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Six-week-old male F344 rats were each given an injection once iv of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea [(MNU) CAS: 684-93-5] at a dose of 41.2 mg/kg body weight. Two weeks later, groups of rats were placed on iodine-deficient (ID) or iodine-adequate (IA) diets and then sacrificed at 20 and 33 weeks. Other groups received ID or IA diets without MNU. For localizing thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and prolactin, sections of pituitary glands were stained by the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex technique with the use of anti-rat TSH or prolactin antibody. At 20 weeks, rats receiving MNU and ID diets had a 100% incidence of diffuse follicular goiter and multiple follicular adenomas of the thyroid. Focal proliferative thyroid follicular lesions including focal hyperplasias and adenomas per square centimeter of thyroid gland were significantly increased in rats given MNU and ID diets in comparison with rats given MNU and IA diets. At 33 weeks, all MNU rats on ID diets had a significantly increased incidence of thyroid carcinoma of the follicular or papillary types and diffuse pituitary thyrotroph hyperplasia, hypertrophy, and vacuolar degeneration. Rats fed ID diets without MNU had diffuse follicular goiter but no tumors at any time period. MNU given alone in rats fed IA diets induced a 10% incidence of single thyroid adenomas at 20 weeks and 70% at 33 weeks and a 10% incidence of thyroid carcinoma at 33 weeks. Tumors induced in other organs by MNU were not affected by the ID diets. Thus this experiment provided evidence that ID diets are potent promoters of thyroid tumors in this system, but the ID diet itself without carcinogen was not carcinogenic under the conditions of the study.  相似文献   

Aged female F344/NCr rats were exposed to phenobarbital (PB),500 p.p.m. in the drinking water, from 26 months of age, forperiods of 4, 8 or 9–27 weeks. In groups of control andPB-exposed rats sacrificed at these time periods the numberand volume of basophilic and eosinophilic focal hepatocellularproliferative lesions (FHPL), including altered foci and adenomasin hematoxylin- and eosin-stained sections and FHPL identifiedhistochemically by their content of -glutamyl transpeptidase(GGT), were determined using computerized image analysis. Tritiatedthymidine [3H]TdR was injected prior to sacrifice to determinelabeling indices (LI) of normal hepatocytes and hepatocytesin FHPL. Rats receiving PB had significantly increased numbersand volumes of eosinophilic and GGT-positive FHPL while thenumbers and volumes of the common basophilic FHPL seen in controlswere not affected by PB exposure. The LI of all FHPL were higherthan that of normal hepatocytes, but PB exposure did not affectthe LI of basophilic FHPL. An uncommon GGT-positive FHPL foundin control rats was detected in zone 1 of the hepatic acinus,a similar location of the GGT-positive eosinophilic FHPL seenin PB-exposed rats, while the common basophilic FHPL was observedin zones 1–3. These findings suggest that PB does notpromote the growth or development of the common naturally occurringbasophilic FHPL but either promotes the uncommon GGT-positiveFHPL or induces new FHPL de novo.  相似文献   

Groups of 6-wk-old male F344/NCr rats received a single i.v. injection of either vehicle or N-nitrosomethylurea (Cas: 684-93-5) (MNU) at a dose of 41.2 mg/kg body weight. Two wk later, groups of rats were placed on iodine-deficient, iodine-adequate, or commercial (Wayne Lab Blox) diets, or one of these diets and without previous MNU injection. Animals were sacrificed at either 52 or 77 wk, or when they became moribund. Carcinogen-treated rats on the iodine-deficient diet for up to 52 wk had significantly increased thyroid gland weights and increased incidences of both thyroid follicular cell carcinoma (90%) and diffuse pituitary thyrotroph hyperplasia (90%) at 52 wk. The majority of the follicular carcinomas were transplantable and invasive into the mammary fat pad of weanling F344/NCr rats. No other tumors induced by MNU were affected by the iodine-deficient diets. Rats fed the iodine-deficient diet without MNU injection had a 40% incidence of thyroid follicular adenomas at 52 wk and 60% at 77 wk, and a 10% incidence of follicular carcinomas at 77 wk. Thus this experiment provided evidence that the iodine-deficient diet is a potent promoter of thyroid tumors initiated by MNU and carcinogenic by itself. In addition, pituitary tumors were found in 29 of the 58 rats treated with the carcinogen alone, compared to only 3 of the 20 rats in the control groups. The vast majority of these pituitary tumors contained prolactin that was demonstrable by the avidin:biotin:peroxidase complex immunocytochemical technique.  相似文献   

