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A protocol is described for obtaining functional magnetic resonance images in anesthetized cat brain based on the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) contrast mechanism. A visual stimulus was used, which consisted of a high-contrast drifting grating, whose speed and spatial frequency was optimized for cat area 18 (V2). Experiments were conducted at 4.7 Tesla using a gradient echo EPI sequence with a 29-ms echo time, yielding signal changes of between 0.7% and 2% in area 18.  相似文献   

For high-resolution functional MRI (fMRI) studies, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) plays an important role. Any method that results in an improvement in SNR will be able to improve the quality of activation maps. Three-dimensional (3D) acquisition methods in general can provide higher SNR than that of 2D methods due to volume excitation. To demonstrate the superiority of 3D methods for high-resolution fMRI scans, a comparison study between 3D and 2D spiral methods was performed using a contrast-reversing checkerboard visual stimulus. A 3-inch surface coil was used to limit the in-plane FOV to 14 cm x 14 cm so that 32 1-mm slices with an in-plane voxel size of 1.1 mm x 1.1 mm could be acquired within 5.76 seconds. Results showed that average numbers of activated voxels were 407 and 841 for 2D and 3D methods, respectively (P < 0.01). Therefore, the 3D technique may be a useful alternative to the conventional 2D method for high resolution fMRI studies.  相似文献   

The nature of the coupling between neuronal activity and the hemodynamic response is the subject of intensive research. As a means to simultaneously measure parametric changes of T2(*), initial intensity (I(0)) and perfusion with high temporal resolution, a multi-image EPI technique with slice-selective inversion recovery (ssIR) for arterial spin labeling was developed and implemented. Comparative measurements with and without the preceding slice-selective inversion pulse were performed. I(0) and R2(*) changes induced by primary visual stimulation were separated. For ssIR-multi-image EPI the average change of I(0) over all 12 subjects was 3.4%, corresponding to a perfusion change of 40 ml/min/100 g, whereas only minor I(0) changes were observed without inversion. On average, the R2(*) of the activated pixels changed by -0.62 sec(-1) without inversion, while a significantly reduced average R2(*) change of -0.46 sec(-1) was calculated for ssIR-multi-image EPI due to a decreased BOLD effect contribution of the intravascular compartment.  相似文献   

Multiecho echo‐planar imaging (EPI) was implemented for blood‐oxygenation‐level‐dependent functional MRI at 1.5 T and compared to single‐echo EPI with and without parallel imaging acceleration. A time‐normalized breath‐hold task using a block design functional MRI protocol was carried out in combination with up to four echo trains per excitation and parallel imaging acceleration factors R = 1–3. Experiments were conducted in five human subjects, each scanned in three sessions. Across all reduction factors, both signal‐to‐fluctuation‐noise ratio and the total number of activated voxels were significantly lower using a single‐echo EPI pulse sequence compared with the multiecho approach. Signal‐to‐fluctuation‐noise ratio and total number of activated voxels were also considerably reduced for nonaccelerated conventional single‐echo EPI when compared to three‐echo measurements with R = 2. Parallel imaging accelerated multiecho EPI reduced geometric distortions and signal dropout, while it increased blood‐oxygenation‐level‐dependent signal sensitivity all over the brain, particularly in regions with short underlying T*2. Thus, the presented method showed multiple advantages over conventional single‐echo EPI for standard blood‐oxygenation‐level‐dependent functional MRI experiments. Magn Reson Med 63:959–969, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Periodically rotated overlapping parallel lines with enhanced reconstruction-echo-planar imaging (PROPELLER-EPI) is a multishot technique that samples k-space by acquisition of narrow blades, which are subsequently rotated until the entire k-space is filled. It has the unique advantage that the center of k-space, and thus the area containing the majority of functional MRI signal changes, is sampled with each shot. This continuous refreshing of the k-space center by each acquired blade enables not only sliding-window but also keyhole reconstruction. Combining PROPELLER-EPI with a fast gradient-echo readout scheme allows for high spatial resolutions to be achieved while maintaining a temporal resolution, which is suitable for functional MRI experiments. Functional data acquired with a novel interlaced sequence that samples both single-shot EPI and blades in an alternating fashion suggest that PROPELLER-EPI can achieve comparable functional MRI results. PROPELLER-EPI, however, features different spatiotemporal characteristics than single-shot EPI, which not only enables keyhole reconstruction but also makes it an interesting alternative for many functional MRI applications.  相似文献   

