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Hypertension (HTN) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cognitive decline. Elevations in blood pressure (BP) leading to HTN can be found in young adults with increased prevalence as people age. Oats are known to decrease CVD risk via an established effect of β-glucan on the attenuation of blood cholesterol. Many past studies on CVD and oats have also reported a decrease in BP; however, a thorough assessment of oats and BP has not been conducted. Moreover, oats deliver several beneficial dietary components with putative beneficial effects on BP or endothelial function, such as β-glucan, γ-amino butyric acid (GABA), and phytochemicals such as avenanthramides. We conducted a comprehensive search for systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and clinical intervention studies on oats and BP and identified 18 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and three meta-analyses that supported the role of oats in decreasing BP. Emerging data also suggest oat consumption may reduce the use of anti-hypertensive medications. The majority of these studies utilized whole oats or oat bran, which include a vast array of oat bioactives. Therefore, we also extensively reviewed the literature on these bioactives and their putative effect on BP-relevant mechanisms. The data suggest several oat components, such as GABA, as well as the delivery of high-quality plant protein and fermentable prebiotic fiber, may contribute to the anti-HTN effect of oats. In particular, GABA is enhanced in oat sprouts, which suggests this food may be particularly beneficial for healthy BP management.  相似文献   

The immune system is complex: it involves many cell types and numerous chemical mediators. An immature immune response increases susceptibility to infection, whilst imbalances amongst immune components leading to loss of tolerance can result in immune-mediated diseases including food allergies. Babies are born with an immature immune response. The immune system develops in early life and breast feeding promotes immune maturation and protects against infections and may protect against allergies. The long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are considered to be important components of breast milk. AA, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and DHA are also present in the membranes of cells of the immune system and act through multiple interacting mechanisms to influence immune function. The effects of AA and of mediators derived from AA are often different from the effects of the n-3 LCPUFAs (i.e., EPA and DHA) and of mediators derived from them. Studies of supplemental n-3 LCPUFAs in pregnant women show some effects on cord blood immune cells and their responses. These studies also demonstrate reduced sensitisation of infants to egg, reduced risk and severity of atopic dermatitis in the first year of life, and reduced persistent wheeze and asthma at ages 3 to 5 years, especially in children of mothers with low habitual intake of n-3 LCPUFAs. Immune markers in preterm and term infants fed formula with AA and DHA were similar to those in infants fed human milk, whereas those in infants fed formula without LCPUFAs were not. Infants who received formula plus LCPUFAs (both AA and DHA) showed a reduced risk of allergic disease and respiratory illness than infants who received standard formula. Studies in which infants received n-3 LCPUFAs report immune differences from controls that suggest better immune maturation and they show lower risk of allergic disease and respiratory illness over the first years of life. Taken together, these findings suggest that LCPUFAs play a role in immune development that is of clinical significance, particularly with regard to allergic sensitisation and allergic manifestations including wheeze and asthma.  相似文献   

Polyphenols are a group of phytochemicals with potential health-promoting effects. They are classified as flavonoid (flavonols, flavanols, flavones, flavanones, isoflavones, and anthocyanins) and non-flavonoid molecules (phenolic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids, lignans, stilbenes, and tannins). Although an increasing number of trials have shown a correlation among polyphenol consumption and a reduction in risk factors for chronic diseases, discrepancies in explaining their positive effects have been found in terms of the bioavailability. In fact, polyphenols show a low bioavailability due to several factors: interaction with the food matrix, the metabolic processes mediated by the liver (phase I and II metabolism), intestine and microbiota. On the other hand, the biological activities of phenol compounds may be mediated by their metabolites, which are produced in vivo, and recent studies have confirmed that these molecules may have antioxidant and anti-phlogistic properties. This review discusses the studies performed in vivo, which consider the polyphenol bioavailability and their different food sources. Factors influencing the biological effects of the main classes of polyphenols are also considered.  相似文献   