Bladder tumors were induced in male F344/NCr rats by administration of N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN) at 500 p.p.m. in their drinking water for 12 weeks. Twenty-one bladder tumors that developed between 25 and 50 weeks after BBN administration was begun were evaluated for immunoreactivity with polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies raised against ras p21, for amplification of ras genes by Southern blotting, and for activating point mutations in ras genes by selective oligonucleotide hybridization of products from polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Increased expression of ras p21 was detected by avidin-biotin immunohistochemistry in 18/21 (85%) of the neoplastic bladder lesions. By Southern analysis, there was no significant amplification of H-ras, K-ras or N-ras in any of the tumors except one that showed a 5-fold amplification of K-ras. Point mutations in ras genes were detected by selective oligonucleotide hybridization of the products of PCR. Of the 21 bladder tumors, three tumors were shown to have mutations in codon 12 (GGA----GAA), six tumors in codon 61 (two CAA----CTA, four CAA----CGA), and one in both codon 12 (GGA----GAA) and codon 61 (CAA----CGA), all in H-ras. Thus 10 of 21 tumors has ras gene mutations in a portion of the tumor cells. The variable pattern of point mutation in H-ras suggests that these mutations may not all be a direct consequence of interaction of BBN metabolites with H-ras. Enhanced expression of ras p21 was always focal and was not necessarily associated with transforming ras mutations. It is therefore suggested that tumorigenesis in BBN-initiated bladder cells might involve H-ras activation as part of a multistep pathway; however, H-ras involvement is not obligatory for tumor development.  相似文献   

S Morii  Y Naka  T Inui  H Shintani 《Cancer research》1988,48(15):4395-4398
Thirty 18-month-old male F344/DuCrj rats were divided into the following groups: 10 untreated controls; eight vehicle-injected controls; and 12 ethanedimethanesulfonate (EDS)-injected rats. Untreated controls were killed immediately to check for testicular tumor incidence. In rats of the test group, a 75-mg/kg dose of EDS dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide:water (1:3) was injected i.p. At intervals of 1, 2, 3, and 10 days after injection, two vehicle-injected control rats and three EDS-injected rats were sacrificed, and the testes were fixed by vascular perfusion. The midsagittal sections of all the fixed testes were examined to determine the incidence of macroscopic Leydig cell tumors, and some tumor tissues of the injection-treated groups were also investigated ultrastructurally. In 28 of 30 animals, a total of 78 Leydig cell tumors could be distinguished. Extensive and severe necrotic alterations accompanying fresh, multiple hemorrhages in early stages and reparative changes in later stages could be observed in a total of 78% of the 32 tumors examined from the EDS-injected group. The tumor cells exhibited ultrastructurally degenerative changes such as chromatin condensation and cytoplasmic vacuolation from 1 day after EDS injection. Therefore, EDS may be a necrotic agent for rat Leydig cell tumor.  相似文献   

