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A postal questionnaire inquiring into the presence of respiratory symptoms was sent to 3698 children aged 7 and 8 years. Those reporting either cough or wheeze were randomised, and a sample invited to attend for skin testing. A total of 192 symptomatic children, half of whom were atopic and half non-atopic, were randomly selected to enter the study. All children performed and recorded best of three peak expiratory flow measurements twice a day and completed a 10 point respiratory symptom score card each day for one year. They also recorded all treatment taken and made a note of relevant life events. Each child was seen monthly for general assessment and for measurement of nonspecific bronchial responsiveness to methacholine. Of the 192 children, 183 successfully completed the study. For six subjects 11 measurements of the provocation dose required to cause a 20% fall in forced expiratory volume in one second (PD20) were available for analysis and on the remaining 177, greater than or equal to 12 measurements. The prevalence and degree of bronchial hyper-responsiveness (PD20 less than 6.4 mumol) and its relationship to atopy was examined by comparing the percentage of members of each symptom group demonstrating bronchial hyper-responsiveness and the number of occasions on which they did so, and by comparison of minimum and median PD20 values. The range of bronchial responsiveness shown during the study period by each child was expressed as doubling doses of methacholine and compared between symptom groups. Atopy and wheeze were both independently associated with an increased prevalence and greater degree of bronchial hyper-responsiveness when compared with non-atopy and cough respectively, all differences being significant a the 0.001 level.. Thirty three per cent of subjects demonstrated a rnge of methacholine responsiveness of >4 and 13.4% of >6 doubling doses during one year.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a new valved spacer device, the Babyhaler inhaler (Glaxo) for administering metered dose inhaler treatment via a facemask to infants was assessed. In a double blind, single dose study, salbutamol (800 micrograms) or placebo were given on separate days to 12 sedated, sleeping, wheezy infants during a symptom free interval. Lung function was measured before and after administration and the bronchial response to aerosol challenge with methacholine was then assessed using the squeeze technique. A small increase in heart rate and a drop in arterial oxygen tension followed salbutamol administration. No other change in lung volume or air flow obstruction was detected. Bronchial responsiveness decreased significantly after the administration of salbutamol by Babyhaler, the PC30 (provoking concentration of methacholine causing a 30% fall in maximal flow at functional residual capacity by the squeeze technique) increasing from a median of 3.8 g/l after placebo to 12.5 g/l after salbutamol. The Babyhaler is an effective device for administering bronchodilator to wheezy infants. The small scale of the response may be attributable to the uncertain effect of beta agonists in this population. Furthermore, pulmonary deposition of inhaled aerosols may be reduced in nose breathing, sleeping infants.  相似文献   

The sodium intake of preschool children in their home environment was investigated and the major sources of sodium other than added table salt identified. Thirty five children from a Southampton general practice were studied. Twenty four hour urinary sodium excretion was measured as a reliable indicator of daily total sodium intake. The daily intake of sodium other than that from added table salt, and of potassium and other nutrients, was also calculated from three day dietary diaries collected using the household measures method. Median excretion of sodium was 62 mmol/24h (range 28-105, 28 urine collections) and of potassium was 25 mmol/24 h (range 14-46). The sodium:potassium ratio was 2.7 (1.4-5.2). From the diaries, the average daily intake of sodium was 68 mmol (32-98) and of potassium was 47 mmol (24-95), and the sodium:potassium ratio was 1.4 (0.5-2.7) (median and ranges, 35 children). Foods contributing more than 30 mmol sodium to one day''s intake were mainly processed convenience foods.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a new valved spacer device, the Babyhaler inhaler (Glaxo) for administering metered dose inhaler treatment via a facemask to infants was assessed. In a double blind, single dose study, salbutamol (800 micrograms) or placebo were given on separate days to 12 sedated, sleeping, wheezy infants during a symptom free interval. Lung function was measured before and after administration and the bronchial response to aerosol challenge with methacholine was then assessed using the squeeze technique. A small increase in heart rate and a drop in arterial oxygen tension followed salbutamol administration. No other change in lung volume or air flow obstruction was detected. Bronchial responsiveness decreased significantly after the administration of salbutamol by Babyhaler, the PC30 (provoking concentration of methacholine causing a 30% fall in maximal flow at functional residual capacity by the squeeze technique) increasing from a median of 3.8 g/l after placebo to 12.5 g/l after salbutamol. The Babyhaler is an effective device for administering bronchodilator to wheezy infants. The small scale of the response may be attributable to the uncertain effect of beta agonists in this population. Furthermore, pulmonary deposition of inhaled aerosols may be reduced in nose breathing, sleeping infants.  相似文献   

Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus presenting in children under five years old exhibits several clinical and management features that differ from diabetes presenting in older children. In this review of the current population of the Oxford children''s diabetes clinic, children with diabetes diagnosed aged 0- less than 5 years are compared with those diagnosed aged 5- less than 10 years to illustrate these differences. The mean annual age specific incidence of diabetes for children aged 0- less than 5 is 9.9/100 000 compared with 13.8/100 000 for the children diagnosed aged 5- less than 10. Although children with diabetes currently aged less than 5 comprise only 8% of the clinic population, such children ultimately make up 41% of the total number of children with diabetes aged under 15 attending the clinic. Diabetes diagnosed in children under the age of 5 seems to have increased in incidence over the past 10 years, exhibits a male preponderence (1.5:1), and shows an unusual seasonal variation in incidence with an autumn/early winter trough, late winter/early spring peak, and the absence of mid-summer trough seen in other age groups. First degree family history was positive in 16% of children diagnosed under the age of 5 compared with 10% of the group diagnosed aged 5- less than 10. In none of these children was the mother the affected relative.  相似文献   

Depending on methods of delivery, 7-50% of all children are born with retinal haemorrhages (RH). To assess the prognostic value of extensive RH for the future development of the child, the ophthalmological, neurological and psychological status of 52 children, 26 born with RH and 26 controls, were examined at the age of seven years. There were significant differences between the two groups using only psychological measures. Children with RH performed poorer than the control group, but the results did not point to any particular cerebral areas being affected. However, children with both RH and low socio-economic status were significantly less emotionally stable than the controls. Socio-economic factors also seem to be more highly correlated with later performance than do RH.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the natural history of respiratory symptoms not labelled as asthma in primary schoolchildren. DESIGN: Repeat questionnaire survey of subgroups identified from a previous questionnaire survey after a two year delay. SUBJECTS: The original population of 5321 Sheffield children aged 8-9 years yielded 4406 completed questionnaires in 1991(82.8%). After excluding children with a label of asthma, there were 370 children with current wheeze, 129 children with frequent nocturnal cough, and a random sample of 222 children with minor cough symptoms and 124 asymptomatic children. RESULTS: Response rates in the four groups were 233 (63.0%), 77 (59.7%), 160 (72.1%), and 90 (72.6%) respectively. Of those who initially wheezed, 114 (48.9%) had stopped wheezing and 42 (18.0%) had been labelled as having asthma. Those with more frequent wheezing episodes (p < 0.02) and a personal history of hay fever (p < 0.01) in 1991 were more likely to retain their wheezy symptoms. In the children with frequent nocturnal cough in 1991, 20.1% had developed wheezing, 42.9% had a reduced frequency of nocturnal coughing, and 14.2% had stopped coughing altogether two years later. One sixth had been labelled as having asthma. Children with nocturnal cough were more likely to develop wheezing if they had a family history of atopy (p = 0.02). Only 3.8% and 3.3% of those with minimal cough and no symptoms respectively in 1991 had developed wheeze by 1993 (1.9% and 1.0% labelled as asthma). CONCLUSIONS: Most unlabelled recurrent respiratory symptoms in 8-10 year olds tend to improve. Unlabelled children who have persistent symptoms have other features such as frequent wheezing attacks and a family or personal history of atopy. If a screening questionnaire were to be used to identify such children, a combination of questions should be employed.  相似文献   

Parents of 996 children aged 4-5 years identified consecutively from the Oxford health visitor register were asked to complete a questionnaire about breathing disorders during sleep. A total of 782 (78.5%) was returned. Ninety five (12.1%) children were reported to snore on most nights. Habitual snoring was significantly associated with daytime sleepiness, restless sleep, and hyperactivity. The questionnaire responses were used to select two subgroups, one at high risk of a sleep and breathing disorder and a control group. These children (132 in total) were monitored at home with overnight video recording and oximetry, and had formal behavioural assessment using the Conners scale. Seven (7/66) children from the high risk group and none from the control group had obvious sleep disturbance consequent on snoring and upper airway obstruction. Thus our estimate of the prevalence of sleep and breathing disorders in this age group is 7/996 or 0.7%. The high risk group had significantly higher nocturnal movement, oxygen saturation dip rates, and overnight pulse rates than the controls. Maternal but not paternal smoking was associated with the high risk group. Parents and teachers thought those in the high risk group were more hyperactive and inattentive than the controls, but only their parents thought them more aggressive. Significant sleep and breathing disorders occur in about 0.7% of 4-5 year olds. Children whose parents report snoring and sleep disturbance have objective evidence of sleep disruption and show more behaviour problems than controls.  相似文献   