Background and aims: Inflammaging, a chronic, low-grade inflammation (LGI), is one of the mechanisms of adaptation of an organism to aging. Alterations in the composition of gut microbiota and gut permeability are among the main sources of LGI. They may be modulated by supplementation with live microorganisms, i.e. probiotics. This narrative review was performed with the aim to critically examine the current evidence from randomized clinical trials (RCTs) on the effects of probiotics on pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines and C-reactive protein (CRP) in healthy older subjects. Methodology: RCTs on the effects of probiotics on inflammatory parameters in subjects older than 65 years published in English and Italian from 1990 to October 2020 were searched in PubMed. Studies that were not RCTs, those using probiotics together with prebiotics (synbiotics), and studies performed in subjects with acute or chronic diseases were excluded. The findings of RCTs were reported in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Results: A total of nine RCTs met the eligibility criteria and were included in this narrative review. Four articles reported that probiotic supplementation significantly affected inflammatory parameters, respectively, by reducing TGF-β1 concentrations, IL-8, increasing IL-5 and Il-10, and IFN-γ and IL-12. Conclusions: Based on this narrative review, probiotic supplementation showed a limited effect on inflammatory markers in healthy individuals older than 65 years. Besides being few, the studies analyzed have methodological limitations, are heterogeneous, and provide results which are incomparable.  相似文献   

Immune-mediated inflammatory skin diseases are characterized by a complex multifactorial etiology, in which genetic and environmental factors interact both in genesis and development of the disease. Nutrition is a complex and fascinating scenario, whose pivotal role in induction, exacerbation, or amelioration of several human diseases has already been well documented. However, owing to the complexity of immune-mediated skin disease clinical course and breadth and variability of human nutrition, their correlation still remains an open debate in literature. It is therefore important for dermatologists to be aware about the scientific basis linking nutrition to inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, hidradenitis suppurativa, bullous diseases, vitiligo, and alopecia areata, and whether changes in diet can influence the clinical course of these diseases. The purpose of this narrative review is to address the role of nutrition in immune-mediated inflammatory skin diseases, in light of the most recent and validate knowledge on this topic. Moreover, whether specific dietary modifications could provide meaningful implementation in planning a therapeutic strategy for patients is evaluated, in accordance with regenerative medicine precepts, a healing-oriented medicine that considers the whole person, including all aspects of the lifestyle.  相似文献   

Growing evidence demonstrates human milk’s protective effect against necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Human milk derives these properties from biologically active compounds that influence intestinal growth, barrier function, microvascular development, and immunological maturation. Among these protective compounds are growth factors that are secreted into milk with relatively high concentrations during the early postnatal period, when newborns are most susceptible to NEC. This paper reviews the current knowledge on human milk growth factors and their mechanisms of action relevant to NEC prevention. It will also discuss the stability of these growth factors with human milk pasteurization and their potential for use as supplements to infant formulas with the goal of preventing NEC.  相似文献   

This review summarizes what is known about the effect of diet on irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms emphasizing data from randomized, controlled clinical trials. Studies suggest that IBS symptoms in one quarter of patients may be caused or exacerbated by one or more dietary components. Recent studies indicate that a diet restricted in fermentable, poorly absorbed carbohydrates, including fructose, fructans (present in wheat and onions), sorbitol, and other sugar alcohols is beneficial, but confirmatory studies are needed. Despite a long history of enthusiastic use, fiber is marginally beneficial. Insoluble fiber may worsen symptoms. Some patients with IBS, especially those with constipation, will improve with increased intake of soluble fiber. Prebiotic fibers have not been adequately tested. Daily use of peppermint oil is effective in relieving IBS symptoms. The usefulness of probiotics in the form of foods such as live-culture yogurt and buttermilk for IBS symptoms is not established. In clinical practice, it is very difficult to establish that a patient's symptoms result from an adverse reaction to food. A double blind placebo-controlled food challenge is the most reliable method, but it is not suitable for routine clinical use. A modified exclusion diet and stepwise reintroduction of foods or trials of eliminating classes of food may be useful.  相似文献   