The benefits of sensitivity-encoded (SENSE) echo-planar imaging (EPI) for functional MRI (fMRI) based on blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) contrast were quantitatively investigated at 1.5 T. For experiments with 3.4 x 3.4 x 4.0 mm(3) resolution, SENSE allowed the single-shot EPI image acquisition duration to be shortened from 24.1 to 12.4 ms, resulting in a reduced sensitivity to geometric distortions and T(*)(2) blurring. Finger-tapping fMRI experiments, performed on eight normal volunteers, showed an overall 18% loss in t-score in the activated area, which was substantially smaller than expected based on the image signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and g-factor, but similar to the loss predicted by a model that takes physiologic noise into account.  相似文献   

To date, surprisingly little attention has been directed toward determining the optimum TR in a functional imaging experiment. A survey of the literature reveals a wide range of TRs, but little justification for a specific TR. Long-TR functional imaging experiments provide maximum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the raw images; allow for the collection of a large number of slice locations; and decrease the size of the data set acquired, simplifying storage and handling. This work, however, demonstrates that long-TR imaging sacrifices statistical power when the paradigm timing is held fixed. That is, for a fixed-run duration consisting of multiple activation/control blocks, shorter TR acquisitions (on the order of 1000 ms) provide better discrimination between the activated and nonactivated brain tissue regions than do long-TR acquisitions (on the order of 4000 ms). Results are shown for modeling the functional imaging experiment and for three different paradigms performed on normal subjects.  相似文献   

We employ a single-shot sensitivity-encoded (SENSE) gradient-echo EPI acquisition in order to enhance spatial resolution in a typical motor fMRI experiment at 3 T. Functional time series were acquired with an acquisition matrix size of 56 × 192 within a readout time of 82 ms, yielding an effective in-plane resolution of 0.94 mm × 0.94 mm and compared to a conventional acquisition. Our data suggest that fMRI can readily be performed with a spatial resolution adapted to detailed cortical functional topography. However, in all potential applications the specific behavior of spatial specificity and statistical sensitivity needs to be taken into account.  相似文献   

Visual and somatosensory activation studies were performed on normal subjects to compare the spatial discrimination and reproducibility between functional MRI (fMRI) methods based on blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) and perfusion contrast. To allow simultaneous measurement of BOLD and perfusion contrast, a dedicated MRI acquisition technique was developed. Repeated experiments of sensory stimulation of single digits of the right hand showed an average variability of activation amplitude of 25% for BOLD data, and a significantly lower variability of 21% for perfusion data. No significant difference in the variability of the locus of activity was observed between the BOLD and perfusion data. In somatotopy experiments, digits II and V were subjected to passive sensory stimulation. Both the BOLD and perfusion data showed substantial overlap in the activation patterns from the two digits. In a retinotopy study, two stimuli were alternated to excite different patches of V1. Again there was substantial overlap between the activation patterns from both stimuli, although the perfusion performed somewhat better than the BOLD method. Particularly for the visual studies, the overlap in activation patterns was more than expected based on the fine-scale retinotopic mapping of cortical activity, suggesting that both BOLD and perfusion contrast mechanisms contribute substantially to the point-spread function (PSF).  相似文献   

目的;比较八次激发SE-EPI与呼吸门控FSE及SSFSE T2WI在肝脏的应用。方法:对14例志愿者及21例肝病患者行上腹部呼吸门控FSE及SSFSE和屏气八次激发SE-EPI扫描。所有T2WI序列均运用脂肪抑制技术。定量分析肝脏、病灶的信噪比及肝脏-病灶的对比噪声比,评价各序列的图像质量及伪影。结果:八次激发SE-EPI与SSFSE及FSE在肝脏及病灶信噪比,肝脏-病灶对比度噪声比和图像质量方面无明显差异(P>0.05)。其磁敏感伪影较FSE及SSFSE重(P<0.01),SE-EPI化学位移伪影与SSFSE及FSE相比无明显差别(P>0.05)。SE-EPI及FSE运动伪影明显比SSFSE重(P<0.01),但SE-EPI运动伪影与FSE相比无明显差别(P>0.05)。SE-EPI与FSE及SSFSE的图像质量无明显差别(P>0.05)。结论:八次激发SE-EPI能够在较短时间里提供较高质量的上腹部T2WI。被检查者在扫描时可自由平静呼吸或屏气,可作为肝脏T2WI的补充序列。  相似文献   

