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The metameric pattern of the axial skeleton is established during embryogenesis by somite formation from the unsegmented paraxial mesoderm (presomitic mesoderm). Here, we have investigated the morphology of the anterior presomitic mesoderm of chick embryos using scanning electron microscopy. We found periodically arranged transverse clefts in the anterior region of the presomitic mesoderm. These gaps can be regarded as physical boundaries between prospective somites in the determined zone of the presomitic mesoderm. This study provides additional evidence suggesting that prospective somite boundaries are not only marked by defined zones of gene expression, but are also accompanied by changes in cellular morphology that give rise to identifiable morphological segments.  相似文献   

Spemann's organizer emits signals that pattern the mesodermal germ layer during Xenopus embryogenesis. In a previous study, we demonstrated that FGFR1 activity within the organizer is required for the production of both the somitic muscle- and pronephros-patterning signals by the organizer and the expression of chordin, an organizer-specific secreted protein (Mitchell and Sheets [2001] Dev. Biol. 237:295-305). Studies from others in both chicken and Xenopus embryos provide compelling evidence that pronephros forms by means of secondary induction signals emitted from anterior somites (Seufert et al. [1999] Dev. Biol. 215:233-242; Mauch et al. [2000] Dev. Biol. 220:62-75). Here we provide several lines of evidence in support of the hypothesis that chordin influences pronephros development by directing the formation of anterior somites. Chordin mRNA was absent in ultraviolet (UV) -irradiated embryos lacking pronepheros (average DAI<2) but was always found in UV-irradiated embryos that retain pronepheros (average DAI>2). Furthermore, ectopic expression of chordin in embryos and in tissue explants leads to the formation of anterior somites and pronephros. In these experiments, pronephros was only observed in association with muscle. Chordin diverted somatic muscle cells to more anterior positions within the somite file in chordin-induced secondary trunks and induced the expression of the anterior myogenic gene myf5. Finally, depletion of chordin mRNA with DEED antisense oligonucleotides substantially reduced somitic muscle and pronephric tubule and duct formation in whole embryos. These data and previous studies on ectoderm and endoderm (Sasai et al. [1995] Nature 377:757) support the idea that chordin functions as an anteriorizing signal in patterning the germ layers during vertebrate embryogenesis. Our data support the hypothesis that chordin directs the formation of anterior somites that in turn are necessary for pronephros development.  相似文献   

To test the significance of cyclic Notch activity for somite formation in mice, we analyzed embryos expressing activated Notch (NICD) throughout the presomitic mesoderm (PSM). Embryos expressing NICD formed up to 18 somites. Expression in the PSM of Hes7, Lfng, and Spry2 was no longer cyclic, whereas Axin2 was expressed dynamically. NICD expression led to caudalization of somites, and loss of Notch activity to their rostralization. Thus, segmentation and anterior-posterior somite patterning can be uncoupled, differential Notch signaling is not required to form segment borders, and Notch is unlikely to be the pacemaker of the segmentation clock.  相似文献   

During segmentation (somitogenesis) in vertebrate embryos, somites form in a rostral-to-caudal sequence according to a species-specific rhythm called the somitogenesis clock. The expression of genes participating in somitogenesis oscillates in the presomitic mesoderm (PSM) in time with this clock. We previously reported that the Dact1 gene (aka Dpr1/Frd1/ThyEx3), which encodes a Dishevelled-binding intracellular regulator of Wnt signaling, is prominently expressed in the PSM as well as in a caudal-rostral gradient across the somites of mouse embryos. This observation led us to examine whether Dact1 expression oscillates in the PSM. We have found that Dact1 PSM expression does indeed oscillate in time with the somitogenesis clock. Consistent with its known signaling functions and with the "clock and wavefront" model of signal regulation during somitogenesis, the oscillation of Dact1 occurs in phase with the Wnt signaling component Axin2, and out of phase with the Notch signaling component Lfng.  相似文献   

