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Endocrinehormonesareinvolvedinregula-tionofsubstancemetabolismandimmunnity,antiinf1ammationandsecretionofotherhor-monesintheorganism.Agreatnumberofstud-iesindicatethatacupuctureisinvolvedintreat-mentofmanykindsofdiseasesthroughregulat--ingendocrinef...ti.…  相似文献   

Purpose: To study the mechanism of early acupuncture treatment in resisting inflammatory injury in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion (IR) rats. Methods: A total of 120 Wistar rats were randomly divided into normal control, sham-operation, model and EA groups, and each of them were further divided into IR-12 hr, IR-24 hr and IR-48 hr subgroups, with 10 cases being in each subgroup. Cerebral ischemia was produced by occlusion of the middle cerebral artery for 0.5 hr. Shuigou (GV 26) and Baihui (GV 20) were punctured and stimulated electrically with an EA therapeutic apparatus. Serum IL-1β and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α contents were assayed by using radioimmunoassay.Results: Results showed that serum IL-1β and TNF-c contents of model group were significantly higher than those of normal control and sham-operation groups at IR 12 hr, 24 hr and 48 hr ( P < 0.05), meaning that following IR, the production and release of these two cytokines in the blood increased obviously; comparison between EA and model groups displayed that serum IL-1β and TNF-α levels of EA group were strikingly lower than those of model group (P<0.01),suggesting that EA stimulation can suppress IR induced increase of production and release of these two cytokines. Conclusion: EA can suppress cerebral IR induced increase of serum IL-1β and TNF-α, which may contribute to the effect of acupuncture in resisting cerebral IR injury in the treatment of stroke.  相似文献   

Electroacupuncture(EA)hasbeenappliedclinicallyforseveraldecades,inthetreatmentoffever,inadditiontopainfu1syndromes,neuro-beicaldisordersandsominflarnrntorydis-'[lJRecently,severalpapersclearly~,etc.showthattheexPerimentalfeverinducedbylipopolysacharide(LPS)inrabbitsisattenuatedbyEAstimulationatQuchi(LIll)andHegu(LI4)[z's].However,littlehasbeenknownabouttheantipyreticactionofEAobservedinrats.LPSisgenerallyconsideredasamostPotentpyrogen.ItisthoughtthatLPSinducedfeverisresultedfromrele…  相似文献   

This experiment was performed on 30 rabbits. The heart rate was paced artificial-ly at a constant speed. AMI of the left ventricle was produced by ligature of LVB for 30 min andMAPs recorded from the bonder zone of ischemia with the bipolar epicardial contact electrodes. Thechief findings showed that MAPD_(50), MAPD_(90) abbreviated obviously and MRR accelerated apparentlyafter AMI while EA could inhibit the abbreviation of MAPD_(50) and MAPD_(90), and delay the accelera-tion of MRR. It suggested that EA might be beneficial to anti-arrhythmia and prevented from sud-denly cardial death. Therefore the result has provided not only a new experimental evidence for an im-portant contribution to coronary heart disease treated with acupuncture but also a new content for therelationship between Neiguan (PC 6) of Pericardium Meridian and the heart.  相似文献   

Cerebrovasculardiseaseisoneofthefirstsixseverediseasesindeathcausesinourcoun-try.Amongcerebrovasculardiseases,morbidityofischemicdiseaseisthehighest.Ischemicin-juryofneuronsoncereachestheirreversiblestage,regenerationandrenovationofneuronsaredifficult.Thu…  相似文献   

Subjective:To observe the effect of electroacupuncture(EA) of acupoints of the Heart Meridian and Lung Meridian on ischemic cardiac systolic ability for analyzing the realtive specific relationship between the Heart Meridian and the heart.Methods:Acute myocardial ischemia(AMI) Was produced by intravenous infusion of pituitrin (40u 5% glucose injection 500 ml,60 drips/min)in the rabbit.Left intraventricular pressure(LVP),maximal rising velocity of LVP(dp/dt max),isovolumetric pressure(IP)and end-diastolic pressure(EDP)of the left cardiac ventricle were used as the indexes.Three points of Heart Meridian [HM,from“Shenmen“)HT7)to “lingdan“(HT4)] and the three points of Lung Meridian[LM,from“Taiyuan”(LU9)to“Lieque”(LU7)]were punctured with filiform needles and stimulated with hand-manipulation and electrically with ZYZ-1 EA Therapeutic Apparatus.30 rabbits anes-thetized with urethane(1g/kg) were randomly and evenly divided into control group,HM group and LM group.Results:The effects of EA of HM points were evidently superior to those of EA of LM points in promoting the recovery of both AMI-induced decrease of LVP and dp/dtmax,and AMI-induced increase of IP and EDP.Conclusion:Acupoints of Heart Meridian has a relatively specific connection with the heart in comparison with those of Lung Meridian;and the Heart Meridian is a functionalo whole.  相似文献   

Our early clinical and experi mental researchesin- dicated that electroacupuncture (EA) of Shuigou (水 沟GV26) ,Neiguan (内关PC6) and Housanli (Zu- sanli ,足三里ST36) has a definite therapeutic effect on cerebral hemorrhage[1 ~3].Guanine nucleoside reg- ulatory proteins (G-proteins) ,a kind of newly-found biomembrane proteins conjugated with GTP,are the key substance in signal transduction. Go protein is the main type of G-proteins in the central nervous system[4]. In order to further s…  相似文献   

