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艾滋病的免疫学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类艾滋病已成为本世纪的“瘟疫”,传播广泛迅速,病死率极高。尽管世界各国已在病原学、流行病学、诊断、治疗和基础医学等方面进行了大量工作,已取得巨大进展,但在用于预防的疫苗及治疗药物方面仍未突破,这是防治艾滋病所面临的严峻现实问题。  相似文献   

李华伟 《中医研究》2010,23(5):77-78,F0003,F0004
艾滋病(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS)是当前严重威胁人类健康的重大疾病之一,由人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)引起。其潜伏期长,死亡率高,病情复杂而深重,被称为“超级癌症”、“世纪瘟疫”。目前,我国正进入艾滋病快速传播期,艾滋病疫情处于总体低流行,特定人群和局部地区高流行的态势”,  相似文献   

中医药治疗艾滋病的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国HIV感染流行形势的日趋严峻,临床治疗的压力也随之增大,人们期望能从传统中医学中找到高效、低毒、价廉的药物,以改变依靠进口药物的现状,采用中西医结合的方法治疗,以提高临床疗效。20年来的临床实践和研究表明,中医药治疗艾滋病是大有潜力的。  相似文献   

艾滋病的中医药研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
10余年来,中医药治疗艾滋病(AIDS)取得了较大进展,研究表明中医药可提高机体免疫功能、抑制病毒;在缓解临床症状、改善生活质量、延长生存期等方面,已显示出一定的疗效。今后应结合临床实际,制定全国性的统一的中医疗效标准,进一步筛选中药复方、单味中药及有效成分,寻找最佳治疗方案。同时加强抗HIV中药研制的标准化研究,加强中药有效成分和结构改造的研究,进一步发挥中医药优势。  相似文献   

中医药治疗艾滋病研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
艾滋病是获得性免疫缺陷综合征(Acquired Immunodificiency Syndrome,AIDS)的简称,是由人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human Immunodificiency Virus,HIV)即通称艾滋病病毒感染而引起的进行性致死性疾病.大量的艾滋病患者因为目前采用的西药疗法价格昂贵而得不到及时的救治,给艾滋病的进一步传染埋下了隐患.因此,从国情出发开发传统中医药治疗艾滋病成为我国艾滋病防治工作的当务之急[1].现就近几年来中医药在艾滋病的临床治疗方面进行概述.  相似文献   

随着我国HIV感染流行形势的日趋严峻,临床治疗的压力也随之增大,人们期望能从传统中医学中找到高效、低毒、价廉的药物,以改变依靠进口药物的现状,采用中西医结合的方法治疗,以提高临床疗效.20年来的临床实践和研究表明,中医药治疗艾滋病是大有潜力的.  相似文献   

中医药治疗艾滋病的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
艾滋病即获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS),是由人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)所引起的致命性传染病。迄今为止,由于病毒的善变,疫苗的研制也困难重重,国际上尚无根治艾滋病的方法。西医高效抗病毒治疗(HAART疗法)已能使病毒载量大幅度下降,但不能完全消灭HIV,且HAART药物价格昂贵,产生的毒副反应很大,易产生赖药性病毒株,患者必须长期服用,停药后会反弹,因此开展传统中医药治疗艾滋病防治工作成为当务之急。  相似文献   

中药治疗艾滋病的国内外研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
刘瑞  彭勃 《世界中医药》2009,4(3):175-178
艾滋病(Acquirid Immune Deficiency Syndrome,AIDS)是威胁人类生命健康最严重的疾病之一.根据联合国艾滋病规划署2008年发布的全球艾滋病流行状况报告,目前全世界共有约3300万人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human Immunodeficiency Virus,HIV)感染者,2007年新增感染者约270万,另有约200万人死于艾滋病.  相似文献   

中药单体及复方制剂抗艾滋病的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
艾滋病,即获得性免疫缺陷综合征(Acquired Immunodefiency syndrome,AIDS)是由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HumanImmunodeficiency Virus,HIV)引起的传染性疾病,其感染性强,死亡率高,引起国内外医药工作者的广泛关注.目前,抗HIV药物的研究已经发展到高效抗逆转录病毒疗法,但此种疗法均来自发达国家,治疗药物的价格昂贵,无法在发展中国家普及.因此价格低、疗效佳,副作用少的抗HIV药物急待问世.中医药学博大精深,在治疗HIV方面有着独特优势,正日益受到研究学者的重视,已成为HIV治疗的另一途径.从中医学的发病原理来讲,艾滋病当属瘟疫毒邪乘虚而入,导致机体阴阳失调、五脏不相协调,正气亏虚,因虚生瘀、积结成症,或变生它症.从中医药治病机理来讲,如能做到从整体出发,辨证论治,扶正祛邪,平调阴阳,即可调整病人的全身机体障碍、代谢失调,使HIV感染者的免疫功能得以增强,使病毒增殖受到抑制继而被控制或减少,从而延缓病情发展,减轻HIV携带者的全身症状,消除体征,提高生存质量,使其生存期得以延长.现将中药有效成分抗艾滋病的研究进展做一简要介绍.  相似文献   

本文就IgA肾病目前较为公认的关于免疫学发病机制方面的学说、观点及新进展做一综合介绍,IgA肾病为一组具有某些共同免疫病理特点的临床病理综合征,多种机制参与了其发病过程。  相似文献   

Recent advances on ginseng research in China.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Ginseng, Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer, is a well-known Chinese traditional medicine. There have been more than 300 original papers in Chinese and in English during the last 10 years in China. This review paper summarizes some achievements from some of these published papers. Twenty-eight ginsenosides and some minor constituents were extracted and isolated from the root, root-stock, stems, leaves, flowers and flower-buds of ginseng. The chemical analysis demonstrated that the content of ginsenosides is related to the source, part and growth years of ginseng. The drug has a wide range of pharmacological and therapeutical actions, it acts on the central nervous system, cardiovascular system and endocrine secretion, promotes immune function and metabolism, possesses biomodulation action, anti-stress and anti-ageing activities, and so on. Many preparations of ginseng have been officially approved for clinical application in China. Clinical evaluation has shown that these preparations play a special role in medicinal use.  相似文献   