Functional MRI (fMRI) generally employs gradient-echo echo-planar imaging (GE-EPI) to measure blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal changes that result from changes in tissue relaxation time T(*) (2) between activation and rest. Since T(*) (2) strongly varies across the brain and BOLD contrast is maximal only where the echo time (TE) equals the local T(*) (2), imaging at a single TE is a compromise in terms of overall sensitivity. Furthermore, the long echo train makes EPI very sensitive to main field inhomogeneities, causing strong image distortion. A method is presented that uses accelerated parallel imaging to reduce image artifacts and acquire images at multiple TEs following a single excitation, with no need to increase TR. Sensitivity gains from the broadened T(*) (2) coverage are optimized by pixelwise weighted echo summation based on local T(*) (2) or contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) measurements. The method was evaluated using an approach that allows differential BOLD CNR to be calculated without stimulation, as well as with a Stroop experiment. Results obtained at 3 T showed that BOLD sensitivity improved by 11% or more in all brain regions, with larger gains in areas typically affected by strong susceptibility artifacts. The use of parallel imaging markedly reduces image distortion, and hence the method should find widespread application in functional brain imaging.  相似文献   

Significantly higher temporal fluctuations of the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal in the living rat group compared to that in the dead rat group were observed in the cortex, suggesting the existence of physiological information in the signal fluctuations. A similar analysis shows significantly different fluctuations between visual cortical layers. The highest fluctuations were observed in layers 4 and 5 and the lowest in layer 1. Given the consistency with published electrophysiology studies anticipating high spontaneous activity in the deeper layers (particularly layer 4), and low activity in superficial layers, we hypothesize that the BOLD signal temporal fluctuations may reflect cortical neuronal activity. Temporal fluctuations in ultrahigh spatial resolution data of the rat brain were measured in two ways. In the first, analyses were performed according to known layer widths, and in the second equal lines of 117 micro along the cortex were selected. The second approach yielded temporal fluctuations along the cortex that resemble known neuronal density distributions including the intralayer structure, particularly within layer 5.  相似文献   



To investigate the feasibility of combining the inner‐volume‐imaging (IVI) technique with single‐shot diffusion‐weighted (DW) spin‐echo echo‐planar imaging (SE‐EPI) and DW‐SPLICE (split acquisition of fast spin‐echo) sequences for renal DW imaging.

Materials and Methods:

Renal DWI was performed in 10 healthy volunteers using single‐shot DW‐SE‐EPI, DW‐SPLICE, targeted‐DW‐SE‐EPI, and targeted‐DW‐SPLICE. We compared the quantitative diffusion measurement accuracy and image quality of these targeted‐DW‐SE‐EPI and targeted DW‐SPLICE methods with conventional full field of view (FOV) DW‐SE‐EPI and DW‐SPLICE measurements in phantoms and normal volunteers.


Compared with full FOV DW‐SE‐EPI and DW‐SPLICE methods, targeted‐DW‐SE‐EPI and targeted‐DW‐SPLICE approaches produced images of superior overall quality with fewer artifacts, less distortion, and reduced spatial blurring in both phantom and volunteer studies. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values measured with each of the four methods were similar and in agreement with previously published data. There were no statistically significant differences between the ADC values and intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) measurements in the kidney cortex and medulla using single‐shot DW‐SE‐EPI, targeted‐DW‐EPI, and targeted‐DW‐SPLICE (P > 0.05).