The modifying effect of dietary administration of the polyphenolic antioxidant flavonoid silymarin, isolated from milk thistle [Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertneri], on AOM-induced colon carcinogenesis was investigated in male F344 rats. In the short-term study, the effects of silymarin on the development of AOM-induced colonic ACF, being putative precursor lesions for colonic adenocarcinoma, were assayed to predict the modifying effects of dietary silymarin on colon tumorigenesis. Also, the activity of detoxifying enzymes (GST and QR) in liver and colonic mucosa was determined in rats gavaged with silymarin. Subsequently, the possible inhibitory effects of dietary feeding of silymarin on AOM-induced colon carcinogenesis were evaluated using a long-term animal experiment. In the short-term study, dietary administration of silymarin (100, 500 and 1,000 ppm in diet), either during or after carcinogen exposure, for 4 weeks caused significant reduction in the frequency of colonic ACF in a dose-dependent manner. Silymarin given by gavage elevated the activity of detoxifying enzymes in both organs. In the long-term experiment, dietary feeding of silymarin (100 and 500 ppm) during the initiation or postinitiation phase of AOM-induced colon carcinogenesis reduced the incidence and multiplicity of colonic adenocarcinoma. The inhibition by feeding with 500 ppm silymarin was significant (p < 0.05 by initiation feeding and p < 0.01 by postinitiation feeding). Also, silymarin administration in the diet lowered the PCNA labeling index and increased the number of apoptotic cells in adenocarcinoma. beta-Glucuronidase activity, PGE(2) level and polyamine content were decreased in colonic mucosa. These results clearly indicate a chemopreventive ability of dietary silymarin against chemically induced colon tumorigenesis and will provide a scientific basis for progression to clinical trials of the chemoprevention of human colon cancer.  相似文献   

Mangiferin, 1,3,6,7-tetrahydroxyxanthone-C2-beta-D-glucoside, is one of xanthone derivatives and C-glucosylxanthones, is widely distributed in higher plants and is one of constituents of folk medicines. Recent studies showed that mangiferin has a potential as an anti-oxidant and an anti-viral agent. In this study, we examined the effects of mangiferin in rat colon carcinogenesis induced by chemical carcinogen, azoxymethane (AOM). We performed two experiments: a short-term assay to investigate the effects of mangiferin on the development of preneoplastic lesions by AOM, aberrant crypt foci (ACF), and the following long-term assay for the influence of mangiferin on tumorigenesis induced by AOM. In the short-term assay, 0.1% mangiferin in a diet significantly inhibited the ACF development in rats treated with AOM compared to rats treated with AOM alone (64.6+/-22.0 vs. 108.3+/-43.0). In the long-term assay, the group treated with 0.1% mangiferin in initiation phase of the experimental protocol had significantly lower incidence and multiplicity of intestinal neoplasms induced by AOM (47.3 and 41.8% reductions of the group treated with AOM alone for incidence and multiplicity, respectively). In addition, the cell proliferation in colonic mucosa was reduced in rats treated with mangiferin (65-85% reductions of the group treated with AOM alone). These results suggest that mangiferin has potential as a naturally-occurring chemopreventive agent.  相似文献   

The effects of treatment with naturally occurring antioxidants, selenium, beta-carotene, ferulic acid, esculin and eugenol during the promotional phase of tumor development were investigated in male F344 rats pre-treated with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) and 1-methyl-1-nitrosourea (MNU). Animals were given 3 subcutaneous injections of DMH at a dose of 40 mg/kg body wt. within 1 week and then were injected with MNU i.p. at a dose of 20 mg/kg body wt. 2 times per week, for 2 weeks. Thereafter, the rats were maintained on diet containing either 0.2% beta-carotene, 2 ppm selenium, 1% ferulic acid, 1% esculin or 0.8% eugenol. At week 52, surviving rats were killed and complete histological examinations were performed. Administration of eugenol enhanced the development of both hyperplasia and papillomas in the forestomach. Although treatment with beta-carotene tended to decrease the incidence and number of large intestinal carcinomas, beta-carotene, selenium, esculin and eugenol all decreased the incidence of kidney nephroblastomas, the differences were not statistically significant. The results thus showed that eugenol exerts promoting activity for forestomach carcinogenesis while the other antioxidants might have weak organ-specific inhibitory effects under these experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) and 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL), as well as the Areca-derived N-nitrosoguvacoline (NG) were assayed for carcinogenicity in male F344 rats by lifetime administration in the drinking water. Groups of 30 to 80 rats were treated with 0.5 ppm, 1.0 ppm, or 5.0 ppm of NNK; 5.0 ppm of NNAL, 20 ppm of NG, a mixture of 20 ppm of NG and 1 ppm of NNK, and water only in the control group. The approximate total doses of the nitrosamines (mmol/kg of body weight) in these groups were: NNK, 0.073, 0.17, and 0.68; NNAL, 0.69; NG, 4.1; NG and NNK, 4.1 and 0.17. As in previous assays in which NNK was tested by s.c. injection, the lung was its principle target organ. Lung tumor incidences in the 0.5-, 1.0-, and 5.0-ppm groups were nine of 80, 20 of 80, and 27 of 30 compared to six of 80 in the control rats. This trend was significant, P less than 0.005. Significant incidences of nasal cavity and liver tumors were observed only in the rats treated with 5.0 ppm of NNK. In contrast to the results of the s.c. bioassays of NNK, tumors of the exocrine pancreas were observed in five of 80 and nine of 80 rats treated with 0.5 and 1.0 ppm. This trend was significant, P less than 0.025. This is the first example of pancreatic tumor induction by a constituent of tobacco smoke. It is also the first finding of duct-like carcinomas in the rat pancreas, including one tumor containing epidermoid, keratin-generating tissue. NNAL, the major metabolite of NNK, induced lung tumors in 26 of 30 rats and pancreatic tumors in eight of 30 rats. It appears to be the proximate pancreatic carcinogen of NNK. NG induced pancreatic tumors in four of 30 rats, P less than 0.05. This finding requires confirmation. The mixture of NG and NNK induced lung tumors in eleven of 30 rats. There were no apparent synergistic interactions of NG and NNK. The observation of benign and malignant tumors of the lung and pancreas of rats treated with the tobacco-specific nitrosamines NNK and NNAL is discussed in respect to the causal association between cigarette smoking and cancer of the lung and pancreas.  相似文献   

