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1999年对重庆市南岸区南坪珊瑚社区 1872名老人进行口腔检查 ,现将结果报道如下 :材料和方法1.调查对象 对南坪珊瑚社区 7个居委会居住的 60岁以上老年人进行逐户调查 ,共检查 1872人。2 .调查项目 失牙原因、牙缺失患者职业与失牙及修复关系 ,牙缺失者文化程度与牙缺失及修复关系等。3 .调查方法 实行 1人 1卡。所有参检人员均为我院口腔科临床医生。检查时按照WHO统一标准 ,记录建档 ,调查结束后随机抽取 5 %的受检者进行复查 ,各项复查数据的符合率在90 %以上。结  果本组 1872名受检者中 1663人失牙 ,占 88.8% ;共缺牙1772 3个 …  相似文献   

武汉市785例老年人缺牙及修复情况分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

辽宁省中年和老年人缺牙及义齿修复情况调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
目的了解辽宁省中年和老年人缺牙及义齿修复情况。方法根据第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查方法,对辽宁省城市和农村地区35~44岁和65~74岁年龄段的1 584人的缺牙和义齿修复情况进行调查,并采用SPSS11.0软件对数据进行统计分析。结果在1 584个受检者中,牙列缺损887人( 56.00%),牙列缺失104人( 6.57%),牙列完整593人( 37.44%);失牙6 776颗,失牙均数为4.28颗,上下颌缺牙数分别为3 550颗和3 226颗;义齿修复率为52.77%。结论应重视中老年人尤其是农村地区中老年人的口腔健康状况,加大力度作好龋病和牙周病的防治工作,以促进中老年人的口腔健康,提高其生活质量。  相似文献   

镇江市1138例老年人缺牙及修复情况的调查分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的 了解老年人缺牙及修复情况。方法 对镇江市 1138例 6 0岁以上老年人进行口腔检查 ,从牙列缺损、牙列缺失及修复情况三方面进行统计分析。结果 受检者中有 10 5 8例存在缺牙 ,其中 10 7例全口无牙 ;失牙均数女性 (16 0 7)高于男性 (12 6 8) ;缺牙随年龄的增加而增加 ;第一磨牙缺失最多 ,尖牙缺失最少 ;牙列缺失的修复率高于牙列缺损的修复率 ,不合格的修复体占较大比重。结论 缺牙在老年人中有相当高的发病率 ,老年人缺牙有其自身规律。?  相似文献   

上海市静安区800名老年人口腔健康状况调查   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的 了解静安区老年人口腔健康状况,探索社区老年人口腔保健新措施。方法 上门检查800例60-74岁老年人的口腔健康状况。指数和标准参照全国第二次口腔流行病学调查的标准。结果 龋病患病率为80.15%,牙龈炎患病率为66.42%,牙周病患病率为32.38%,牙列缺损患病率为88.13%,牙列缺失患病率为16.25%,楔状缺损患病率为54.63%。结论 老年人口腔健康状况较差,缺乏自我保健意识。提示:在社区卫生保健服务中,应有计划、有目的的对老人进行卫生宣教,并实施预防、康复治疗。  相似文献   

1033名成年人牙齿磨损情况的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:调查并分析成年人不同年龄段牙齿磨损的发病情况.方法:对1033名上海市成年人进行牙磨损指数(TWI)的检查,同时填写调查问卷.结果:①上海市成年人牙齿磨损发生率接近100%,高年龄段人群中牙重度磨损者的比例高于低年龄段;②Ⅲ°以上磨损者占样本量的33.59%,男性所占比例高于女性(p<0.01);③36~45岁年龄段的人群中,牙齿病理性磨损的发病率为3.88%;④Ⅲ°以上磨损人群中喜食酸性食物者占31.03%,自述有磨牙症者占24.01%.结论:①牙齿磨损在成年人群中相当常见,磨损程度随年龄的增长呈上升趋势;②男性牙齿磨损发生率高于女性;③牙齿磨损与个人的饮食习惯、副功能运动等有一定联系.  相似文献   

