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Effects of viewing distance on the responses of horizontal canal-related secondary vestibular neurons during angular head rotation. The eye movements generated by the horizontal canal-related angular vestibuloocular reflex (AVOR) depend on the distance of the image from the head and the axis of head rotation. The effects of viewing distance on the responses of 105 horizontal canal-related central vestibular neurons were examined in two squirrel monkeys that were trained to fixate small, earth-stationary targets at different distances (10 and 150 cm) from their eyes. The majority of these cells (77/105) were identified as secondary vestibular neurons by synaptic activation following electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve. All of the viewing distance-sensitive units were also sensitive to eye movements in the absence of head movements. Some classes of eye movement-related vestibular units were more sensitive to viewing distance than others. For example, the average increase in rotational gain (discharge rate/head velocity) of position-vestibular-pause units was 20%, whereas the gain increase of eye-head-velocity units was 44%. The concomitant change in gain of the AVOR was 11%. Near viewing responses of units phase lagged the responses they generated during far target viewing by 6-25 degrees. A similar phase lag was not observed in either the near AVOR eye movements or in the firing behavior of burst-position units in the vestibular nuclei whose firing behavior was only related to eye movements. The viewing distance-related increase in the evoked eye movements and in the rotational gain of all unit classes declined progressively as stimulus frequency increased from 0.7 to 4.0 Hz. When monkeys canceled their VOR by fixating head-stationary targets, the responses recorded during near and far target viewing were comparable. However, the viewing distance-related response changes exhibited by central units were not directly attributable to the eye movement signals they generated. Subtraction of static eye position signals reduced, but did not abolish viewing distance gain changes in most units. Smooth pursuit eye velocity sensitivity and viewing distance sensitivity were not well correlated. We conclude that the central premotor pathways that mediate the AVOR also mediate viewing distance-related changes in the reflex. Because irregular vestibular nerve afferents are necessary for viewing distance-related gain changes in the AVOR, we suggest that a central estimate of viewing distance is used to parametrically modify vestibular afferent inputs to secondary vestibuloocular reflex pathways.  相似文献   

Optokinetic responses of vestibular nucleus neurons in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  1. Vestibular nucleus neurons of the brown rat (DA-HAN) responding to horizontal angular acceleration in the dark (type I and II neurons) have been studied during horizontal optokinetic stimulation in the time and frequency domain. For recording animals were nonanesthetized and paralyzed.
  2. All type I and type II neurons studied responded in a direction-selective fashion to rotation of large-field visual pattern. With both eyes open, type I (type II) neurons increased (decreased) their discharge on optokinetic stimuli directed away from the recording side and decreased (increased) firing on rotation towards the recording side. Covering one eye, abolished the inhibition of type II and excitation of type I on the ipsilateral side and removed type II excitation and type I inhibition on the opposite side.
  3. The missing responses of vestibular units to nasotemporal stimulation in monocular condition were paralleled by the absence of OKN on stimulation in the same direction.
  4. Response maxima (± Δf) of vestibular units occurred at stimulus velocities of 1 deg/s (here equal retinal slip velocity). Below and above this velocity a sharp response decline occurred. The mean firing increases were larger than the decreases. There were no significant differences in mean ± Δf values between monocular and binocular conditions.
  5. Frequency domain data show that response phase was in phase with surround velocity only at very low frequencies. With higher frequencies a progressive phase lag was noted; similarly the sensitivity decreased with increasing frequency.