中药复方制剂药物动力学国内研究最新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
关于中药有效成分的药物动力学(以下简称药动学)研究已有很多报道,但对中药复方制剂的研究则是近十几年才发展起来的。结合中药复方制剂的中医药理论特点,进行药动学研究,对指导临床合理用药、阐述组方原理、制订合理的制备工艺、评价制剂质量以及研制新药均有重要意义。1992年以前的中药复方制剂的药动学研究前人已有综述[1] ,本文拟就1992年以后的最新研究动态加以综述。1 研究概况1 1 血药浓度法 这种方法源自化学药物的  相似文献   

动物类中药在我国有着悠久的应用历史,动物药的药理作用广泛。通过查阅近五年动物药相关文献,从动物药的主要药理作用入手,对其可能的药理作用机制进行总结归纳,其主要药理作用包括对心血管系统的强心作用和抗血栓作用、对免疫系统的抗疲劳作用、抗炎作用和抗肿瘤作用,并且对呼吸系统和消化系统等都有一定的作用。  相似文献   

Ilex paraguariensis dried and minced leaves are made into a brewed tea, prepared in a sui generis manner by large populations in South America, having evolved from a tea drunk by the Guarani ethnic group to a beverage that has a social and almost ritualistic role in some South American modern societies. It is used both as a source of caffeine, in lieu or in parallel with tea and coffee, but also as a therapeutic agent for its alleged pharmacological properties. Although with some exceptions, research on biomedical properties of this herb has had a late start and strongly lags behind the impressive amount of literature on green tea and coffee. However, in the past 15 years, there was a several-fold increase in the literature studying Ilex paraguariensis properties showing effects such as antioxidant properties in chemical models and ex vivo lipoprotein studies, vaso-dilating and lipid reduction properties, antimutagenic effects, controversial association with oropharyngeal cancer, anti-glycation effects and weight reduction properties. Lately, promising results from human intervention studies have surfaced and the literature offers several developments on this area. The aim of this review is to provide a concise summary of the research published in the past three years, with an emphasis on translational studies, inflammation and lipid metabolism. Ilex paraguariensis reduces LDL-cholesterol levels in humans with Ilex paraguariensis dyslipoproteinemia and the effect is synergic with that of statins. Plasma antioxidant capacity as well as expression of antioxidant enzymes is positively modulated by intervention with Ilex paraguariensis in human cohorts. A review on the evidence implicating Ilex paraguariensis heavy consumption with some neoplasias show data that are inconclusive but indicate that contamination with alkylating agents during the drying process of the leaves should be avoided. On the other hand, several new studies confirm the antimutagenic effects of Ilex paraguariensis in different models, from DNA double breaks in cell culture models to mice studies. Novel interesting work has emerged showing significant effect on weight reduction both in mice and in rat models. Some mechanisms involved are inhibition of pancreatic lipase, activation of AMPK and uncoupling of electron transport. Intervention studies in animals have provided strong evidence of anti-inflammatory effects of Ilex paraguariensis, notably protecting cigarette-induced lung inflammation acting on macrophage migration and inactivating matrix-metalloproteinase. Research on the effects of Ilex paraguariensis in health and disease has confirmed its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic and lipid-lowering activities. Although we are still waiting for the double-blind, randomized prospective clinical trial, the evidence seems to provide support for beneficial effects of mate drinking on chronic diseases with inflammatory component and lipid metabolism disorders.  相似文献   

难治性青光眼病因复杂,常规滤过性手术成功率低。本文就目前国内外有文献报道的手术治疗方法、疗效及其并发症作一综述。  相似文献   

Recent advances in the chemistry of taxol   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The history of the development of the important anticancer drug taxol (1) is briefly described, and recent studies of its chemistry and tubulin-binding conformation are then presented. Topics discussed include side chain attachment to baccatin III (3a), the effect of oxygenation of the taxane ring system on bioactivity, the importance of the oxetane ring for bioactivity, the synthesis of a C-6/C-4 bridged analogue, and the conformation of the side chain when taxol is bound in a complex with polymerized tubulin.  相似文献   

严黎  张建红  姜丹  罗红梅 《中草药》2020,51(19):5065-5076
植物在生命活动中产生一系列的次生代谢物,这些化合物在植物细胞内产生后,将转运至特定细胞器进行储存,或被分泌到细胞外。转运蛋白是一类膜蛋白,可介导生物膜内外化学物质的跨膜转运及信号交换,在植物次生代谢物的跨膜运输过程中发挥重要作用。阐明植物次生代谢物转运蛋白的转运功能,有助于解析次生代谢物生物合成及利用途径的分子机制,为开展药用植物活性次生代谢物的合成生物学研究提供重要元件。详细介绍了转运蛋白的结构与分类,综述了近年来植物次生代谢物转运蛋白的研究进展,总结了转运蛋白功能验证的研究方法,为药用植物次生代谢物的生物合成途径解析及开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

针刺治疗青光眼研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
慢性单纯性青光眼系一种不可逆致盲性眼病,致病机理极为复杂,而药物或手术尚不能完全阻止青光眼性视神经损害的进一步发展;近年来,采用中医经络原理的针刺疗法作为青光眼的补充治疗正日益受到重视,但无论是其临床和基础研究均亟需深化.本文就国内外采用针刺治疗青光眼的研究现状与存在问题作一综述.  相似文献   

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