目的:根据老年人的口腔特点,探讨老年人牙齿缺失缺损后如何进行口腔修复,方法:笔者采用了保留残根残冠的修复方法,即全冠、桩冠、桩核冠等并利用残根残冠治疗后做基牙、修复缺失的牙齿。结果:通过6年对732颗牙齿的临床观察,695件义齿中,优672件,良14件,差9件,总有效率达96%以上,结论:此方法优越性大,不拔牙,易被患者所接受,是一种切实可行的修复方法。  相似文献   

目的:了解山东省胶东地区农村中老年人的缺牙及修复情况,为口腔疾病防的防治提供参考.方法:采用多阶段、分层、随机抽样的方法,调查山东省胶东地区农村45岁以上的中老年人的缺牙及义齿修复情况,并采用SPSS13.0软件对数据进行统计分析.结果:在355例受检者中,牙列完整94例,牙列缺损228例,牙列缺失36例,全口无牙33...  相似文献   

张家口市老年人牙列缺损和缺失与修复的调查分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
牙列缺损、牙列缺失是老年人常见的口腔疾患 ,我们于1997年至 1998年分次对张家口市城乡 60岁以上老年人进行了不等比随机抽样调查 ,报道如下。  一、调查对象和方法1.调查对象 :共调查 6712例 ,市区 5 12 0例 ( 76.2 8% ) ,农村 15 92例 ( 2 3 .72 % ) ;其中男性 3 888例 ( 5 7.93 % ) ,女性2 82 4例 ( 4 2 .0 7% ) ;干部 2 5 3 6例 ( 3 7.78% ) ,农民 15 92例( 2 3 .72 % ) ,工人 15 2 4例 ( 2 2 .71% ) ,知识分子 976例( 14 .5 4 % ) ,军人 84例 ( 1.2 5 % )。年龄 60~ 94岁 ,平均 68.6岁 ;60岁组 3 4 77例 ( 5 1.80 % ) ,70岁组 2 81…  相似文献   

Abstract With a greater number of people living longer and tending to retain many natural teeth, the problems associated with tooth wear are likely to place greater demands upon dental professionals in the future. Several attempts have been made to develop an index to measure tooth wear, for use at both the individual and population level. A review of these indices is undertaken, and difficulties experienced with the tooth wear index (TWI) of Smith & Knight (1984) in a large adult dental health survey is discussed. In the elderly population the scoring criteria of the TWI proved to be difficult to apply without additional qualification, and in cases of extreme wear a five-point ordinal scale was found to be inadequate to describe the range of wear observed. The concept of “pathological” levels of wear proposed by the TWI are challenged and modification to the index suggested for use among the elderly population.  相似文献   

Five-year incidence of tooth loss in lowans aged 65 and older   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The prevalence of missing teeth has been described for US adults, but little is known about the incidence of tooth loss in any segment of the population. This study investigated the 5-yr incidence of tooth loss in a random sample of Iowans aged 65 yr and older residing in two rural counties. These people had an average of 20 teeth at baseline and approximately 40% lost at least one tooth in the subsequent 5 yr. The incidence of tooth loss was highest for mandibular molars and lowest for mandibular canines. Men were more likely than women to lose teeth. Although we were able to identify a number of statistically significant potential risk factors for tooth loss, the multivariate models that incorporated all these factors were not good predictors of which people were at highest risk for tooth loss.  相似文献   

影响老龄患者拔牙安全性的多因素分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的:研究多种因素对老年患者拔牙安全性的影响。方法:对我科门诊60—85岁老年患者2580例的拔牙资料,包括拔牙原因、数量、全身疾病状况、心理因素等进行分析。结果:老年患者的拔牙心理、合并心血管病患者RPP值、糖尿病患者血糖值、医生的操作等,是影响老年患者拔牙安全的主要因素。结论:老年患者在消除焦虑、心脑血管病、糖尿病相对稳定,熟练的医生操作,均可安全完成拔牙手术。  相似文献   

