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A clonal deletion (21)(q21.2q22.12) was detected as a sole cytogenetic abnormality in a lobular capillary hemangioma (pyogenic granuloma) of the nasal cavity. This finding supports a neoplastic, rather than reactive, nature for this lesion. To our knowledge, these rare lesions have not previously been studied by cytogenetics.  相似文献   

Situs inversus is a rare congenital anomaly wherein the normal, left-right organ location is inverted. The anatomical inversion (heterotaxy) is usually detected in routine radiography or other medical interventions. A 5-month-old Holstein heifer calf was identified as a suspected situs inversus totalis during abdominal surgery. Following surgery the calf did not gain weight. On admission to the Ontario Veterinary Hospital, it was given a routine clinical examination and a detailed cardiovascular, Doppler ultrasound examination, which appeared normal. Because of declining health and chronic bloating in the heifer, euthanasia was performed. A detailed post-mortem dissection was carried out. No heart or lung anomalies were detected. Other thoracic organs were normal, except for a helical coil of the esophagus as it traversed the diaphragm. The rumen was located entirely on the right side of the abdomen and had a large area of adhesion to the parietal peritoneal wall. The left kidney was abnormally placed: retroperitoneal and cranial to the right. There were two spleens. The caudal vena cava was distended and twisted to the left. Thus the calf was situs inversus abdominalis. This suggests that the development of laterality in the early embryo may include both timing and positional regulation.  相似文献   

A 10-day-old male Holstein dairy calf with orthopaedic abnormalities was unable to stand but was alert with a suckle reflex. At necropsy, the calf showed multiple defects, including partial agenesis of the left rib plate, deformed left scapula, shortened left humerus, agenesis of the left kidney, atresia ani and scoliosis. The cause of these anomalies could not be determined. This report is the first to describe partial agenesis of ribs in a calf.  相似文献   

This report describes gingival vascular hamartoma in a 2.5-month-old female Holstein calf. Macroscopically, the mass was 4 × 3 × 1.5 cm in size, 5.5 g in weight, and reddish gray in color. The mass was localized on rostral mandibular gingiva adjacent to the central incisor teeth. Microscopically, the mass was characterized by proliferation of structurally normal blood vessels with all supporting elements.  相似文献   

AIMS: To report the finding of human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) in two patients with Kaposi's sarcoma (KS)-like pyogenic granuloma. This form of pyogenic granuloma closely resembles KS histologically and it has been reported that immunohistochemistry in such lesions may be positive for smooth muscle actin and factor VIII related antigen, which are typically negative in KS. In both patients the lesions were positive for CD31, CD34, smooth muscle actin, and factor VIII related antigen, a profile typical of KS-like pyogenic granuloma. The lesions were tested for the presence of HHV-8 DNA, which to date has been consistently found in all types of KS. METHODS: The lesions were tested for the presence of HHV-8 DNA using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A known HHV-8 positive KS specimen was used as the positive control. Six samples of non-KS vascular skin lesions were used as negative controls for the PCR reaction. RESULTS: Both lesions were positive on PCR for HHV-8 and the specificity of product was confirmed by direct sequencing. None of the six control vascular skin lesions was positive for HHV-8. These results strongly indicate KS as the true diagnosis and are supported by the reported clinical course in both cases. CONCLUSIONS: Techniques targeting HHV-8 DNA for detection to confirm a diagnosis of KS are both sensitive and specific. In cases where the differential diagnosis includes KS-like pyogenic granuloma, caution should be taken not to diagnose solely on the basis of immunohistochemistry phenotype. In such cases, PCR targeting HHV-8 DNA sequences is a better diagnostic tool.  相似文献   

A case of cleft palate, brachygnathia inferior and mandibular oligodontia is described in a calf. Otitis media may be a complication of cleft palate in the calf as it is in man. Cleft palate in the calf may be further classified into at least 4 major groups and some of the cases might be suitable models for a study of cleft palate in man.  相似文献   

A female Holstein calf with a body weight of 35?kg was born alive after a normal pregnancy period in September 2010 at a commercial dairy farm in Karaj, Iran. At birth, the cleft lip, jaw, and palate were obvious. The cleft was approximately 8.4?cm in length and 7.2?cm in width at the widest part. Pulse rate, respiration rate, and body temperature of the calf were 112/min, 42/min, and 38°C, respectively. Respiration was abdominal and irregular. Necropsy revealed that there was no more congenital abnormality except for the facial defect. Radiologic examination revealed that the cleft extended from the median lip to the rostral part of the palate, which made the dorsal nose and the palate separate. Based on examination of the craniofacial skeletal in detail following maceration, it was revealed that all the facial bones were developed and the defect was just limited to cleft lip, jaw, and palate, which was resulted from failure of closure in facial processes. Accordingly, abnormality was diagnosed as bilateral cleft lip, jaw, and palate.  相似文献   

This report describes an unusual congenital anomaly found at postmortem in the pulmonary artery and vein of a 4-month-old female Holstein calf with clinical signs of congestive heart failure. Developmental abnormalities found included the pulmonary veins having two branches that opened into the right atrium instead of normal seven to eight, and the pulmonary artery had two branches in addition to the normal left and right branches that enter the lungs. This is the first confirmed case report of a congenital anomaly in the pulmonary artery and vein in the Holstein calf.  相似文献   



Solitary pulmonary capillary hemangioma (SPCH) is an extraordinarily rare capillary derived mesenchymal neoplasm. Although routine morphology and immunohistochemistry are adequate for the diagnosis of classical SPCH in surgical specimens, true gross appearance identification of most tumor themselves and diagnosis for some exceptional cases are still very difficult. Furthermore, preoperative imaging and frozen diagnosis remain a challenge.