Background : Hox genes are key players in AP patterning of the vertebrate body plan and are necessary for organogenesis. Several studies provide evidence for the role Hox genes play during kidney development and especially regarding metanephros initiation and formation. However, the role Hox genes play during early stages of kidney development is largely unknown. A recent study in our lab revealed the role Hoxb4 plays in conferring the competence of intermediate mesodermal cells to respond to kidney inductive signals and express early kidney regulators. Results : As a first step in understanding the role Hox genes play in setting the formation of the pronephros morphogenetic field and the expression of early regulators of kidney development, we studied in detail the expression pattern of 10 Hox genes in relation to the 6th somite axial level, the anterior sharp border of the kidney field. Despite the idea of spatial co‐linearity as exemplified in the Hox gene expression pattern in late developmental stages, a very dynamic spatio‐temporal expression of these genes was found in early stages. Conclusions : Since mesodermal patterning occurs at gastrula stages, the relevance of a “Hox code” at early stages is questioned in this study. Developmental Dynamics 241:1637–1649, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Developmental functions of mammalian Hox genes   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
The structure of the four murine Hox complexes and the co-ordinate expression patterns of Hox genes have been elucidated for almost a decade. However, clues about their developmental functions have been recently uncovered from the analysis of loss-of-function mutants generated by the gene targeting technique, as well as from transgenic mice with altered Hox gene expression domains. The 'anterior' Hox genes control the morphogenetic programme of specific hindbrain segments (rhombomeres) or pharyngeal arch neural crest derivatives. Various studies indicate that Hox gene products act in a region-specific, combinatorial and partly redundant manner to specify the identities of developing vertebrae. In addition, 'posterior' HoxA and HoxD genes act coordinately to control the growth and morphogenesis of skeletal structures along the proximodistal axis of developing limbs. Studies in other vertebrate model systems suggest that the evolution of Hox gene functions has allowed for the acquisition of specific morphological features along both the vertebral column and limbs of tetrapods. Gene targeting studies have also revealed region-specific functions of Hox genes along the developing digestive and genito-urinary tracts.   相似文献   

Homeobox genes encode positional information during primary and secondary axis formation during development. For this reason, the Hox genes have attracted attention in regeneration research as well. At early stages of regeneration, Hox genes have been implicated in wound healing and the dedifferentiation process and at later stages in the patterning of the blastema. We studied the expression of three Abdominal B-type Hox genes in Xenopus: XHoxc10, XHoxa13, and XHoxd13 during normal limb development and during regeneration of limbs and tails. We compared their expression with nonregenerating and with wounded limbs and tails, respectively. We show that the temporal and spatial control of these three Hox genes in blastemas differs from normal development. All three are specific to regeneration, XHoxc10 is up-regulated at the right time and at the site where cells dedifferentiate and undifferentiated cells are recruited, whereas XHoxa13 is reexpressed slightly later in regeneration, when the blastemal cells proliferate and remains on during patterning of the blastema. XHoxd13 is not expressed until relatively late and appears to be involved only in patterning of the blastema.  相似文献   

The mammalian Hox complex is divided into four linkage groups containing 13 sets of paralogous genes. These paralogous genes have retained functional redundancy during evolution. For this reason, loss of only one or two Hox genes within a paralogous group often results in incompletely penetrant phenotypes which are difficult to interpret by molecular analysis. For example, mice individually mutant for Hoxa11 or Hoxd11 show no discernible kidney abnormalities. Hoxa11/Hoxd11 double mutants, however, demonstrate hypoplasia of the kidneys. As described in this study, removal of the last Hox11 paralogous member, Hoxc11, results in the complete loss of metanephric kidney induction. In these triple mutants, the metanephric blastema condenses, and expression of early patterning genes, Pax2 and Wt1, is unperturbed. Eya1 expression is also intact. Six2 expression, however, is absent, as is expression of the inducing growth factor, Gdnf. In the absence of Gdnf, ureteric bud formation is not initiated. Molecular analysis of this phenotype demonstrates that Hox11 control of early metanephric induction is accomplished by the interaction of Hox11 genes with the pax-eya-six regulatory cascade, a pathway that may be used by Hox genes more generally for the induction of multiple structures along the anteroposterior axis.  相似文献   

