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Conclusions: Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL) was commonly seen in middle aged people. Tinnitus was reported by 87.2% of the patients, and dizziness or vertigo were reported by 48.5%. The most common concomitant disorder of SSHL was hyperlipidemia. Objective: A retrospective register study with SSHL was performed in Xi’an, China, from 2000–2009. Results: Of 617 inpatients, the right ear was affected in 267 cases, the left ears in 282 cases, and both ears in 68 cases. The most common age of patients was 41–50 years. There were 20.4% SSHL patients with hypertension, coronary artery disease, or diabetes, and 49.6% patients with hyperlipidemia. Auditory Brainstem Responses (ABR) were performed in 460 patients (504 ears) before treatment, and the ABR threshold of 56.4% ears was > 90 dB. The constituent ratio of patients with an ABR threshold over 90 dB was greater in the vertigo group than the other group. CT and/or MRI scans were available in 277 cases, of which 40 cases (14.4%) were abnormal.  相似文献   

1病例报告患者,女,55岁,右耳突发听力下降伴耳鸣1d于2010年2月23日入院。患者无眩晕、耳痛及耳溢液。既往有糖尿病史20余年,高血压病史10余年。体检:BP 150/90 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133kPa),双耳廓无畸形,外耳道通畅,鼓膜完整,内陷。纯音测听示:右耳全聋,左耳语言频率轻  相似文献   

The technological advances in cochlear implants and processing strategies have enabled subjects affected by severe to profound hearing loss to hear sounds and recognize speech in various different degrees. The variability of hearing outcomes in subjects with post-lingual deafness has been significant and cochlear implant indications have been extended to include an ever larger population.ObjectiveThis paper aims to look into the groups of post-lingual deafness patients to find where cochlear implants have yielded better outcomes than conventional hearing aids.Materials and MethodsReview the literature available on databases SciELO, Cochrane, MEDLINE, and LILACS-BIREME. The publications selected for review were rated as A or B on evidence strength on the day of the review. Their authors analyzed and compared hearing aids and cochlear implants in populations of post-lingually deaf patients. Study Design: Systematic review.ResultsEleven out of the 2,169 papers searched were found to be pertinent to the topic and were rated B for evidence strength. Six studies were prospective cohort trials, four were cross-sectional studies and one was a clinical trial.ConclusionThe assessment done on the benefits yielded by post-lingually deaf subjects from cochlear implants showed that they are effective and provide for better results than conventional hearing aids.  相似文献   

Objectives: To present electrocochleographic findings in patients with autoimmune disease (AD) with sensorineural deafness (ADSD), and to discuss the etiologies of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) in cases of ADSD. Methods: Study design is a retrospective review of electrocochleographic results of 26 patients with ADSD. To evaluate the electrocochleographic results, average SP/AP ratios were compared between ADSD and normal subjects. In the ADSD group, audiologic pattern, fluctuations in hearing and results of the glycerol test were also reviewed. Electrocochleography (ECoG) was recorded using the extratympanic method, and the SP to AP ratio (SP/AP ratio) was analyzed. Results: The mean of average SP/AP ratios in the ADSD groups (0.46) was significantly higher than that in normal subjects (0.27). Further, 17 of 29 affected ears in patients with ADSD showed fluctuating hearing loss. Eighteen ears showed low tone loss (rising and peak audiologic patterns). Only 5 of 26 ears (19.2%) showed positive results on glycerol test. There was no correlation between glycerol test results and hearing fluctuation or between glycerol test results and the SP/AP ratio on χ2-test. There was no tendency between audiologic pattern and glycerol test results or between audiologic pattern and the SP/AP ratio. Conclusion: These results suggest the etiologies of SNHL in cases of ADSD remain unclear. However, some cases showed clinical findings similar to endolymphatic hydrops. We should bear in mind that clinical Meniere’s syndrome involves ADSD. Further investigation is needed to resolve the etiology of SNHL of ADSD.  相似文献   

突发性聋为耳科常见急症,临床表现以突发性听力下降为主,可伴有耳鸣、耳内闷塞感、眩晕等耳蜗及前庭症状或体征。多数单耳发病,极少数为双耳发病。发病机制尚不明确,目前主要应用改善内耳微循环、神经营养、抗凝药物、糖皮质激素、高压  相似文献   

