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美国生物防御能力建设的特点与启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
生物武器、生物恐怖和新发传染病是当今国际社会面临的重大安全问题。美国高度重视生物防御能力建设,将生物防御能力建设纳入国家安全战略,不断提升其国家生物防御能力水平。本文简要分析了美国生物防御能力建设的主要特点,包括明确的生物防御战略、充分的预防预警准备、有效的后果处置能力、强大的科技支撑体系等,希望能对我国及其他发展中国家的生物防御能力建设有所启示。  相似文献   

苗运博  王磊 《军事医学》2021,45(9):700-705,717
日本国内对生物恐怖威胁一直高度重视,其生物防御系统在应对生物恐怖威胁的过程中逐渐发展起来.该文回顾了日本生物防御力量的发展历程,归纳其法规体系和应对机制建设,调研现有应急力量构成,并分析日生物防御的优缺点,以期为我国生物防御能力建设提供借鉴.  相似文献   

中国共产党十八届三中全会决定设立国家安全委员会,完善国家安全体制和国家安全战略,确保同家安全。生物安全是国家安全的重要组成部分,是民族复兴、实现中国梦的重要保证。近年来不断发生的生物恐怖、新发突发传染病以及生物意外事故等突发生物事件已成为威胁我国生物安全的现实问题,给我国社会、经济、生活、国民健康乃至国家安全;带来了严重危害和巨大威胁.  相似文献   

美国生物防御对策研究与国家战略储备药物分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国政府为应对日趋严峻的生物恐怖威胁,出台了一系列针对生化袭击的法规和研究计划.本文研究了以生物盾牌计划为核心的美国国家生物防御应对策略及其衍生计划,包括卫生与公众服务部( DHHS)/生物医学高级研究发展局(BARDA)生物恐怖应对计划及预算方案、以疾控中心(CDC)病原体清单为基础的顶级核化生威胁对策方案及其他重要病原体生物防御治疗研究计划等.分析了目前以上述研究为依托纳入国家战略储备体系的药物及研发趋势.  相似文献   

本文分析了美国生物防御领域2010年年度进展及发展态势,包括重要文件传递了政府高度关注生物威胁的信息,投入大量经费加强生物防御能力建设,通过开发前沿技术强化了生物威胁的应对能力,以及不断寻找目前生物防御的不足之处以利于进一步改进。  相似文献   

生物防御特需药物是反生物战、反生物恐怖以及应对突发生物事件的重要手段,加强国家生物防御特需药物研发能力是维护国家主权领土完整、维护国家利益拓展和遂行非战争军事行动等保障国家和军队生物安全的基础和关键。当前,国际生物防御科技进展迅猛,世界主要发达国家日益重视生物防御特需药物的研究、开发与储备。该文以美国为例,分析其生物防御特需药物研发现状及主要特点,并提出加强我国相关研究的对策建议。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了生物防御产业的定义和特点,分析了美国生物防御产业政策制定和管理措施等方面的经验和启示,同时结合国内的发展现状,提出要加强生物防御产业发展,增强生物防御能力的若干对策建议.  相似文献   

用数学建模的方法对生物事件进行抽象,揭示其发生发展机制,可以使人们更深刻认识生物事件成灾规律,从而为生物事件的应急准备和有效处置提供更为精准的科学支持,对国家生物防御能力建设具有重要意义。该文概析了数学理论作为研究与分析工具在生物防御领域中的应用,展望了该领域研究发展趋势。  相似文献   

生物恐怖的现实威胁与医学对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了生物恐怖的现实威胁,从医学科技的角度总结了发达国家反生物恐怖的经验,讨论了我国生物防御能力建设面临的关键问题,提出了国家生物防御能力的发展策略.  相似文献   

美国生物恐怖应对多级实验室网络对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国政府高度重视反生物恐怖能力建设,但仍有许多需要完善的地方,研究分析美国生物恐怖防御实验室网络建设的经验对于我国做好反生物恐怖基础设施建设具有重要的启示和现实意义。1美国生物恐怖应对多级实验室网络简介为了使生物恐怖的应对更为有效,1999年,美国疾病预防控制中心(CDC)召开了一个专家会议,研究生物病原体应对清单。其判断标准为病原体引起大规模疾病的能力,病原体通过气溶胶或其他方式播散的能力,病原体在人群中传播的能力,人员的易感性等[1]。根据这些指标,病原体及生物毒素被分为A、B、C三类。根据该CDC公布的分…  相似文献   

构建了符合甲型H1N1流感疫情传播和防控特点的仓室模型,并用该模型仿真分析了2009年4月到2010年5月之间,中美两国甲型H1N1流感疫情的发展过程.通过对模型中检疫隔离和疫苗接种等防控参数的敏感性分析,讨论了各种防控措施的有效性.结合中美防控策略分析得失,为今后类似的突发传染病疫情防控提供参考依据.  相似文献   

田德桥 《军事医学》2016,(10):790-794
美国国防高级研究计划局( DARPA)宗旨是“保持美国的技术领先地位,防止潜在对手意想不到的超越”。近年,DARPA加强了生物技术相关研发部署,在感染性疾病应对方面先后实施了一些科研项目。该文分析了DARPA生物技术研发战略以及在感染性疾病应对方面的项目部署及主要特点。  相似文献   

