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作者对鸡传染性鼻气管炎病毒(ARTV)致病性进行了初步的研究,发现大肠杆菌在本病的发生过程中起着重要的协同作用。首先对鸡的肝、肾进行攻毒,然后病毒分离,经鸡胚多次传代后,鸡胚出现矮小,头部出血,有时全身出血,取鸡胚尿囊液,经负染,在电子显微镜下观察发现有密集的呈球形的病毒颗粒。  相似文献   

鸡常见呼吸道疾病在临床症状和病理剖检变化方面很相似,如慢性呼吸道病、传染性支气管炎、传染性喉气管炎、传染性鼻炎、曲霉菌病、大肠肝菌病、新城疫以及维生素A缺乏症等。在临床诊断时容易混淆,应该注意鉴别。应从流行病学、临床症状、病理剖检变化、实验室诊断和治疗等方面加以鉴别。 1 流行病学 1.1慢性呼吸道病  相似文献   

禽传染性支气管炎(avian infecti-ous bronchitis,IB)是由冠状病毒属传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)引起的鸡的一种急性、高度接触性传染病。主要特征是气管炎和支气管炎。喘息、咳嗽、流鼻液、产蛋量下降、畸形蛋。 1931年美国的Schalk和Hawn首次报  相似文献   

临床表现:喉气管炎若伴有支气管炎,则称为喉气管支气管炎。除指定的解剖区域受累外。喉气管炎常常由病毒感染引起。主要的致病病毒为粘病毒、副流感病毒Ⅰ型及流感病毒A型。虽然喉气管炎是学龄前儿童的疾病,但在家庭里,或集体里年长学龄儿童是将致病病毒传播给易感人群的最常见的传播者。喉气管炎儿童发病年龄范围由6个月~5岁。但多数病例儿童年龄在1~3岁。  相似文献   

犬腺病毒2型引起的传染性喉气管炎是一种常见的动物传染病。犬腺病毒2型可诱导感染的宿主产生细胞、体液和黏膜免疫应答,可通过分子生物学技术改造为理想的疫苗载体,从而表达寄生虫和病毒的多种蛋白。这些病原体包括刚地弓形虫、犬细小病毒、猫瘟病毒、犬瘟热病毒、狂犬病毒、犬冠状病毒、汉城病毒和猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒等,本文拟就这方面的研制现状进行阐述。  相似文献   

鸡贫血病病原、致病机理及检测方法研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王培军 《肉品卫生》2005,(12):30-32
鸡贫血病是由鸡贫血病毒(CAV)引起的鸡的一种传染性疾病,其病原呈世界性分布, CAV感染雏鸡引起鸡贫血,免疫机能下降,严重影响养禽业的发展。本文简要对鸡传染性贫血的病原、致病机理以及检测方法作一介绍。  相似文献   

王明 《肉品卫生》2004,(12):16-17
肉品卫生2004NO.12(总246期)鸡传染性法氏囊病是由双股RNA病毒鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒引发的以破坏鸡中枢免疫器官———法氏囊为主要发病机制的病毒性传染病,因该病于1957年首次确诊于美国东海岸特拉华州的甘保罗镇,因此又称之为甘保罗病(GumboroDisease)。1.病原学分析传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)有两个血清型,I型IBDV对鸡有致病力,II型病毒对鸡没有致病力。近年研究表明,I型存在变异株和超强毒株(vvIBDV),能突破传统疫苗的保护。2.流行特点2.1发病日龄明显变宽,病程延长:自然情况下主要以3~6周龄的鸡最易感,近年流行特点表明最早…  相似文献   

2015年美洲爆发了大规模的寨卡(Zika)病毒病疫情,该疾病引起了全世界的广泛关注.Zika病毒可引起80%的隐性感染病例,且传播媒介伊蚊在我国广泛分布,该病毒传入我国并造成传播的风险极高.由于该病毒尚无疫苗和特异性治疗方法,且病毒感染与出生缺陷和神经系统症状有密切关联,是目前我国国境检疫需要重点防控入境的传染性病原体,本文对Zika病毒病流行特征、检测方法、预防措施和卫生检疫工作应对策略进行综述,以期为Zika病毒的国境卫生检疫防控工作提供科学依据.  相似文献   