1. The effects of various brain lesions on the responses of vestibular nuclear neurons (Vn) of the horizontal semicircular canal system to optokinetic stimulations were studied to elucidate the optokinetic path from the retina to the vestibular nuclei. A previous study performed in intact rats served as a control [2]. 2. It was shown that the pretectal region including the n. of the optic tract is the first central relay in the optokinetic path; it receives its functionally effective input from the contralateral eye. Unilateral lesions of this area rendered all Vn responses unidirectional when tested with binocular stimulation. Lesions of other visual centers such as the superior colliculi or visual cortices had no influence on the optokinetic response properties of Vn. 3. The area of the n. reticularis tegmenti pontis (NRTP) proved to be an important link between pretectum and vestibular nuclei: Unilateral lesions produced effects similar to those described for pretectal lesions. Pretectal axons to NRTP descend lateral to the MLF and tectospinal tract. 4. It was demonstrated that the vestibular commissure plays the crucial role in mediating the mirror image optokinetic effects to Vn on the opposite side and assures the bidirectionality of the responses to binocular stimulation. 5. Cerebellectomy did not significantly affect the Vn responses to the optokinetic stimuli presented in this study. 6. Electrical stimulation of the pretectum excited type II and inhibited type I Vn ipsilaterally and had the opposite effect on Vn located on the opposite side. NRTP stimulation excited type II and inhibited type I ipsilaterally; latency analysis of these effects suggested that the pretectal stimuli excited opsilateral NRTP neurons which, in turn, excited ipsilateral type II Vn. Ipsilateral type I inhibition as well as the concurrent contralateral type II inhibition and type I excitation are produced by the inhibitory action of type II on type I and the commisural system. 7. Systemic application of picrotoxin abolished all optokinetic responses of Vn except the type II activation. This finding further supports the hypothesis described above. 8. Unilateral pretectal or NRTP lesions abolished OKN to surround motion in the direction of the lesion.  相似文献   

The smooth pursuit system and the vestibular system interact to keep the retinal target image on the fovea by matching the eye velocity in space to target velocity during head and/or whole body movement. The caudal part of the frontal eye fields (FEF) in the fundus of the arcuate sulcus contains pursuit-related neurons and the majority of them respond to vestibular stimulation induced by whole body movement. To understand the role of FEF pursuit neurons in the interaction of vestibular and pursuit signals, we examined the latency and time course of discharge modulation to horizontal whole body rotation during different vestibular task conditions in head-stabilized monkeys. Pursuit neurons with horizontal preferred directions were selected, and they were classified either as gaze-velocity neurons or eye/head-velocity neurons based on the previous criteria. Responses of these neurons to whole body step-rotation at 20 degrees/s were examined during cancellation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), VOR x1, and during chair steps in complete darkness without a target (VORd). The majority of pursuit neurons tested (approximately 70%) responded during VORd with latencies <80 ms. These initial responses were basically similar in the three vestibular task conditions. The shortest latency was 20 ms and the modal value was 24 ms. These responses were also similar between gaze-velocity neurons and eye/head-velocity neurons, indicating that the initial responses (<80 ms) were vestibular responses induced by semicircular canal inputs. During VOR cancellation and x1, discharge of the two groups of neurons diverged at approximately 90 ms following the onset of chair rotation, consistent with the latencies associated with smooth pursuit. The shortest latency to the onset of target motion during smooth pursuit was 80 ms and the modal value was 95 ms. The time course of discharge rate difference of the two groups of neurons between VOR cancellation and x1 was predicted by the discharge modulation associated with smooth pursuit. These results provide further support for the involvement of the caudal FEF in integration of vestibular inputs and pursuit signals.  相似文献   

Synaptic mechanisms of spike suppression of vestibular neurons during quick phases of vestibular nystagmus were investigated by intracellular recording in the rostrolateral part of the cat medial vestibular nucleus. When repetitive spike discharges of vestibular neurons were abruptly suppressed at the quick phase, the membrane potential shifted steeply in the hyperpolarizing direction. After the commissural IPSP was inverted into depolarization by intracellular injection of Cl? ions, the hyperpolarizing deflection of the membrane potential at the quick phase was also inverted into a depolarizing potential. The results indicate that an abrupt generation of IPSPs in vestibular neurons underlies the quick phase suppression of spike activity in these neurons.  相似文献   

Peripheral nerve-evoked potentials recorded in the cerebellum 35 yr ago inferred that sensory transmission via the dorsal spinocerebellar tract (DSCT) is reduced occasionally and only during eye movements of active sleep compared with wakefulness or quiet sleep. A reduction or withdrawal of primary afferent input and/or ongoing inhibition of individual lumbar DSCT neurons may underlie this occurrence. This study distinguished between these possibilities by examining whether peripheral nerve-evoked responses recorded from individual DSCT neurons are suppressed specifically during active sleep, and if so, whether GABA mediates this phenomenon. Synaptic responses to threshold stimuli applied to the sciatic nerve were characterized by a single spike response at short latency and/or a longer latency burst of action potentials. During the state of quiet wakefulness, response magnitude did not differ from that observed during quiet sleep. During active sleep, short and long latency responses were suppressed by 26 and 14%, respectively, and returned to pre-active sleep levels following awakening from active sleep. Sciatic nerve-evoked early and late responses were further analyzed in a paired fashion around computer-tagged eye movement events that hallmark the state of active sleep. Response magnitude was suppressed by 14.4 and 11.5%, respectively, during eye movement events of active sleep. The GABAA antagonist bicuculline, applied juxtacellularly by microiontophoresis, abolished response suppression during non–eye movement periods and eye movement events of active sleep. In conclusion, synaptic transmission via DSCT neurons is inhibited by GABA tonically during non–eye movement periods and phasically during eye movement events of active sleep.  相似文献   

