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超氧化物阴离子自由基对菌斑牙面氧化还原电位的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:验证牙菌斑中超氧化物阴离子自由基与菌斑氧化还原电位的关系。方法:①测试菌斑氧化还原电位。②利用SOD作为干扰因素观察氧化还原电位的变化。结果:菌斑电位低于非菌斑牙面电位,为负电位。菌斑加SOD后使菌斑电位升高。结论:菌斑负电位与超氧化物阴离子自由基有关,自由基可能是菌斑负电位形成的主要因素。  相似文献   

龋变牙面负电位形成机理的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:研究龋变牙面负电位形成的机理。方法:用化学发光法测定龋变组织中超氧化物阴离子自由基的量,以同一患者唾液作对照。结果:龋变组织含有大量超氧化物阴离子自由基。结论:自由基及其未配对电子是龋变牙面形成负电位的物质基础  相似文献   

1990年,黄力子发现龋变牙面电位低于正常牙面电位[1,2]。1997年,王成龙等[3]证实龋变牙面的电位都低于正常牙面的电位;龋变牙面去除龋坏组织后,其电位即恢复到与正常牙面相近水平,不再出现明显的负电位,证明龋坏组织是产生负电位的组织学基础;还发...  相似文献   

为进一步证实生物电和电化学机理在龋病发病中的作用,作者以电化学方法制造了人工龋模型的实验。结果证明:用电化学方法可制造出深达牙本质层且更加近似自然龋的类龋洞。这种类龋洞用现有化学方法是不能从牙釉质表面制造出来的。本研究为龋病发病的生物电化学理论,提供了依据。  相似文献   

刘泉  黄文 《口腔医学研究》2007,25(5):560-562
目的:研究拔牙后即刻植入纳米羟基磷灰石颗粒预防术后牙槽骨吸收,保持牙槽嵴高度的临床疗效。方法:选择16例需同时拔除下颌两侧相同部位后牙的患者,按左右分组,左侧为拔牙后立即填塞颗粒型纳米羟基磷灰石,右侧为拔牙后传统搔刮血块充盈对照。4周、12周分别复诊,摄X线片检查。对牙槽窝的愈合,牙槽嵴高度进行观察。结果:16例患者创口愈合良好。两组比较,12周后实验组X线片见牙槽窝处的X线阻射影与周围牙槽骨密度相近,界限不清,恢复的牙槽嵴与周围基本平齐,牙槽高度恢复良好。对照组牙槽嵴高度明显降低,实验组牙槽嵴高度降低不明显。结论:拔牙创内即刻植入纳米羟基磷灰石不影响创口愈合,能促进新骨的形成,很好地维持牙槽嵴高度,为以后进行义齿修复提供一个良好的基骨条件。  相似文献   

氢氧化钙碘仿糊剂修复髓室底穿孔的临床研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 观察氢氧化钙碘仿糊剂修复髓室底穿孔的临床疗效。方法 选择髓室底穿孔的患者65例,患牙68颗,随机分为两组,试验组采用氢氧化钙碘仿糊荆修复髓室底穿孔,再用玻璃离子水门汀垫底,对照组直接采用玻璃离子水门汀修复穿孔。一年后复查,观察其治疗效果。结果 试验组成功率(76.19%)明显高于对照组,两组间有显著性差异,并且其疗效与穿孔原因及穿孔直径有密切关系。结论 氢氧化钙碘仿糊剂是一种良好的髓室底穿孔的修复材料。  相似文献   

Purpose: The aim of this prospective case series study was to evaluate the short-term success rates of titanium screw-type implants with a chemically modified sand-blasted and acid-etched (mod SLA) surface after 3 weeks of healing.
Material and Methods: A total of 56 implants were inserted in the posterior mandible of 40 partially edentulous patients exhibiting bone densities of class I to III. After a healing period of 3 weeks, all implants were functionally loaded with a screw-retained crown or fixed dental prosthesis. The patients were recalled at weeks 4, 7, 12, and 26 for monitoring and assessment of clinical and radiological parameters, including implant stability quotient (ISQ) measurements.
Results: None of the implants failed to integrate. However, two implants were considered "spinners" at day 21 and left unloaded for an extended period. Therefore, 96.4% of the inserted implants were loaded according to the protocol tested. All 56 implants including the "spinners" showed favorable clinical and radiographic findings at the 6-month follow-up examination. The ISQ values increased steadily throughout the follow-up period. At the time of implant placement, the range of ISQ values exhibited a mean of 74.33, and by week 26, a mean value of 83.82 was recorded. Based on strict criteria, all 56 implants were considered successfully integrated, resulting in a 6-month survival and success rate of 100.0%.
Conclusion: This prospective study using an early-loading protocol after 3 weeks of healing demonstrated that titanium implants with the modified SLA surface can achieve and maintain successful tissue integration over a period of at least 6 months. The ISQ method seems feasible to monitor implant stability during the initial wound-healing period.  相似文献   

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