In the course of the follow-up of 206 previously obstructive bronchitis children, the effect of parental smoking upon the occurrence of respiratory diseases, the yearly frequency of wheezing episodes and the age until the obstructive episodes used to return have been investigated. Familial and maternal smoking was more frequent in this group compared to the control group. In spite of this, however, no correlation could be detected between familial smoking and frequency of respiratory diseases, as well as the above mentioned characteristics of obstructive bronchitis. The familial smoking did not seem to influence the bronchial hyperreactivity challenged with acetylcholine, although the prevalence was higher.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the natural history of respiratory symptoms not labelled as asthma in primary schoolchildren. DESIGN: Repeat questionnaire survey of subgroups identified from a previous questionnaire survey after a two year delay. SUBJECTS: The original population of 5321 Sheffield children aged 8-9 years yielded 4406 completed questionnaires in 1991(82.8%). After excluding children with a label of asthma, there were 370 children with current wheeze, 129 children with frequent nocturnal cough, and a random sample of 222 children with minor cough symptoms and 124 asymptomatic children. RESULTS: Response rates in the four groups were 233 (63.0%), 77 (59.7%), 160 (72.1%), and 90 (72.6%) respectively. Of those who initially wheezed, 114 (48.9%) had stopped wheezing and 42 (18.0%) had been labelled as having asthma. Those with more frequent wheezing episodes (p < 0.02) and a personal history of hay fever (p < 0.01) in 1991 were more likely to retain their wheezy symptoms. In the children with frequent nocturnal cough in 1991, 20.1% had developed wheezing, 42.9% had a reduced frequency of nocturnal coughing, and 14.2% had stopped coughing altogether two years later. One sixth had been labelled as having asthma. Children with nocturnal cough were more likely to develop wheezing if they had a family history of atopy (p = 0.02). Only 3.8% and 3.3% of those with minimal cough and no symptoms respectively in 1991 had developed wheeze by 1993 (1.9% and 1.0% labelled as asthma). CONCLUSIONS: Most unlabelled recurrent respiratory symptoms in 8-10 year olds tend to improve. Unlabelled children who have persistent symptoms have other features such as frequent wheezing attacks and a family or personal history of atopy. If a screening questionnaire were to be used to identify such children, a combination of questions should be employed.  相似文献   

A register of children born between 1970 and 1979 in the South East Thames Regional Health Authority, and diagnosed as having pre-, peri-, and postnatal cerebral palsy, was set up between 1978 and 1981. We report the 527 children born between 1970 and 1974 for whom ascertainment is virtually complete. The estimated prevalence was 2.2 per 1000, with 7.4% multiple births, and 58% boys. Birthweight distribution is as expected, with 35% weighing less than 2500 g at birth. Parental permission for release of detailed medical information was sought, and the clinicians responsible gave us data on the type of cerebral palsy; details of impairments, disabilities, and anticipated future prospects; and an opinion on the probable timing of the cause. There was a high incidence of orthopaedic defects which must represent a considerable use of resources, although the prevalence of hearing and vision defects suggested that some of these may be undetected.  相似文献   

Inhaled steroids improve pulmonary function and bronchial responsiveness in older asthmatics. Data from studies using subjective outcome measures to determine the effectiveness of inhaled steroids in infants with recurrent wheezing are equivocal. Therefore, this study tested the hypothesis that beclomethasone dipropionate improves pulmonary function, including bronchial responsiveness to histamine, in recurrently wheezy infants. The study was double blind, placebo controlled lasting nine weeks. After the first baseline week, pulmonary function was measured using the rapid thoracoabdominal compression technique and bronchial responsiveness assessed with a histamine challenge test. Infants were then randomly allocated to receive doses of placebo or beclomethasone dipropionate (100 micrograms/puff) from metered aerosols. Two puffs of test aerosol were administered twice daily for eight weeks via a large volume spacer fitted with a facemask. Symptoms were recorded daily and pulmonary function and bronchial responsiveness assessed at the end of the treatment period; 50 infants, median age 12 months (range 5 to 18 months), were recruited. Twenty three in the beclomethasone dipropionate group and 15 in the placebo group completed the study and had pairs of pulmonary function measurements. Three were probable treatment failures (one beclomethasone dipropionate, two placebo), three were possible treatment failures (placebo), and others were non-compliant with study protocol. Baseline variables were not significantly different between those infants who completed the study and those who did not. Beclomethasone dipropionate and placebo groups were similar in all respects at baseline. Lung function and symptoms improved for both groups of infants during the study. Bronchial responsiveness increased significantly in the placebo group but there were not statistically significant differences between groups for any of the other outcome measures. It is concluded that beclomethasone dipropionate (400 microgram daily) via a large volume spacer does not significantly improve lung function or symptoms in recurrently wheezy infants but might hav a beneficial effect on bronchial responsiveness.  相似文献   

