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Objective:To explore the clinical efficacy of integrative Chinese and Western medicine in treating Tourette syndrome(TS).Methods:Ninety children with TS were randomized into two groups by randomizing digital table method:the 60 patients in the treated group were treated by Ningdong Granule(宁动颗粒,NDG) plus haloperidol,and the 30 in the control group treated by haloperidol alone.The course for both groups was 6 months.Conditions of the patients were estimated before and after treatment with Yale Global Tic ...  相似文献   

麻疹是由麻疹病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病,常在冬春季节流行,多见于儿童。但2005年在我区发生的麻疹流行中发病者以成人为多。我院2005年收治的142例麻疹病人中,成人麻疹占80例。我科以中西医结合治疗临床效果较好,现总结如下。  相似文献   

目的观察中西医结合治疗反流性食管炎的疗效。方法将我院120例反流性食管炎患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组各60例。对照组给予兰索拉唑胶囊30 mg,每晚1次口服,莫沙比利片5 mg,每日3次口服。治疗组在给予兰索拉唑胶囊治疗的基础上加服枳术宽中胶囊1.29 g,每日3次口服。两组均治疗2个月后,比较临床疗效。随访8个月,比较复发情况。结果两组患者临床症状均明显缓解,治疗组总有效率为95.0%,对照组总有效率为91.7%,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);胃镜下总有效率对照组为96.7%,治疗组为100.0%,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);随访后治疗组复发率明显低于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。两组患者均无严重不良反应发生。结论中西医结合治疗反流性食管炎疗效确切,复发率低,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

Dryeyeisadisorderoftearfilmduetotear deficiencyorexcessivetearevaporationcausingdamagetotheinterpalpebralocularsurfaceandas sociatedwithsymptomsofoculardiscomfort(1).As itisnowoneofthemostcommonsuperficialdisor dersinophthalmologyintheworldaswellasinChi na,moreandmorepeopleattachimportancetothe study.ThetreatmentofdryeyebytraditionalChi nesemedicine(TCM)orintegrativeChineseandWesternmedicine(ICWM)isnowreviewedinthis paper.TREATMENTOFDRYEYEBYTCMANDICWMTHERAPY LocalTreatmentwi…  相似文献   

目的 观察中西医结合治疗斑秃的临床疗效.方法 将58例确诊为斑秃的患者随机分为2组.治疗组给予中药、复方甘草酸苷片和米诺地尔溶液治疗,对照组给予复方甘草酸苷片和米诺地尔溶液,疗程均为10周.10周后对比疗效.结果 治疗组29例,有效率96.55%;对照组29例,有效率86.20%.结论 中西医结合治疗斑秃疗效显著,值得临床推广.  相似文献   

Severe acute pancreatitis (SAP),one of the crucial acute abdominal diseases,has high mortality for its quick initiation,severe condition,long duration,and frequent complication with multiple organ failure.In this paper,the clinical progress in the treatment of SAP with integrative Chinese and Western medicine is inspected and summarized.  相似文献   

本文对目前中西医结合肾脏病学临床研究领域中存在的问题与不足进行了分析与讨论,并对不同类型的肾脏疾病提出了针对性研究策略。重点强调了改进和完善研究方法是学术创新成果不断涌现的关键所在。  相似文献   

中西医结合防治糖尿病视网膜新生血管的疗效研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨中西医结合防治糖尿病视网膜新生血管的临床效果。方法分析137例糖尿病视网膜病变病人临床资料,其中非增殖型82例,增殖型55例。78例用中西医结合治疗,59例单纯用西药治疗;通过眼底检查及荧光素眼底血管造影观察评价疗效,比较两组的临床效果。结果中西医结合治疗组的保护、改善眼底视网膜病变的作用明显优于对照组,尤其对视网膜新生血管的形成具有显著的抑制效果。结论中西医结合治疗能有效防止视网膜病变的发展,抑制视网膜新生血管的形成。  相似文献   

Objective:To observe the clinical effect of combined chemotherapy and Chinese herbal medicine in treating colonic cancer.Methods:One hundred and sixty-three patients were assigned,according to their will,to two groups,105 in the traditional Chinese medicine treated group(Group A) and 58 in the combined treatment group(Group B).The Chinese herbal drug Zhao's Weitiao No.3(赵氏微调3号方,ZW3) was given to both groups,twice a day,40 mL each time,30 days as one cycle,and over 6 cycles applied in total.For patients i...  相似文献   

Lunginfection is one of the most common post-kidney-transplant complications . About 70 % of thepost-kidney-transplant patients develop infectionswithin one year of operation(1),of which the rate oflung infection within 1 -3 months were the highest ,and apparently affected survival rate. Severe lunginfection with its severe symptoms ,complex statusand rapid clinical course,is one of the main causesforthe death rate among kidney transplant receivers. Themortalityis even as high as 23 .8 %-52 .0…  相似文献   

