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The thymic architecture is normally compartmentalized into a central medulla surrounded by a peripheral cortical region. We investigated how compartmentalization of the thymic stroma is regulated using T cell receptor (TCR)-transgenic mouse models. Our studies show that the signals generated by TCR/peptide/major histocompatibility complex interactions regulate thymic stromal cell compartmentalization. In TCR-transgenic mice, normal stromal cell compartmentalization occurs when the transgenic TCR is expressed on a background that does not result in skewing toward either positive or negative selection. In models representing strong positive selection, the thymic stromal elements do not fully organize into a central medulla. Instead, small medullary foci are dispersed throughout the thymus with some regions residing directly under the capsule. The highest degree of disorganization in medullary epithelial regions is observed in TCR-transgenic mice that exhibit negative selection. Although the medullary foci lack central organization, the expression in these regions of CD80, CD86 and CD40, as well as the clustering of dendritic cells, is similar to that observed in medullae of wild-type mice. Thus, the organization of the medulla appears to occur in two stages: (1) small medullary epithelial regions that are dispersed in fetal thymi expand and associate with antigen-presenting cells, and (2) the expanded medullary foci organize into a central medullary compartment. Our data suggest a model in which this second stage of stromal cell organization is increasingly inhibited as the normal balance of TCR-mediated signals is skewed by higher-avidity interactions between thymocytes and antigen-presenting cells.  相似文献   

T cell receptors (TCR) identify target cells presenting a ligand consisting of a major histocompatibility complex molecule (MHC) and an antigenic peptide. A considerable amount of evidence indicates that the TCR contacts both the peptide and the MHC components of the ligand. In fully differentiated T cells the interaction between the peptide and the TCR makes the critical contribution to eliciting a cellular response. However, during the positive selection of thymocytes the contribution of peptide relative to MHC is less well established. Indeed it has been suggested that the critical interaction for positive selection is between the TCR and the MHC molecule and that peptides can be viewed as either allowing or obstructing this contact. This predicts that a given TCR is capable of engaging multiple MHC/peptide complexes. In this study a system is described which detects simply engagement of the TCR by MHC/peptide complexes rather than the functional outcome of such interactions. Using this approach the extent to which peptides can influence contacts between the TCR and the MHC molecule has been examined. The results show that the TCR does in fact engage a wide range of ligands in an MHC-restricted but largely peptide-independent manner, suggesting that only a few peptides are able to prevent the TCR from contacting the MHC molecule.  相似文献   

It is firmly established that the allelic composition of the H-2 complex has a prominent impact on the course of tuberculosis (TB) infection in mice, including granuloma formation, mycobacterial spread in the lungs, and the dynamics of mortality. Although intuitively obvious, the role of long-term specific T cell responses in the expression of corresponding phenotypes is poorly understood. In this study we have compared polyclonal lymph node cell response (cell yield, proliferation, surface markers, IL-4/interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) production) to Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv sonicate in repeated 10-day cycles of stimulation/rest between H-2 congenic IE-negative mouse strains, categorized on the basis of mortality following lethal challenge as TB-susceptible (C57Bl/6), TB-resistant (4R) and BCG non-protected (B10.M). The capacity to retain specific responsiveness to repeated stimulation by mycobacterial antigens depended upon both the H-2 haplotype of the host and the immunizing dose of the antigen. 4R lymph node cells following either 50 μg/mouse or 100 μg/mouse immunization constantly responded to sonicate, increased in numbers, and after the third stimulation/rest cycle developed into a stable CD3+ CD4+ cell line. B6 cells following either 50 μg/mouse or 100 μg/mouse immunization, and B10.M cells following 100 μg/mouse (but not 50 μg/mouse) immunization, lost the capacity to incorporate methyl-3H-thymidine during the second cycle, and died. Analogous results were obtained in the in vivo experiments, when the dynamics of the response over 12 weeks following a single immunization with the antigen was studied. In response to the antigen, cells from all three mouse strains produced significant amounts of IL-2 and IFN-γ, but not IL-4, indicating that they belong predominantly to the Th1-like subset. Among noteworthy differences between the mouse strains was a clear deficiency of CD8+ T cells in B6 cultures, and an unusually high proportion of CD3+ CD4? CD8? (double-negative) T cells in B10.M cultures following a high-dose immunization.  相似文献   

