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We studied the ultrastructural changes of the corneal epithelium of the experimental rabbit dry eye and the effects of three topically applied eye-drops. Fourty rabbits were divided into experimental rabbit dry eye group, 0.1% bromhexine-treated group, 50% Chinese medicinal herb-treated group and 0.01% retinoic acid-treated group. Ten days after surgical removal of lacrimal gland, nictitating membrane and Harder's gland of the rabbit eyes, and corroding the conjunctiva with 50% trichloroacetic acid, the rabbit eyes showed typical dry eye signs. A lot of pathologic ultrastructural changes of the corneal epithelium were observed. Fourteen days after topically applying the three eye-drops, no significant effect was found on the ultrastructural changes of the dry eye corneal epithelium in the 0.1% bromhexine-treated and 50% Chinese medicinal herb-treated groups. However, in the 0.01% retinoic acid-treated eyes, normal microvilli and microplicae reappeared, denuded corneal epithelium was covered by new epithelial cells, no cell swelled, degenerated mitochondria recovered, basement membrane returned completely, and the completely recovered corneal epithelial cell count showed a significant difference compared with the control (P < 0.01). We conclude that removing the lacrimal gland, nictitating membrane and Harder's gland of rabbit eye, and corroding the conjunctiva with 50% trichloroacetic acid can result in rabbit dry eye and topically applying 0.01% retinoic acid can promote the recovery of the dry corneal epithelium.

<正>The year (2022) marks the 135th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Medical Journal. Over the past 135 years, the journal has witnessed tremendous changes in the health conditions of the Chines  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the value of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of neurilemmoma of the brachial plexus. Methods Preoperative MRI images of 36 consecutive eases of neurliemmornas of the brachial plexus, proven surgically and pathologically, were reviewed. The MRI findings were analyzed for location, size, margin, signal intensity, contrast enhancement of the mass, and the extent of the lesions. Results The roots, trunks, and various divisions of the brachial plexus appeared as linear structures with low signal intensity on MR images obtained with all sequences. All patients had large schwannomas (mean size 〉 4.9 cm in diameter) presenting as masses along a braehial plexus nerve root as explored by MRI. 30 cases of the masses exhibited spindle or oblong shape with well-defined margins. 16 cases appeared as homogeneous hypo-or iso-intense to muscle in T1-wei- hgted images, hyper-intense in T2-weighted images, and moderate contrast enhancement after abministmtion of contrast media. 20 lesions were hypo-isointense to muscle on T1-weighted images and heterogeneous hyper-intense on T2-weighted images which may have central areas with low signal intensity, the so-called "target sign", and enhance intensely after administration of gadolinium-based contrast material. Conclusion The locations, morphologic features and MR signal characteristics are useful in making a proper preoperative diagnosis of neurilemmomas of the brachial plexus. 6 refs, 1 fig.  相似文献   

The role of bcl-2 in the pathogenesis of colorectal tumor were studied.The expression of bcl-2 in the colorectal carcinoma and incisional edge tissue of tumor was detected by using SABC method.The results showed that the positive rate of bcl-2 was 69.6% in colorectal carcinoma and 47.6% in the incisional edge tissue respectively, with the difference being very significant (P=0.001).Bcl-2 positive rate was associated with Dukes‘ stage ,but had nothing to do with histo-logical classification.It was concluded that bcl-2 might play a significant role in the development of colorectal carcinoma.  相似文献   

Autografts of skin of 3 rabbits were embedded in the subcutis of their backs.Samplingswere separately taken 2,4,6,8,10 and 12 d after grafting,A dynamic observation of the effectsof the anti-keratin autoantibodies(AK auto Ab)on the autoepidermis was made by HE,directimmunofluorescence(DIF)and peroxidase-antiperoxidase(PAP)stainings on frozen sections.It wasshown that the embedded autoepidermis could rapidly proliferate,extend and surround the keratinto form cysts.The specific IgG deposition was seen near the stratum corneum before the epidermiswas proliferated,and also there were obvious increases of IgG deposited in the granular layer ofproliferated epidermis,keratin and exfoliative keratinocytoplasm.But,after the keratin wascompletely blocked,it was found that the IgG decreased in the above areas.It is suggested that theconjugation of AK auto Ab with keratin may provide the earliest“biological information”of theabove-described reaction of epidermis.Dyskeratotic cells and hyaline corpuscles may be the resultsof interaction of the AK auto Ab of the exfoliative keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were applied to identify the subsets in endometrial biopsies from the infertile women. All the subpopulations of leukocyte were found with variable amoants and ratios of T helper to T suppressor cells in different phases of menstrual cycie, The NKH-1 positive cells were the dominant component composing up to 50-70% of endometrial leukocyte followed by maerophages. B lymphoeytes andgranular cells were rare in endometrial biopsies studied.The possible significance of the abundance NKH-1 positive cells and macrophages as well as the fluctuation of the ratio of T helper to T suppressor cells during the menstrual cycle were discussed。  相似文献   



As the risk of early stroke following transient ischaemic attack (TIA) is increasingly recognised, the management of patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of TIA presents a clinical challenge.


Analysis of prospectively collected data on patients referred to a TIA clinic in St. Vincent’s University Hospital, between January 2003 and July 2004.