人巨细胞病毒感染对小鼠脑组织同源框基因表达的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 研究小鼠脑组织同源框基因 (homeoboxgene ,Hox)的表达状态及人巨细胞病毒(humancytomegalovirus ,HCMV)感染对小鼠脑组织Hox基因表达的影响 ,以探讨HCMV致畸的分子机制。方法 昆明系小鼠 4 8只 ,随机分为 :实验对照组 (16只 )和病毒感染组 (32只 ) ,病毒感染为脑内注射。在感染后 7、15、30、6 0d分别以病理学方法观察病理损伤 ,以免疫组化方法检查HCMV LA(latean tigen) ,PCR检测小鼠脑组织中HCMV DNA。在建立HCMV脑部感染的小鼠模型基础上 ,用RT PCR测定Hox基因在病毒感染组和实验对照组小鼠脑组织中的表达 ,并用同位素标记的Hox寡核苷酸探针进行Northernblot检测相应的表达状况。结果  (1)接种HCMVAD16 9株的小鼠脑组织发生了病理改变 ,免疫组化和PCR方法在神经细胞内查到了HCMV LA和DNA ;(2 )RT PCR和Northernblot发现 :对照组的小鼠脑组织表达Hoxa2、Hoxb1和Hoxb2 ,但不表达Hoxb5、Hoxb8;HCMV感染后 ,小鼠脑组织被诱导表达Hoxa1,与对照组比较差异有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 1) ,且于感染后的 15d达到高峰 ,而Hoxb1的表达下调 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;Hoxa2和Hoxb2无明显变化 ;Hoxb5和Hoxb8仍旧不表达。结论 HCMVAD16 9株可感染小鼠神经系统。HCMV感染可诱导小鼠神经系统发育基因Hox基因表达改变 ,这对  相似文献   

The homeobox gene extradenticle (exd) acts as a cofactor of Hox function both in Drosophila and vertebrates. It has been shown that the distribution of the Exd protein is developmentally regulated at the post-translational level; in the regions where exd is not functional Exd is present only in the cell cytoplasm, whereas it accumulates in the nuclei of cells requiring exd function. We show that the subcellular localization of Exd is regulated by the BX-C genes and that each BX-C gene can prevent or reduce nuclear translocation of Exd to different extents. In spite of this negative regulation, two BX-C genes, Ultrabithorax and abdominal-A, require exd activity for their maintenance and function. We propose that mutual interactions between Exd and BX-C proteins ensure the correct amounts of interacting molecules. As the Hoxd10 gene has the same properties as Drosophila BX-C genes, we suggest that the control mechanism of subcellular distribution of Exd found in Drosophila probably operates in other organisms as well.  相似文献   

Hox genes have been regarded to play a central role in anterior-posterior patterning of the animal body. Variations of Hox genes among animal species in the number, order on a chromosome, and the developmental expression pattern may reflect an evolutionary history. Therefore, it is definitely necessary to characterize Hox genes of wide variety of animal species, especially the species occupying key positions in the animal phylogeny. Ascidians, belonging to the subphylum Urochordata, are one of the sister groups of vertebrates in the phylum Chordata. Recent studies have shown that nine Hox genes of Ciona intestinalis, an ascidian species, are present on two chromosomes in the genome. In this review, we discuss the present state of Hox genes in ascidians, focusing on their novel chromosomal organization and expression pattern with unique features and how the novel organization has evolved in relation to the unique body plan of ascidians.  相似文献   

Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are responsible for the stable repression of homeotic (Hox) genes by forming multimeric protein complexes. We show (1) physical interaction between components of the U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (U2 snRNP), including Sf3b1 and PcG proteins Zfp144 and Rnf2; and (2) that Sf3b1 heterozygous mice exhibit skeletal transformations concomitant with ectopic Hox expressions. These alterations are enhanced by Zfp144 mutation but repressed by Mll mutation (a trithorax-group gene). Importantly, the levels of Sf3b1 in PcG complexes were decreased in Sf3b1-heterozygous embryos. These findings suggest that Sf3b1-PcG protein interaction is essential for true PcG-mediated repression of Hox genes.  相似文献   

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