The CD4 or CD8 co-receptors and the T cell receptor (TCR) are thought to interact with the same antigen-presenting major histocompatibility complex molecule in a stable ternary complex. Therefore, the TCR and its co-receptor need to come into close proximity on the surface of the T cell. We have previously shown that the interaction of the p56lck SH2 domain with ζ-associated, tyrosine phosphorylated ZAP-70 and Syk kinases leads to an enhanced association of CD4 with TCR/CD3/ζ complex after CD3 stimulation of Jurkat cells. In this report, we analyzed whether a similar mechanism can mediate recruitment of the CD8αβ and CD8αβ isoforms to the TCR. We demonstrate in vivo in association of CD8αα/p56lck with the tyrosine kinase ZAP-70 after CD3 stimulation of Jurkat cells. A phosphopeptide competing in vitro for the binding of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins to the SH2 domain of p56lck specifically impedes the association of ZAP-70 with CD8αα/p56lck without affecting the ζ/ZAP-70 interaction. The same peptide is able to compete for the activation-dependent association of the CD8αα or CD8αβ isoform with the TCR/CD3/ζ complex. Moreover, co-precipitation of the TCR with both CD8 isoforms was observed after CD3 stimulation. These findings strongly suggest that the p56lck SH2 domain mediates recruitment of CD8/p56lck to the activated TCR/CD3/ζ complex.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that human T cell receptors (TcR) selected in the class II-restricted (HLA-DRB1*1302) response to a tetanus toxin peptide (tt830-843) frequently used the Vβ2 germ-line segment which paired with several Vα segments and that the putative CDR3 of both α and β chains showed remarkable heterogeneity. To analyze the structural basis for recognition of the tt830-843/DR complex, five of these TcR were reconstituted into a murine T cell hybridoma, 58 α?β?, by expressing the human α and β variable regions joined to the mouse α and β constant regions, respectively. The chimeric TcR, expressing the same Vβ germ-line segment (Vβ2), two expressing Vα21.1, twoVα17.1 and one Vα8.1 were shown to have the expected antigen specificity and DR restriction. Two lines of evidence suggested that the putative CDR3, although not conserved in these TcR, played a key role in recognition. First, two TcR with identical V germ-line segments but distinct CDR3 showed large differences in their capacity to react with the ligand. Second, interchanging the α and β chains from tt830-843/DR1302-specific TcR which differed in their CDR3 sequences invariably led to loss of recognition. We also asked whether germ-line Vα17.1 could functionally replace Vα21.1, as they appear to be related in their primary sequence. However, as in the case of CDR3 exchanges, Vα replacement abrogated TcR reactivity. Taken together, these data underline the fine interdependence of the structural components of the TcR binding site in defining a given specificity. Four of the TcR studied displaying promiscuous recognition were also tested against different DR alleles and site-directed mutants. The results of these experiments suggested that, in spite of their structural heterogeneity, anti-tt830-843 TcR may have a similar orientation with respect to the peptide/DR complex. The reconstitution system described herein should represent a valuable tool for detailed studies of human TcR specificity.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire found in the major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to the protein ovalbumin (OVA). Despite skewing towards the expression of Vβ5.2+ TCR by OVA-specific CTL from C57BL/6 mice, we found a relatively high degree of diversity in V(D)J usage in both TCR α- and β-chains. Closer examination showed that the majority of these sequences encoded negatively and positively charged residues at their respective TCR α- and β-chain VJ or VDJ junctions. These junctions form the third complementarity-determining regions (CDR3) of the TCR polypeptides involved in the direct interaction with the class I-bound peptide. Crystallographic analyses of Kb-peptide complexes predict that the major determinant from OVA, peptide OVA257–264 (SIINFEKL), contains two exposed charged side chains which can contact the TCR. These are the negatively charged glutamic acid at determinant position 6 (P6) and the positively charged lysine at P7. To examine whether the TCR α-chain makes contact with P7 lysine, we established a single chain TCR transgenic C57BL/6 mouse line where all T cells express a TCR β-chain derived from the Vβ5.2+ clone B3. OVA-specific T cells derived from in vivo primed transgenic mice preferentially expressed TCR α-chains that also contained negatively charged junctional residues despite some further variation in Vα and Jα sequences. Stimulation of naive TCR β-chain transgenic T cells with a P7 substitution peptide analogue induced a T cell response that was no longer cross-reactive with the wild-type OVA257–264 determinant, sugesting that the TCR α-chain from the T cell clone B3 can determine the specificity for this residue. Consequently, these results reveal the existence of conserved residues in the CDR3 of TCR α- and β-chains specific for OVA257–264 and identify their possible orientation over the peptide-class I complex.  相似文献   