鼻腔(包括鼻窦)是上呼吸道的重要组成部分,其黏膜表层由假复层柱状上皮组成.鼻腔具有许多重要的生理学功能,例如对吸入气体的过滤、加温、加湿等.位于鼻腔顶部的嗅区上皮还具有重要的嗅觉功能,这也是人类识别周围环境和保护人体不受外界危险物质侵袭的重要防御机能之一.鼻腔黏膜上皮作为人体与外界接触的第一道生理和免疫学屏障,能够清除空气中绝大多数的颗粒,其中不乏大量的污染物质、致病微生物(如病毒、细菌、真菌)和过敏原等,因此发生于鼻腔的鼻炎(过敏性或感染性),鼻-鼻窦炎及其相关的合并症等都是全球性常见病和高发病.在过去的10~20年间,随着医学科学技术和科研工作的深入和发展,我们对鼻部常见疾病的免疫和病理生理学机制的理解有了很大提高,为改善现有的诊疗技术和研发更有效的治疗鼻部和相关呼吸道疾病的新疗法提供了良好的机遇.随着气象、环境(污染)、易感人群等外因的变化,上呼吸道疾病在流行病学、病种等方面呈现出诸多新特征,我们在基础和临床科研工作中应重新认识该疾病,以便更有效地对该疾病进行预防、诊断和治疗.  相似文献   

HIV update     
Norris TG 《Radiologic technology》2002,73(4):339-63; quiz 367-71
Few diseases have spread so rapidly around the world or caused such severe morbidity and mortality as HIV/AIDS. After reading this review and update on the pandemic, readers will: Know the current status of HIV/AIDS in the United States and worldwide. Understand basic concepts of epidemiology and infectious disease and how these areas of study relate to HIV. Know basic concepts of immunology and the human immune system. Recognize major clinical manifestations of HIV/AIDS and their radiographic features. Understand the importance of universal precautions in protecting health care workers from blood-borne pathogens such as HIV. Understand the legal and psychosocial issues that affect people who have AIDS.  相似文献   

The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) received two major blows in the past months. Negotiations for a protocol to strengthen the BTWC came to a halt and the Fifth Review Conference was unable to reach agreement on a final declaration. In addition, ongoing research projects, predominantly in the United States, are threatening to undermine the comprehensive ban on the development, production and use of biological weapons. This article provides two examples of research that exploit perceived loopholes in the BTWC or impinge on the scope of the Convention, namely the planned use of biological agents for forced drug eradication and the development of anti-material agents.  相似文献   

In the United States of America, Medical Examiners and Coroners (ME/Cs) investigate approximately 20% of all deaths. Unexpected deaths, such as those occurring due to a deceased person under investigation for a highly infectious disease, are likely to fall under ME/C jurisdiction, thereby placing the ME/C and other morgue personnel at increased risk of contracting an occupationally acquired infection. This survey of U.S. ME/Cs′ capabilities to address highly infectious decedents aimed to determine opportunities for improvement at ME/C facilities serving a state or metropolitan area. Data for this study was gathered via an electronic survey. Of the 177 electronic surveys that were distributed, the overall response rate was N = 108 (61%), with 99 of those 108 respondents completing all the questions within the survey. At least one ME/C responded from 47 of 50 states, and the District of Columbia. Select results were: less than half of respondents (44%) stated that their office had been involved in handling a suspected or confirmed highly infectious remains case and responses indicated medical examiners. Additionally, ME/C altered their personal protective equipment based on suspected versus confirmed highly infectious remains rather than taking an all-hazards approach. Standard operating procedures or guidelines should be updated to take an all-hazards approach, best-practices on handling highly infectious remains could be integrated into a standardized education, and evidence-based information on appropriate personal protective equipment selection could be incorporated into a widely disseminated learning module for addressing suspected or confirmed highly infectious remains, as those areas were revealed to be currently lacking.  相似文献   

The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) received two major blows in the past months. Negotiations for a protocol to strengthen the BTWC came to a halt and the Fifth Review Conference was unable to reach agreement on a final declaration. In addition, ongoing research projects, predominantly in the United States, are threatening to undermine the comprehensive ban on the development, production and use of biological weapons. This article provides two examples of research that exploit perceived loopholes in the BTWC or impinge on the scope of the Convention, namely the planned use of biological agents for forced drug eradication and the development of anti‐material agents.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of lung cancer   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
There are few relationships in the epidemiology of cancer between an exposure and disease that are as consistent as those observed between tobacco and lung cancer. The health consequences of tobacco use are not limited to lung cancer; the 1990 Surgeon General's Report described that the use of cigarettes was the leading cause of avoidable mortality in the United States, with about 434,000 preventable deaths per year. Although a majority of the adults in the United States are current or former smokers, smoking cessation and prevention efforts have been successful, although currently about one in four adults still smoke cigarettes. The decline in ever-smoking has reached a plateau in the past few years, however, and rates of teenage smoking have begun to increase. In 1997, smoking rates among high school students in the United States were 32% higher compared with 1991. As noted by Cinciripini et al, adult smokers who quit or die are being replaced by children who smoke. Until recently, lung cancer control efforts primarily have focused on smoking prevention in youth and cessation among adults, with little obvious potential for reducing deaths through early detection. With the recent publication of early results from the Early Lung Cancer Action Project showing remarkably more favorable screening performance compared with chest radiography, the potential to detect lung cancer early and save lives is being revisited. Ultimately, the preferred disease control strategy is the prevention of lung cancer through the elimination of tobacco use altogether, but for the foreseeable future a legacy of decades of tobacco use in a significant proportion of the US population means we are still challenged to develop public health strategies to reduce deaths and suffering from those destined to develop lung cancer.  相似文献   

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