Little is known about rates and correlates of suicidal ideation among nonclinical samples of preadolescents from low-income urban backgrounds. Using the Children's Depression Inventory, we measured suicidal ideation in 131 preadolescent urban children (49% female, 90% African American/Caribbean) participating in an ongoing prospective longitudinal study of prenatal cocaine exposure and children's outcome. Suicidal ideation was reported by 14.5% of the children in this sample at 9 to 10 years of age. Children's reports of depressive symptoms, exposure to violence, and distress symptoms in response to witnessing violence were associated with suicidal ideation, but prenatal cocaine exposure, parent-rated child behavior, and caregivers' psychological distress symptoms were not. Suicidal ideation may be more prevalent among preadolescents from urban, low-income backgrounds than clinicians suspect, particularly among children exposed to violence.  相似文献   

Urinary pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline, pyridinium crosslinks released during breakdown of mature collagen, might serve as useful markers of bone resorption. Before their role can be identified, reference values must be established. In this study, free pyridinoline (f-Pyr), free deoxypyridinoline (f-DPyr), and creatinine (Cr) were measured in first morning void urine samples from 250 girls and 265 boys between the ages of 4 and 10 years. Overall, there was a decrease in f-Pyr:Cr and f-DPyr:Cr ratios with increasing age in both sexes, but there was a wide range of values for individuals of similar ages. Further studies are required to assess whether urinary pyridinium crosslink excretion is sufficiently deranged in conditions affecting bone metabolism for the measurement of these compounds to be of clinical value.  相似文献   

Acute viral respiratory illness during infancy has been implicated as a precursor for subsequent lower respiratory morbidity in childhood. A prospective, longitudinal study of respiratory function, airway responsiveness, and lower respiratory illness during early childhood was performed in a cohort of 253 healthy infants to characterise those who experienced bronchiolitis. Seventeen infants (7% of the cohort), were given a diagnosis of bronchiolitis during the first two years of life with two (1%) requiring hospital admission. Seventy one per cent of those infants with bronchiolitis had a family history of atopy, 53% of asthma, and 29% had a mother who smoked cigarettes. These family history characteristics in this group with bronchiolitis were not different from the rest of the cohort. There were also no differences in the number of older siblings, the number breast fed, the duration of breast feeding, or socioeconomic status of the families between those that did and did not get bronchiolitis. Respiratory function was assessed at 1, 6, and 12 months of age. Maximum flow at functional residual capacity (VmaxFRC) was measured using the rapid thoracic compression technique. Resistance (Rrs) and size corrected compliance (Crs/kg) were obtained from a single brief occlusion at end inspiration. Airway responsiveness was assessed by histamine inhalation challenge and the provocation concentration of histamine resulting in a 40% fall on VmaxFRC from baseline (PC40) was determined. Respiratory measurements were ranked into terciles to assess the distribution of infants who developed bronchiolitis through the cohort. Cough and wheeze were noted to be frequent before the episode of bronchiolitis. This study has demonstrated that infants who develop bronchiolitis have evidence of pre-existing reduced respiratory function and lower respiratory symptoms. It is proposed that bronchiolitis, although potentially contributory, is not usually causative of subsequent lower respiratory morbidity.  相似文献   

In one study of children in 27 families with maternal retardation, those children with higher intelligence quotient (IQ) were more likely to have multiple behavior problems than those with lower IQ. If true, this result would affect clinical practice, but it has not been replicated. Because the setting of the initial observation is similar to the setting of childhood lead poisoning, we attempted a replication using data from the Treatment of Lead-Exposed Children (TLC) study, in which 780 children aged 12-33 mo with blood lead levels 20-44 microg/dL were randomized to either succimer treatment or placebo and then followed up to 5 y. Of 656 mothers of TLC children with IQ measured, 113 demonstrated mental retardation (IQ <70). Whether maternal IQ was <70 or >or=70, children with IQ >or=85 were rated more favorably on cognitive tests and behavioral questionnaires than children with IQ <85; these measures included Conners' Parent Rating Scale-Revised at age 5, the Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment at ages 5 and 7, and the Behavioral Assessment System for Children at age 7. Among children of mothers with IQ <70, those with IQ >or=85 did not show more severe clinical behavioral problems, nor were they more likely to show multiple behavior problems. Children with higher IQ have fewer behavior problems, irrespective of the mother's IQ. In the special setting of mothers with IQ <70, children with higher IQ are not at greater risk of behavior problems.  相似文献   

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