We have characterized a prominent (15-20 %) thymocyte population expressing CD4 at a high and CD8 at a low level “CD4+8lo” in mice transgenic for a T cell receptor “TCR” restricted by major histocompatibility complex “MHC” class I molecules. The results demonstrate that the CD4+8lo population is an intermediate stage between immature CD4+8+ and end-stage CD4+8- thymocytes and that the survival of these cells crucially depends on the successful interaction of the transgenic TCR with self MHC class I molecules. In addition we demonstrate that the avidity of the interaction between TCR and self MHC class I molecules determines whether CD4+8lo thymocytes are found in significant numbers in this transgenic model. Our findings support a selective and multi-step model of T cell differentiation in the thymus.  相似文献   

Although much has been learned about CD8 structure-function properties, it has so far not been tested whether the nature of the TCR is sufficient to transfer the property of CD8 dependence versus non-dependence to CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and their precursors differentiating in T cell receptor (TCR)-transgenic (Tg) mice. In the present study, we compared the characteristics of dependence on CD8 for stimulation of CTL precursors and antigen-specific cytolysis by CD8+ T cells from two TCR-Tg mice expressing respectively the TCR (Tg) from a “CD8-dependent” and from a “CD8-independent” CTL clone, which were both reactive against the H-2Kb alloantigen and originated from H-2k mice. The results indicate that the property of the Tg+CD8+ cells from H-2k TCR-Tg mice corresponds to that of the CTL clone of origin, demonstrating that it is linked to the nature of the TCR. Consistent with this property, Tg+CD4+ cells could also differentiate into H-2Kb-specific CTL when originating from the “CD8-independent”, but not from the “CD8-dependent” Tg-TCR. The influence of the property of “CD8 dependence” on negative selection occurring in TCR-Tg H-2klb mice was apparent at two levels: (i) in the thymus, the extent of deletion was much more pronounced for the “CD8-independent” TCR-Tg mice; (ii) in the periphery, Tg+(hi) cells with low to negative CD8 expression were present for the “CD8-dependent” Tg-TCR, whereas only Tg+CD4?CD8? cells with low surface Tg-TCR and CD3 expression were found for the “CD8-independent” Tg-TCR, indicating that Tg+CD4?CD8? cells are susceptible to tolerance induction involving TCR/CD3 surface down-modulation. Furthermore, different in vitro conditions led to H-2Kb-induced stimulation of Tg+CD4?CD8? cells to differentiate into CTL detected in an anti-TCR clonotypic monoclonal antibody redirected cytolysis assay. Culture in interleukin-2 of H-2klb Tg+CD4?CD8? cells was sufficient to induce CTL activity in the “CD8-independent” model, whereas stimulation with cells which overexpressed H-2Kb was required in addition to interleukin-2 to induce CTL differentiation in the “CD8-dependent” model. These data suggest that peripheral Tg+CD4?CD8? cells present in a situation of in vivo tolerance to H-2Kb can still be triggered by H-2Kb with a sensitivity correlated with the degree of CD8 dependence.  相似文献   