We reported nine original cases of solitary pulmonary capillary hemangioma and summarized the clinical characteristics of twenty-one reported lesions. Imaging materials were reviewed by the image experts of our hospital. Quick hematoxylin-eosin stained intraoperative frozen sections and routine histological diagnosis were re-confirmed by 3 specialist pathologists with at least 10 years of diagnostic experience in our department. Immunohistochemistry analysis was performed on formalin fixed archival tissue. The surgical methods, following up information and prognosis were retrospectively analyzed.


In imaging, three tumors showed solid nodules, three cases displayed mix ground glass nodules, two nodules were pure ground glass density, and one case was a cystic-solid mass. Macroscopically, solitary pulmonary capillary hemangiomas were ill-defined soft hemorrhagic lesion with pale yellow or dark brownish cut surface. Two cases had a clear boundary and seven lesions were poorly demarcated. Typical morphological features were densely proliferating thin-walled capillaries composing of single layer of flatten or cuboidal endothelial cells within the thickened alveolar septa. One case was mistaken for a histiocytogenic lesion during freezing. The cystic-solid lesion showed a hyperplasia capillary network along the submucosal interstitium of bronchioles. Immunohistochemically, tumor endothelial cells were positive for ERG, Fli-1, CD31, CD34 and Vimentin and negative for CK, α-SMA, TTF-1, HMB45, S-100 and CD68. Lobectomy was performed on seven cases, wedge resection and segmentectomy were proceeded in two patients respectively. Follow up information showed no evidence of complication or recurrence.


Solitary pulmonary capillary hemangioma has special imaging and various histological features and must be distinguished from small benign lung lesions and preinvasive cancer. Although the prognosis of this tumor is good after surgical resection, the correct interpretation of the gross appearance and radiographic findings are still important. Choosing appropriate resection mode depends on accurate evaluation preoperative and intraoperative.  相似文献   

The histological characterization of mammary cancer (MC) is of leading importance for prognosis and choice of therapeutic methods (directed hormonal and chemotherapy). In this respect of interest is the morphological picture of a special form of MC, lobular cancer which is characterized by the most malignant course, marked infiltrative and less manifest destructive growth, multicentricity and multiplicity, as well as bilateral foci of lesions. It probably originates from the myoepithelium. In the national literature, no information on lobular MC is available. Little information is available on the precursor of lobular MC, lobular carcinoma in situ. This problem is insufficiently and inaccurately dealth with in the International classification of mammary gland tumors (WHO). A review of literature on lobular MC, as well as photomicrographs of its structure and that of its precursor are presented.  相似文献   

患者男,58岁.因胃部不适做胃镜检查时,偶然发现食管下段近贲门处有一0.4 cm×0.3 cm大小的暗红色突起,表面稍糜烂,行胃镜下钳取送活检.  相似文献   

The histopathologic changes in liver, spleen, and bone marrow of BALB/c mice infected for 6 months with Leishmania donovani are described. Granulomas were the most important histologic lesions found; and the dynamics of their formation, collagen deposition, and resolution in the liver were studied. The number of hepatic granulomas increased until the eighth week and then decreased steadily. In contrast to the liver granulomas, those of spleen and bone marrow do not mature or show collagen deposition. Actual granuloma counts in the liver support the idea that mature granulomas revert to poorly formed ones and finally resolve without scarring. BALB/c mice are suitable for the study of the dynamics of granuloma formation and resolution and the survival of L donovani in an in vivo system. The relevance of these changes to the pathology of L donovani infection in man are discussed.  相似文献   

We report two cases of hemangiomata of the testes which occurred in a 17-week-old fetus and a 73-year-old man. To our knowledge, these are the first reported cases of cavernous hemangioma of the testis in a fetus and capillary hemangioma of the testis in an older man. Although a hemangioma of the testis is rare, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a testicular tumor. Ann Diagn Pathol 5:80-83, 2001.  相似文献   

目的:探讨毛细管瘤组织中间质细胞的作用。方法:采用免疫组织化学S-P法观察增殖细胞核怕、内皮细胞抗原、平滑肌肌动蛋白、第Ⅷ因子相关抗原及S-100蛋白5种在肿瘤组织中的表达。结果:间质细胞中可见增殖细胞核怕、S-100蛋白及平滑肌肌动蛋白的阳性表达染色。结果:毛细血管瘤肿瘤并非均为内皮性,间质细胞可参与肿瘤的组织发生及病理演变。  相似文献   

One of the most controversial issues in breast pathology is whether lobular neoplasia (LN) is a risk factor or a precursor lesion of invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC). This is consequent to the fact that no conclusive data on the biology of LN exist. Molecular studies of LN and ILC are scanty, variable, and not consistent. Clonality of 12 cases of LN and ILC present simultaneously in the same block has been studied. Cells from both lesions were obtained by microdissection and were studied for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), D-loop sequencing, and neighbor-joining trees. Eight of the same cases were studied with comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) array to have additional data consistent with mtDNA. In all cases, loss of heterozygosity was studied for D16S496,locus 16q22.1 related to e-cadherin. It appears that no fewer than eight cases were genetically very similar (clonal) with mtDNA. Seven of these cases appeared also clonal with CGH array. It is concluded that in the present series, LN and ILC are genetically related lesions in the majority of cases and that LN might be the precursor of ILC.  相似文献   

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