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经皮自体骨髓移植治疗骨折延迟愈合及不愈合   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
目的 探讨经皮自体骨髓移植治疗骨折延迟愈合、不愈合的疗效。方法 对11例骨折不愈合、4例延迟愈合患者,在C臂X线机透视下将所取自体红骨髓注射至骨折延迟愈合、不愈合部位。定期摄X线片复查。结果 12例获得愈合,愈合时间3~11个月。3例未愈合,未见异位骨化等并发症。结论 自体骨髓移植,是临床上治疗骨折延迟愈合及不愈合可供选择的方法之一。  相似文献   

经皮自体骨髓移植治疗骨折不愈合   总被引:83,自引:0,他引:83  
目的 探讨经皮自体骨髓移植治疗骨折不愈合的疗效。方法 治疗患者31例,男25例,女6例;年龄18 ̄77岁,平均27岁。骨不连部位:肱骨7例,腕舟骨12例,股骨5例,胫骨7例。骨不连时间7 ̄48个月,平均13个月。治疗方法:在X线电视透视下将一枚骨穿针准确穿入骨不连部位,然后抽取自体髂骨红骨髓即刻注入骨不连部位。腕舟骨注射10 ̄15ml,一次即可;四肢长骨注射30 ̄50ml,需2 ̄3次,间隔3 ̄4周  相似文献   

目的 探讨经皮自体红骨髓植入治疗胫骨中下段骨折延迟愈合及不愈合的疗效.方法 对胫骨中下段骨折延迟愈合18例、骨折不愈合5例患者,将自体红骨髓植入至骨折断端,定期摄X线片复查.结果 23例均获得随访,时间4~16个月,患者骨折均愈合,愈合时间3~12个月,未见骨折畸形愈合、异位骨化及感染等并发症.结论 经皮自体红骨髓植入治疗胫骨中下段骨折延迟愈合及不愈合是一种有效、安全、简易、实用的方法.  相似文献   

自体骨髓移植治疗骨折延迟愈合和骨不连的临床应用观察   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
骨折延迟愈合和骨不连是创伤骨科的常见并发症,其治疗方法很多,但效果均不确切,我院自1994年10月~1998年2月,应用自体骨髓移植方法治疗骨折延迟愈合和骨不连患者21例,经随访观察均达到骨性愈合,现报告如下。1 临床资料本组21例,男13例,女8例,年龄6~62岁,平均26岁,骨折部位:肱骨骨折2例,尺、桡骨双骨折4例,股骨骨折7例,胫腓骨骨折6例,内踝骨折2例,原始骨折类型:开放性骨折14例,闭合骨折7例。原始治疗方法:钢板内固定7例,骨外固定架固定4例,髓内针内固定6例,闭合复位石膏外固定4例。受伤至骨髓移植时间:4~10个月,平均5.5个月。2 手术方法…  相似文献   

经皮局部注射自体骨髓促进骨折愈合   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我科 1998年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 1月 ,采用经皮注射自体骨髓治疗四肢长管骨骨折延迟愈合或不愈合 2 3例 ,其中 2 2例获得临床愈合 ,报告如下。1 临床资料  本组 2 3例 ,男 2 0例 ,女 3例。年龄 2 9~ 6 2岁 ,平均 5 4岁。其中胫骨 18例 ,股骨下段 1例 ,肱骨干 4例 ,均为创伤所致 ,不伴感染。均在急诊手术骨折复位固定后 8~ 18个月骨不愈合 ,其中 19例为外固定架固定 ,4例为钢板内固定。用骨穿针自髂骨外板近髂嵴处穿刺 ,抽吸骨髓 (针管内加入 1ml枸橼酸钠防止凝血 )。多部位抽吸 ,每一部位约 2 ml,共计 10 ml。透视下于骨不愈合部位刺入 ,…  相似文献   