The tumor-promoting and carcinogenic effects of 1,4-bis[2-(3,5-dichloropyridyloxy)]benzene (TCPOBOP) in the liver and in other organs were quantified and compared to those of phenobarbital (PB) in two inbred strains of mice (C57BL/6NCr, DBA/2NCr) and in F344/NCr rats initiated at 5 weeks of age with N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA; 90 mg/kg in mice, 75 mg/kg in rats). Two weeks later animals were placed on a regimen of TCPOBOP once every 2 weeks (administered i.p. or i.g.) or on a diet containing 500 p.p.m. PB as a positive control for the duration of the experiment. Mice were administered TCPOBOP (3.0 mg/kg/dose) for 30 weeks followed by control diet, while rats were given the TCPOBOP regimen (3.0 or 30 mg/kg/dose) for the full 78 weeks of the experiment. TCPOBOP was a complete carcinogen and an extremely potent promoter in both strains of mice, particularly the DBA strain in which NDEA followed by TCPOBOP (i.p.) resulted in death of all the animals within 30 weeks from multiple hepatocellular tumors. TCPOBOP alone induced 100% tumor incidence in DBA mice within 60 weeks. In addition, in both strains of mice, a high proportion of those animals with liver tumors had metastases to the lungs. In contrast, TCPOBOP was ineffective as a liver tumor promoter in F344 rats at even 10 times the dose administered to mice. Interestingly however, TCPOBOP, when given subsequent to NDEA, caused a significant increase in nasal cavity tumors in F344 rats. PB was an effective liver tumor promoter in male DBA mice and male F344 rats, but was relatively ineffective as a promoter in C57 mice. When tumor-promoting activity and induction of cytochrome P450 IIB1 were compared, good agreement between these two parameters was observed. PB was an effective inducer of P450 IIB1 in the rats and in both strains of mice and a potent liver tumor promoter in both DBA mice and F344 rats, whereas TCPOBOP was a potent inducer and tumor promoter in both strains of mice but was negligibly effective as either an inducer or a promoter in F344 rats at even 10-fold higher dosage.  相似文献   

