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Autodestruct syringes can reduce the improper reuse of syringes, which present a significant risk in the transmission of bloodborne pathogens in developing countries, especially during immunization campaigns owing to the high number of injections given per session. SoloShot is an autodestruct syringe, distributed by UNICEF, which has been shown to be safer and easier to use than standard syringes. This study analyses the accuracy and dose-efficiency of SoloShot, compared with disposable syringes, during a national tetanus toxoid immunization campaign on the Indonesian island of Lombok. Observation and dose measurements revealed that SoloShot syringes delivered more precise and consistent doses and 15% more doses per vial than disposable syringes. Vaccine savings may partially be offset by the higher price of SoloShot. Vaccinators preferred SoloShot, describing it as easier to use, faster, and more accurate than the disposable syringe. The study indicates that SoloShot is highly appropriate for use in immunization campaigns by reducing vaccine wastage and improving injection safety.  相似文献   

We report an evaluation of the Israeli national immunization programme for hepatitis B in the Haifa subdistrict. We used a convenience sample of blood tests reported positive for HBsAg over a 6-year period from children who were born after routine immunization began in 1992. We identified 11 children with presumed chronic hepatitis B virus infection who were residents of the Haifa subdistrict, three of whom were born in Israel. All three were immunized at the appropriate age and are thus considered vaccination failures rather than failure to vaccinate. The remaining eight were born abroad, had emigrated to Israel as children and were not immunized at birth. We estimate the rate of chronic hepatitis B virus infection for children born since 1998 to be 0.24/10,000 births. For all children resident in the subdistrict under the age of 12 years, the period prevalence is estimated to be 1.26/10,000. The rate of chronic infection in children younger than 12 years was significantly less than that of older cohorts and less than that of historical controls before the start of immunization. Although the reported rates are probable underestimates of actual rates, the fact that they are based on testing carried out in clinical settings increases the likelihood of positive findings and thus reduces the degree of error. The fact that most young carriers are foreign born points to the importance of timely catch-up programmes. In countries with low and intermediate rates of chronic infection, serosurveys of immunized children need to be large and are therefore costly. Monitoring HBsAg positive tests from routine testing carried out in clinical settings is an inexpensive way to monitor chronic infection rates.  相似文献   

The initiative to eradicate poliomyelitis globally by the year 2000 was launched at the Forty-first World Health Assembly in May 1988, when all WHO Member States were challenged to help eradicate poliomyelitis from the world, a gift to the children of the twenty-first century. In Nepal, 100-250 children per year become disabled due to poliomyelitis. The government of Nepal is determined to eradicate the disease from the country by the year 2000 through the National Immunization Day (NID) Programme. Since 1996, about 3.3 million children under 5 years of age have been immunized each year in Nepal. In the present study, we analysed the impact of the campaign in the Sunsari district of Nepal. The study was carried out during the first NID (6 December 1996) to evaluate the local population's awareness of the programme and the impact of the media on such awareness. A total of 843 respondents were interviewed, 39% of whom were illiterate. Two important aspects of the mass campaign (whether a child previously immunized should be immunized again in the NID, and whether children should be brought to the next NID) were clearly understood by the majority of the people (93.1% and 98.8% of the respondents, respectively), although only a small proportion (24.4%) of individuals understood the purpose of the programme. Radio was the single most effective means of providing information, education, and communication about NIDs. The encouraging response, especially from a poor, illiterate rural population, augurs well for the goal of eradicating poliomyelitis from the world.  相似文献   