自体骨髓经皮注射移植治疗骨延迟愈合和骨不连   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
目的:应用自体骨髓经皮注射治疗骨延迟愈合、骨不连22例。方法:3例肱骨、3例尺桡骨、2例股骨、13例胫骨,均为创伤后骨延迟愈合和骨不连;1例右侧先天性胫骨假关节术后再骨折;年龄10—67岁,平均30岁;骨折后至接受骨髓移植时间为4—18个月,平均12个月。手术时患者取俯卧位,从髂骨后翼穿刺,缓侵抽取骨髓液3—5ml,每个穿刺点间隔2cm,总量40—120ml,平均7ml;经皮注入到X线定位的骨折处。术后石膏固定4—12周,定期摄片检查。结果:2例骨延迟愈合、骨不连在术后2—9个月骨愈合,平均6个月;逐渐负重和恢复肢体活动。1例先天性胚骨假关节失败,再次手术。结论:自体骨鹤移植治疗骨延迟愈合和骨不连有效;该方法创伤小、简便有效。  相似文献   

经皮骨钻孔加自体骨髓移植治疗骨延迟愈合及骨不连14例   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目前对骨延迟愈合及骨不连尚无确切、有效的治疗方法。笔者F自1991年7月~1995年4月采用经皮骨钻孔加自体骨髓移植的方法治疗骨延迟愈合及骨不这14例,疗效显著,现报告如下。临床资料本组14例中男11例,女S例;年龄22~65岁。开放性骨折IO例,均I期清创后内固定,闭合骨折4例,l周内切开复位内固定。部位;股骨中下1/3骨折2例,胜骨中下1/S骨折6例,胜骨下段2例,肽骨中段3例,挠骨中上段1例。术后时间:4~8个月12例,9--11个月2例。治疗方法选用骨折侧骼骨做供区、受、供区皮肤消毒、铺巾。首先在X线荧光屏监控下找准骨折部位,局…  相似文献   

目的观察用外固定支架并自体骨髓移植治疗陈旧性下肢骨折成角畸形的疗效。方法透视下闭合复位纠正骨折畸形,用外固定架固定骨折,自体骨髓移植于骨折间隙。结果31例患者骨折畸形均纠正,骨折全部愈合。外固定架去除时间平均5.5个月,下肢功能恢复良好。结论闭合复位外固定支架固定并自体骨髓移植治疗下肢陈旧性骨折成角畸形是一种疗效肯定,简便实用的有效方法。  相似文献   

自体骨髓联合脱钙牙基质治疗骨折不愈合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年3月~2008年12月,我科采用自体骨髓移植联合脱钙人牙基质材料(骨又生,decalcified dentin matrix,DDM)治疗骨折延迟愈合或不愈合患者19例,取得了良好的疗效.  相似文献   

经皮穿刺自体骨髓移植治疗骨折延迟愈合及骨折不愈合   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
自2001~2003年对13例手术后骨折延迟愈合及骨不连接应用经皮穿刺自体骨髓移植治疗,取得了较好的疗效。  相似文献   

骨折延迟愈合和不愈合的治疗进展   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
骨折最主要并发症之一是骨折不愈合或延迟愈合。为了最终恢复骨的完整性和生物力学性能,骨折治疗包括手术或内固定方式、骨移植、外固定、电刺激、超声检查、高能量体外冲击波等。骨不愈合及延迟愈合的最佳治疗方法是自体骨移植。然而,合适的移植骨是有限的,且移植后会增加供骨部位的发病率。目前,骨不愈合或延迟愈合的治疗原则已有进步,目标是提供无损伤、并发症少及安全的治疗。本文介绍了骨不愈合或延迟愈合的一些有效而安全的治疗方法的进展。  相似文献   

骨折愈合、延迟愈合和骨不连   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
骨折愈合分为四个阶段:血肿炎症期、肉芽形成期、骨化期和重塑期。四阶段的病理变化连续而重叠,诸多炎性介质和生长因子起了非常重要的作用。最终骨折根据稳定性程度达到直接愈合或骨痂愈合。骨折是否发生延迟愈合和骨不连可以从治疗时间、临床表现、放射学表现和生物力学几方面进行评价,重点对骨不连的两种基本形式进行了解释,并对造成延迟愈合和骨不连的主要原因进行了分析,并从生物性、全身性、机械性和生物物理治疗四方面概括了促进骨折愈合的多种手段。  相似文献   