Induction of liver tumors in F344 rats by crotonaldehyde   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The tumorigenic activities in F344 rats of crotonaldehyde, a representative alpha, beta-unsaturated carbonyl compound, and N-nitrosopyrrolidine, which could produce crotonaldehyde upon metabolism, were compared. Groups of rats were treated with either crotonaldehyde (0.6 mM or 6.0 mM) or N-nitrosopyrrolidine (0.6 mM) in their drinking water for 113 or 84 weeks, respectively. At the 0.6 mM dose, crotonaldehyde induced neoplastic lesions of the liver in 9 of 27 rats; 2 rats had hepatocellular carcinomas, and 9 rats had neoplastic nodules. It also caused altered liver cell foci in 23 of 27 rats. The incidences of tumors and foci were significantly higher than those of the control group. N-Nitrosopyrrolidine induced hepatocellular carcinomas in 20 of 23 rats, liver neoplastic nodules in 16 of 23 rats, and altered liver cell foci in 23 of 23 rats. Thus, crotonaldehyde appears to be a weaker tumorigen than N-nitrosopyrrolidine. At the 6.0 mM dose, crotonaldehyde treatment caused moderate to severe liver damage in 10 of 23 rats. No preneoplastic or neoplastic lesions were observed in these rats. The remaining 13 rats of this group developed altered liver cell foci. The tumorigenicity of crotonaldehyde suggests that alpha, beta-unsaturated carbonyl compounds, which are ubiquitous in the human environment and can be formed endogenously, may be an important class of potential carcinogens.  相似文献   

J M Ward  P H Lynch 《Cancer research》1984,44(6):2608-2615
Portions of 162 naturally occurring neoplasms and 26 nonneoplastic lesions from 93 aged male or female F344/NCr rats were implanted into the left inguinal mammary fat pads of weanling syngeneic recipients. As controls, 95 normal tissues were implanted to the right inguinal fat pad. Transplant recipients were maintained for up to 1 year. Essentially, all types of naturally occurring benign and malignant tumors were successfully transplanted, i.e., grew progressively forming nodules and masses. For the transplants, the latency period preceding palpable growth, tumor growth rate, invasiveness, metastatic rate, and time to death were associated with the degree of histological malignancy of the primary tumor. The tumors which were the most malignant based on these criteria included large granular lymphocyte leukemia, sarcomas, and carcinomas. Fibromas, mammary fibroadenomas, and papillomas were easily transplanted but were not invasive. Endocrine tumors generally were the slowest-growing tumors. This study provides evidence that successful tumor transplantation is only evidence of neoplasia and does not distinguish whether a primary tumor is benign or malignant.  相似文献   

Nickel(II) acetate (NiAcet), a soluble nickel salt known to be an effective initiator of renal epithelial tumors in adult rats, was studied for possible transplacental carcinogenicity. Pregnant F344/NCr rats were given NiAcet i.p. either once a day on day 17 (90 mumol/kg body wt; group 1) or twice on days 16 and 18 of gestation (45 mumol/kg body wt/day; group 2). Offspring of these rats were further subdivided into groups 1A and B and 2A and B, respectively. Groups 1A and 2A received ordinary tap water while groups 1B and 2B received drinking water containing 500 p.p.m. sodium barbital (NaBB) during weeks 4-85 of age. Renal cortical epithelial and renal pelvic transitional epithelial tumors occurred in male offspring given NiAcet prenatally followed by NaBB postnatally (group 1B, 15 tumors in 8/15 rats; group 2B, 10 tumors in 7/15), but not in male offspring given NiAcet only (0/32) or in controls given prenatal sodium acetate (NaAcet) only (0/15) and rarely in males given NaAcet followed by the promoter NaBB (1/15). No renal tumors occurred in females. Pituitary tumor incidence was significantly higher in offspring of both sexes given NiAcet prenatally (NaAcet controls, 4/31, both sexes combined; group 1A, 14/33, P = 0.012; group 2A, 14/31, P = 0.008). Pituitary tumors appeared much earlier in rats given NiAcet prenatally, with or without postnatal NaBB, and often were malignant by cytologic and histologic criteria including pleomorphism and invasion of adjacent structures, unlike the well-differentiated adenomas that occurred less frequently in untreated rats. These results are the first evidence that Ni(II) is a potent transplacental initiator of epithelial tumors in fetal rat kidney and a complete transplacental carcinogen for rat pituitary.  相似文献   

