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Rats with entorhinal cortex lesions were trained in two versions of the place navigation task in the Morris water maze. In the distal condition, they had to locate the hidden platform on the basis of remote landmarks, while in the proximal condition, they had to rely only on a configuration of proximal objects, placed directly in the pool. Entorhinal rats were impaired in using distal landmarks but were able to use proximal landmarks to navigate toward the platform. These results suggest that the use of distal and proximal landmarks during navigation involves activation of different neural structures. They also suggest, in agreement with previous data, that there are two distinct landmark-processing systems, one devoted to the processing of proximal landmarks and the other to the processing of distal landmarks.  相似文献   

Place cells in the rodent hippocampal formation (HF) are suggested to be the neural substrate for a spatial cognitive map. This specific spatial property of the place cells are regulated by both allothetic cues (i.e., intramaze local and distal cues) as well as idiothetic sensory inputs; the context signaled by the distal cues allows local and idiothetic cues to be employed for spatial tuning within the maze. To investigate the effects of distal cues on place-related activity of primate HF neurons, 228 neurons were recorded from the monkey HF during virtual navigation in a similar situation to a rodent water maze, in which distal cues were important to locate the animal's position. A subset of 72 neurons displayed place-related activity in one or more virtual spaces. Most place-related responses disappeared or changed their spatial tuning (i.e., remapping) when the arrangements of the distal cues were altered/moved in the virtual spaces. These specific features of the monkey HF might underlie neurophysiological bases of human episodic memory.  相似文献   

The 4-on-8 virtual maze provides evidence for variability in spontaneous strategy use during navigation. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) confirmed that these spatial and response strategies rely on the hippocampus and caudate nucleus memory systems, respectively. We asked whether the spontaneous use of a particular navigational strategy was associated with a particular ability to navigate in one's environment. We tested 30 young participants on the 4-on-8 virtual maze and we assessed their way finding ability in a virtual town. As expected, spatial learners performed well in the virtual town and the response learners, who never used external landmarks and relied purely on an egocentric strategy, performed poorly. Interestingly, a group who used the most efficient response strategy based on external landmarks in the 4-on-8 virtual maze, switched to the most efficient spatial strategy in the virtual town. Our data suggest that the best navigators are those who appropriately use spatial or response strategies depending on the demands of the task.  相似文献   

Whishaw IQ  Brooks BL 《Hippocampus》1999,9(6):659-667
Allothetic and idiothetic navigation strategies rely on very different cues and computational procedures. Allothetic navigation uses the relationships between external cues (visual, auditory, and olfactory) and mapping or geometrical calculations to locate places. Idiothetic navigation relies on cues generated by self-movement (proprioceptive cues or cues from optic, auditory, and olfactory flow, or efference copy of motor commands) and path integration to locate a present location and/or a starting point. Whereas it is theorized that exploratory behavior is used by animals to create a central representation of allothetic cues, it is unclear whether exploration plays a role in idiothetic navigation. Computational models suggest that either a reference frame, calibrated by exploration, or vector addition, without reference to exploration, could support path integration. The present study evaluated the contribution of exploration in these navigation strategies by comparing its contribution to the solution of both allothetic and idiothetic navigation problems. In two experiments, rats were trained to forage on an open table for large food pellets, which they then carried to a refuge to eat. Once trained, they were given probe trials from novel locations in either normal light, which permits the use of allothetic cues, or in infrared light, which requires the use of idiothetic cues. When faced with a new problem in either lighting condition, the rats first explored the foraging table before navigating directly home with the food. That exploration is equally important for allothetic and idiothetic navigation, suggests that both navigation strategies require a calibrated representation of the environment.  相似文献   

The present work defines a simple behavioral paradigm to evaluate spatial representation in rats. In two experimental conditions differing in the richness of distal visual cues, rats learned to locate a food goal in a cross maze from various starting points. We conducted different challenges consisting of (i) reaching the same goal from a modified arrangement of the maze arms (geometric challenge), (ii) reaching the goal within a 90 degrees rotated maze, herein checking the use of a place strategy, and (iii) investigating the effect of central cholinergic blockade over the retention of the task. Results showed that rats needed 12-30 trials to learn a place response, depending upon the richness of the visual environment. The maze rotation did not produce any impairment whereas the geometric challenge affected the performance specifically under the visually richer environment. Scopolamine injection (i.p.) produced a significant impairment in place recognition. Our present work shows that this maze procedure constitutes a useful paradigm to assess learning and processing of a place representation by rats. Similarly to what has been shown in other popular maze paradigms, our results show that rats mostly rely on distal extra-maze cues to solve the task, but also compute intra-maze information.  相似文献   