目的观察桂枝芍药知母汤加味治疗类风湿性关节炎(RA)的临床疗效.方法将57例RA患者随机分治疗和对照组,对照组以金诺匹林口服,治疗组用桂枝芍药知母汤加味及复方丹参注射液30 ml静脉滴注,观察两组治疗前后症状、体征及ESR、RF、CRP的改善情况.结果治疗组治愈率35.29%,总有效率97.06%;对照组治愈率13.04%,总有效率86.95%.两组总有效率比较,差异有非常显著性意义(P<0.01).结论桂枝芍药知母汤加味具有通阳行痹,祛风除湿,和营通络之功效;复方丹参注射液行气散瘀止痛,用于治疗RA近期疗效满意,值得进一步研究.  相似文献   

Objective:To study the effect and safety of graded therapy featuring integrative traditional Chinese and Western medicine for the treatment of hemophilic arthritis.Methods:Forty patients with hemophilic arthritis were hospitalized randomly,with their blood coagulation factor activity determined by one-stage method and their arthritis classified into 4 stages.The treatment was applied according to the stage of arthritis and finding of intra-articular cavity puncture.For stageⅠ,based on the principle of RICE(rest,ice,compression and elevation),1.8g of Xuefuda(血府达)was medicated orally once per day,intravenous dripping of 250mL of hemostasis mixture twice a day and 1.2g of clindamycin per day were also given for hemostasis and anti-inflammation.For stageⅡ-Ⅲ,Kangyanling(抗炎灵)was additionally administered via intra-articular cavity injection twice a week,2mL every time,for 5-6 times in total.For stageⅣ,the drug for intra-articular cavity injection was replaced with 25mg of sodium hyaluronate and the frequency of injection reduced to every two weeks,for 5-6 times in total.Coagulation factorsⅢandⅣas well as blood plasma were not given in the whole treatment course.Short-term therapeutic effects and adverse reaction in patients were evaluated,and the long-term effects were followed-up after patients left the hospital with 6-month consolidation therapy by Xuefuda.Results:After a 3-week treatment,33 patients (82.5%)were completely remitted;5(12.5%)were partially remitted and 2(5.0%)un-remitted,setting the short-term effective rate at 95.0%(38 cases).The 6-month follow-up showed that except for a relapse in 2 and 4 patients of stageⅢandⅣrespectively,long-term remission displayed in all the other 34 patients,with the remission sustaining rate being 85.0%.No complication such as an infection,bleeding or aggravating pain occurred in the 215 times intra-articular puncturing conducted in the 40 patients.Normal figures were shown in liver and kidney function,electrolytes,ECG,blood glucose and routine test of blood and urine throughout the course.Conclusion:The graded treatment of integrative medicine for hemophilia with non-blood preparation has a favorable effect and is safe or without any adverse reaction,which opens a high efficacy and new safe path and thinking for the treatment of and deformity prevention in the hemophilic patients.  相似文献   

Urinarytractinfectionisacommondis easeofurinarysystem,itsrelapticandrecur rentratewereveryhigh,particularlyforthemarriedadultfemale,agedandweakindividu alsaswellasthosewithcomplicatedurinaryconditions.Itwasoftenmanifestedasafre quentlyrecurrentprocess.…  相似文献   

中西医结合治疗先兆流产36例临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢斋  金松  陈华 《中国医药导报》2007,4(11Z):73-74
目的:了解地屈孕酮配合中药复方治疗先兆流产的疗效。方法:72例先兆流产患者随机分为2组。治疗组选用地屈孕酮配合中药复方治疗,对照组用黄体酮治疗,观察两组疗效。结果:两种方法治疗8个疗程后,治疗组治愈率为94.4%,对照组治愈率为83.3%,两组比较,差异具有显著性(P〈0.01)。结论:地屈孕酮配合中药复方治疗先兆流产疗效显著,且安全性高,无毒副作用,无畸胎发现,建议临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:了解地屈孕酮配合中药复方治疗先兆流产的疗效。方法:72例先兆流产患者随机分为2组。治疗组选用地屈孕酮配合中药复方治疗,对照组用黄体酮治疗,观察两组疗效。结果:两种方法治疗8个疗程后,治疗组治愈率为94.4%,对照组治愈率为83.3%,两组比较,差异具有显著性(P<0.01)。结论:地屈孕酮配合中药复方治疗先兆流产疗效显著,且安全性高,无毒副作用,无畸胎发现,建议临床推广应用。  相似文献   

计庆明  鲁春 《中国民康医学》2007,19(17):711-712,714
目的:探讨脑外伤后所致精神障碍的临床表现类型以及受损部位与精神障碍的关系。方法:对65例脑外伤所致精神障碍的临床资料进行分析。结果:脑外伤所致精神障碍患者的精神障碍发生率依次为精神病性症状、神经症样综合征、情感障碍、智能障碍、人格改变。同时发现脑挫裂伤和脑震荡都易出现精神问题。结论:颅脑外伤是易发生精神障碍的危险因素,临床医生应预以重视。  相似文献   

Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of integrative Chinese and western medicine(ICWM)in treating severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS)patients.Methods:Through parallel control design,49 SARS patients were observed.Used as control,there were in the western medicine(WM)group 29 pa-tients,who were treated with Ribavirin,Levofloxacin,Thymopentin,Azithromycin,methylprednisolone,etc.,on the basis of“Recommended Protocol for Infectious Atypical Pneumonia”(abbreviated as“Recom-mended Protocol”)issueed by Ministry of Health.As the treated group,there were in the ICWM 20 ca-ses.The protocol for treatment of SARS in“Special Science and Technological Action to Prevent andTreats SARS”(abbreviated as“Special S-T Action”),issued by Ministry of Science and Technology,to-gether with the same WM as those for the control group.Results:(1)Time from the disease onset to thesymptom improvement were 5.10±2.83 days and7.62±2.27 days ICWM and WM group respectively,P<0.05;(2)As to corticosteroid(CS)amount and days bef  相似文献   

Objictive:To understand the clinical manifestation of severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS)and explore its effective treatment with integrative Chinese and western medicine(ICWM).Methods:The data of patients,whose diagnosis of SARS had been confirmed were summarized and ana-lyzed,and clinical observation was conducted when the patients were treated with ICWM.Results:In theearly stage of the 42 patients,the symptoms revealed were fever in 100% of SARS patients,headache in92.9%,aversion to cold in 76.2%,chest stuffiness in 76.2%,cough in 73.8%and myalgia in 88.1%;Pulmonary lesion Involves ≥3 lobes in 42.9%,2 lobes in 47.6% and 1 lobe in 9.5%;61.9% of themshowed liver function abnormality(increase of ALT or AST),47.6% showed elevated myocardial enzyme(CK or CK-MB),0.48% showed an inclination of renal function(higher of BUN or Cr);in their T lym-Phocyte subsets,91.2%(31/34 Patients)had lowered CD_3 and 76.5%(26/34 Patients)lowered CD_4/CD_8ratio.In the mid-late stage,the symptoms were lass  相似文献   

The basic concept of integrative medicine(IM) is that by combining mainstream(biomedicine) with complementary and alternative medicine(CAM), synergistic therapeutic effects can be attained.When the methods of mind/body medicine(MBM) are added to this combination,as in Western countries,a new concept emerges that drastically changes the approach toward illness. It is interesting to note that the joining of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine in the early days of the Peoples’ Republic of China preceded the Western model of IM by almost 50 years.Several elements that make up the key components of IM as practiced today in the West were already present in the Chinese version of IM,and Chinese medicine has played and continues to play an important role in advancing IM.However,one of the major differences between the Chinese and the Western models of IM today,besides MBM and some other treatment options,is that Western integrative medicine(WIM) strictly requires its CAM methods to be supported by scientific evidence. The therapeutic methods of IM and their applications are many and varied.However,they are most frequently employed to treat chronic medical conditions,e.g.,bronchial asthma,rheumatic disease, chronic inflammatory bowel disorder and chronic pain.Other fields in which IM may be applied are internal medicine(inflammatory bowel diseases and cardiovascular diseases),musculoskeletal disorders,oncology (chemotherapy-induced side effects),obstetrics and gynecology(dysmenorrhea,endometriosis,infertility and menopausal complaints),pediatrics,geriatrics,neurology(migraine and chronic headache),and psychiatry (anxiety and depression). The concept of WIM is discussed here in detail by reviewing its scope and implications for the practice of medicine and focusing on the role of Chinese medicine in WIM.  相似文献   

薛滨勇  王建新  苏艳 《海南医学》2011,22(17):18-20
目的探讨中西医治疗骨折延迟愈合的疗效。方法200例骨折延迟愈合患者平均随机分为实验组和对照组,均予切开复位,钢板固定,实验组加用中药方剂内服,观察两组的骨折愈合效果。结果两组骨折延迟愈合患者治疗4个月盾治疗效果经秩和检验比较,差异有统计学意义(1t=7.11,P〈0.05),实验组愈合率为90%,对照组愈合率为40%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=8.23,P〈O.05)。治疗后不同时间点实验组治疗起效人数比例(40%、75%、96%、100%)均高于对照组(20%、40%、70%、80%,P〈0.05)。术后随访12个月,实验组全部愈合,平均愈合时间(60.5=10.3)d,对照组90例愈合,平均愈合时间(109.2±12.3)d,实验组愈合时问显著短于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论中西医结合治疗骨折延迟愈合效果肯定,能显著增加总体骨折愈合率,加快愈合速度,缩短骨折愈合时间,提高骨折治疗效果及患者生活质量。  相似文献   

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