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Eighty-nine subjects with panic disorder, who had been naturalistically treated, and 46 nonanxious controls were followed up after 3 years. Although they remained symptomatic, most subjects with panic disorder reported relatively little distress or social maladjustment. The course of panic disorder was characterized by fluctuating anxiety and depressive symptoms. Panic subtypes (uncomplicated, limited phobic avoidance, and extensive phobic avoidance) and Axis I and II comorbidity (major depression and personality disorders) were highly predictive of symptoms and social adjustment after 3 years. Abnormal personality was, in fact, the strongest predictor of social maladjustment in both subjects with panic disorder and controls. The results showed that while panic disorder has a favorable outcome, the illness is a chronic one that may require continuing treatment. They also show that subtypes and comorbid disturbances are important predictors of outcome.  相似文献   

The diagnostic utility of lactate sensitivity in panic disorder   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lactate infusion is the most extensively studied of the pharmacological challenge tests in panic disorder. We assessed the value of this test in the diagnosis and subtyping of panic in clinical and research settings. Analysis of lactate infusion studies to date suggests that patients with panic attacks are significantly more sensitive to lactate than are healthy controls or patients with other psychiatric disorders without panic attacks. However, the usefulness of lactate infusion is limited by the lack of standardized, objective criteria for lactate-induced panic and uncertainty as to the sensitivity and specificity of the test for current, clinically significant panic attacks. Except in rare cases, the clinical history is likely to be of more value than lactate response in diagnosing panic disorder. Determination of the role of the test in subtyping patients with panic disorder awaits further study of the diagnostic, prognostic, genetic, and pathophysiologic significance of lactate sensitivity.  相似文献   

The situations in which the first panic attack occurred were investigated in 44 patients affected by panic disorder. Although the first panic attack was reported to be unexpected and no avoidance was present before it, 75.8% of patients (N = 22) with panic disorder with agoraphobia had their first panic attack in phobogenic situations, compared with 20% of patients (N = 3) with panic disorder without agoraphobia.  相似文献   

Panic disorder is a common and debilitating illness in which unexpected panic episodes are the core feature. Medication treatment is of proven efficacy in this disorder. Cognitive behavioral treatment is also effective and can be administered without medication with good results. This paper reviews the techniques and strategies used in cognitive behavioral treatment and outcome results from studies utilizing this approach. The efficacy of other psychotherapeutic approaches is less well established. However, we recently conducted a study comparing cognitive behavioral treatment to an emotion focused brief psychotherapy and found them to be equivalent. We describe the theoretical background and the strategies and techniques for this treatment, and review the results of the prospective comparison.  相似文献   

The psychometric characteristics of panic diary measures were investigated in a sample of 37 patients suffering from panic disorder with agoraphobia. Following recommendations made in the recent consensus development conference on the assessment of panic disorder, daily ratings included not only the occurrence of panic attacks but also fear of panic, expectancy of panic, and expected aversiveness of panic. These new measures were reliable and, on the whole, demonstrated good divergent and convergent validity. Further, adding such measures increased the incremental validity of panic disorder assessment. Depression and Anxiety 6:133–139, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In earlier studies, it was found that exogenous carbon dioxide administration provoked high anxiety in panic disorder (PD) patients, whereas healthy normals and patients suffering from other anxiety disorders were hardly affected. Breath-holding provides a simple method to induce endogenous CO2 accumulation. Fourteen PD patients, 14 patients suffering from other anxiety disorders, and 14 healthy controls were asked to hold their breath as long as possible. Apnea times appeared to be longer in the normal control group than in the other two groups. Using a one-tailed t test, a trend for a difference was found between the PD subjects and other anxiety patients, the PD patients having slightly lower values. No differences were found with respect to increase in anxiety during breath-holding or the ratio of apnea times before and after hyperventilation.  相似文献   