Blocking the interleukin-2 receptor's α-chain in lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-infected mice by treatment with monoclonal antibodies diminished the increase of numbers of CD8+ T lymphocytes in spleens and prevented CD8+ T lymphocyte-mediated virus clearance from organs as well as generation of virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Also, the CD8+ T cell-mediated early phase of the delayed-type hypersensitivity footpad swelling reaction was decreased. The same treatment had no effect on the number of CD4+ spleen T lymphocytes, which, however, did not enlarge during infection, but these cells' heightened DNA synthesis and cytokine production were reduced by antibody treatment; yet the generation of antiviral antibodies remained unaffected, and the CD4+ T lymphocyte-mediated second part of the footpad reaction was somewhat augmented. We conclude that blocking of the interleukin-2 receptor by antibody in lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-infected mice diminishes both CD8+ and CD4+ T cell-mediated antiviral immune responses, the former more than the latter.  相似文献   

目的 通过检测抗仓鼠T细胞受体抗体对胸腺T细胞输出的影响,进一步研究胸腺是提供外周免疫细胞输出的有关机理。方法 体内注射抗TCR抗体48h后FACS分析新迁出细胞在胸腺、淋巴结的表达。结果 小鼠成熟髓质区高表达T细胞受体的单阳性细胞数目成倍增加,同时皮质区低表达T细胞受体的不成熟双阳性细胞数目减少。成熟的单阳性胸腺细胞高表达归巢受体L-Selectin,表型分析(TCRαβ、CD69、HAS、Vβ7-integrin、Qa-2)显示增加的这群细胞为胸腺的新迁出细胞,此群成熟细胞的高表达,表明胸腺的细胞迁出受到了抑制。胸腺内注射异硫氰酸荧光素16h后,抗TCR抗体注射小鼠外周淋巴结及脾脏CD4^ 、CD8^ 新迁出细胞数量减少。结论 抗TCR抗体能抑制胸腺T细胞向外周迁移。  相似文献   

The physical association of CD5 and the Tcell antigen receptor (TcR)/CD3 complex on the surface of intact human lymphocytes was investigated using co-capping experiments and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) analyses. Antibody-induced capping of CD5 or CD3 and double indirect immunofluorescence labeling revealed a specific co-localization of a significant fraction of CD3 and CD5 molecules on the Tcell surface. By means of FRET measurements we studied further the physical proximity of CD5 and the TcR/CD3 complex at the surface of normal lymphocytes. Significant fluorescence energy transfer was measured between CD5 and CD3 molecules indicating that the associated molecules were within 10 nm of one another. No energy transfer was observed between the integrin α4β7 and CD3 or CD5. The close physical proximity measured between CD5 and CD3 correlates with our co-capping data and taken together the results show that the association of CD5 and the TcR/CD3 complex first detected by immunoprecipitation occurs on the surface of human T cells under physiologically relevant conditions.  相似文献   

The question of functional differentiation within the CD8 subset has been addressed in a model of TcR-transgenic (TcR-tg) mice expressing a TcR specific for H-2Kb (Ti). CD8+ Ti+ T cells present in the periphery of these mice have no cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity unless they are stimulated with H-2Kb-expressing cells. In contrast to T cells from normal H-2k littermates, alloantigen induction of CTL from TcR-tg mice is independent of CD4+ T helper (Th) cells and is accompanied by high level secretion of interleukin-(IL)-2 by Ti+ CD8+ T cells. Precursor frequency analysis performed on CD8+ cells from TcR-tg mice revealed a high frequency of Th as compared to CTL precursors. This raised the possibility of the existence of distinct subpopulations within CD8+ precursors with different requirements for differentiation to functional CTL. FACS analyses (performed on resting and on in vitro stimulated T cells from normal and TcR-tg mice) demonstrated a heterogeneous expression of Ly-6C on CD8+ cells with a large enrichment of Ly-6C? cells among the Ti+ cells which persisted after stimulation with H-2b cells in conditions that led to a homogeneous expression of the activation markers pgp-1 and CD69. The possibility that Ly-6C expression could mark functionally different subpopulations in CD8+ T cells was investigated. Stimulation of sorted populations of Ly-6C? and Ly-6C+ cells allowed detection of CTL precursors in both these subsets and the majority of limiting dilution wells containing one pCTL also scored positive for IL-2 secretion. Thus, for CD8+ T cells expressing the same TcR, differentiation led to acquisition of both IL-2 secretion and CTL function and there was no evidence for the existence of a distinct population of helper-dependent CTL precursors.  相似文献   

