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Summary: Novel polyester and copolyesters have been prepared by anionic ring‐opening polymerization of racemic 4‐alkyloxycarbonyl‐3,3‐dimethyl‐2‐oxetanones that had been synthesized in five steps from diethyl oxalpropionate used as chemical precursor. The anionic polymerizations, realized in bulk or in solution with tetraethylammonium benzoate as initiator, led to a homopolymer and copolymers with high molecular weights and polydispersity indices close to unity. These features can be explained by the presence of two methyl groups on the same carbon atom in the lactone, preventing transfer reactions to the monomer. Preparation of seeds and re‐initiation by addition of fresh monomer confirmed a living process. The hydrolysis of poly[(R,S)‐3,3‐dimethylmalic acid] under physiological conditions yielded (R,S)‐3,3‐dimethylmalic acid. A terpolymer was also prepared for biological studies related to its use as biodegradable materials for tissue regeneration.

Structure of poly[(R,S)‐3,3‐dimethylmalic acid].  相似文献   

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased incidence and severity of various immune‐mediated diseases. Active vitamin D (1α,25‐dihydroxyvitamin D3; 1,25(OH)2D3) up‐regulates CD4+ T‐cell expression of the purine ectonucleotidase CD39, a molecule that is associated with the generation of anti‐inflammatory adenosine. Here we aimed to investigate the direct impact of 1,25(OH)2D3 on expression of the downstream ecto‐5′‐nucleotidase CD73 by human CD4 T cells, and components of the transforming growth factor‐β (TGF‐β) pathway, which have been implicated in the modulation of CD73 by murine T cells. At 10?8 to 10?7 m , 1,25(OH)2D3 significantly increased expression of CD73 on peripheral human CD4+ T cells. Although 1,25(OH)2D3 did not affect the mRNA expression of latent TGF‐β1, 1,25(OH)2D3 did up‐regulate expression of TGF‐β‐associated molecules [latency‐associated peptide (LAP), glycophorin A repetitions predominant (GARP), GP96, neuropilin‐1, thrombospondin‐1 and αv integrin] which is likely to have contributed to the observed enhancement in TGF‐β bioactivity. CD73 was highly co‐expressed with LAP and GARP following 1,25(OH)2D3 treatment, but unexpectedly, each of these cell surface molecules was expressed primarily on CD4+ Foxp3 T cells, rather than CD4+ Foxp3+ T cells. Notably, neutralization of TGF‐β significantly impaired 1,25(OH)2D3‐mediated induction of CD73. Collectively, we show that 1,25(OH)2D3 enhances expression of CD73 on CD4+ Foxp3 T cells in a process that is at least partially TGF‐β‐dependent. These data reveal an additional contributing mechanism by which vitamin D may be protective in immune‐mediated disease.  相似文献   

An interleukin (IL)-4 dependant mouse T cell clone 8.2 derived from an IL-2-dependent T cell line was characterized. As measured by flow cytometric analysis and Northern blotting, it expresses IL-2 receptor β (IL-2Rβ) and γ (IL-2Rγ) chains, but has lost expression of IL-2 receptor α chain (IL-2Rα). To investigate the properties of the mouse IL-2Rβγ complex and the role of IL-2Rα gene expression, this clone was further studied. T cell clone 8.2 has lost the capacity to bind 125I-labeled human IL-2 under experimental conditions able to detect intermediate-affinity IL-2R in human cells. Mouse IL-2 is unable to block the binding of mAb TMβ1 to 8.2 cells. Under the same experimental conditions, mouse IL-2 blocks the binding of TMβ1 to C30-1 cells expressing the IL-2αβγ complex. Since TMβ1 recognizes an epitope related to the IL-2 binding site of IL-2Rβ, these results can be taken as a demonstration that mouse IL-2Rβγ does not bind mouse IL-2. Furthermore, T cell clone 8.2 does not proliferate in response to recombinant mouse or human IL-2. On the other hand, T cell transfectant lines expressing heterospecific receptors made of the human IL-2Rβ and mouse IL-2Rγ chains bind 125I-labeled human IL-2 and proliferate in response to IL-2. This establishes the difference between mouse and human IL-2Rβ chains. Transfection of T cell clone 8.2 with human IL-2Rα genes restores their capacity to proliferate in response to IL-2. In addition, all transfectants grown in IL-2 express the endogeneous mouse IL-2Rα chain. When grown in IL-4, the endogeneous mouse IL-2Rα gene remains silent in all these transfectants. These results show that, contrary to the human, the mouse does not express an intermediate-affinity IL-2R. Expression of the IL-2Rα gene is therefore required for the formation of the functional IL-2R in mice.  相似文献   