目的:探讨老年人失牙与各种相关因素的关系,对老年人的口腔预防保健工作提供依据。方法:对808位76~92岁离退休老年人进行口腔健康状况检查以及口腔健康行为认知和全身性疾病的问卷调查,通过单因素分析引起老年人失牙的相关因素。结果:老年人失牙率为90.83%,失牙数随年龄增长而增加。老年人口腔健康行为认知度较低,在"人老掉牙是必然的"、"正确的刷牙方法"和"是否定期做口腔检查"3个问题中,认知正确组与不正确组失牙数之间有统计学差异(P<0.05)。患有糖尿病、冠心病、高血压组失牙数显著高于正常组(P<0.05)。结论:老年人失牙率高并且口腔健康知晓率普遍偏低。口腔健康知识薄弱、患有糖尿病、高血压、冠心病的老年人是口腔健康的重点防治人群,应加强这一特殊群体的口腔健康服务。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In South American older adults the association between tooth loss and demographic, predisposing and enabling factors has not been determined. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between partial and complete tooth loss and demographic, predisposing, enabling and need factors, and quality of life variables in the Brazilian older adults. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 5349 subjects aged 65-74 years were evaluated using conglomerate random sampling. Data collection included dental examinations and questionnaires evaluating demographic, predisposing, enabling and need factors, and quality of life variables. Multinomial logistic regression was carried out to evaluate correlates of tooth loss. The number of teeth was set as the outcome and categorized as: edentulous, subjects with 1-19 teeth, and subjects with 20 or more teeth. RESULTS: Predisposing factors including age, female gender and schooling were independently associated with edentulism. Female gender was associated with partial tooth loss. The only enabling factor associated with edentulism was car ownership. Need factors were associated with edentulism and partial tooth loss. Edentulous subjects perceived the need for dental treatment less frequently. Quality of life factors were associated with partial tooth loss and edentulism. Subjects with 1-19 teeth and edentulous subjects were more likely to rate their chewing ability as not good. Edentulous subjects were more likely to rate their speech ability and their dental appearance as good. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that tooth loss and edentulism were complex phenomena, with intricate predisposing, demographic, enabling and need factors playing a role.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Professional tooth cleaning (PTC) may lead to loss of exposed dentin. The aim of the present study was to determine the absolute loss of dentin during PTC using various product combinations with an in vitro model. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Dentin specimens (72) were randomly assigned to nine groups. In four groups each, prophy brushes and prophy cups were used in combination with four different abrasives (calcium pyrophosphate, pumice, Hawe cleanic, Nupro coarse). In the ninth group, a rubber cup with embedded fluoride and abrasives was used (pasteless prophy cup). The treatment time was 37 s. Surface loss was determined by profilometry. RESULTS: The surface loss in the nine groups was as following: (1) brush/calcium pyrophosphate: 6.18 microm (a); (2) brush/pumice: 5.51 microm; (3) brush/Nupro coarse: 10.10 microm (b); (4) brush/Hawe cleanic: 1.88 (a, b); (5) prophy cup/calcium pyrophosphate 2.07 (c); (6) prophy cup/pumice: 6.07 microm; (7) prophy cup/Nupro coarse: 5.93 microm (c); (8) prophy cup/Hawe cleanic: 4.93 microm (c); (9) pasteless prophy cup: 11.86 microm (c). Groups with the same letter in parentheses are statistically significant different at p<0.05. In a pooled analysis, no statistically significant difference between brushes and prophy cups was found. CONCLUSION: In the present study, the surface loss of about eight PTC procedures was simulated. Hence, the dentin loss ranged between 0.24 and 1.48 microm per PTC. Therefore, PTC does not seem to be a main factor in dentin loss.  相似文献   

