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The professions of law and medicine exert a profound influence on sexual attitudes and behaviour in our society. Previous reported studies of legal and medical students found no differences in sexual knowledge for entering first-year students. However, in this study, a sample of 160 medical and seventy-nine law students revealed significant differences in knowledge and attitudes about sexuality. The data indicate that a gender-linked double standard of acceptable behaviour is not present. Results further reinforce the necessity of medical sex education.  相似文献   

多元统计在大学生性相关知识,观念和行为研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄子杰  王志萍 《中国校医》1998,12(4):246-248
目的根据数学模型提出解决大学生性问题的相应对策。方法采用KAB(知识、观念和行为)研究法收集大学生性相关知识、观念和行为的资料,应用多元统计技术(主要包括聚类分析和判别分析),获取行为与知识和观念的函数关系。结果从判别函数的关系表达上和因素贡献率大小上可知,大学生的直接性行为主要取决于观念因素,间接性行为主要取决于知识因素。结论判别函数有助于筛检性行为存在问题的大学生,从而使教育工作者有针对性地进行道德伦理教育和全面准确的性知识教育,以促进大学生树立正确的性行为模式。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between sex role identity and attitudes toward sexuality. The following hypotheses were tested and confirmed: males would have more positive attitudes toward sexuality than females, androgynous females would have more positive attitudes toward sexuality than feminine females, and androgynous males would have more positive attitudes toward sexuality than masculine males. The data suggest that androgynous individuals have more positive attitudes toward sexuality than individuals who are traditionally sex typed. Implications for these data are that people who have adopted an alternative sex role identity are better adjusted to or more comfortable with their sexuality.  相似文献   

The attitudes of health professionals toward sexuality and disability have recently been under much scrutiny. These attitudes have been characterized as essentially negative. This study was undertaken in an attempt to clarify the relationship between attitudes toward sexuality, attitudes toward disability and attitudes toward the sexual behavior of the disabled.Fifty-three health professionals from three rehabilitation centers served as subjects. Subjects completed a research packet that included theAttitude Toward Disabled Persons Test, Sex Knowledge and Attitude Test and a researcher-designed Attitude Toward Sexual Behavior of the Disabled semantic differential.It was found that attitudes toward disability did not correlate with sex knowledge, attitudes or with attitudes toward the sexual behavior of the disabled. Attitudes toward the sexual behavior of the disabled is best predicted by attitudes toward premarital and extramartial sex and attitudes toward autoeroticism.The data indicate that attitudes toward the sexual behavior of the disabled are associated more with fundamental sex attitudes than with attitudes toward disability. Sex knowledge is not related to attitudes toward sexual behavior of the disabled. It was recommended that programs designed to change attitudes toward sexual behavior of the disabled should focus on attitudes as opposed to knowledge.She is also project director for the Sexual Adjustment Counseling Services project at George Washington University.The original research was conducted under the support of the University of North Carolina Medical School, Department of Allied Health Professions. Preparation of this article was supported by Department of Health, Education & Welfare Grant #RSA 15-P-57882/3-03.The author wishes to extend personal thanks to Debra Cornelius and Elaine Makas for their assistance in preparing this article.  相似文献   

【目的】了解青少年性态度取向与性行为的发展及交互作用,为有效促进青少年全面健康的性发育提供必要的理论依据。【方法】采取自我报告式问卷。以整群抽样的方法对北京市某城区1408名初高中学生进行调查。【结果】研究发现城市中学生呈现出在对自身、同性、异性及有关性问题的等多方面的态度反映,并存在对某种性问题态度的取向偏差,而性态度取向与性行为发生具有一定关联。【结论】不断帮助青少年发展完善的性观念和性态度,有助于减少性行为的发生。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study has been to evaluate the prevalence of smoking habit, knowledge on the adverse health effects and attitudes towards it among nurses students in their three years of study (University School of Girona). A self-administrated questionnaire was used. A total of 135 questionnaires were answered (88%) from an estimated available population of 154 students (94% females with 21 years old of mean age). The prevalence of current smoking was 34.3%; ex smokers 23.3% and non smokers 42.5%. The mean of tobacco consumption was 367.6 cigarettes/month. 92% no smokers, 91% ex smokers and 76% smokers thought that smoking has adverse health effects (p less than 0.001). They consider the health protection like the first reason to give up smoking. 38% will advise their healthy smokers patients about the risk of their habit. We conclude: 1.-Low prevalence of smoking habit; 2.-Nurses should know methods aimed at lowering smoking rates, assuming that they have determined influence on the population behavior.  相似文献   