Twenty-five tumors induced in F344 male rats were examined histologically and immunohistochemically using antibodies against myoglobin, myosin, desmin and cathepsin B. Eight were from rats which had been given intramuscular (im) injection and 17 were from rats which had been given subcutaneous (sc) injection of 5 mg of Ni3S2. Among 10 rhabdomyosarcomas, myoglobin was detectable in 3, myosin in 8, and desmin in all, but cathepsin B was present in none. Out of 8 malignant fibrous histiocytomas, cathepsin B was detectable in all, but the other antigens were absent. In a leiomyosarcoma, only desmin was detected. In two fibrosarcomas, none of the markers were detected. In four undetermined tumors, one reacted only with anti-desmin antibody, two with only anti-cathepsin B antibody, and one with none of the antibodies. Of the three myogenic markers utilized in this study, anti-desmin antibody appeared to be the most sensitive. Cathepsin B was found mainly in the histiocytic cells of malignant fibrous histiocytoma. Thus, desmin appears to be particularly valuable in distinguishing immature myogenic tumors from other primitive tumors, while cathepsin B is useful in distinguishing malignant fibrous histiocytoma from other pleomorphic mesenchymal tumors.  相似文献   

Carcinogenicity of captafol in F344/DuCrj rats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Captafol was administered at dietary levels of 0 (control), 750 and 1,500 parts per million (ppm) to groups of 50 male and 50 female F344/DuCrj rats for 104 weeks, and then all animals were maintained without captafol for a further 8 weeks, and killed in week 113. Renal cell carcinoma was found in eight of 50 male rats treated with 1,500 ppm and in one of 50 male rats treated with 750 ppm of captafol. The incidences of renal adenomas, including micro-adenomas, and basophilic altered cell tubules were significantly higher in both sexes treated with captafol than in controls, and the increases were apparently dose-dependent except that of adenomas in females. The incidences of neoplastic and preneoplastic lesions of the kidney in captafol-treated animals were higher in males than in females. Captafol also induced hepatocellular carcinomas in four of 50 female rats in the 1,500 ppm group. The incidences of hyperplastic (neoplastic) nodules and foci of cellular alterations in the liver were also significantly increased in both sexes treated with captafol, the increases being dose-dependent. In conclusion, captafol induced renal cell carcinomas in male rats and hepatocellular carcinomas in female rats.  相似文献   

The hormone function, the metabolism of nucleic acids, and the ultrastructure of estrogen-induced pituitary tumors and of normal glands were examined in male F344 rats. The tumors had a high capacity for prolactin (PRL) synthesis, and the plasma levels of PRL were elevated 65-fold to 100-fold in the tumor-bearing animals. Uridine uptake and phosphorylation to nucleotides, as well as uridine incorporation into total RNA, were similar in tumors and normal glands, whereas [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA was double in the former group as compared to the latter. After a [3H]uridine pulse, labeled RNA turnover was different in tumors and normal glands. Electron microscopy of the tumors revealed hypertrophy, degranulation, and hyperplasia of cells producing PRL with proliferation of their ergastoplasm in whorls. Other pituitary cell types were reduced in number. It is suggested that the whorl configuration caused the high rate of protein and PRL synthesis as well as the changes in RNA metabolism displayed by the tumors.  相似文献   