Compared with full‐FOV DWI methods, targeted‐DW‐SE‐EPI and targeted‐DW‐SPLICE techniques reduced image distortion and artifacts observed in the single‐shot DW‐SE‐EPI images, reduced blurring in DW‐SPLICE images, and produced comparable quantitative DW and IVIM measurements to those produced with conventional full‐FOV approaches. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2011;33:1517–1525. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A novel, noninvasive magnetic resonance imaging-based method for measuring changes in venous cerebral blood volume (CBV(v)) is presented. Venous refocusing for volume estimation (VERVE) exploits the dependency of the spin-spin relaxation rate of deoxygenated blood on the refocusing interval. Interleaved CPMG EPI acquisitions following a train of either tightly or sparsely spaced hard refocusing pulses (every 3.7 or 30 msec, respectively) at matched echo time were used to isolate the blood signal while minimizing the intravascular blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal contribution. The technique was employed to determine the steady-state increase in the CBV(v) in the visual cortex (VC) in seven healthy adult volunteers during flickering checkerboard photic stimulation. A functional activation model and a set of previously collected in vitro human whole blood relaxometry data were used to evaluate the intravascular BOLD effect on the VERVE signal. The average VC venous blood volume change was estimated to be 16 +/- 2%. This method has the potential to provide efficient and continuous monitoring of venous cerebral blood volume, thereby enabling further exploration of the mechanism underlying BOLD signal changes upon physiologic, pathophysiologic, and pharmacologic perturbations.  相似文献   

Due to the presence of gross magnetic susceptibility artifacts, functional MRI (fMRI) has proved problematic in studies of the human inferior frontal cortex (IFC). There is a strong desire, therefore, to employ techniques that mitigate susceptibility artifacts in the IFC while preserving the imaging parameters of an fMRI study. It has been shown that the use of a single, strongly diamagnetic, intra-oral passive shim significantly improves the homogeneity of the static magnetic field (B(0)) and, as a result, alleviates the susceptibility artifacts within the IFC. In this study, practical issues regarding the use of an intra-oral passive shim are examined. We investigated B(0) instabilities within the IFC resulting from subject head motion in order to calculate the effects of an intra-oral passive shim on the temporal variance of an EPI time series. These studies show that the addition of an intra-oral passive shim improves both B(0) homogeneity and signal stability, and increases sensitivity to functional activation.  相似文献   

Echo volumar imaging (EVI) is a 3D modification of echo‐planar imaging (EPI) that allows data from an entire volume to be acquired following a single RF excitation. EVI provides a high rate of volumar data acquisition, which is advantageous for functional MRI (fMRI). However, few studies to date have applied EVI to fMRI, since because of gradient hardware limitations EVI generally has to be used with long sampling times, resulting in high sensitivity to susceptibility‐induced distortions. In this study we modified the EVI sequence to improve its suitability for fMRI. The sampling time is reduced by the use of a high gradient‐switching frequency, a small number of echoes, and outer volume suppression (OVS); rewind gradients ameliorate Nyquist ghosting; and phase correction via a calibration scan reduces ghosting and distortion. It is shown that the modified EVI sequence allows fMRI data to be acquired with a temporal resolution of 167 ms. Magn Reson Med, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A multislice spin echo EPI sequence was used to obtain functional MR images of the entire rat brain with blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) and cerebral blood volume (CBV) contrast at 11.7 T. Maps of activation incidence were created by warping each image to the Paxinos rat brain atlas and marking the extent of the activated area. Incidence maps for BOLD and CBV were similar, but activation in draining veins was more prominent in the BOLD images than in the CBV images. Cerebellar activation was observed along the surface in BOLD images, but in deeper regions in the CBV images. Both effects may be explained by increased signal dropout and distortion in the EPI images after administration of the ferumoxtran-10 contrast agent for CBV fMRI. CBV-weighted incidence maps were also created for 10, 20, and 30 mg Fe/kg doses of ferumoxtran-10. The magnitude of the average percentage change during stimulation increased from 4.9% with the 10 mg Fe/kg dose to 8.7% with the 30-mg Fe/kg dose. Incidence of activation followed a similar trend.  相似文献   

A method is introduced by which brain activation caused by the acoustic noise associated with echo planar imaging (EPI) is mapped. Two types of time series were compared. The first time series, considered the “task,” involved applying only EPI gradients for 20 s without the application of RF pulses, then, without pause, starting image collection. The second, considered the “control,” involved typical sequential image acquisition without the prior gradient pulses. Subtraction of the first 5 s of the two time series revealed signal enhancement mainly in the primary auditory cortex. The technique was validated using a motor cortex task that mimicked the hypothesized scanner noise induced activation.  相似文献   

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