Vaccination rates have improved in many countries, yet immunization inequities persist within countries and the poorest communities often bear the largest burden of vaccine preventable disease. Madagascar has one of the world’s largest equity gaps in immunization rates. Barriers to immunization include immunization supply chain, human resources, and service delivery to reflect the health system building blocks, which affect poor rural communities more than affluent communities. The Reaching Every District (RED) approach was revised to address barriers and bottlenecks. This approach focuses on the provision of regular services, including making cold chain functional. This report describes Madagascar’s inequities in immunization, its programmatic causes and the country’s plans to address barriers to immunization in the poorest regions in the country.MethodsTwo cross-sectional health facility surveys conducted in November and December 2013 and in March 2015 were performed in four regions of Madagascar to quantify immunization system barriers.FindingsOf the four regions studied, 26–33% of the population live beyond 5 km (km) of a health center. By 2015, acceptable (fridges stopped working for less than 6 days) cold chains were found in 52–80% of health facilities. Only 10–57% of health centers had at least two qualified health workers. Between 65% and 95% of planned fixed vaccination sessions were conducted and 50–88% of planned outreach sessions were conducted. The proportion of planned outreach sessions that were conducted increased between the two surveys.ConclusionMadagascar’s immunization program faces serious challenges and those affected most are the poorest populations. Major inequities in immunization were found at the subnational level and were mainly geographic in nature. Approaches to improve immunization systems need to be equitable. This may include the replacement of supply chain equipment with those powered by sustainable energy sources, monitoring its functionality at health facility level and vaccination services in all communities.  相似文献   

目的了解新会区免疫规划相关疫苗的接种状况。方法采用PPS抽样方法,调查新会区30个行政村的482名本地儿童和418名流动儿童。结果建证率、建卡率均为100%。本地儿童BCG、OPV、DPT、MV*、JE、Hep B合格接种率以及Hep B1及时接种率均95%,OPV加强、DT、Men AC1、Men AC2均90%;与本地儿童相比,流动儿童除BCG合格接种率、Hep B1及时接种率外,其他疫苗的接种率水平均明显较低,差异有显著的统计学意义。结论新会区本地儿童基础疫苗各针次的接种率维持在较高水平,但加强疫苗接种率还较低。流动儿童的接种率水平明显低于本地儿童。不合格接种的主要原因为漏种、超期接种,其次是提前接种、间隔不符。  相似文献   

WHO and its partners recommend the use of auto-disable syringes, "bundled" with the supply of vaccines when donor dollars are used, in all mass immunization campaigns, and also strongly advocate their use in routine immunization programmes. Because of the relatively high price of auto-disable syringes, WHO's Technical Network for Logistics in Health recommends that activities be initiated to encourage the transfer of production technology for these syringes as a means of promoting their use and enhancing access to the technology. The present article examines factors influencing technology transfer, including feasibility, corporate interest, cost, quality assurance, intellectual property considerations, and probable time frames for implementation. Technology transfer activities are likely to be complex and difficult, and may not result in lower prices for syringes. Guidelines are offered on technology transfer initiatives for auto-disable syringes to ensure the quality of the product, the reliability of the supply, and the feasibility of the technology transfer activity itself.  相似文献   

Expanded programme on immunization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) was established in 1974 to develop and expand immunization programmes throughout the world. In 1977, the goal was set to make immunization against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, measles and tuberculosis available to every child in the world by 1990. Problems encountered by the Programme have included: lack of public and governmental awareness of the scope and seriousness of the target diseases; ineffective programme management; inadequate equipment and skills for vaccine storage and handling; and insufficient means for monitoring programme impact as reflected by increasing immunization coverage levels and decreasing incidence of the target diseases. When the EPI was initiated in 1974, fewer than 5% of children in developing countries were receiving a third dose of DPT and poliomyelitis vaccines in their first year of life. These coverage levels have now surpassed 50% in developing countries, and millions of cases of the target disease have been prevented. Over 700,000 measles deaths were prevented by immunization in developing countries in 1987, and an increasing number of neonatal tetanus deaths is now being prevented by maternal immunization and improved childbirth conditions. Poliomyelitis immunization efforts have been so successful that the Pan American Health Organization is leading a drive to eradicate poliomyelitis from the Americas by 1990. The successes of the Programme represent a major public health achievement, but much remains to be done.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In order to improve the prevention of cases of congenital rubella syndrome in The Netherlands, in 1987 the selective vaccination strategy against rubella infection in girls was replaced by mass vaccination. This decision was supported by mathematical model analyses carried out by Van Druten and De Boo. In order to compare the predicted impact of the rubella vaccination programme with the current available data in more detail, a similar model was built. Although the model predicts elimination of the rubella virus, data show that virus circulation is still present at a higher level than expected by the model. Simulation studies indicate that import of infection and a lower vaccine effectiveness, related to possible asymptomatic reinfection of vaccinated people, could be sources contributing to the present virus circulation. Even though the number of infections is much higher than the number of reported cases of disease, limited serosurveillance data and case notification data show that females of childbearing age are well protected by immunization.  相似文献   