INTRODUCT1ONGlutamateisconsideredtobethemajorex-citatorytransmitterinthecentralnervoussys-tem-Afterreleasingfrompresynapticterminalsbymeansofca -dependentmanner,glutamateactivatespostsynapticglutamatereceptorsandcausesexcitatorysynaptictransmission.Undern…  相似文献   

Ischemiccerebrovasculardiseaseisanin creasinglydangerousfactortohuman’shealthandlifequality .Resumingthesurvivalabilityofthepatientswithischemiccerebrovasculardiseasemaximallywillbethefocusattractingtheatten tionofmedicalworkers.Cellularapoptosis,awayofcelldeathdifferingfromtheconventionalnecroticway,isamajordeathmodeforthecellswithischemicimpairment,particularly ,forthoseinthevulnerablecerebralareaundergonetheshort term partialischemia .Inrecentyearsmonoamineshavebeengraduallyknowntoplayanim…  相似文献   

Cerebralischemiainducedbydisturbanceofcerebralcirculationisoneofthemajorfactorsforvasculardementia (VD) .Mostresearcherscon sideredthattheonsetofVDisusuallycloselyre latedtothelesionofcerebralcortex ,especially ,totheischemiaintheleftcortex ,thalamusandhippocampus.Previousstudiesshowedthatacupuncturecouldrapidlyincreasecerebralbloodflowintheischemicregion ,reducetheinfarctvolumeofthebrainandsoastopreventthener vousfunctionfromimpairment[1 ] .However,therewerefewerstudiesontherelationshipbe t…  相似文献   

Itisreportedinclinicthatintheacutestagetheautonomicnervoussystemofpatientswithmyocardialischemiafallsintoanimbalancestate,markedbyhyperactivityofthevagusnerveorthesympatheticnerve[1 ] .Thedysfunc tionoftheautonomicnervoussystemoftenre sultsinfatalventriculararrhythmiatogeneratehighermortality .Clinicalandexperimentalstud iesshowthatacupuncturecanimprovetheleftcardiacfunctionandclinicalsymptoms,reducethemyocardialinfarctionarea,relievetheinjuryofcardiacmyocytesandcellularmitochondriandinhibitth…  相似文献   

Since 1 980’s,researcheshaveshownthataftertheinjuryofthecentralnervoussystem ,theβ EPcontentinplasmaandcerebrospinalflu idincreasesobviously ,whichindicatesthatβ EPtakespartinthepathologicinjuringprocessofthecentralnervoussystem .Tostudythefunc tionofβ EPinac…  相似文献   

Withtheproliferationoftheagedpeopleinthepopulationandtheincreasingincidenceofvasculardementia (VD)yearbyyear,VDhasbecomeoneoftheimportantcurrentresearchsubjectsinthemedicalfield .Inrecent yearsmoreandmorereportsabouttheclinicalstudyonacupuncturetreatmen…  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the effects of electroacupuncture(EA)therapy on the expression of amyloid β protein(Aβ) and LDL receptor-related protein 1(LRP1) in the hippocampal microvessels,which may be part of the mechanisms of EA therapy on Alzheimer's disease(AD).Methods: APP695V717 I transgenic mice were randomly divided into model group and EA group; C57BL/6 mice were used as the control group.After 3 months of treatment by EA therapy at DU20 and KI1(15 min per other day, 2/100 Hz, 1-2 mA), the learning and memory behavior of mice was measured by Lashley Ⅲ water maze test and the expression level of Aβ, and LRP1 in the hippocampal microvessels were measured by immunohistochemical method.Results: The learning and memory capacity and the expression level of LRP1 in the model group were lower than those in the control group(P0.01); and the expression level of Aβ was significantly higher(P0.01).The learning and memory capacity and the expression level of LRP1 in the EA group were higher and the expression level of Aβ was significantly lower than those in the model group(P0.05).Conclusion: EA can improve the learning and memory capacity of the APP transgenic model by increasing the capacity of LRP1 and lowering the Aβ deposition in cerebral microvessels.  相似文献   

Objective: This study, based on the theory of acupoint and viscera correlation, is to observe the immediate effect of electroacupuncture on ST-T segment of EKG in patients with coronary heart disease and to provide objective evidence for optimization of clinical acupoint selection.Methods: According to the changes of EKG before treatment,60 patients with coronary heart disease were divided into II, III,avF leads group and V4, V5, V6 leads group, 30 cases in each group.The changes of the immediate effect of the ST-T segment of EKG were observed before and 10 min after the treatment in both groups.Results: The ST segments of II, III, avF leads group and V4,V5, V6 leads group had significant differences before and after treatment(P0.05).There existed no significant differences after treatment between the two groups(P0.05), and the results of the two groups were on the same level.The T waves in each group had significant differences before and after treatment(P0.05).There existed significant differences of the T wave after treatment between the two groups(P0.01).II, III, avF leads group was superior to V4, V5, V6 leads group.Conclusion: Electroacupuncture of lingtai and shendaopoints can ameliorate the ischemia state in the cardiac muscles of both inferior and lateral heart wall of the angina pectoris in CHD.The amelioration for cardiac muscles of inferior heart wall is superior to that of the lateral heart wall.  相似文献   

Thespinalcordisonecomponentofthein-tegrativeneuralcenterof'cardiovascularsystem.Itnoton1yconveysthecomingandgoinginfor-mationbetweenthebrainandtheheartbutalsopossessesindependentregulativeeffectontheac-tivitiesoftheheart.Inthespinalcord,thesym-patheticpre…  相似文献   

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