Creatine monohydrate (CrM) is one of the most widely used nutritional supplements among active individuals and athletes to improve high-intensity exercise performance and training adaptations. However, research suggests that CrM supplementation may also serve as a therapeutic tool in the management of some chronic and traumatic diseases. Creatine supplementation has been reported to improve high-energy phosphate availability as well as have antioxidative, neuroprotective, anti-lactatic, and calcium-homoeostatic effects. These characteristics may have a direct impact on mitochondrion’s survival and health particularly during stressful conditions such as ischemia and injury. This narrative review discusses current scientific evidence for use or supplemental CrM as a therapeutic agent during conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Based on this analysis, it appears that CrM supplementation may have a role in improving cellular bioenergetics in several mitochondrial dysfunction-related diseases, ischemic conditions, and injury pathology and thereby could provide therapeutic benefit in the management of these conditions. However, larger clinical trials are needed to explore these potential therapeutic applications before definitive conclusions can be drawn.  相似文献   

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) present with persistent deficits in both social communication and interactions, along with the presence of restricted and repetitive behaviors, resulting in significant impairment in significant areas of functioning. Children with ASD consistently reported significantly lower vitamin D levels than typically developing children. Moreover, vitamin D deficiency was found to be strongly correlated with ASD severity. Theoretically, vitamin D can affect neurodevelopment in children with ASD through its anti-inflammatory properties, stimulating the production of neurotrophins, decreasing the risk of seizures, and regulating glutathione and serotonin levels. A Title/Abstract specific search for publications on Vitamin D supplementation trials up to June 2021 was performed using two databases: PubMed and Cochrane Library. Twelve experimental studies were included in the synthesis of this review. Children with ASD reported a high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency. In general, it was observed that improved vitamin D status significantly reduced the ASD severity, however, this effect was not consistently different between the treatment and control groups. The variations in vitamin D dose protocols and the presence of concurrent interventions might provide an explanation for the variability of results. The age of the child for introducing vitamin D intervention was identified as a possible factor determining the effectiveness of the treatment. Common limitations included a small number of participants and a short duration of follow-ups in the selected studies. Long-term, well-designed randomized controlled trials are warranted to confirm the effect of vitamin D on severity in children with ASD.  相似文献   

Resistant starch (RS; types 1 to 5) cannot be digested in the small intestine and thus enters the colon intact, with some types capable of being fermented by gut microbes. As a fiber, types 1, 2, 3, and 5 are found naturally in foods, while types 2, 3, and 4 can be added to foods as a functional ingredient. This narrative review identifies RS content in whole foods commonly consumed in the United States. Scientific databases (n=3) were searched by two independent researchers. Ninety-four peer-reviewed articles published between 1982 and September 2018 were selected in which the RS was quantified and the food preparation method before analysis was suitable for consumption. The RS from each food item was adjusted for moisture if the RS value was provided as percent dry weight. Each food item was entered into a database according to food category, where the weighted mean±weighted standard deviation was calculated. The range of RS values and overall sample size for each food category were identified. Breads, breakfast cereals, snack foods, bananas and plantains, grains, pasta, rice, legumes, and potatoes contain RS. Foods that have been cooked then chilled have higher RS than cooked foods. Foods with higher amylose concentrations have higher RS than native varieties. The data from this database will serve as a resource for health practitioners to educate and support patients and clients interested in increasing their intake of RS-rich foods and for researchers to formulate dietary interventions with RS foods and examine associated health outcomes.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain a serious public health problem and are the primary cause of death worldwide. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) has been identified as one of the most important molecules in the prevention of CVD due to its multiple anti-inflammatories, anti-atherogenic, and antioxidant properties. Currently, it has been observed that maintaining healthy levels of HDL-C does not seem to be sufficient if the functionality of this particle is not adequate. Modifications in the structure and composition of HDL-C lead to a pro-inflammatory, pro-oxidant, and dysfunctional version of the molecule. Various assays have evaluated some HDL-C functions on risk populations, but they were not the main objective in some of these. Functional foods and dietary compounds such as extra virgin olive oil, nuts, whole grains, legumes, fresh fish, quercetin, curcumin, ginger, resveratrol, and other polyphenols could increase HDL functionality by improving the cholesterol efflux capacity (CEC), paraoxonase 1 (PON1), and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) activity. Nevertheless, additional rigorous research basic and applied is required in order to better understand the association between diet and HDL functionality. This will enable the development of nutritional precision management guidelines for healthy HDL to reduce cardiovascular risk in adults. The aim of the study was to increase the understanding of dietary compounds (functional foods and bioactive components) on the functionality of HDL.  相似文献   