体外高能震波治疗骨不连和骨延迟愈合的初步结果   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的观察Ossatron高能体外震波仪治疗骨不连和骨延迟愈合的效果。方法2004年10月~2005年10月采用体外震波治疗18例四肢骨折术后骨不连和4例骨延迟愈合患者,C型臂X线机透视定位,根据不同骨折部位选择合适的震波能量、频率和冲击次数。内固定不稳定者震波治疗后以石膏或支具固定6~8周。术后6、12周及以后每个月随访复查X线片,直至骨折愈合。结果所有患者获3~12个月(平均6.7个月)随访。10例患者震波后出现局部瘀斑或肿胀,术后1~3 d缓解;无其它并发症发生。22例患者中,13例(59.1%)获骨性愈合,骨折愈合时间平均为4.3个月(6周~6个月)。18例内固定稳定的患者中12例骨折获愈合,其愈合率为66.7%。9例患者(40.9%)骨折未愈合。结论震波治疗对骨折断端稳定的骨不连和延迟愈合具有一定疗效,其突出特点是安全、无创。  相似文献   



Knowledge about the functional consequences of lower limb long bone fractures is helpful to inform patients, clinicians and employers about their recovery process and prognosis. This study aims to describe the epidemiology and health outcomes of femoral and tibial shaft fractures treated at two level I trauma centres, by comparing the differences between patients with delayed union or nonunion and patients with union.

Patients and methods

An analysis of registry data over two years, supplemented with medical record review, was conducted. Fracture healing was retrospectively assessed by clinical and radiological evidence of union, and the need for surgical intervention. SF-12 scores, and work and pain status were prospectively recorded at six and twelve months post injury.


285 fractures progressed to union and 138 fractures developed delayed union or nonunion. There was a significant difference between the two cohorts with regards to the mechanism of injury, association with multi-trauma, open fractures, grade of Gustilo classification, patient fund source, smoking status and presence of comorbidities. The SF-12 physical component score was less than 50 at both six and twelve months with improvement in the union group, but not in the delayed union or nonunion group. 72% of patients with union had returned to work at one year, but 54% continued to have pain. The difference compared to patients with delayed union or nonunion was significant.


Even patients whose fractures unite in the expectant time-frame will have residual physical disability. Patients with delayed union or nonunion have still poorer outcomes, including ongoing problems with returning to work and pain. It is important to educate patients about their injury so that they have realistic expectations. This is particularly relevant given that the patients most likely to sustain femoral or tibial shaft fractures are working-age healthy adults, and up to a third of fractures may develop delayed union or nonunion.


Despite modern treatment, the patient-reported outcomes of lower limb long bone shaft fractures do not return to normal at one year. Patients with delayed union or nonunion can expect poorer outcomes.  相似文献   



The purpose of the present study is to evaluate scaphoid delayed fractures or nonunions treated by percutaneous fixation with MRI correlations.


We evaluated 33 consecutive scaphoid delayed unions or nonunions treated by dorsal percutaneous fixation at a mean 16 months (range, seven to 48 months) after the operation. There were 31 male and two female patients with an average age of 29 years (range, 25–33 years).


Pre-operative MRI revealed no signs of avascular necrosis. At the latest follow-up, all patients had good or excellent results.


We suggest dorsal percutaneous screw fixation for scaphoid delayed fractures or nonunions after eliminating the presence of AVN by pre-operative MRI examination.  相似文献   

我院于 1998年 8月~ 2 0 0 0年 8月 ,在放疗模拟机定位下 ,经皮自体骨髓及骨宁注射治疗骨不连及骨延迟愈合 14例 ,收到良好效果。1 临床资料本组 14例 ,男 10例 ,女 4例 ;年龄 17~ 5 6岁 ,平均 38岁 ;骨不连部位 :肱骨 2例 ,股骨 2例 ,胫骨 7例 ,尺骨 2例 ,外踝 1例 ,14例为创伤性骨折不愈合 ,其中 10例曾行切开复位内固定术 (8例为开放性骨折 ,2例为骨不连切开植骨内固定术后 ) ,骨不连部位的骨缺损间隙为 2~ 6mm ,平均为 3 5mm。2 治疗方法病人置于模拟机平台上 ,先在放疗模拟机下定位 ,然后消毒 ,铺无菌巾 ,局部浸润麻醉后 ,用…  相似文献   



Bone marrow is a source of osteoprogenitor cells that are key elements in the process of bone formation and fracture healing. The purpose of the study was to ascertain the osteogenic potential of autologous bone marrow grafting and its effectiveness in the management of delayed union and nonunion.