The tumorigenic activities toward the oral cavity of snuff, its extracts, and two of its major nitrosamines, N'-nitrosonornicotine (NNN) and 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) were evaluated in male F344 rats. In one protocol, groups of 21-30 rats were treated beginning at age 10 weeks by chronic application to the oral cavity for 131 weeks of either H2O, an H2O extract of snuff, an H2O extract of snuff enriched with ten times its indigenous concentration of NNN and NNK, or with NNN and NNK in H2O. The incidence of oral cavity tumors in the rats treated with NNN and NNK was 8 of 30, compared to 0 of 30 in controls (P less than 0.05). These results demonstrate that NNN and NNK can induce tumors locally in the oral cavity of F344 rats. Oral cavity tumors were also observed in 3 of 30 rats treated with snuff extract enriched with NNN and NNK, but not in the rats treated with snuff extract alone. In a second protocol, a test canal was surgically created in the lower lip of groups of 21-32 rats, and either snuff, H2O-extracted snuff, or snuff enriched with its own H2O extract was inserted in the test canal 5 times weekly for 116 weeks. A group of 10 control rats had surgery only. Among the 32 rats treated with snuff, 3 had oral cavity tumors; one was a squamous cell carcinoma originating in the test canal and invading the gingiva, one was a papilloma of the test canal, and one was a papilloma of the hard palate. Oral cavity tumors were also observed in 2 of 21 rats treated with H2O-extracted snuff and 1 of 32 rats treated with snuff enriched with its H2O extract. Oral tumors were not observed in control rats. The results of this study indicate that snuff and individual nitrosamines present in snuff can induce oral cavity tumors in F344 rats and support the epidemiological observations which indicate that snuff dipping causes oral cancer in man.  相似文献   

Forty male and 40 female inbred F344 rats were given a solution of 400 mg N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea/liter in their drinking water. Digestive tract tumors were induced in 32 males (an incidence rate of 80%) and in 28 females (an incidence rate of 70%). Among these digestive tract neoplasms, duodenal tumors occurred most frequently. Most were of the epithelial type, such as adenoma or adenocarcinoma. Tumors in hematopoletic organs were also found in 15 males (38% incidence) and in 17 females (43% incidence).  相似文献   

Lack of carcinogenicity of quercetin in F344/DuCrj rats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Quercetin was administered at dietary levels of 0(control), 1.25 and 5.0% to groups of 50 male and 50 female rats for 104 weeks, and then all animals were maintained without quercetin supplement for a further 8 weeks. At 5.0% quercetin, both sexes showed growth retardation throughout the study. There were no treatment-ascribed effects regarding clinical signs, mortality, urinalyses or hematology. Although serum glucose in 5.0% quercetin-treated males was significantly decreased and some relative organ weights in 5.0% groups showed statistically significant increases, these latter changes seemed to be related to the growth retardation. An increased incidence of non-neoplastic hyperplastic polyps in the cecum was noted in the 5.0% males. The incidences of cystic changes and fibroadenomas of the mammary gland, and foci (areas) of hepatocellular alteration in the 5.0% females, and liver bile duct proliferations in the 5.0% males were significantly decreased. No proliferative lesions of the urinary bladder related to treatment with quercetin were found in any rats. The incidences of several other nonneoplastic and neoplastic lesions which demonstrated statistically significant changes appeared to be related to the growth retardation or to be within the normal range, and therefore none was considered to be significant biologically. Thus, the investigation did not demonstrate any clear carcinogenic effect of quercetin on F344 rats at dietary levels of up to 5.0%.  相似文献   

Three nitrosamines, metabolically related and formed in vivo from the bladder carcinogen nitrosomethyl-n-octylamine, were administered to groups of 12 female F344 rats by intraurethral instillation twice a week for 30 weeks. All three compounds induced tumors in the urinary bladder. Nitrosomethyl-2-oxopropylamine at 10 mg/ml was the most potent, causing death of half of the animals with tumors at 43 weeks, following a total dose of 1.0 mmol; most of the rats also had tumors of the nasal mucosa, and there were some tumors of the kidney and kidney pelvis. Nitrosomethyl-2-hydroxypropylamine at 10 mg/ml (total dose 1.0 mmol) was much less effective, the median week of death being 83 weeks. In addition to bladder tumors, this group had tumors of the nasal mucosa, esophagus, and kidney. Nitrosomethyl-3-carboxypropylamine at 75 mg/ml and a total dose of 6.2 mmol per rat induced a high incidence of bladder tumors and tumors of the kidney pelvis, but not tumors of the nasal mucosa; the median week of death for this group was 55 weeks. It is concluded that nitrosomethyl-n-alkylamines that induce bladder tumors by oral administration to rats are metabolized to nitrosomethyl-3-carboxypropylamine, which is excreted in the urine and further metabolized to nitrosomethyl-2-oxopropylamine, the proximate bladder carcinogen.  相似文献   

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