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Congential dyserythropoietic anemia, type III (CDA III) is arare autosomal dominant disorder characterized by macrocyticanemia, bone marrow erythroid hyperplasia and giant multlnucleateerythroblasts. We have genetically characterized a large Swedishfamily in which the concurrence of CDA III and myeloma or benignmonoclonal gammopathy is significantly higher than expectedand have found that the causative genetic defect for CDA IIImaps to an 11 cM interval within 15q21–q25.  相似文献   

Oculodentodigital syndrome (ODD) is a congenital, autosomal dominant disorder which affects the development of the face, eyes, limbs and dentition. Spastic paraparesis is thought to be an occasional manifestation of the disorder. Type III syndactyly, which occurs as part of ODD, has also been reported to occur as an isolated entity. In the current investigation, a total genome search for the location of the ODD locus was instigated and linkage to polymorphic markers located on chromosome 6q established (pairwise Zmax = 9.37; theta = 0.001). Analysis of a large family with type III syndactyly, but atypical facial features, further suggested that isolated type III syndactyly is also located in this same region of the genome.   相似文献   

Several cytogenetic alterations affect the distal part of the long arm of human chromosome 15, including recurrent rearrangements between 12p13 and 15q25, which cause congenital fibrosarcoma (CFS). We present here the construction of a BAC/PAC contig map that spans 2 Mb from the neurotrophin-3 receptor (NTRK3) gene region on 15q25.3 to the proximal end of the Bloom's syndrome region on 15q26.1, and the identification of a set of new chromosome 15 duplicons. The contig reveals the existence of several regions of sequence similarity with other chromosomes (6q, 7p, and 12p) and with other 15q cytogenetic bands (15q11-q13 and 15q24). One region of similarity maps on 15q11-q13, close to the Prader-Willi/Angelman syndromes (PWS/AS) imprinting center. The 12p similar sequence maps on 12p13, at a distance to the ets variant 6 (ETV6) gene that is equivalent on 15q26.1 to the distance to the NTRK3 gene. These two genes are the targets of the CFS recurrent translocations, suggesting that misalignments between these two chromosomes regions could facilitate recombination. The most striking similarity identified is based on a low copy repeat sequence, mainly present on human chromosome 15 (LCR15), which could be considered a newly recognized duplicon. At least 10 copies of this duplicon are present on chromosome 15, mainly on 15q24 and 15q26. One copy is located close to a HERC2 sequence on the distal end of the PWS/AS region, three around the lysyl oxidase-like (LOXL1) gene on 15q24, and three on 15q26, one of which close to the IQ motif containing GTPase-activating protein 1 (IQGAP1) gene on 15q26.1. These LCR15 span between 13 and 22 kb and contain high identities with the golgin-like protein (GLP) and the SH3 domain-containing protein (SH3P18) gene sequences and have the characteristics of duplicons. Because duplicons flank chromosome regions that are rearranged in human genomic disorders, the LCR15 described here could represent new elements of rearrangements affecting different regions of human chromosome 15q.  相似文献   

Significant evidence for linkage of febrile seizures to chromosome 5q14-q15   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Febrile seizures (FSs) represent the most common form of childhood seizure. In the Japanese population, the incidence rate is as high as 7%. It has been recognized that there is a significant genetic component for susceptibility to this type of seizure. Two putative FS loci, FEB1 (chromosome 8q13-q21) and FEB2 (chromosome 19p), have been mapped. Furthermore, a mutation in the voltage-gated sodium (Na(+))-channel beta1 subunit gene ( SCN1B ) at chromosome 19q13.1 was identified in a family with a clinical subset, termed generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS(+)). These loci are linked to some large families. In this study, we conducted a genome-wide linkage search for FS in one large family with subsequent linkage confirmation in 39 nuclear families. Significant linkage was found at D5S644 by multipoint non-parametric analysis using GENEHUNTER ( P = 5.4 x 10(-6)). Estimated lambda(s)at D5S644 was 2.5 according to maximum likelihood analysis. Significant linkage disequilibria with FS were observed at the markers D5S644, D5S652 and D5S2079 in 47 families by transmission disequilibrium tests. These findings indicate that there is a gene on chromosome 5q14-q15 that confers susceptibility to FSs and we call this gene FEB4.  相似文献   

Acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) is an intracellular enzyme that catalyzes the formation of cholesterol esters from cholesterol and long-chain fatty acyl-coenzyme A. It is believed that ACAT plays a key role in lipoprotein metabolism and atherogenesis. Recently our laboratory succeeded in molecular cloning and functional expression of human macrophage ACAT cDNA. We have now mapped the ACAT gene to chromosome 1, band q25 by using fluorescence in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes, and by Southern blotting analysis of human-hamster somatic cell hybrid panels.  相似文献   

The gene for Darier's disease maps to chromosome 12q23-q24.1   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Darler's disease is a rare autosomal dominant skin disorderin which there is abnormal adhesion between keratlnocytes. Itappears to be associated with an Increased prevalence of neuropsychiatrlcdisorders including mental retardation and epilepsy. In additionwe have previously reported a family in which major affectivedisorder cosegregates with Darier's disease. In the presentstudy we have localized the gene for Darier's disease to chromosome12q23–q24.1 by linkage analysis in five British pedigrees.We obtained a maximum two point lod score of 4.29 with markerD12S84 at zero recombination fraction. All five families showedevidence of linkage between the disease gene and markers Inthis region. Subsequent identification of the Darier's diseasegene will provide Insights into normal mechanisms of cell adhesionand may be of importance in the genetic Investigation of neuropsychiatricdisorders as well as elucidating the pathogenesls of Darier'sdisease itself.  相似文献   

Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dys-plasia (ARVD)is a dominantly inherited disorder progressively affecting themyocardium and it is one of the major causes of juvenile suddendeath. The chromosomal localization of the disease gene is reportedhere for the first time. A maximum lod score of 6.04 was obtainedat   相似文献   

Hearing impairment is the most common inherited human sensory defect. Nonsyndromic Hearing Impairment (NSHI) is the most genetically heterogeneous trait known. Over 70 loci have been mapped and a total of 19 genes have been identified. We report here a novel locus (DFNA 30) for autosomal dominant NSHI that we mapped to chromosome 15q25-26 in an Italian four-generation family. The haplotype analysis has identified a critical interval of 18 cM between markers D15S151 and D15S130. This region does not overlap with DFNB16 locus but partially coincides with the otosclerosis (OTS) locus. Localisation of the locus DFNA30 is a first step towards the identification of the gene.  相似文献   

The gene coding for sucrase-isomaltase ( SI ) has recently been mapped to chromosome 3 using a cDNA probe to analyse DNA from somatic cell hybrids (Green et al. 1987). We have now used this same cDNA probe to obtain a regional localization of this gene. In situ hybridization to normal metaphase chromosomes and to chromosomes from individuals with balanced translocations suggests a regional assignment to chromosome 3q25-26.  相似文献   

Background: The identification of the molecular basis of disorders of keratinisation has significantly advanced our understanding of skin biology, revealing new information on key structures in the skin, such as the intermediate filaments, desmosomes, and gap junctions. Among these disorders, there is an extraordinarily heterogeneous group known as palmoplantar keratodermas (PPK), for which only a few molecular defects have been described. A particular form of PPK, known as punctate PPK, has been described in a few large autosomal dominant pedigrees, but its genetic basis has yet to be identified.

Aim: Identification of the gene for punctate PPK.

Methods: Clinical examination and linkage analysis in three families with punctate PPK.

Results: A genomewide scan was performed on an extended autosomal dominant pedigree, and linkage to chromosome 15q22–q24 was identified. With the addition of two new families with the same phenotype, we confirmed the mapping of the locus for punctate PPK to a 9.98 cM interval, flanked by markers D15S534 and D15S818 (maximum two point lod score of 4.93 at θ = 0 for marker D15S988).

Conclusions: We report the clinical and genetic findings in three pedigrees with the punctate form of PPK. We have mapped a genetic locus for this phenotype to chromosome 15q22–q24, which indicates the identification of a new gene involved in skin integrity.