The hepatitis B immunization programme in Singapore   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A voluntary immunization programme to prevent perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in Singapore was implemented on 1 October 1985 as an integral component of the national childhood immunization programme. Up to April 1988, a total of 68,845 mothers who attended government maternal and child health clinics were screened for the disease. Of these, 2432 (3.5%) were positive for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and 904 (1.3%) for hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg). Virtually all the babies born to carrier mothers completed the full immunization schedule; and in addition, those of HBeAg-positive mothers were given a dose of hepatitis B immunoglobulin at birth. The hepatitis B immunization programme was extended on 1 September 1987 to cover all newborns. About 90% of the 15,943 babies delivered in government institutions from September 1987 to April 1988 were immunized at birth, with the subsequent doses being administered at maternal and child health clinics at 4-6 weeks and 5 months later. More than 85% of the children given the full course of plasma-derived and yeast-derived hepatitis B vaccine from birth continued to have protective antibody to HBV two years after immunization. The programme is being closely monitored to assess the duration of immunity and the need for booster doses, while seronegative adults are also being encouraged to be vaccinated.  相似文献   

Introducing a quality improvement programme to primary healthcare teams.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate a programme in which quality improvement was facilitated, based on principles of total quality management, in primary healthcare teams, and to determine its feasibility, acceptability, effectiveness, and the duration of its effect. METHOD: Primary healthcare teams in Leicestershire (n = 147) were invited to take part in the facilitated programme. The programme comprised seven team meetings, led by a researcher, plus up to two facilitated meetings of quality improvement subgroups, appointed by each team to consider specific quality issues. OUTCOME MEASURES: To assess the effect and feasibility of the programme on improving the quality of care provided, the individual quality improvement projects undertaken by the teams were documented and opportunities for improvement were noted at each session by the facilitator. The programme's acceptability was assessed with questionnaires issued in the final session to each participant. To assess the long term impact on teams, interviews with team members were conducted 3 years after the programme ended. RESULTS: 10 of the 27 teams that initially expressed interest in the programme agreed to take part, and six started the programme. Of these, five completed their quality improvement projects and used several different quality tools, and three completed all seven sessions of the programme. The programme was assessed as appropriate and acceptable by the participants. Three years later, the changes made during the programme were still in place in three of the six teams. Four teams had decided to undertake the local quality monitoring programme, resourced and supported by the Health Authority. CONCLUSIONS: The facilitated programme was feasible, acceptable, and effective for a few primary healthcare teams. The outcomes of the programme can be sustained. Research is needed on the characteristics of teams likely to be successful in the introduction and maintenance of quality improvement programmes.  相似文献   

免疫接种无疑是广泛应用的最有效、最安全、最经济的公共卫生干预措施之一[1 ] 。 1 977年证实全球消灭天花 ;为有效地控制、消灭危害儿童健康的传染病 ,1 974年世界卫生组织(WHO)开始实施免疫接种规划 ,当时全球接受免疫接种的儿童不到 5 % ,而今已达 75 % ,因而严重危害儿童健康的传染病发病率已大大下降 ,如脊髓灰质炎、白喉、麻疹等。这些都是有目共睹的事实 ,由于实施了免疫规划 ,挽救了数以百万计的儿童生命 ,同时也大大减轻了可用疫苗预防疾病所引起的社会负担和经济负担。因此公众 ,尤其是儿童的家长对免疫接种的关注已从是否得…  相似文献   

The economic analysis reported below, based on hypothetical estimates of the programme impact, indicates that an expanded programme of immunization for diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and tuberculosis can be expected to be highly cost-effective in comparison with treatment. Sensitivity tests illustrate that this conclusion remains valid even when costs are increased by 20% and benefits reduced by 50%. A separate analysis was made of the DPT—tetanus toxoid and BCG components of the programme. The analysis revealed that although the BCG programme may not be justifiable when operated independently, its inclusion in a joint immunization programme is strongly justifiable on economic grounds (assuming a vaccine efficacy of 0.5). This result confirms one of the basic arguments advanced for the WHO programmes of expanded immunization and illustrates that other immunizations, such as for poliomyelitis and measles, which may not be cost-efficient by themselves may be economically justifiable when included as part of a larger immunization programme.  相似文献   