一、看是否经过动物检疫部门的检疫:凡是经过检疫的白条鸡,在鸡的脖子或鸡腿上都有动检站的铝封标志或附有检疫标签,且有《动物产品检疫合格证明》。如无标记或检疫证明,请你不要购买,那是未经检疫的鸡,不可食用。 二、看爪形:健康鸡肉尸由于宰后很快发生尸僵,因此爪呈分张形;病(死)鸡的尸体爪呈卷曲或  相似文献   

为探讨新形势下传染性肺结核的依法依规检疫措施,维护公共卫生领域非传统国家安全,本文以深圳海关对1例传染性肺结核监护出境,以及成功劝其再次申请入境为实证,强调传染性肺结核的卫生检疫必须构筑境外、口岸、境内"三道防线",早期监测发现、早期明确诊断、早期检疫隔离。  相似文献   

目的 对柳州市1996-2010年病例报告数据库中“查无此人”病例的基本情况进行分析.方法 分析资料来源于“全国艾滋病综合防治信息系统”柳州市1996-2010年度疫情信息库中的病例随访管理“查无此人”数据资料,采用SPSS 13.0进行统计分析.结果 柳州市1996-2010年报告的病例中有2 405例随访状态为“查无此人”,其中艾滋病病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)感染者2 217例,艾滋病(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS)病例188例.报告的“查无此人”病例以21~40岁青壮年为主(80.6%),男性1 731例(72.0%);病例主要分布在2003 -2007年(66.4%);1996-2009年主要来源是广西其他地市(53.45%)和柳州市(41.83%);感染途径主要为注射毒品(38.03%)和异性性传播(19.10%),传播途径不详占40.33%;“查无此人”病例的工作单位、身份证号、联系方式、民族、文化程度等信息缺失较多;自2010年柳州市全面开展实名制检测后,“查无此人”病例数明显下降,且各类常见缺失变量的缺失率均低于实名制检测实施前(均有P<0.001).结论 “查无此人”病例与个人信息缺失、艾滋病网络监测系统、人群特征等多种因素有关,应针对这些因素采取措施,减少“查无此人”病例的再次出现.  相似文献   

Summary Distressed menhaden collected from the Ashley River, South Carolina, were found to have 46.8% less acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in brain homogenates as compared to menhaden collected from offshore waters. Menhaden and croakers also taken from the Ashley River, but not in a distressed condition, were found to be 16.5 and 35.8% inhibited, respectively. AChE inhibiting materials were found in three of twelve waste water samples collected from the vicinity of the Ashley River.  相似文献   

In newly constructed houses and buildings in which self-leveling mortar containing casein has been used, residents and office employees have noted a bad odor and have complained of headache, eye and throat irritation, and tiredness. These problems were suspected to result from the degradation products emitted from the mortar. Samples obtained from dry mortar powder and from mortar in buildings where casein was used and from control buildings were found to contain microorganisms (mean of 10(2) culture forming units/g). Environmental species were predominantly found, e.g., Bacillus, Clostridium, Micrococcus, and Propionibacterium. Fungi were found occasionally; no evidence of bacterial degradation was found. Headspace and gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of air from the newly constructed houses and from hydroxide-degraded casein revealed the presence of amines in the 0.003-0.013 ppm range and the presence of ammonia and sulfhydryl compounds, all of which in low concentrations can cause the symptoms observed. These substances, however, were not detected in control buildings.  相似文献   

Strains of Escherichia coli were isolated from laparotomy specimens from Chinese patients with recurrent pyogenic cholangitis in Hong Kong. A large variety of serotypes were found. Several sites were sampled in each patient. While only one serotype was normally isolated from one site, different sites often yielded different serotypes in the same patient. Generally the ''O'' types found did not correspond to those found in the faeces of the Hong Kong Chinese population.  相似文献   