Aim: Several studies have shown that a variety of peptides and cytokines are involved in ovarian regulatory mechanisms; however, their exact function is still unclear. In this work we study whether the administration of peptide α‐melanotropin and the cytokines interleukin‐1β (IL‐1β) and tumour necrosis factor‐α (TNF‐α) on their own modify the release of progesterone in cultured granulosa cells (GC) from pro‐oestrous rats. We also investigate an interaction between these cytokines and α‐melanotropin in the modulation of progesterone secretion. Methods: Granulosa cells were collected from the ovaries of female Wistar rats and cultured for up to 24 h in the presence of different concentrations of α‐melanotropin, cytokines or a combination of both. Progesterone concentration was measured by radioimmunoassay. Results: The addition of α‐melanotropin in a dose of 0.01 and 0.1 mm had no effect on progesterone release, whereas a dose of 1 mm significantly increased progesterone release (P < 0.01) compared with the control culture. Progesterone release was not modified when different concentrations of interleukin‐1β or TNF‐α were added to the cell cultures. However, when interleukin‐1β or TNF‐α were added simultaneously with 1 μm α‐melanotropin, a significant reduction (P < 0.01 for interleukin‐1β and P < 0.05 for TNF‐α) of the steroid release was found with respect to the α‐melanotropin‐treated group. Conclusions: These results lead us to suggest that, although α‐melanotropin stimulates progesterone release in pre‐ovulatory GC, this effect is blocked by the presence of interleukin‐1β or TNF‐α.  相似文献   

Tsang J Y S, Mendoza P, Lam C C F, Yu A M C, Putti T C, Karim R Z, Scolyer R A, Lee C S, Tan P H & Tse G M
(2012) Histopathology  61, 667–674 Involvement of α‐ and β‐catenins and E‐cadherin in the development of mammary phyllodes tumours Aims: Phyllodes tumours (PT) are rare but clinically important fibroepithelial tumours of the breast. β‐Catenin, a key component in Wnt signalling, has been shown to be important in the development of PT. It also functions as a component of the cadherin complex, which may therefore be implicated in PT pathogenesis. By assessing stromal α‐catenin, β‐catenin and E‐cadherin expression in 158 PT cases using immunohistochemistry and examining associations with clinicopathological features, we aimed to determine the role of these proteins in PT pathogenesis. Methods and results: Cytoplasmic β‐catenin correlated with α‐catenin expression. A significantly higher expression of both markers was observed in borderline than in benign PT (P = 0.003 and <0.001, respectively), but a lower level was found in malignant PT. Cytoplasmic E‐cadherin expression was significantly higher in borderline and malignant than in benign PT (P = 0.001 and 0.012, respectively), but was not correlated with other markers. Both E‐cadherin and α‐catenin showed stronger correlations with histological parameters than β‐catenin. α‐Catenin showed a significant correlation with recurrence (P = 0.005 and 0.016, respectively). Conclusions: α‐ and β‐catenins may be important in the early stages of PT development, while E‐cadherin may be required for malignant development. The correlation of α‐catenin expression with tumour recurrence may be relevant in predicting PT behaviour.  相似文献   

This is the first report on the study carried out on high‐pressure free‐radical initiated oxidative copolymerization of styrene (STY) with α‐methylstyrene (AMS) at various temperatures (45–65 °C) at constant pressure (100 psi) and then at various pressures (50–300 psi) keeping the temperature (50 °C) constant. The compositions of the copolyperoxides obtained from the 1H NMR spectra were utilized to determine the reactivity ratios of the monomers. The reactivity ratios indicate that STY forms an ideal copolyperoxide with AMS and the copolyperoxide is richer in AMS. The effect of temperature and oxygen pressure on the reactivity ratios of the monomers was studied. The rates of copolymerization (RP) were used to determine the overall activation energies (Ea) and activation volume (ΔV#) of copolymerization. The unusually higher values of the ΔV# may be due to the pressurizing fluid oxygen which itself is a reactant in the copolymerization, the side reactions, and the chain‐transfer reactions occurring during copolymerizations.