We have examined the influence of listeriolysin O (LLO), the hemolysin secreted by the pathogenic bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, on major histocompatibility complex class II-dependent T cell activation. Stimulation of T cells by native antigens but not by peptides is inhibited upon pretreatment of antigen-presenting cells (APC) with LLO. Experiments presented here reveal that this inhibition is not due to a lack in processing of antigen by APC but is the result of an irreversible inactivation of T cells that recognize antigen on LLO-treated APC. Incubation of mixtures of two different T cells where only one antigen was presented on LLO-treated APC suggested that T cell inactivation is antigen specific. The inactivation was dominant and could be observed even in the presence of amounts of synthetic peptides that normally lead to T cell responses. This condition is reminiscent of the T cell inhibition observed when antagonistic and stimulatory peptides are added to APC at the same time. Our results thus reveal a novel type of interference by pathogens with antigen presentation and T cell stimulation that could give the pathogen a decisive advantage in dissemination and disease.  相似文献   

Although adoptive transfer of tumor-specific T cells is a plausible approach for cancer immunotherapy, the therapeutic application was hampered due to severe side effects caused by administration of high-dose interleukin (IL)-2, which was used for long-lasting maintenance of tumor-specific T cells in vivo. To solve this problem, here we propose to use an antibody/IL-2 receptor chimera, which can transduce a growth signal in response to a cognate antigen. As a model system, V(H) or V(L) region of anti-hen egg lysozyme (HEL) antibody HyHEL-10 was tethered to extracellular D2 domain of erythropoietin receptor and transmembrane/cytoplasmic domains of IL-2 receptor beta or gamma chain. When the pairs of chimeric receptors (V(H)-IL-2Rbeta and V(L)-IL-2Rgamma, or V(H)-IL-2Rgamma and V(L)-IL-2Rbeta) were expressed in IL-3-dependent pro-B cell line Ba/F3 and IL-2-dependent T cell line CTLL-2, the cognate antigen HEL induced selective expansion of gene-modified cells in the absence of IL-3 and IL-2, respectively. Growth assay revealed that the combination of V(H)-IL-2Rbeta and V(L)-IL-2Rgamma transduced a more stringent HEL-dependent growth signal, indicating some conformational effects of the chimeras. Furthermore, STAT3, STAT5 and ERK1/2, which are hallmarks for IL-2R signaling, were all activated by the antibody/IL-2R chimeras. These results clearly demonstrate that the antibody/IL-2R chimeras could substantially mimic the wild-type IL-2R signaling, suggesting the potential application in expansion of gene-modified T cells.  相似文献   

Autoimmune MRL/MP-lpr/lpr (MRL/lpr) mice spontaneously develop a systemic lupus erythematosus-like disease accompanied by a profound lymphadenopathy that consists of CD4?8?B220+ a P T cells. By the use of cross-linking experiments with radiolabeled interleukin-2 (IL-2), these abnormal T cells have been reported to constitutively express the IL-2 receptor β chain (IL-2Rα), a signal transducing component of IL-2R, in the absence of the a chain (IL-2Rα).To critically reevaluate the role of the IL-2/IL-2R pathway in the pathogenesis of lymphadenophathy we examined expression of the IL-2Rα and IL-2Rβ in MRL/lpr mice by 125I-IL-2 binding analysis and also by flow cytometric analysis using monoclonal antibodies against each component of the receptor. We found that, contrary to the previous report, the CD4?8?B220+ α β T cells in lymph node (LN) of MRL/lpr mice were negative for both IL-2Rα and IL-2Rβ expression. The lpr liver CD4?8?B220+ a P T cells that had been implicated in the genesis of these abnormal LN T cells were also negative for IL-2Rβ expression. Therefore, our results indicate that the IL-2/IL-2R system plays little role, if any, in the expansion of abnormal CD4?8? B220+ α β T cells in MRL/lpr mice.  相似文献   