目的:探讨突发性聋疗效评估的最佳时机,以便更加准确真实地评估某种治疗方案对突发性聋的疗效。方法:分析112例突发性聋患者在治疗开始后的第3、7、14d和第1、2、3、4个月的听力情况。结果:治疗后第3天及治疗后第7天所测得的总有效率与其他时间点测得的结果比较差异均有统计学意义;治疗后第14天与第1个月测得的总有效率比较差异无统计学意义,与第2、3、4个月比较差异有统计学意义;治疗后第1个月与第2、3、4个月比较,尽管差异无统计学意义,但总有效率有较大的波动。治疗后第2个月与第3、4个月及治疗后第3个月与第4个月比较差异无统计学意义,且总有效率的绝对值也没有明显改变。从不同时间点的听力恢复情况来看,就总有效率而言,治疗开始后第3天,有效的病例数明显增加,直到第60天后,进入一个平台期。如果将各个时间点的治愈率、显效率和有效率分别来看,自治疗开始后到第14天,治愈、显效和有效病例增加明显,第14天后,进入一个平台期。结论:①突发性聋疗效评估结果与所采用的不同的评估时间点有关;②治疗14d后的听力测试情况可对总的疗效趋势作出一个大致的判断,在2周内听力提高的患者有可能获得较好的最终听力恢复;③在治疗2个月后突发性聋疗效进入一个稳定期,此时的听力学水平对评估突发性聋的疗效更加客观和准确。  相似文献   

遗传性耳聋基因芯片检测及其临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨遗传性耳聋基因芯片检测的临床意义。方法:对贵阳市42名非综合征性聋哑儿童及其父母进行耳聋病因问卷调查、纯音听阈测试或听性脑干反应测试,并采用耳聋基因芯片进行突变检测,对芯片检测结果为杂合突变的样本进一步行测序验证。结果:42名患儿中,7例(16.67%)存在GJB2235delC纯合突变,4例(9.52%)存在GJB2235delC杂合突变,1例(2.38%)存在GJB2235delC/299delAT复合突变,2例(4.76%)存在PDSIVS7—2A〉G纯合突变,2例(4.76%)存在PDSIVS7—2A〉G杂合突变,在分子水平明确诊断者占38.10%。结论:贵阳地区耳聋患者存在较高的遗传性耳聋发生率,耳聋基因芯片诊断技术可以应用在临床中进行快速筛查、诊断,并可达到防止再出生聋儿,指导聋儿康复等积极效果。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Cisplatin commonly is used to treat pediatric solid tumors. A major dose-limiting toxicity is sensorineural hearing loss. Which patients experience ototoxicity after treatment with cisplatin must reflect individual susceptibility, since it is not seen in all similarly treated patients. We hypothesized that mutations or polymorphisms in hearing genes are more common in patients who experience ototoxicity than in the general population. STUDY DESIGN: We completed retrospective mutation screening of GJB2 and SLC26A4 and screened for three mtDNA mutations in patients with a history of childhood cancer who developed severe hearing loss at cumulative cisplatin doses of less than 400 mg/M2. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients younger than 21 years of age who experienced severe hearing loss after cisplatin were identified using the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study database. Archival DNA from buccal washes of 11 patients was used for mutation screening and detection. RESULTS: With the exception of one patient (9.1%) who was a carrier for the 35delG mutation, no mutant alleles were found. Given the reported prevalence of the 35delG mutation in the general population of 2.5%, this result is not significant (P = .35). CONCLUSIONS: It is not likely that any of the five hearing genes we examined contribute to cisplatin ototoxicity. Further study may be warranted to look at other hearing genes as possible predictors of cisplatin ototoxicity.  相似文献   

目的:研究突发性聋(突聋)伴良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)患者的预后情况。方法:分析24例突聋伴BPPV患者的临床资料,并与同期125例突聋不伴BPPV患者进行比较。结果:突聋伴BPPV和突聋不伴BPPV患者治疗后3个月听力恢复的总有效率分别为41.67%和72.80%,差异有统计学意义(P〈O.05)。结论:突聋伴BPPV患者听力的预后比突聋不伴BPPV患者更差,BPPV是突聋患者听力预后不良的一个影响因素。  相似文献   