Faecal specimens were collected at weekly intervals over the winter months from 141 new-born infants without diarrhoea. Contrary to the findings in other studies, no viruses were detected by electron micriscopy or culture in any of these specimens. Over the same period faecal specimens were collected from 84 infants up to four years of age admitted to hospital. Rotaviruses or adenoviruses were found in 48% of infants with gastroenteritis. Enteroviruses and other small round virus-like particles were found in infants both with and without gastroenteritis. No viruses or pathogenic bacteria could be found in 34% of specimens from infants with gastroenteritis.  相似文献   

The serotypes of 13,139 strains of Escherichia coli isolated from humans were compared with the serotypes of 1076 strains isolated from animals. 689 of these strains were isolated from fresh cow-pats on 22 sites in England and Wales. 708 different O/H combinations were found. Of these, 520 were found in human strains only, 130 from animal strains only and 58 O/H serotypes from humans and animals. Approximately half of the animal strains could not be typed with the full set of sera used.  相似文献   

Plasmids were found in 1022 of 1089 (94%) of drug-sensitive strains of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 from humans (sporadic and outbreak cases), poultry (chickens) and eggs in England and Wales in the 5-year period 1988-92 and 25 plasmid profile patterns were identified. Strains characterized by a single plasmid of 38 MDa predominated (= plasmid profile type SE 38), comprising over 90% of isolates from humans, 70% from poultry and 92% from eggs. Eleven profile types were identified in strains from humans, 21 in strains from poultry and 3 in strains from eggs. Eight of the 11 patterns identified in human isolates were found in strains from poultry and 2 in strains from eggs. In contrast 15 patterns seen in poultry were not found in strains from humans. Four percent of strains from humans and 13% from poultry did not carry the 38 MDa plasmid but all strains from eggs were found to carry this plasmid. The second most common profile type in strains isolated between 1981 and 1988 was not identified in strains isolated from 1988-92. It is concluded that plasmid profile typing is a useful method for rapid differentiation within phage type 4 of S. enteritidis but that methods which can discriminate within the predominant profile type, SE 38, are now required.  相似文献   

李银萍 《预防医学论坛》2011,(3):268-269,271
[目的]加强对艾滋病合并结核病(TB/HIV双重感染)的认识,提高防治能力。[方法]对山西省5个项目县2006年10月至2009年9月(2006~2009年度)收治的49例TB/HIV双重感染者资料进行分析。[结果]2006~2009年度合计检测3 095例结核病病人,HIV抗体阳性的5例,阳性检出率为0.16%;检测现存活的和新发现的402例AIDS/HIV,检出44例结核病病人,阳性率为10.94%。3个年度5个监测县累积检测TB/HIV双重感染者49例,年平均发病率为2.93/10万,其中稷山县为1.19/10万,绛县为3.27/10万,新绛县为1.24/10万,芮城县为2.60/10万,夏县为6.29/10万,49例均给予正规抗结核治疗,其中31例联合抗艾滋病病毒治疗,坚持抗结核治疗的33例11例治愈,22例完成疗程;死亡7例;正在治疗9例。[结论]TB/HIV双重感染发病率较高,应加强对结核病病人和HIV感染者的检测。  相似文献   

We compared 61 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) serogroups from 448 food isolates with 71 STEC serogroups from 1,447 isolates from patients in Germany. Two thirds (41/61), representing 72% of food isolates, were also found in patients. Serogroups typically isolated from patients with hemolytic uremic syndrome were rarely found in food.  相似文献   

Dog faeces collected from a public park were cultured on selective media for Campylobacter spp. Campylobacter jejuni was isolated from 12 (4.6%) of 260 specimens. In contrast Salmonella spp. were found in only three (1.2%). Six of the 12 isolates were nalidixic acid-resistant thermophilic campylobacters (NARTC), whereas during the same period of study none were found among human isolates. Most of the campylobacter positive faeces were found during June and July. Dog faeces deposited in public places constitute only a small potential source of infection by this organism.  相似文献   

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