The T cell receptor (TcR) recognizes antigens in the form of short peptide fragments bound to major histocompatibility (MHC) molecules. TcR have an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like structure and, in an analogous manner to antigen recognition by Ig, the third complementarity determining regions (CDR3) of the TcR are believed to provide the primary contact with the peptide lying in the MHC groove. CDR1 and CDR2 are thought to contact the presenting MHC molecule. We have analyzed seven human CD4+ T cell clones that recognize a conserved peptide epitope (residues 255–270) within the influenza virus hemagglutinin (H3) HA1 subunit. Two T cell clones recognized the peptide in the context of HLA-DRB1*1001 and HLA-DQB1* 0602/DQA1*0102, respectively, and shared Vα, Vβ and Jβ gene segments. Only the junctional regions encoding the CDR3 regions of the two TcR chains were different. This suggests that the CDR3 regions of these TcR interact with the MHC class II molecule. Six of the T cell clones were restricted by the HLA-DRB1*1001. Two of these T cell clones expressed Vβ9.1 and three expressed Vβ13 gene segments; the remaining clone expressed Vβ7.2, a close homologue of Vβ9.1. A diverse selection of Vα and J gene segments contributed to the junctional heterogeneity of the TcR, indicating a diversity of sequence combinations recognizing the epitope. Nevertheless, five out of six T cell clones bore a motif in the Vα CDR3 loop consisting of adjacent acidic and polar amino acid residues, eight residues from the carboxyl end of each CDR3.  相似文献   

The TCR repertoire of human CD8+ peripheral blood lymphocytes has been determined using MoAbs to the V beta 2, 3, 5.1, 5.2/5.3, 6.7, 8, 12 and 19(17)V beta gene families. The CD8T cell repertoire for V beta 2 and V beta 3 is shown to be skewed, with an excess of individuals having higher values than are consistent with a normal distribution. A significant majority of these individuals are over the age of 40. High values of V beta CD8+ cells were found for each V beta family studied except for 6.7a. Individual high values are stable for at least 12 months. In addition, the total percentage of CD4 and CD8 cells reacting with this panel of reagents was determined. There is a significant excess of V beta + CD4+ cells (33%) over CD8+V beta + cells (21.9%). Thus the human CD8 V beta repertoire differs from the human CD4 repertoire in a number of important ways.  相似文献   

Antigen recognition by T lymphocytes is mediated by cell surface receptors. T cell specificity depends on the variable, diversity and junctional (VDJ) regions of the α and β polypeptide chains of the T cell receptor (TCR). The expression of the variable region genes of the β chain (Vβ) has been analysed to study the involvement of peripheral blood T cells in systemic vasculitis. RNA was extracted from peripheral blood lymphocytes of 12 patients with microscopic polyarteritis, 10 with Wegener's granulomatosis, six with unclassified vasculitis, and 28 healthy age- and sex-matched individuals. Complementary DNA was made from RNA and amplified by the anchored polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using redundant oligonucleotide primers for the TCR Vβ genes. To determine if the dominant usage of a Vβ gene family reflected the presence of particular T cell clones, cDNA was amplified with primers for the specific Vβ gene family. The product was screened for sequence homogeneity by single-stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) and cloned to sequence the adjoining TCR (Dβ)Jβ region. A significant increase in the mean percentage expression of the Vβ 2.1 gene was seen in vasculitis patients (11·4+1·0% (mean + s.e.m.)) compared with controls (6·6 + 0·6%; P < 0·003). The most marked increase was seen in microscopic polyarteritis (13·9 + 1·7%; P < 0·0001). There were also increases in the expression of Vβ3, 13 and 14 in peripheral blood of vasculitis patients compared with controls. SSCP analysis of Vβ 2.1 amplified products indicated the presence of oligoclonal bands in a smaller proportion of patients (8/27) than controls (12/28). There was no strong evidence for the conservation of the TCR Vβ 2.1 junctional region sequence data from a sample group of three patients with oligoclonal bands. Thus, a subset of patients with systemic vasculitis, particularly those with microscopic polyarteritis, have increased TCR Vβ 2.1 gene expression in their peripheral blood T cell repertoire. As superantigens binding Vβ 2.1 are postulated to activate T cells with diverse CDR3 sequences, it is proposed that a superantigen is involved in the immunopathogenesis of vasculitis.  相似文献   

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