We have determined the HTLV (Human T-cell leukemia virus) receptor localization more precisely on the human chromosome 17. Based on the fact that HTLV infection induces syncytium formation of infected cells as a result of interaction between the viral envelope and viral receptor, we performed the sensitive biological assay using recombinant vaccinia expression system. Our results from the induced syncytium pattern of the somatic hybrid cell lines with different deletions indicated that the HTLV receptor gene may reside from q21 to q23 on the long arm of the human chromosome 17.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive hypotrichosis is a rare form of alopecia characterized by sparse hair on scalp, sparse to absent eyebrows and eyelashes, and sparse auxiliary and body hair. Previously, for this form of hypotrichosis, two loci LAH (localized hereditary hypotrichosis) and AH (autosomal recessive hereditary hypotrichosis) have been mapped on chromosome 18q12.1 and 3q27.2, respectively. In the study presented here, we report the localization of a third locus for autosomal recessive form of hypotrichosis in two large Pakistani families. The patients in the two families exhibited typical features of the hereditary hypotrichosis. Genome scan using polymorphic microsatellite markers mapped the gene on chromosome 13q14.11-q21.32. A maximum combined two-point logarithm of odds (LOD) score of 4.79 at theta= 0.0 was obtained for several markers. Multipoint linkage analysis resulted in a maximum LOD score of 5.9, which further supports the linkage. Haplotype analysis defined the linkage interval of 17.35 cM flanked by markers D13S325 and D13S1231 according to the Rutgers combined linkage-physical map. This region contains 24.41 Mb according to the build 36 of the human genome sequence-based physical map.  相似文献   

Six breakpoint regions for rearrangements of human chromosome 15q11-q14 have been described. These rearrangements involve deletions found in approximately 70% of Prader-Willi or Angelman's syndrome patients (PWS, AS), duplications detected in some cases of autism, triplications and inverted duplications. HERC2-containing (HEct domain and RCc1 domain protein 2) segmental duplications or duplicons are present at two of these breakpoints (BP2 and BP3) mainly associated with deletions. We show here that clusters containing several copies of the human chromosome 15 low-copy repeat (LCR15) duplicon are located at each of the six described 15q11-q14 BPs. In addition, our results suggest the existence of breakpoints for large 15q11-q13 deletions in a proximal duplicon-containing clone. The study reveals that HERC2-containing duplicons (estimated on 50-400 kb) and LCR15 duplicons ( approximately 15 kb on 15q11-q14) share the golgin-like protein (GLP) genomic sequence. Through the analysis of a human BAC library and public databases we have identified 36 LCR15 related sequences in the human genome, most (27) mapping to chromosome 15q and being transcribed. LCR15 analysis in non-human primates and age-sequence divergences support a recent origin of this family of segmental duplications through human speciation.  相似文献   

Hereditary hearing impairment (HI) is the most genetically heterogeneous trait known in humans. So far, 54 autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing impairment (ARNSHI) loci have been mapped, and 21 ARNSHI genes have been identified. Here is reported the mapping of a novel ARNSHI locus, DFNB55, to chromosome 4q12-q13.2 in a consanguineous Pakistani family. A maximum multipoint LOD score of 3.5 was obtained at marker D4S2638. The region of homozygosity and the 3-unit support interval are flanked by markers D4S2978 and D4S2367. The region spans 8.2 cm on the Rutgers combined linkage-physical map and contains 11.5 Mb. DFNB55 represents the third ARNSHI locus mapped to chromosome 4.  相似文献   

Mesomelic dysplasia Kantaputra type (MDK) (MIM *156232) is a new autosomal dominant skeletal dysplasia characterized by dwarfism, shortening of the forearms/lower-legs, carpal/tarsal synostosis, and dorsolateral foot deviation. We studied a Thai family in which 15 members in 3 generations were affected with MDK. With reference to the breakpoints of a balanced translocation [t(2;8)(q31;p21)] in patients from a previously reported Italian family with a skeletal dysplasia that appears similar to MDK, a linkage analysis was performed in the Thai family using 50 CA-repeat markers mapped to nearby regions (2q22-q34 and 8p24-p21) of the translocation breakpoints. The results clearly ruled out a linkage of MDK to marker loci at the 8p24-p21 region, whereas all nine affected members available for the study shared a haplotype at four loci (D2S2284, D2S326, D2S2188, and D2S2314) spanning about 22.7 cM in the 2q24-q32 region. The computer-assisted two-point linkage analysis revealed maximum logarithm of odds (lod) scores of 4.82, 4.21, 4.82, and 4.21 (θ = 0) at these loci, respectively. These data indicated that the MDK locus is in the vicinity of D2S2284 and D2S2188 loci that are most likely mapped to 2q24-q32. Received: November 27, 1997 / Accepted: December 5, 1997  相似文献   

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