One-hundred- and -seventeen (117) patients (mean age 75.5 years) were assessed. The majority (79%) were referred from Accident and Emergency and 61% were seen within one week of referral. Seventy-two patients (62%) had a final diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease (56 TIA, 16 completed strokes), of whom five (7%) and four (5.5%) had severe (> 70%) and moderate (> 50%) symptomatic carotid artery stenosis, respectively, whilst seven patients (10%) had newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation, five of whom were anticoagulated. Non-cerebrovascular diagnoses were made in twenty-seven patients (24%).


A TIA clinic, in co-ordination with Accident &; Emergency Services, provides a safe and efficient alternative to hospital admission for patients with TIA symptoms and a low early stroke risk.  相似文献   

The greatest risks to mammalian pregnancy occur during the peri-implantation period (passage through the uterotubal junction,blastulation,zona shedding,embryonic signaling and recognition,blastocyst attachment,postattachment events initiating placentation).Conventional markers and screening methods do not provide the means to clarify the relationship between exposure of a reproductively competent woman to a xenobiotic compound and the specific error in the functional expression of an embryogenetic process identified by impairment or deletion of that process.Laboratory models which provide the flexibility of in vitro culture methods and allow integration of cellular and molecular techniques have identified cell-specific,stage-specific markers tha could focus on the mechanism of xenobiotic action.In vitro models have been used to define postattachment trophoblast cell differentiation.Trophoblast specific peptide hormones prove to be valid markers of established pregnancy.They provide no assessment of the risk to the embryo during the peri-implantation period.The relationship between developmental time of exposure and risk is discussed in terms of trophoblast differentiation.  相似文献   

The revival of the ancient drug—arsenic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arsenic, a natural substance, has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine for more than a thousand years. However, this medicine fell into disuse in the 1930s following the advent of radiotherapy and conventional cytotoxic drugs and reports about arsenic poisoning from its long-term low-dose ingestion. Until the late 1970s, it had its rebirth when a series of research papers from China described the successful application of  相似文献   

The toxicity of 4000 ppm(96h LC50 value)of the inorganic fertilizaer ammonium sulphate on the epidermis of Heteropneustes fossilis(H.fossilis)at different intervals of time has been studied.The destruction induced by the ammonium salt is massive.Secretion of a copious amount of slime from the goblet mucous cells leading to their exhaustion and/or shedding and subsequent disappearance is perhaps the first reaction to the toxicity of the irritant.Later,the polygonal epithelial cells of the outermost layer show cyclic stages of necrosis and sloughing followed by their regeneration and repair.The contents of the club cells show enormous shrinkage and condensation with subsequent replacement of their areas with a hazy substance.In the earlier stages of exposure,regeneration takes place quickly,side by side with the degenerative changes at different stages of experimentation.Later after 8 50 10d,the degenerative changes slow down and the epideris appears identical to that of the normal skin.Goblet mucous cells also showed several cyclic increases followed by decreases in number and activity.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the short-term therapeutic effect of the three-part massotherapy on insomnia due to deficiency of both the heart and spleen. Methods: Two hundred cases were randomly divided into a treatment group and a control group, each consisting of 100 cases. Patients in the treatment group were treated with the three-part massotherapy, while those in the control group with oral administration of Guipi Wan (归脾丸 Pill for Invigorating the Spleen and Nourishing the Heart). The total clinical therapeutic effects, the total scores of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), and Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) of the treatment group were compared with those of the control group. Results: After the treatment, the total therapeutic effects, PSQI, SAS, and SDS of the two groups all showed significant improvement (P<0.01), and the scores of the treatment group were superior to those of the control group (P<0.01). Conclusion: The three-part massotherapy has definite therapeutic effects on insomnia due to deficiency of both the heart and the spleen, which is safe and easy to operate, and worthy of popularization.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONLead(Pb' )poisoningremainsasignificantpublichealthproblemtochildrenbecauseofitsneurotoxicity.Inhumans,exposureleadingtobloodPb2 levelsaslow'as1OUg/1oOmlhasbeenshowntocausesignificantimpairmentofcognitivefunc-tions'andsignificantdelaysinbehavioraldevelopment(Bellingeretal.,1989;DavisandSvendsgaard,1987;NeedlemanandGatsonis,199O).Similarly,animalstudieshaveindicatedthatexposuretolowlevelsofPb2 duringdevelopmentproducescogni-tivedysfunctioninthepresenceofbloodPb2 valuesof15-…  相似文献   

Rats of both sexes were fed on a basal feed containing 1% refined konjac meal(RKM)for 18 months and the effects of RKM on the cell aging were observed.A comparable group fed on the basic feed was used as the control.Results obtained demonstrate that the long-term feeding of RKM to rats can delay the course of cell aging of the gliocyte,cadiomyocyte,and the endothelial cell of the large and medium arteriases,hence it is likely to delay the occurrence of arteriosclerosis and improve the functions of the brain,heart and vascular system.  相似文献   

Monascus purpureus is a fungus that has been tradi-tionally used in China for thousands of years to produce ricewine . Traditionally the fungus is used to ferment non-gluti-nous cooking of rice ,to produce a kind of famous red ricewine .Its main traditional indications consist of disordersdue to the accumulation of fats (nosologically linked withthe problems of stasis of circulation in traditional Chinesemedicine) ,liver disorders and some forms of tumor as ithelps i mprove the circulation of …  相似文献   

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