广州市中学生性知识、态度和行为的相关关系分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 为有关部门制订中学生性健康教育内容提供依据。方法 应用对数线形模型、多元方差分析、聚类分析、x^2检验等统计方法分析性知识、性态度和性行为的相关关系。结果 从数学角度表明性知识各内容、性知识和性态度、性态度和性行为间存在较强的相关关系。结论 性健康知识教育内容设置时可突出重点,应重视性态度开放的学生,对其加强性道德观念教育。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the effect of teaching unit about sexuality-and sexual health on Zagazig University nursing students' knowledge. The sample included all student nurses (0=200) in the obstetric and Gynaecology nursing course during the 1st semester of the 3rd academic year (1999). Two tools were used for data collection; the first tool was a questionnaire to assess the student's knowledge about sexuality and sexual health e.g. Anatomy and physiology of female and male reproductive systems, the tool was given to the students twice; before and after conducting the teaching unit. The results concluded that the majority of the students lacked knowledge in all study parameters before the teaching unit. The students' knowledge showed a significant improvement after the teaching unit. It can be recommended that sex education and sexual health should be included in the university nursing curriculum.  相似文献   

Current research on sexuality in the aged suffers from a lack of measuring instruments designed to assess the particular aspects of sexual knowledge and attitudes as they relate to the aged. The present scale is the result of several studies of sexual functioning in the aged, including intervention research, utilizing the Aging Sexuality Knowledge and Attitudes Scale (ASKAS) with aged persons, families of aged persons, and people who work with the aged. All findings support the validity and reliability of the scale in assessing sexual attitudes and sexual knowledge with specific reference to the aged. Significant changes in scale scores following intervention and significant relationships of sexual behavior to scale scores follow predicted directions. A factor analysis supported the two dimensions of attitudes and knowledge in the instrument.The present research was partially supported by an Andrus Foundation Grant to the author, and by an NIMH Grant to the author. The support of NIMH and the Andrus Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Due to the dearth of knowledge in the literature related to any aspect of AIDS in the deaf community, a sample (N=84) of deaf undergraduate students at Gallaudet University was surveyed in order to determine levels of AIDS knowledge, AIDS-related attitudes and sexual behavior patterns among the sample. Results indicate that the students in the sample have relatively high levels of general knowledge about AIDS. However, the high levels of AIDS knowledge-and a reported moderate degree of comfort in discussing safe sex issues with sexual partners—among this sample do not correlate with less risky sexual behaviors. Results indicate that many of the students may be placing themselves at risk for AIDS and other sexually-transmitted diseases. Implications of the study for social workers and other practitioners are presented and suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

目的了解初中生性知识、性态度、性行为和性知识获取渠道及其相关影响因素,为性教育课程建设与实践提供参考。方法采用分层整群抽样的方法,在安徽、福建、甘肃、广西、河南、新疆、云南、浙江、北京抽取7 341名初中生,采用自编问卷对初中生性知识、态度和行为进行调查。结果初中生性知识得分为(61.71±18.79)分,及格率为59.02%,优良率为18.53%;初中生对性少数群体的态度为(65.44±20.01)分,对性与健康行为的态度为(67.04±49.23)分,对性与关系和行为的态度为(70.75±10.46)分;初中生具有恋爱需求与行为(18.70%),已有部分初中生发生了诸如接吻(13.80%)、触摸敏感部位(6.70%)和性交(2.20%)等性行为。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,学校性知识获取程度与学生的性知识水平正性相关(OR=2.11,P<0.05)。结论初中生存在与性有关的需求和行为,但性知识掌握情况不容乐观;初中生的性知识与性态度存在地区、年级和性别差异;学校应加强性教育课程建设与实践,促进初中生的性健康发展。  相似文献   