Emotion-focused psychotherapy for patients with panic disorder.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: Recent studies have suggested that most patients treated for panic disorder receive forms of psychotherapy other than cognitive behavior therapy, even though there is little information about the efficacy of such treatments or how they compare to proven active treatments. The authors compared one of these other forms, emotion-focused psychotherapy (given to 30 patients with panic disorder), to results obtained with recommended standard treatment (either cognitive behavior therapy [N=36] or imipramine [N=22]). The authors also compared emotion-focused psychotherapy to results obtained in subjects given pill placebo (N=24). METHOD: Subjects met DSM-IV criteria for panic disorder with no more than mild agoraphobia. Treatment consisted of approximately 3 months of weekly visits followed by 6 monthly maintenance visits. Assessments were conducted after each treatment phase and at a follow-up visit after 6 months of no treatment. RESULTS: Emotion-focused psychotherapy was less effective for symptoms of panic disorder than treatment with either cognitive behavior therapy or imipramine; results obtained with emotion-focused psychotherapy after the acute and maintenance phases were similar to those seen with placebo. Treatment expectations were not different among the different groups. Patients receiving emotion-focused psychotherapy had the highest completion rate. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that emotion-focused psychotherapy (a supportive form of psychotherapy) has low efficacy for the treatment of panic disorder. However, emotion-focused psychotherapy may be superior to medical management in helping patients stay in treatment.  相似文献   

The present communication concerns a 30 year-old female patient with panic disorder in whom panic attacks appeared to be seasonally-related. Characteristically, attacks were more frequent and severe during the months of October to May with spontaneous remissions during the months of June to September. Since 70% of patients with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a variant of affective illness characterized by recurrent winter depressions with remissions in summer, suffer from anxiety disorders, we propose that seasonal panic disorder may be a variant of SAD. Since SAD is associated with phase delay of circadian rhythms, some forms of panic disorder may be related to phase instability of circadian rhythms. Moreover, since administration of artificial bright light therapy is currently the most effective treatment for SAD, it is suggested that patients with panic disorder should be questioned as to whether their symptoms are seasonally related. If a positive association is established, these patients should be offered treatment with light therapy prior to or coincident with the institution of pharmacotherapy.  相似文献   

Immunological, neuroendocrine and psychological parameters were examined in 14 psychophysically healthy subjects and in 17 panic disorder patients before and after a 30-day course of alprazolam therapy. T lymphocyte proliferation in response to the mitogen phytohemagglutinin, lymphocyte beta-endorphin (beta-EP) concentrations, plasma ACTH, cortisol and beta-EP levels were examined in basal conditions and after corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) stimulation. Cortisol inhibition by dexamethasone (DST) and basal growth hormone (GH) and prolactin levels were also examined. Depression, state or trait anxiety, anticipatory anxiety, agoraphobia, simple and social phobias, severity and frequency of panic attacks were monitored by rating scales. The immune study did not reveal any significant difference between patients and controls, or any effect of alprazolam therapy. The hormonal data for the two groups were similar, except for higher than normal basal ACTH and GH plasma levels, lower than normal ratios between the ACTH and cortisol responses to CRH, and blunted DST in some patients. All the impairments improved after alprazolam therapy, in parallel with decreases in anxiety and in severity and frequency of panic attacks.  相似文献   

Summary Over 9% of the subjects in the NIMH Epidemiologic Catchment Area sample reported a history of at least one panic attack, yet only 1.5% of the sample met DSM-III criteria for panic disorder. In light of the revisions of these criteria for DSM-IV, two of those diagnostic criteria, frequency of panic attacks and number of symptoms during a panicattack, are examined in this paper. We evaluated the relationship between those criteria and each of three measures of social morbidity: psychiatric hospitalization, emergency room (ER) use for emotional problems, and suicide attempts. Although only symptom count was significantly associated with either ER use or suicide attempts, both diagnostic criteria were associated with psychiatric hospitalization. The threshold for symptom count was also considered and while three appeard to have slightly better sensitivity and specificity, the continued use of four symptoms seemed acceptable. The diagnostic and clinical implications of the findings are considered.We regret that Dr. Johnson died on January 10, 1992 and Dr. Klerman died on April 3, 1992  相似文献   