The Arrhenius plots for the rate of the copolymerization of STY‐AMS‐O2 system at 100 psi of oxygen pressure.  相似文献   

Antagonism of the effects of glucagon as an adjunct therapy with other glucose‐lowering drugs in the chronic treatment of diabetes has been suggested to aggressively control blood glucose levels. Antagonism of glucagon effects, by targeting glucagon secretion or disabling the glucagon receptor, is associated with α‐cell hyperplasia. We evaluated the influence of total glucagon withdrawal on islets of Langerhans using prohormone convertase‐2 knockout mice (PC2‐ko), in which α‐cell hyperplasia is present from a young age and persists throughout life, in order to understand whether or not sustained glucagon deficit would lead to islet tumorigenesis. PC2‐ko and wild‐type (WT) mice were maintained drug‐free, and cohorts of these groups sampled at 3, 12 and 18 months for plasma biochemical and morphological (histological, immunohistochemical, electron microscopical and image analytical) assessments. WT mice showed no islet tumours up to termination of the study, but PC2‐ko animals displayed marked changes in islet morphology from α‐cell hypertrophy/hyperplasia/atypical hyperplasia, to adenomas and carcinomas, these latter being first encountered at 6–8 months. Islet hyperplasias and tumours primarily consisted of α‐cells associated to varying degrees with other islet endocrine cell types. In addition to substantial increases in islet neoplasia, increased α‐cell neogenesis associated primarily with pancreatic duct(ule)s was present. We conclude that absolute blockade of the glucagon signal results in tumorigenesis and that the PC2‐ko mouse represents a valuable model for investigation of islet tumours and pancreatic ductal neogenesis.  相似文献   

Unsaturated polyesters are synthesized via ring‐opening copolymerization of α‐methylene‐δ‐valerolactone and δ‐valerolactone. These polyesters 4a–c are mixed with ethyl methacrylate (EMA), 2‐hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), and α‐methylene‐δ‐valerolactone (α‐MVL), respectively. Then, crosslinking is carried out by free radical polymerization initiated by an azo‐initiator. A second glass transition is found with incorporation of HEMA and α‐MVL. These findings indicate the formation of phase‐separated polyester blocks crosslinked with the poly(meth)‐acrylic‐segments, respectively poly(α‐methylene‐δ‐valerolactone) segments.


α,β-Unsaturated aldehydes are reactive compounds which are ubiquitous in the environment. This class of compounds has been tested for mutagenicity in Salmonella typhimurium by a number of groups who have obtained differing results. The present studies were undertaken to test the mutagenicity and toxicity of two novel α,β-unsaturated aldehydes, specifically trans,trans-muconaldehyde and trans-4-hydroxynonenal, and to re-examine the mutagenicity of crotonaldehyde. Trans,trans-muconaldehyde is a newly found microsomal metabolite of benzene, and trans-4-hydroxynonenal is a toxic aldehyde formed endogenously during lipid peroxidation. Compounds were tested in S. typhimurium strain TA 100 using a 30-min liquid preincubation procedure. The present mutagenicity studies indicate that these α,β-unsaturated aldehydes at first appear to be mutagenic, although only at concentrations which decrease survival counts, and result in a disappearance of the bacterial lawn. The colonies observed on mutagenicity test plates are not mutants but rather pin point survivors.  相似文献   

X Shang  Q Li  R Cai  J Huang  X Wei  X Xu 《Clinical genetics》2013,83(5):472-476
The HKαα allele is a rearrangement occurring in the α‐globin gene cluster containing both the ‐α3.7 and αααanti4.2 unequal crossover junctions. The anti‐HKαα allele is the reciprocal product containing both the ‐α4.2 and αααanti3.7 unequal crossover junctions, which had been predicted but had not been detected previously. The phenotypic feature and population frequency of these two unusual alleles were not described. We report the identification of nine individuals carrying the HKαα allele and two individuals carrying the anti‐HKαα allele in southern China and describe their phenotype and haplotype data. The molecular structures of HKαα allele and anti‐HKαα allele were confirmed by two‐round nested polymerase chain reaction assay. The mechanism of origin of both alleles is related to probably simultaneous double crossover. Heterozygotes of HKαα or anti‐HKαα allele show a normal hematological phenotype. Finally, we report the carrier rates of these both alleles in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of southern China, namely, ∼0.07% for the HKαα allele and ∼0.02% for the anti‐HKαα allele.  相似文献   

The integrin αvβ6 is up‐regulated in numerous carcinomas, where expression commonly correlates with poor prognosis. αvβ6 promotes tumour invasion, partly through regulation of proteases and cell migration, and is also the principal mechanism by which epithelial cells activate TGF‐β1; this latter function complicates therapeutic targeting of αvβ6, since TGF‐β1 has both tumour‐promoting and ‐suppressive effects. It is unclear how these different αvβ6 functions are linked; both require actin cytoskeletal reorganization, and it is suggested that tractive forces generated during cell migration activate TGF‐β1 by exerting mechanical tension on the ECM‐bound latent complex. We examined the functional relationship between cell invasion and TGF‐β1 activation in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) cells, and confirmed that both processes are αvβ6‐dependent. Surprisingly, we found that cellular functions could be biased towards either motility or TGF‐β1 activation depending on the presence or absence of epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8 (Eps8), a regulator of actin remodelling, endocytosis, and GTPase activation. Similar to αvβ6, we found that Eps8 was up‐regulated in >70% of PDACs. In complex with Abi1/Sos1, Eps8 regulated αvβ6‐dependent cell migration through activation of Rac1. Down‐regulation of Eps8, Sos1 or Rac1 suppressed cell movement, while simultaneously increasing αvβ6‐dependent TGF‐β1 activation. This latter effect was modulated through increased cell tension, regulated by Rho activation. Thus, the Eps8/Abi1/Sos1 tricomplex acts as a key molecular switch altering the balance between Rac1 and Rho activation; its presence or absence in PDAC cells modulates αvβ6‐dependent functions, resulting in a pro‐migratory (Rac1‐dependent) or a pro‐TGF‐β1 activation (Rho‐dependent) functional phenotype, respectively. © 2017 The Authors. The Journal of Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.  相似文献   