The hippocampus plays critical roles in both object‐based event memory and spatial navigation, but it is largely unknown whether the left and right hippocampi play functionally equivalent roles in these cognitive domains. To examine the hemispheric symmetry of human hippocampal functions, we used an fMRI scanner to measure BOLD activity while subjects performed tasks requiring both object‐based event memory and spatial navigation in a virtual environment. Specifically, the subjects were required to form object‐place paired associate memory after visiting four buildings containing discrete objects in a virtual plus maze. The four buildings were visually identical, and the subjects used distal visual cues (i.e., scenes) to differentiate the buildings. During testing, the subjects were required to identify one of the buildings when cued with a previously associated object, and when shifted to a random place, the subject was expected to navigate to the previously chosen building. We observed that the BOLD activity foci changed from the left hippocampus to the right hippocampus as task demand changed from identifying a previously seen object (object‐cueing period) to searching for its paired‐associate place (object‐cued place recognition period). Furthermore, the efficient retrieval of object‐place paired associate memory (object‐cued place recognition period) was correlated with the BOLD response of the left hippocampus, whereas the efficient retrieval of relatively pure spatial memory (spatial memory period) was correlated with the right hippocampal BOLD response. These findings suggest that the left and right hippocampi in humans might process qualitatively different information for remembering episodic events in space. © 2016 The Authors Hippocampus Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The cingulate cortex plays a central role in bridging neocortical and limbic structures involved in allothetic navigation, a form of navigation requiring the use of external cues. Animals can also navigate using idiothetic cues, which are cues generated by self-movement, but there have been no definitive tests of whether cingulate cortex also plays a role in idiothetic navigation. Rats with anterior cingulate (medial frontal) and posterior cingulate cortex (retrosplenial) suction ablations were trained to search for large food pellets on an open table, and the accuracy with which they returned home with the food was measured. In the idiothetic task they searched for food from a novel starting location under infrared light, and with surface olfactory cues displaced. The rats also received two tests of allothetic navigation. They were tested on a matching-to-place task in which they foraged for food from a number of successively presented new locations under normal room light, and they were trained to locate a hidden platform in a swimming pool (Morris place task). The group with posterior cingulate cortex lesions was severely impaired on all of the navigation tasks whereas the group with anterior cingulate cortex lesions displayed no deficit on the idiothetic task and only moderate deficits on the other tasks. The results demonstrate a role for posterior cingulate region in idiothetic navigation.  相似文献   

Rats with dorsal hippocampus or associative parietal cortex (APC) lesions and sham-operated controls were trained on variants of the Morris water maze navigation task. In the 'proximal landmark condition', the rats had to localize the hidden platform solely on the basis of three salient object landmarks placed directly in the swimming pool. In the 'distal landmark condition', rats could rely only on distal landmarks (room cues) to locate the platform. In the 'beacon condition', the platform location was signaled by a salient cue directly attached to it. Rats with hippocampal lesions were impaired in the distal and to a less extent in the proximal landmark condition whereas rats with parietal lesions were impaired only in the proximal landmark condition. None of the lesioned groups was impaired in the beacon condition. These results suggest that the processing of information related to proximal, distal landmarks or associated beacon are mediated by different neural systems. The hippocampus would contribute to both proximal and distal landmark processing whereas the APC would be involved in the processing of proximal landmarks only. Navigation relying on a cued-platform would not require participation of the hippocampus nor the APC. Assuming that the processing of proximal landmarks heavily depends on the integration of visuospatial and idiothetic information, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that the APC plays a role in the combination of multiple sensory information and contributes to the formation of an allocentric spatial representation.  相似文献   