BackgroundStrengthening leadership and management competencies among national Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) teams will be critical to achieving global immunization targets and other sustainable developmental goals. However, there is little empirical evidence of the effectiveness of investments in leadership and management capacity in the context of national EPI programs. Therefore, we sought to evaluate the EPI Leadership and Management Programme (EPI LAMP), a nine-month certificate program for EPI teams in national Ministries of Health from Gavi priority countries in Anglophone and Francophone Africa and Asia.MethodsWe used a mixed-methods longitudinal evaluation to describe EPI LAMP at four levels: (1) participant response to the training experience based on program administration records and satisfaction surveys; (2) change in management and leadership skill based on competency surveys and exit interviews; (3) change in behavior in the workplace based on exit interviews; and (4) impact of the training on EPI program performance based on the results of each delegate’s leadership project.ResultsIn the first three cohorts, the programme engaged 16 countries (63 participants) and achieved an 86% graduation rate (54 alumni). Participants demonstrated significant improvement in management and leadership competencies across eight domains with the largest improvement observed in the domain of governance and leadership. Women showed greater increases than men, especially in the domains of Operations Management and Political Advocacy and Dialogue. We observed no difference in the gains made by French-speaking delegates compared to English-speaking participants. Breakthrough projects developed by each team improved EPI program performance, as measured by metrics specific to each project.DiscussionOur results show that team-based leadership programs can foster improvements in management practice, collaboration, and problem-solving, and that engagement the broader policy and organizational context is needed to foster the systems thinking capacity required to address complex challenges and improve system performance.  相似文献   

The Italian national telemedicine programme included a broad range of research projects, but they all served the common purpose of bringing about improvements in health-care management and performance. The programme consisted of seven projects, each of which had specific research and training objectives, and a three-year duration. The systems developed in the course of the programme were not experimental prototypes:they were intended to be pre-commercial systems. The functional and clinical merits of the products and systems developed were evaluated, and their costs and benefits measured with reference to those already in use. The seven projects were completed in 1999. The Italian Ministry of Universities, Research and Technology granted research funds totalling 50,000,000 Euros for the whole programme. While the results of the research were promising, successful projects alone are not sufficient to reduce costs in health-care. Indeed, far more money can be saved simply by encouraging the uptake on a larger scale of many technologies and practices that already exist.  相似文献   

Because a large proportion of preschool children failed to present for free diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT) immunizations in a poor, rural area of the Philippines, we undertook an epidemiological analysis of their characteristics. The parents of 159 children were interviewed to determine the demographic, attitudinal, knowledge, and administrative correlates of immunization status. Logistic regression was used to model immunization status. Children were less likely to be immunized if they had a high score on an Adversity Index (composed of measures of the weather, the number of visits the team made, the distance, the appropriateness of the time of day, and miscellaneous problems), if they received health care from a native mother and child health specialist, if a parent was not on the town council, and if pain was an important deterrent. By contrast, many demographic and attitudinal measures that have traditionally been thought to predict health behaviour were not useful discriminators. Recommendations are made for immunization programme management. The general use of this method for programme planning is elaborated.  相似文献   

Galimska J 《Vaccine》2000,18(Z1):S41-S43
Poland has a long history of prophylactic vaccination against infectious diseases. Hepatitis B vaccination was introduced in Poland between 1989 and 1996 as part of the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI). All newborns and those at high risk of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection currently receive hepatitis B vaccine free of charge. For many years Poland has reached or exceeded the indicators required by the World Health Organization for vaccination programmes, and about 10% of the population has now been vaccinated against hepatitis B. The incidence of hepatitis B has decreased from about 40 per 100,000 in the early 1990s to 12.7 per 100,000 in 1997. It is hoped to modify the EPI in the future to improve vaccination against mumps, rubella and poliomyelitis. The possible benefit of vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae type b is currently being evaluated. Financial constraints, however, mean that not all of the approved vaccinations can be implemented. The EPI is supported by recommended vaccinations in certain groups, who pay for the vaccines. For hepatitis B, these include children, teenagers, those between 20 and 40 years of age, and those at high risk because of lifestyle or occupation.  相似文献   

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