Summary The pathogenesis of sudden deafness is still not known. Therefore, to clarify its pathophysiology, it is important to know whether the progression of hearing loss occurs in the early stage of sudden deafness. The subjects were 11 patients with sudden deafness showing the progression of hearing loss by pure tone audiometry after the onset of the initial attack of hearing loss. The progression of hearing loss was mostly observed within 4–7 days after the onset of the initial attack. Average hearing loss in initial audiometry was severe and the recovery was poor in the majority of cases. An exploratory tympanotomy was performed in five cases and revealed one case of perilymphatic leak from the round window and another case of suspected round-window membrane rupture. As far as the causes of the progression of hearing loss in the early stage of sudden deafness are concerned, the following could be considered (1) aggravation of viral labyrinthitis, (2) aggravation of the vascular lesion of the inner ear, and (3) rupture of the membranous labyrinth of window(s).This paper was presented at the XVIth International Congress of Audiology, May 23–27, 1982, held in Helsinki, Finland  相似文献   

目的:探讨突发性聋患者的人格特征。方法:采用成人艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)从精神质(P)、内外向(E)、情绪性(N)、掩饰性(L)4个维度对38例突发性聋患者(突聋组)和45例正常健康者(对照组)进行对照研究。结果:突聋组P、E、N标准(T)分均高于对照组,L标准(T)分均低于对照组。2组比较P分、N分差异均有统计学意义(分别为P〈0.05和P〈0.01),而2组E分、L分差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论:突发性聋患者具有情绪不稳定和精神质个性特征。  相似文献   

突发性耳聋治疗的统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的504例突发性耳聋患者。方法对采用的十二种突聋治疗方案进行回顾性分析。结果各治疗组的疗效均有差异(P<0.05),以血管内He—Ne激光、高压氧和铁剂的疗效为佳。结论突聋以综合治疗为主,血管内激光、高压氧和铁剂也有重要作用。  相似文献   

A study of community- oriented multilaleral study was carried out in rural community of eastern Nepal where in total of 2564 patients were screened out and it revealed that multi nutritional deficiency comprised of 20% along with unsatisfactory or incomplete immunization was recorded in 45%. Children up-to 14 years of age (1223) were considered for this study. 5–14 years of age were the must vulnerable for ear diseases (50.16%). 61% children were living in over crowded dwellings. The hearing analysis established that the number of conductive deafness were prevalent in 62.46% in comparison to sensory-neural hearing loss 2.40% and mixed hearing loss (0.18%). Due to better ear care, Otorrhoea was under control in 67% cases and so was the conductive deafness improved.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the auditory benefit of cochlear implants (CI) in patients with single-sided deafness (SSD).

Material and methods: Twenty patients with a normal pure tone audiogram (n?=?8) or moderate hearing loss (n?=?12) in one ear and a CI system MED-EL SONATA/CONCERTO?+?OPUS2 (n?=?12), COCHLEAR CI24RE(ST)?+?CP810 (n?=?7) and Advanced Bionics HiRes90?K?+?Harmony (n?=?1) in the contralateral ear and with at least 6 months of CI experience were tested with respect to directional hearing, speech perception in noise, binaural loudness matching, and binaural pitch matching. Twenty-six normal hearing controls were included for normative reference.

Results: Addition of the CI significantly improves directional hearing (percentage of correct source identifications improved from 14.9 to 15.6%, root mean square error decreased from 125 to 93°) and improves speech perception in noise (speech perception threshold median improved from ?2.3 to ?6.0?dB signal to noise ratio, equivalent to a binaural intelligibility level difference?=?3.7?dB). Alternate binaural loudness balancing showed that matching takes place at levels between 48 and 55?dB HL (group averages). In the pitch matching experiment, the standard deviation of the relative interaural frequency difference at 500, 1000, and 2000?Hz was 24.5, 22.8, and 24.0%, respectively (compared to 11.7, 14.4, and 12.3% in the control group).

Conclusions: In SSD, cochlear implantation considerably improves audiological performance in terms of directional hearing, binaural signal equivalence, and speech perception.  相似文献   

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