Navigation and the underlying brain signals are influenced by various allothetic and idiothetic cues, depending on environmental conditions and task demands. Visual landmarks typically control navigation in familiar environments but, in the absence of landmarks, self‐movement cues are able to guide navigation relatively accurately. These self‐movement cues include signals from the vestibular system, and may originate in the semicircular canals or otolith organs. Here, we tested the otolithic contribution to navigation on a food‐hoarding task in darkness and in light. The dark test prevented the use of visual cues and thus favored the use of self‐movement information, whereas the light test allowed the use of both visual and non‐visual cues. In darkness, tilted mice made shorter‐duration stops during the outward journey, and made more circuitous homeward journeys than control mice; heading error, trip duration, and peak error were greater for tilted mice than for controls. In light, tilted mice also showed more circuitous homeward trips, but appeared to correct for errors during the journey; heading error, trip duration, and peak error were similar between groups. These results suggest that signals from the otolith organs are necessary for accurate homing performance in mice, with the greatest contribution in non‐visual environments. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Animals navigate using cues generated by their own movements (self-movement cues or idiothetic cues), as well as the cues they encounter in their environment (distal cues or allothetic cues). Animals use these cues to navigate in two different ways. When dead reckoning (deduced reckoning or path integration), they integrate self-movement cues over time to locate a present position or to return to a starting location. When piloting, they use allothetic cues as beacons, or they use the relational properties of allothetic cues to locate places in space. The neural structures involved in cue use and navigational strategies are still poorly understood, although considerable attention is directed toward the contributions of the hippocampal formation (hippocampus and associated pathways and structures, including the fimbria-fornix and the retrosplenial cortex). In the present study, using tests in allothetic and idiothetic paradigms, we present four lines of evidence to support the hypothesis that the hippocampal formation plays a central role in dead reckoning. (1) Control but not fimbria-fornix lesion rats can return to a novel refuge location in both light and dark (infrared) food carrying tasks. (2). Control but not fimbria-fornix lesion rats make periodic direct high velocity returns to a starting location in both light and dark exploratory tests. Control but not fimbria-fornix rats trained in the light to carry food from a fixed location to a refuge are able to maintain accurate outward and homebound trajectories when tested in the dark. (3). Control but not fimbria-fornix rats are able to correct an outward trajectory to a food source when the food source is moved when allothetic cues are present. These, tests of spontaneous exploration and foraging suggest a role for the hippocampal formation in dead reckoning.  相似文献   

Recent studies have found that hippocampus of mammals and birds and the lateral pallium of the fish telencephalon are critical for learning the geometric properties of space. Nevertheless, other studies suggest that navigation based on geometric information is primarily supported by proximal cues near the target location. According to this hypothesis, animals could use a taxon strategy to navigate an environment where only geometric cues are available and the results from lesion studies could be masking other effects related to the use of featural information. In the present study, we examined the effects of lesions to the lateral pallium of goldfish in the encoding of geometric spatial information. Goldfish with telencephalic lesions were trained to search for a goal in a rectangular-shaped arena with either one or two possible goals. Lateral pallium lesions do not interfere with goal location when the geometric information defined the goal unambiguously. Present results suggest that the geometric information is sensitive to be encoded in taxon strategies and therefore it could not depend directly on the correct functioning of the hippocampal system.  相似文献   

The Morris water maze and the radial-arm maze are two of the most frequently employed behavioral tasks used to assess spatial memory in rodents. In this study, we describe two new behavioral tasks in a radial-arm water maze enabling to combine the advantages of the Morris water maze and the radial-arm maze. In both tasks, spatial and nonspatial learning was assessed and the only task parameter that varied was the nature of the information available which was either spatial (various distal extra-maze cues) or nonspatial (visual intra-maze patterns). In experiment 1, 129T2/Sv mice were able to learn three successive pairwise discriminations [(1) A+/B-, (2) B+/C-, (3) C+/A-] with the same efficiency in both modalities (i.e. spatial and nonspatial modalities). Probe-trials at the end of each of these discriminations revealed particular features of this transverse-patterning-like procedure. In experiment 2, another group of 129T2/Sv mice was submitted to a delayed matching-to-sample working memory task. Mice were able to learn the task and were then able to show resistance to temporal interference as long as 60 min in the spatial modality but they failed to acquire the task in the nonspatial modality. The fact that the nonspatial information was exactly the same in both experiments highlights the existence of an interaction between the cognitive requirements of the task and the nature of the information.  相似文献   