Using partial recording to assess tooth wear in older adults   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVES: To establish whether partial recording can be used for the measurement and reporting of tooth wear data in samples of adult populations, whilst maintaining the usefulness of the index. METHODS: Using whole mouth coronal tooth wear data from a large random population sample of 1200 dentate older adults in England, several different partial recording systems were investigated to establish which teeth would maintain a high level of sensitivity for the most economic use of codes and index teeth. Tooth wear data were recorded on a surface-by-surface basis on all teeth in the sample using the tooth wear index. RESULTS: Five different partial mouth recording systems were assessed, including half-mouth scoring, assessment of just upper or just lower anterior teeth, assessment of all anterior teeth and use of six index teeth. The 12 anterior teeth were the ones most often affected by moderate or severe wear, and when all 12 teeth were used as the index teeth few wear cases were missed, and all the most extensive and severe cases of coronal wear were classified as having some wear. A limited index of only six anterior teeth (three uppers and three lowers) was almost as sensitive, but allowed less flexibility when reporting the extent of coronal wear. Other systems for partial recording were less sensitive. CONCLUSIONS: Partial recording using six or 12 anterior teeth is appropriate for measuring and reporting tooth wear data in large population surveys.  相似文献   

Abstract –In this cross-sectional study of Floridians aged 65 yr or older, 600 persons were interviewed to identify the characteristics of individuals who survived into old age with an intact or nearly intact dentition. Persons with total or partial tooth loss reported less frequent dental care, less ability to pay dental care fees, less frequent dental hygiene, and were more likely to have been smokers or diabetic. Persons with tooth loss also had less positive attitudes toward dentists and dental care. These cross-sectional findings are consistent with tooth loss being the result of disease-, behavior-, and attitude-related causes, and/or their interactions. Tobacco use, diabetes, and infrequent oral hygiene and dental care may increase risk for dental disease; decreased ability to pay for dental treatment may impair utilization of non-extraction treatment options, and negative attitudes toward dental treatment may influence the desire for non-extraction treatment options. Research targeted toward modifying attitudes toward dental treatment may be useful in preventing or delaying tooth loss, and measurement of attitudes may be a useful way to identify individuals at the greatest risk for tooth loss for intervention studies.  相似文献   

Two-year incidence of tooth loss among South Australians aged 60+ years   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Tooth loss diminishes oral function and quality of life, and national health targets aim to reduce population levels of tooth loss. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine tooth loss incidence and predictors of tooth loss among older adults in South Australia. Methods: Data were obtained from a cohort study of a stratified random sample of community-dwelling dentate people aged 60+ years. Interviews and oral examinations were conducted among 911 individuals at baseline and among 693 of them (76.1%) 2 years later. Incidence rates and relative risks were calculated for population subgroups and multivariate logistic regression was used to construct risk prediction models. A method was developed to calculate 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for relative risks (RR) from logistic regression models using a Taylor series approximation. Results: Some 19.5% (95% CI = 15.4-23.6%) of people lost one or more teeth during the 2 years. Men, people with a recent extraction, people who brushed their teeth infrequently, smokers and people born outside Australia had significantly (P<0.05) greater risk of tooth loss. Baseline clinical predictors of tooth loss included more missing teeth, retained roots, decayed root surfaces, periodontal pockets and periodontal recession. In a multivariate model that controlled for baseline clinical predictors, former smokers (RR = 2.55, 95% C1=1.48-4.40) and current smokers (RR = 2.06, 95% CI=0.92-4.62) had similarly elevated risks of tooth loss compared with non-smokers. Conclusions: The findings from this population suggest that a history of smoking contributes to tooth loss through mechanisms in addition to clinical disease processes alone.  相似文献   

目的:了解上海市静安区社区老年人牙齿缺失及修复情况。方法:采用问卷调查和口腔检查方法,抽样调查了上海市静安区973例社区65岁以上的老年人的牙齿缺失及修复情况。结果:在抽样调查的973例样本中,发现缺牙者888例,缺牙率为91.3%,人均缺牙数为10.34颗,缺牙修复率51.9%。在888例缺牙者中,牙列缺损者占78.1%,修复率为41.0%;牙列缺失者占21.9%,修复率为90.8%。男女老年人缺牙及修复状况均无显著差异。年龄高的老年人群缺牙比例高,而修复比例无显著差异。文化程度低的老年人群缺牙比例高。经济状况好的老年人群牙列缺损修复比例高。结论:社区老年人缺牙率高,修复率低。应加强关注老年人缺牙问题,采取相关措施提高修复率,从而提高老年人生活质量。  相似文献   

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