Previous studies on neuronal activation correlates of panic attacks were mostly based on challenge tests, sensory-related stimulation or fear conditioning in healthy subjects. In the present study, we report on a female patient with panic disorder experiencing a spontaneous panic attack under an auditory habituation paradigm in the last stimulation block with sine tones captured with fMRI at 3T. The panic attack was associated with a significantly increased activity in the right amygdala. This is the first report on neuronal activation correlates of a spontaneous panic attack in a patient with panic disorder as measured by fMRI, which lends further support to a pivotal role of the amygdala in the pathogenesis of the disease.  相似文献   

Eleven patients who met DSM-III criteria for panic disorder were treated with behavior therapy techniques. Seven patients had mixed phobic avoidance and none were agoraphobic; three had no phobic symptoms. Mean duration of symptoms was 3.4 years. Treatment lasted a mean of 14 weeks and consisted of 1) education about physiology and management of panic symptoms; 2) relaxation, abdominal breathing, and cognitive anxiety management skills; and 3) imaginal and in vivo exposure. Upon termination of treatment, 10 of 11 patients were panic-free and six of seven mixed phobics showed complete remission or significant improvement of phobias. Follow-up data revealed excellent stability of remission. Clinical implications for the use of behavior therapy for panic disorder and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We investigated whether patients with DSM-III-R panic disorder and patients with social phobia could be distinguished on the basis of selected demographic variables and by several commonly used anxiety and phobia rating scales. METHOD: Sixty-six patients with social phobia and 60 patients with panic disorder (42 with and 18 without agoraphobia) were studied. Subjects completed a battery of self-report measures that assessed phobic fears, avoidance, and related problems. RESULTS: Social phobic patients showed an earlier age at onset than the panic disorder group, and there was a trend for more social phobics to have never married. Social phobics reported significantly greater levels of social phobic avoidance and distress, fear of negative evaluation, and avoidance of social situations than the panic disorder patients who reported more overall anxiety and rated themselves as significantly more avoidant of situations involving exposure to public places and to blood or injury. Discriminant function analyses showed that social phobic and panic disorder patients can be reliably discriminated on these scales. CONCLUSION: The results of this study lend further support for the validity of the DSM-III-R nosologic distinctions between social phobia and panic disorder. Furthermore, generalized social phobia appears to be remarkably different from discrete social phobia on these measures. This study provides less support for considering panic disorder with agoraphobia to be distinct from panic disorder without agoraphobia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There are no published reports of an association between triphasic oral contraceptives and the development of panic disorder. METHOD: The authors describe two cases in which the use of triphasic oral contraceptives in women appear to have precipitated panic disorder. Treatment with the triphasic oral contraceptives was stopped and the patients were followed for 2 years. RESULTS: Both subjects had rapid and total resolution of their panic disorder symptoms following cessation of triphasic oral contraceptive medications. CONCLUSION: Triphasic oral contraceptives in some predisposed women may lead to precipitation of panic disorder.  相似文献   

Anxiety sensitivity and panic disorder.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Anxiety sensitivity refers to fears of anxiety-related sensations. Most often measured by the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI), anxiety sensitivity is a dispositional variable especially elevated in people with panic disorder. Regardless of diagnosis, ASI scores often predict panic symptoms in response to biological challenges (e.g., carbon dioxide inhalation) that provoke feared bodily sensations. Prospective longitudinal studies indicate that scores on the ASI predict subsequent spontaneous attacks, indicating that elevated anxiety sensitivity is a risk factor for panic and perhaps panic disorder. Cognitive behavioral treatment reduces anxiety sensitivity in panic patients, perhaps protecting against relapse. Imipramine likewise decreases anxiety sensitivity.  相似文献   

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