In the absence of useful visual or other exteroceptive cues, rats can orient in their environment using idiothetic navigation, the process in which the information generated during self-motion is integrated to yield a homing vector leading the animal back to a point of departure. If perceivable exteroceptive cues in the visited environment are available, their spatial relationship is integrated with idiothetic information and stored in a cognitive map of the environment. Our previous experiments demonstrated that place navigation in rats is severely impaired after devaluation of the intramaze substratal information by shuffling, i.e. by its random displacement relative to the already traversed track. Several interpretative difficulties of the previous study have been eliminated in the present study by the use of an advanced version of the shuffling apparatus. The results show that shuffling-induced impairment of substratal idiothesis depends on the salience of intramaze cues, that on a stable featureless arena, idiothesis can be updated by non-visual allothetic cues, and that shuffling exposing the animal to sudden accelerations and decelerations interferes with idiothetic navigation by the inherent conflict between substratal and inertial idiothesis. It is concluded that pure substratal idiothesis not updated by extramaze and intramaze cues cannot provide reliable navigation over distances longer than 5 m.  相似文献   

Animal navigation to hidden goals (place navigation) ranks among the most intensively studied types of behaviour because it requires brain representations of environments in the form of cognitive maps, demonstrated to depend on hippocampal function. Intact function of muscarinic receptors in the brain was originally assumed to be crucial for place navigation, however, recent studies using non-spatial pretraining demonstrated that animals with central blockade of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors can also learn and retrieve spatial memory engrams. In the present study we addressed whether navigation in the active allothetic place avoidance (AAPA) task, which requires animals to separate spatial stimuli into coherent representations and navigate according to the representation relevant for the task, is dependent on intact muscarinic receptors in the brain. We studied the effect of three doses of scopolamine (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0mg/kg) administered 20 min prior to training on the retention of the AAPA and re-acquisition of the AAPA in a new environment. The dose of 2.0mg/kg was found to impair both AAPA retention and re-acquisition of the AAPA in a new environment, whereas the 1.0mg/kg dose only impaired the reinforced retention of AAPA. It is concluded that, unlike navigation in classic paradigms, efficient orientation in the AAPA task is critically dependent on muscarinic receptors in the brain.  相似文献   

Human navigation studies show that landmarks are used for orientation, whereas objects contribute to the contextual representation of an environment. What constitutes a landmark? Classic rodent studies show that hippocampal place fields are controlled by distal, polarizing cues. Place fields, however, are also influenced by local cues. One difficulty in examining mechanisms by which distal and local cues influence the activity of hippocampal cells is that distant cues are necessarily processed visually, whereas local cues are generally multimodal. Here, we compared the effects of 90° rotations under different cue conditions in which cues were restricted to the visual modality. Three two‐dimensional visual cue conditions were presented in a square open field: a large vertical cue on one wall, a large floor cue in a corner abutting two walls, and a smaller complex floor cue in a corner adjacent to two walls. We show that rotations of large distal cues, whether on the wall or floor, were equally effective in controlling place fields. Rotations of the smaller floor cues were significantly more likely to result in remapping, whether or not animals were also exposed to the distal polarizing cues. Responses of distal and local cues were affected differently by extended experience. Our data provide evidence that hippocampal place cell responses to visual cues are influenced by perspective, salience of the cue, and prior experience. The hippocampus processes visual cues either as stable landmarks useful for orientation and navigation or as nonstationary objects or features of the local environment available for associative learning or binding items in context. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Clark BJ  Harris MJ  Taube JS 《Hippocampus》2012,22(2):172-187
Experiments were conducted to determine whether environmental boundaries exert preferential control over the tuning of head direction (HD) cells. In each experiment, HD cells were recorded in the rat anterodorsal thalamus while they foraged for randomly scattered food in trapezoid- and rectangle-shaped environments. After an initial recording session, each environment was rotated 90°, and changes in the preferred firing directions of HD cells were monitored. Rats were disoriented before each test session to prevent the use of self-movement cues to maintain orientation from one session to the next. In Experiment 1, we demonstrate that HD cell tuning consistently shifted in register with the trapezoid shaped enclosure, but was more variable in the rectangle shaped environment. In Experiments 2 and 3, we show that the strong control by the trapezoid persists in the presence of one clearly visible distal landmark, but not when three or more distal landmarks, including view of the recording room, are present. Together, the results indicate that distinct environmental boundaries exert strong stimulus control over HD cell orientation. However, this geometric control can be overridden with a sufficient number of salient distal landmarks. These results stand in contrast to the view that information from geometric cues usually takes precedence over information from landmark cues.  相似文献   