Dietetics professionals in Wisconsin (n = 687) were surveyed to assess their knowledge, attitudes, practices, experience, and educational interests regarding cholesterol management. The survey, conducted to guide the development of cholesterol education programming in the state, found that most dietetics professionals are familiar with and support the guidelines of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP). Ninety-three percent of dietetics professionals responding to the survey believe that reducing serum cholesterol levels will reduce the risk of heart disease; the same percentage of respondents were familiar with NCEP guidelines for detecting and treating blood cholesterol levels and knew which cholesterol levels should be treated. Seventy-three percent were familiar with the American Heart Association step 1 diet, and 69% were familiar with the step 2 diet. On average, survey respondents defined a cholesterol level of 6.12 mmol/L as “high risk”; this value is almost identical to the NCEP definition. Respondents were optimistic about patients' ability to reduce their blood cholesterol levels through dietary modifications. Dietetics professionals are interested in education on cholesterol management, although individual educational interests vary depending on the respondent's area of practice.  相似文献   

A human sexuality course for clinical students in Oxford was held based on the format of similar courses held in the U.S.A. with one-and-a-half days of films and lectures followed by discussion in small groups. The course was largely successful and evaluation of attitudes and knowledge revealed that significant preliminary changes resulted. Students who failed to complete the course had more inhibited attitudes towards sexuality and less sexual information compared with those who attended the whole course. Advice is given to those intending to hold such a course elsewhere, including how more inhibited students, who probably are most in need of such teaching, might be encouraged to participate.  相似文献   

General practitioners (GPs), obstetrician-gynecologists, urologists, psychiatrists and clinical psychologists (total N = 202) were randomly surveyed to assess their knowledge of the syndrome of transsexuality and their attitudes toward transsexual patients and sex reassignment surgery. A low return rate, though, requires that the present data be interpreted prudently. Where possible, the current findings were compared with the attitudinal data published in 1966 by Green, Stoller and MacAndrew. Over this interval an increasingly liberal and favorable trend in attitudes was noted amongst all medical specialties. 'Liberal' refers to a willingness to recommend a surgical remedy and 'favorable' refers to a less psychopathological perspective of the syndrome and greater social acceptance of these individuals. In the present sample GPs tend to hold the most conservative views, while clinical psychologists consistently endorse the most liberal positions. No differences emerged among the five groups of health care professionals on the factual knowledge assessment.  相似文献   

This study, based on a random sample of adults in a rural North Carolina county, demonstrates racial differences in rural adults' attitudes relating to adolescent sexual issues. Blacks were 50% more likely than Whites to indicate that public schools should provide general health care services, including pregnancy testing and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, to teenagers; however, they were only half as likely as Whites to approve of sexual experimentation by adolescents. The local community's attitudes must be considered in the implementation of rural adolescent health programs, including acquired immunodeficiency syndrome education.  相似文献   

  目的  了解中国初中生全面性教育知识水平现况,分析相关影响因素,为今后实施基于学校的性教育或全面性教育提供科学依据。  方法  2021年9—10月,使用方便抽样法,在北京、辽宁、四川、重庆、云南、河南等地,使用线上电子问卷对4 545名初一至初三的学生开展横断面调查。问卷包含一般人口学信息、主观社会地位、在家庭与学校接受性教育情况、欺凌情况、全面性教育相关知识、全面性教育相关态度、全面性教育相关行为、全面性教育需求等。  结果  研究对象全面性教育知识平均分为(12.21±3.10)分,按照百分制换算为(71.82±18.21)分,不同年级、性别学生得分差异有统计学意义(P值均 < 0.01),初三学生得分较高[(12.69±2.99)分],女生得分较高[(12.28±3.01)分];在家接受过性教育的学生得分较高[(12.67±2.88)分],在校接受过性教育的学生得分较高[(12.63±2.91)分],主动在网上搜索过性教育相关内容与知识得分较高[(12.71±2.94)分](t值分别为35.10,28.78,10.55,P值均 < 0.01)。多元线性回归以及Logistic回归分析显示,“是否在家接受过性教育”“是否在校接受过性教育”“是否主动上网搜索过性教育相关内容”“是否有必要开展全面性教育”与全面性教育知识得分关联有统计学意义;“自我报告欺凌过他人”与“主观社会地位”得分、问题2的正确率、“是否会对第二性征发育感到害羞自卑”关联有统计学意义(P值均 < 0.01)。  结论  目前中国的初中生全面性教育知识水平有待提高,不同地区性教育实施程度不同,开展学校性教育有助于提升学生全面性教育知识水平。  相似文献   

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