例行外科手术治疗,15例行内镜下治疗。结论 SBE是一种对小肠疾病诊断价值较高、安全可靠、操作相对简单的检查手段。  相似文献   

胶囊内镜诊断小肠克罗恩病的应用研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
目的 探讨胶囊内镜在小肠克罗恩病诊断中的应用价值。方法 对20例其它检查正常但临床症状疑似小肠克罗恩病的患者进行胶囊内镜检查,这些患者伴有不同程度腹痛、消瘦、大便隐血阳性、缺铁性贫血、腹泻或发热等症状体征,平均持续6.5年。结果20例患者中共发现克罗恩病13例,胶囊内镜下表现包括黏膜糜烂(2例)、口疮样溃疡(5例)、肉芽肿性结节样病变(1例),大溃疡(2例)和溃疡伴肠腔不完全狭窄(3例)。结论 胶囊内镜对经传统方法未能检出的疑似小肠克罗恩病具有较高的检出率,尤其是对疾病早期和对轻型患者的诊断具有明显优越性。  相似文献   



Serological studies suggest that celiac disease may be present in approximately 0.5% to 1% of the North American population. Screening data based on small intestinal biopsy performed during routine endoscopic evaluations are not available.


Patients referred between January 1982 and December 2011 for evaluation of gastrointestinal symptoms and requiring elective investigative upper endoscopic evaluation underwent duodenal biopsies to determine whether changes of adult celiac disease were present.


A total of 9665 patients, including 4008 (41.5%) males and 5657 (68.5%) females, underwent elective endoscopies and duodenal biopsies. Of these, 234 (2.4%) exhibited changes of celiac disease including 73 males (1.8%) and 161 females (2.8%). During the first 20 years, the number of biopsy-positive patients in five-year intervals progressively decreased and, subsequently, during the next 10 years, the number progressively increased.


Celiac disease is far more common in specialist practice than has been suggested in the evaluation of healthy populations using serological screening studies. Endoscopic duodenal biopsy is an important method of identifying underlying celiac disease and should be routinely considered in all patients undergoing an elective endoscopic evaluation. Noninherited factors, possibly environmental, may play a role in the appearance of biopsy-defined celiac disease and alter detection over time.  相似文献   

胶囊内镜检查对小肠疾病的诊断价值   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
目的 评估胶囊内镜在小肠疾病诊断中的应用价值。方法 对经胃镜、全结肠镜、小肠镜、全消化道钡餐检查、腹部血管造影等检查无阳性发现的23例病变疑在小肠的患者,应用胶囊内镜进行小肠检查,评估胶囊内镜检查在小肠疾病诊断中的应用价值。结果 23例患者进行了24次胶囊内镜检查,1例因胶囊内镜滞留在食管下段而进行第2次检查,检查过程中患者无任何不适。23例中20例发现病变,病变检出率为86.8%,其中4例存在2种病变。小肠炎症性疾病10例,血管病变9例,黏膜下结节2例,憩室2例,问质细胞瘤1例。19次胶囊内镜向前摄影,4次向后摄影。17例通过回盲瓣进入盲肠(73.9%)。结论 胶囊内镜小肠黏膜摄影图像清晰,检查安全方便,病变检出率高,有很好的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the densities of dendritic cells(DCs) and FOXP3+ regulatory T cells(Tregs) and their interrelations in the small bowel mucosa in untreated celiac disease(CD) patients with and without type 1 diabetes(T1D).METHODS: Seventy-four patients(45 female, 29 male, mean age 11.1 ± 6.8 years) who underwent small bowel biopsy were studied. CD without T1 D was diagnosed in 18 patients, and CD with T1 D was diagnosed in 15 patients. Normal small bowel mucosa was found in two T1 D patients. Thirty-nine patients(mean age 12.8 ± 4.9 years) with other diagnoses(functional dyspepsia, duodenal ulcer, erosive gastritis, etc.) formed the control group. All CD patients had partial or subtotal villous atrophy according to the Marsh classification: Marsh grade Ⅲa in 9, grade Ⅲb in 21 and grade Ⅲc in 3 cases. Thirty-nine patients without CD and 2 with T1 D had normal small bowel mucosa(Marsh grade 0). The densities of CD11c+, IDO+, CD103+, Langerin(CD207+) DCs and FOXP3+ Tregs were investigated by immunohistochemistry(on paraffin-embedded specimens) and immunofluorescence(on cryostat sections) methods using a combination of mono- and double-staining. Sixtysixserum samples were tested for Ig A-tissue transglutaminase(t TG) using a fully automated Eli ATM Celikey Ig A assay(Pharmacia Diagnostics, Freiburg, Germany). RESULTS: The density of CD11c+ DCs was significantly increased in CD patients compared with patients with normal mucosa(21.67 ± 2.49 vs 13.58 ± 1.51, P = 0.007). The numbers of FOXP3+ cells were significantly higher in CD patients(10.66 ± 1.50 vs 1.92 ± 0.37, P = 0.0002) and in patients with CD and coexisting T1D(8.11 ± 1.64 vs 1.92 ± 0.37, P = 0.002) compared with patients with normal mucosa. The density of FOXP3+ cells significantly correlated with the histologicalgrade of atrophic changes in the small bowel mucosa according to the March classification(r = 0.62; P 0.0001) and with levels of Ig A antibody(r = 0.55; P 0.0001). The densities of IDO+ DCs were significantly higher in CD patients(21.6 ± 2.67 vs 6.26 ± 0.84, P = 0.00003) and in patients with CD and coexisting T1D(19.08 ± 3.61 vs 6.26 ± 0.84, P = 0.004) compared with patients with normal mucosa. A significant correlation was identified between the densities of IDO+ DCs and FOXP3+ T cells(r = 0.76; P = 0.0001). The mean values of CD103+ DCs were significantly higher in CD patients(10.66 ± 1.53 vs 6.34 ± 0.61, P = 0.01) and in patients with CD and associated T1D(11.13 ± 0.72 vs 6.34 ± 0.61, P = 0.00002) compared with subjects with normal small bowel mucosa. The mean value of Langerin+ DCs was higher in CD patients compared with persons with normal mucosa(7.4 ± 0.92 vs 5.64 ± 0.46, P = 0.04).CONCLUSION: The participation of diverse DC subsets in the pathological processes of CD and the possible involvement of tolerogenic DCs in Tregs development to maintain intestinal immunological tolerance in CD patients are revealed.  相似文献   

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a highly prevalent disorder characterized by nonspecific symptoms that can mimic other common medical conditions. A careful history and physical examination may reveal clues that suggest a coexisting or alternative diagnosis, such as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or celiac disease (CD). Testing for bacterial overgrowth has limitations, but emerging data suggest that antibiotics may be of some benefit in patients with IBS with diarrhea and bloating. CD seems to have a higher prevalence in patients with IBS. Some patients with IBS may have symptomatic improvement on gluten-restricted diets, without histologic or serologic evidence of CD.  相似文献   

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