Hippocampal formation contains several classes of neurons thought to be involved in navigational processes, in particular place cells and grid cells. Place cells have been associated with a topological strategy for navigation, while grid cells have been suggested to support metric vector navigation. Grid cell‐based vector navigation can support novel shortcuts across unexplored territory by providing the direction toward the goal. However, this strategy is insufficient in natural environments cluttered with obstacles. Here, we show how navigation in complex environments can be supported by integrating a grid cell‐based vector navigation mechanism with local obstacle avoidance mediated by border cells and place cells whose interconnections form an experience‐dependent topological graph of the environment. When vector navigation and object avoidance fail (i.e., the agent gets stuck), place cell replay events set closer subgoals for vector navigation. We demonstrate that this combined navigation model can successfully traverse environments cluttered by obstacles and is particularly useful where the environment is underexplored. Finally, we show that the model enables the simulated agent to successfully navigate experimental maze environments from the animal literature on cognitive mapping. The proposed model is sufficiently flexible to support navigation in different environments, and may inform the design of experiments to relate different navigational abilities to place, grid, and border cell firing.  相似文献   

Neuropsychological data in primates demonstrated a pivotal role of the hippocampal formation (HF) and parahippocampal gyrus (PH) in navigation and episodic memory. To investigate the role of HF and PH neurons in environmental scaling in primates, we recorded neuronal activities in the monkey HF and PH during virtual navigation (VN) and pointer translocation (PT) tasks. The monkeys had to navigate within three differently sized virtual spaces with the same spatial cues (VN task) or move a pointer on a screen (PT task) by manipulating a joystick to receive a reward. Of the 234 recorded neurons, 170 and 61 neurons displayed place‐related activities in the VN and PT tasks, respectively. Significant differences were observed between the HF and PH neurons. The spatial similarity of place fields between the two different virtual spaces was lower in PH than in HF, while specificities of the neuronal responses to distal spatial cues were higher in PH than in HF. Spatial view information was predominately processed in posterior PH. The spatial scales (place field sizes) of the HF and PH neurons were reduced in the reduced virtual space, as shown in rodent place cells. These results suggest the complementary roles of HF (allocentric representation of landmarks) and PH (representation of the spatial layout of landmarks) in the recognition of a location during navigation. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Patients with developmental amnesia usually suffer from both episodic and spatial memory deficits. DM, a developmental amnesic, was impaired in her ability to process self-motion (i.e., idiothetic) information while her ability to process external stable landmarks (i.e., allothetic) was preserved when no self-motion processing was required. On a naturalistic and incidental episodic task, DM was severely and predictably impaired on both free and cued recall tasks. Interestingly, when cued, she was more impaired at recalling spatial context than factual or temporal information. Theoretical implications of that co-occurrence of deficits and those dissociations are discussed and testable cerebral hypothesis are proposed.  相似文献   

The cerebellum has recently been linked to spatial navigation, as indicated by the inferior performance of cerebellar mutant or cerebellar lesioned animals in the water maze. The inability to dissociate motor from cognitive deficits in the impaired water maze performance has been a confounding variable in previous studies, however. In this study, we sought to define clearly the role of the cerebellar system in spatial navigation outside of motor control by creating a mouse model of Purkinje cell loss with intact motor ability, and testing these mice in the water maze. To this end, we made aggregation chimeras between Lc/+ mice, which lose all Purkinje cells postnatally, and +/+ control mice. Lc/+ mice are ataxic and show impaired rotor-rod performance. By contrast, we show that Lc/+ left arrow over right arrow +/+ chimeras above a threshold of Purkinje cell loss show no outward signs of motor impairment and demonstrated normal rotor-rod ability. In the water maze, we found that Lc/+ mice showed impaired performance in the place, cue and platform removal tasks, whereas Lc/+ left arrow over right arrow +/+ chimeras performed similarly to controls in all tasks. We found that the impaired performance in the water maze of Lc/+ mice resulted from both motor as well as cognitive impairment that could be separated from one another by statistical means. In addition, through the analysis of individual chimeric mice, the relationships between these deficits and the total number of Purkinje cells were determined and a specific role for Purkinje cells in search strategy was identified.  相似文献   

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