Background: This narrative review presents the association between metabolic syndrome (MetS), along with its components, and cognition-related disorders, as well as the potential reversal role of diet against cognitive impairment by modulating MetS. Methods: An electronic research in Medline (Pubmed) and Scopus was conducted. Results: MetS and cognitive decline share common cardiometabolic pathways as MetS components can trigger cognitive impairment. On the other side, the risk factors for both MetS and cognitive impairment can be reduced by optimizing the nutritional intake. Clinical manifestations such as dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes and increased central body adiposity are nutrition-related risk factors present during the prodromal period before cognitive impairment. The Mediterranean dietary pattern stands among the most discussed predominantly plant-based diets in relation to cardiometabolic disorders that may prevent dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and other cognition-related disorders. In addition, accumulating evidence suggests that the consumption of specific dietary food groups as a part of the overall diet can improve cognitive outcomes, maybe due to their involvement in cardiometabolic paths. Conclusions: Early MetS detection may be helpful to prevent or delay cognitive decline. Moreover, this review highlights the importance of healthy nutritional habits to reverse such conditions and the urgency of early lifestyle interventions.  相似文献   

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in skin immunity. Deficiencies in Vitamin A have been linked to impaired immune response and increased susceptibility to skin infections and inflammatory skin disease. This narrative review summarizes recent primary evidence that elucidates the role of vitamin A and its derivatives on innate immune regulators through mechanisms that promote skin immunity and sustain the skin microbiome.  相似文献   


Objective: To describe the evidence on the development of the National Healthcare System in Ethiopia. Method: The databases Embase, Ovid Emcare, Ovid MEDLINE, and Scopus were searched, together with the reference lists of the identified articles, relevant reports and books were searched. Articles were included if they described health services development in Ethiopia. Results: In Ethiopia, medical care has historically been performed by traditional healers who use magic and superstition. Over time, modern medicine continued to develop, and by 2014, 5% of Ethiopia’s total Gross Domestic Product was spent on health. In 2017, nearly 1.26 healthcare workers per 1000 population provided services through 21,071 healthcare organizations, with the majority being rural health posts. There are shortages of healthcare workers and limited numbers of hospitals. However, the introduction of the Health Extension Program and Health Extension Workers has improved access to healthcare in the country and could be a model for other African nations. Conclusion: Although the health care strategies introduced by the Ethiopian government have improved some health issues, accessibility to healthcare institutions that provide curative services is limited.  相似文献   



Atrial fibrillation (AF) is common in older adults and associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events including thromboembolism. However, less is known about its association with noncardiovascular events, especially geriatric syndromes and conditions such as dementia, depression, impaired physical function, polypharmacy, falls, and poor quality of life. This review aims to help healthcare professionals integrate the special needs of older adults into their management of AF.


Nonsystematic review. A literature search on published articles on AF and geriatric syndromes and conditions was performed using the electronic databases MEDLINE, EMBASE and SCOPUS, and DARE until December 2017. Non-English articles were excluded.

Settings and participants

Older adults with and without AF from different settings.


Various cognitive, mood, and functional measurements were used in these studies. In studies regarding polypharmacy, the Beers or PRISCUS criteria were used to identify inappropriate medications. In quality of life measurements studies, instruments like Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36 and Atrial Fibrillation Quality of Life questionnaire were used.


This literature review finds that AF has a substantial association with geriatric syndromes and conditions and that AF is a risk factor for the development of geriatric syndromes and conditions. Evidence is limited regarding the potential benefit of long-term treatment of AF in lowering the risk of developing geriatric syndromes and conditions.


