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Managed care has dramatically transformed mental health care. The solo physician practice, once the dominant mode of delivery of care, has almost disappeared. Multidisciplinary, collaborative practices have emerged as flexible, cost-effective alternatives. The article describes a holistic, collaborative model of mental health care. A holistic model includes the professionals, administrative staff, patients, and families in the treatment plan and maximizes collaboration. Cooperation and trust among all the individuals involved are essential to ensure a comprehensive plan to restore health.  相似文献   

After superficially reviewing the advances which have occurred in the public health system over the past twenty years, the author speaks to us about the idea of how it is possible to facilitate improved information regarding health, sanity, and health services in order to help create a general public which is more responsible for their own actions while still accepting as a fact that each individual is a whole world with his/her own particular attitude toward health and illness. As a simple and accessible way to provide information, the author analyzes the method used in England to inform the general public by telephone contact, a method ideal to increase the self-care of the general public and to provide appropriate answers to their voiced concerns. The author concludes his article commenting that soon in Spain we should incorporate new information technologies and systems into the daily lives of our health system in order to make it more modern and accessible and to bring it into closer touch with the general public.  相似文献   

Collaboration, when viewed as a nonhierarchic endeavor based on a sharing of power and authority, may not be an ideal model for interdisciplinary research. A cooperative venture in which participants willingly join in planning, making decisions about, and implementing a project supervised by a principal investigator is historically the successful structure for interdisciplinary research. A holistic model of mutually respectful cooperation in a hierarchic team is a more realistic goal for interdisciplinary research efforts.  相似文献   

This article explores the roles of two methods of holistic communication: active listening and focusing. Active listening is a technique used by the nurse to reflect on what a patient has said to him or her and can help patients feel more deeply and be understood better by the nurse. Focusing, a body-centered method for developing self-awareness, is a way of listening to feelings by becoming aware of body sensations that carry meaning about issues or concerns. This article includes four uses of focusing: (1) reducing stress, (2) creating better coping strategies (e.g., pain control, decision making), (3) making behavioral changes, and (4) developing a collaborative approach with patients. Clinical examples (mini-focusing moments) that demonstrate how listening and focusing may be integrated into daily nursing care are also included.  相似文献   

目的探讨开展医护一体化分层级责任制整体护理的临床效果。方法采用设置护理岗位层级,制订层级岗位职责,强化护士层级培训,实施医护一体化责任制整体护理等方法。结果医疗护理质量、患者满意度、医生对护理工作满意度、护士职业满意度均较实施前明显提高(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论医护一体化责任制整体护理创新了整体护理模式,调动了护理人员积极主动性,提高了医护配合程度,提升了优质护理服务质量及护士群体素质。  相似文献   

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