Branching morphogenesis of the mouse submandibular gland (SMG) is dependent on cell‐cell conversations between and within epithelium and mesenchyme. Such conversations are typically mediated in other branching organs (lung, mammary glands, etc.) by hormones, growth factors, cytokines, and the like in such a way as to translate endocrine, autocrine, and paracrine signals into specific gene responses regulating cell division, apoptosis, and histodifferentiation. We report here the protein expression in embryonic SMGs of four signal transduction pathways: TGF‐α/EGF/EGF‐R; IGF‐II/IGF‐IR/IGF‐IIR; TGF‐βs and cognate receptors; TNF, IL‐6, and cognate receptors. Their in vivo spatiotemporal expression is correlated with specific stages of progressive SMG development and particular patterns of cell proliferation, apoptosis, and mucin expression. Functional necessity regarding several of these pathways was assessed in mice with relevant null mutations (TGF‐β2, TGF‐β3, EGF‐R). Among many observations, the following seem of particular importance: (1) TGF‐α and EGF‐R, but not EGF, are found in the Initial and Pseudoglandular Stages of SMG development; (2) ductal and presumptive acini lumena formation was associated with apoptosis and TNF/TNF‐R1 signalling; (3) TGF‐β2 and TGF‐β3 null mice have normal SMG phenotypes, suggesting the presence of other pathways of mitostasis; (4) EGF‐R null mice displayed an abnormal SMG phenotype consisting of decreased branching. These and other findings provide insight into the design of future functional studies. Anat Rec 256:252–268, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The clinical use of dendritic cells (DCs) to induce antigen‐specific immune tolerance has been hampered by the lack of a widely acknowledged method for generating human regulatory DCs but even more so by the non‐existence of reliable markers. Thus, we set out to find reliable markers that can be measured with simple methods to identify regulatory DCs that are applicable for future clinical studies. Human DCs were generated from peripheral blood monocytes in the presence of 1α,25‐dihydroxyvitamin D3 (VD3), which gave rise to a phenotype that resembles immature DCs, with the exception of high CD14 and reduced CD1a on the cell surface. These VD3‐treated DCs exert a long‐lasting inefficient T cell stimulation and induce T cell hyporesponsiveness with regulatory potential. Importantly, such VD3‐treated DCs were readily distinguishable from untreated DCs by low levels of interleukin‐23 secretion and low expression of miR‐155 upon exposure to maturation stimuli. Furthermore, VD3‐treated DCs showed over‐expression of miR‐378. All these features can be used as robust markers for quality control of VD3‐treated regulatory DCs in future clinical studies.  相似文献   

Summary: The synthesis of α,ω‐di(2‐methyl‐6‐pyrenyl‐2‐succinimidylhexanoic ester)poly(ethylene oxide) (Py(S)‐EOn‐(S)Py) was obtained by a new radical reaction between 4‐pyrenylbutanoate N‐hydroxysuccinimidyl ester and α,ω‐dimethacrylate poly(ethylene oxide). The reason for the choice of such bulky groups is a possible application of this reaction to the synthesis of polyrotaxane from polypseudorotaxane. Two reaction media were examined, heterogeneous in water at room temperature using persulfate as initiator, or homogeneous in DMSO at 60 °C using AIBN as initiator. Structural characterization of the functionalization products was carried out by SEC, MALDI TOF, and NMR spectroscopies. It was shown that two types of α,ω‐dipyrenyl PEO could be obtained, one corresponding to the expected product (Py(S)‐EOn‐(S)Py), the other corresponding to the same structure but without the succinimidyl substituent (Py(H)‐EOn‐(H)Py). It was also shown that in the soluble system macrocycles could be formed and this last aspect has been assigned to intramolecular interactions existing between the pyrenyl groups. An interesting aspect of this synthesis is the possibility to find conditions giving high yields without crosslinking and fairly reduced amount of coupling.


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