Considering the impact of AF on cardiovascular outcomes and geriatric syndromes and conditions in older adults, healthcare professionals need to consider these complex dynamics while managing AF in older adults. An individual approach to AF management is needed in older adults with multiple comorbidity and polypharmacy that may help lower the risk of disease-disease, disease-drug, and drug-drug interactions. Special consideration needs to be given to patients' cognitive and functional impairment and ability to adhere to therapy.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in developed countries. The prevalence of CVD is much higher in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), who may benefit from lifestyle changes, which include adapted diets. In this review, we provide the role of different groups of nutrients in patients with T2DM and CVD, as well as dietary approaches that have been associated with better and worse outcomes in those patients. Many different diets and supplements have proved to be beneficial in T2DM and CVD, but further studies, guidelines, and dietary recommendations are particularly required for patients with both diseases.  相似文献   

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has spread worldwide, infecting nearly 500 million people, with more than 6 million deaths recorded globally. Obesity leads people to be more vulnerable, developing worse outcomes that can require hospitalization in intensive care units (ICU). This review focused on the available findings that investigated the link between COVID-19, body composition, and nutritional status. Most studies showed that not only body fat quantity but also its distribution seems to play a crucial role in COVID-19 severity. Compared to the body mass index (BMI), visceral adipose tissue and intrathoracic fat are better predictors of COVID-19 severity and indicate the need for hospitalization in ICU and invasive mechanical ventilation. High volumes of epicardial adipose tissue and its thickness can cause an infection located in the myocardial tissue, thereby enhancing severe COVID-related myocardial damage with impairments in coronary flow reserve and thromboembolism. Other important components such as sarcopenia and intermuscular fat augment the vulnerability in contracting COVID-19 and increase mortality, inflammation, and muscle damage. Malnutrition is prevalent in this population, but a lack of knowledge remains regarding the beneficial effects aimed at optimizing nutritional status to limit catabolism and preserve muscle mass. Finally, with the increase in patients recovering from COVID-19, evaluation and treatment in those with Long COVID syndrome may become highly relevant.  相似文献   

Background: While consent exists, that nutritional status has prognostic impact in the critically ill, the optimal feeding strategy has been a matter of debate. Methods: Narrative review of the recent evidence and international guideline recommendations focusing on basic principles of nutrition in the ICU and the treatment of specific patient groups. Covered topics are: the importance and diagnosis of malnutrition in the ICU, the optimal timing and route of nutrition, energy and protein requirements, the supplementation of specific nutrients, as well as monitoring and complications of a Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT). Furthermore, this review summarizes the available evidence to optimize the MNT of patients grouped by primarily affected organ system. Results: Due to the considerable heterogeneity of the critically ill, MNT should be carefully adapted to the individual patient with special focus on phase of critical illness, metabolic tolerance, leading symptoms, and comorbidities. Conclusion: MNT in the ICU is complex and requiring an interdisciplinary approach and frequent reevaluation. The impact of personalized and disease-specific MNT on patient-centered clinical outcomes remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Hypovitaminosis D is a serious public health problem, representing an independent factor in mortality among the general population. Vitamin D deficiency may affect up to one billion people worldwide. Recently, the potential association between vitamin D levels and stroke has gained increasing attention. Many studies suggest that maintaining normal serum vitamin D levels is associated with improvement of the cardiovascular system and a reduction in stroke risk. As a neurosteroid, vitamin D influences brain development and function and immunomodulation and affects brain neuroplasticity. It supports many processes that maintain homeostasis in the body. As stroke is the second most common cause of death worldwide, more studies are needed to confirm the positive effects of vitamin D supplementation, its dosage at different stages of the disease, method of determination, and effect on stroke onset and recovery. Many studies on stroke survivors indicate that serum vitamin D levels only offer insignificant benefits and are not beneficial to recovery. This review article aims to highlight recent publications that have examined the potential of vitamin D supplementation to improve rehabilitation outcomes in stroke survivors. Particular attention has been paid to stroke prevention.  相似文献   

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