Materials and Methods:

Twenty-eight patients with delayed union and three with nonunion of fracture of the long bones were treated with this procedure. Of these 28 cases, two patients had fracture shaft femur, one had fracture shaft ulna and 25 patients had tibial shaft fractures. The average time duration between procedure and injury was 25 weeks (range 14-53 weeks). The bone marrow was aspirated from the anterior iliac crest and injected percutaneously at the fracture site. The procedure was carried out as an outpatient procedure. All but five cases required one injection of bone marrow.


Union was observed in 23 cases. The average time of healing after the procedure was 12 weeks (range 7-18 weeks).


The technique of percutaneous autologous bone marrow injection provides a very safe, easy and reliable alternative to open bone grafting, especially for early intervention in fracture healing process.  相似文献   

目的 比较放散状与聚焦状冲击波治疗骨折延迟愈合或不愈合的疗效. 方法 对2011年4月至8月收治的47例骨折延迟愈合或不愈合患者资料进行回顾性分析,男38例,女9例;年龄21 ~56岁,平均35.0岁.所有患者均为肥大型稳定性骨折延迟愈合或不愈合.骨折延迟愈合或不愈合部位:股骨24例,肱骨6例,胫骨17例.初次内固定方法:钢板固定37例,外固定支架固定8例,带锁髓内钉内固定2例.23例患者接受放散状冲击波治疗(放散组),24例患者接受聚焦状冲击波治疗(聚焦组),根据不同骨折部位选择合适的冲击能量、频率和剂量进行治疗.患者每个月复查X线片,了解骨痂生长情况.比较两组患者的治愈率和有效率. 结果 所有患者术后均获9个月随访.放散组23例患者中,22例有较明显的骨痂生长,其中21例完全愈合,1例部分愈合,1例无效,治愈率为91.3%,有效率为95.7%.骨折愈合时间为8~24周,平均12周.聚焦组24例患者中,17例完全愈合,7例无效,治愈率和有效率均为70.8%.骨折愈合时间为8~40周,平均18周.两组患者治愈率比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.137),有效率比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.048).两组分别有4、9例患者出现肢体血管损伤. 结论 体外冲击波是治疗骨折延迟愈合或不愈合较理想的方法;放散状冲击波治疗骨折延迟愈合或不愈合的有效率优于聚焦状冲击波.  相似文献   

《Foot and Ankle Surgery》2020,26(4):405-411
BackgroundBiophysical methods including Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound (LIPUS) are emerging as potential alternatives to revision surgery for treating established nonunions. We aim to prospectively review the clinical and patient-reported outcomes of patients treated with LIPUS following post-traumatic and post-surgical nonunions in the foot and ankle.MethodsForty-seven consecutive patients underwent Exogen treatment. Patient-reported outcome scores included MOXFQ, EQ-5D and VAS. Patients were divided in to 3 groups: fractures (A), hindfoot procedures (B) and midfoot/forefoot procedures (C).ResultsThirty-seven patients (78.7%) clinically united, 4 patients (8.5%) noticed no significant improvement but did not want further intervention and 6 patients (12.8%) underwent revision surgery. The mean duration of Exogen treatment was 6 months. Union rates of 93%, 67% and 78% were noted in the three groups. Significant improvement in functional outcomes and potential cost savings were observed.ConclusionsExogen for established nonunion in the foot and ankle is a safe, valuable and economically viable clinical option as an alternative to revision surgery. We observed better results in the fracture and midfoot/forefoot groups and relatively poorer results in the hindfoot fusion group.  相似文献   

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