The descending pain control system is activated by opioid peptides mainly at the midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG). Although activation of presynaptic opioid receptors has been reported to inhibit gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) release, the exact electrophysiological mechanisms are controversial. To elucidate the mechanisms involved in the opioid modulation of presynaptic GABA release, we isolated single PAG neurons with functionally intact synaptic terminals by a mechanical dissociation in the absence of enzyme. With the conventional whole-cell recording mode under the voltage-clamp conditions, the spontaneous miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) were recorded. Bicuculline completely and reversibly blocked mIPSCs. A specific mu-opioid agonist, [d-Ala(2),N-Me-Phe(4),Gly(5)-ol]-enkephalin (DAMGO), reversibly reduced the frequency of mIPSCs without any alteration of amplitude. The inhibitory effect of DAMGO was blocked by N-ethylmaleimide. Blockade of presynaptic Ca(2+) influx by cadmium or depletion of extracellular Ca(2+) did not alter the DAMGO inhibition. In addition, K(+) channels blockers, Ba(2+) or 4-aminopyridine, did not affect the DAMGO effect. The present study indicates that activation of presynaptic mu-opioid receptors coupled to G-proteins inhibits GABA release through unknown intracellular mechanisms downstream of Ca(2+) influx.  相似文献   

This investigation used an in vitro hypothalamic brain slice preparation and whole cell and perforated-patch recording to examine the response of magnocellular neurons in hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) to bath applications of vasopressin (VP; 100-500 nM). In 22/38 cells, responses were characterized by an increase in the frequency of bicuculline-sensitive inhibitory postsynaptic potentials or currents with no detectable influence on excitatory postsynaptic events. Perforated-patch recordings confirmed that VP did not have an effect on intrinsic membrane properties of magnocellular PVN neurons (n = 17). Analysis of intrinsic membrane properties obtained with perforated-patch recording (n = 23) demonstrated that all of nine VP-sensitive neurons showed a rebound depolarization after transient membrane hyperpolarization from rest. By contrast, 12/14 nonresponding neurons displayed a delayed return to resting membrane potentials. Recordings of reversed inhibitory postsynaptic currents with chloride-loaded electrodes showed that responses to VP persisted in media containing glutamate receptor antagonists but were abolished in the presence of tetrodotoxin. In addition, responses were mimicked by vasotocin [Phe(2), Orn(8)], a selective V(1a) receptor agonist, and blocked by [beta-Mercapto-beta, beta-cyclopentamethylenepropionyl(1),O-Me-Tyr(2), Arg(8)]-VP (Manning compound), a V(1a)/OT receptor antagonist. Neither [deamino-Cys(1),Val(4),D-Arg(8)]-VP, a selective V(2) receptor agonist, nor oxytocin were effective. Collectively, the results imply that VP acts at V(1a) receptors to excite GABAergic neurons that are presynaptic to a population of magnocellular PVN neurons the identity of which features a unique rebound depolarization. Endogenous sources of VP may be VP-synthesizing neurons in suprachiasmatic nucleus, known to project toward the perinuclear regions of PVN, and/or the magnocellular neurons within PVN.  相似文献   

Tonic inhibition mediated by persistent activation of γ-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptors by ambient GABA plays a crucial role in the regulation of network excitability and neuronal signal processing. Varying degrees in the strength of tonic inhibition were detected across different cell types throughout the brain. Since sensory information flows through cortical layers in a specific order, the characteristics of tonic inhibition in different cortical layers are of interest. Therefore, we examined the properties of tonic inhibition in pyramidal neurons (PyNs) throughout the rat visual cortex. Layer 2/3 PyNs and burst-spiking PyNs in layers 5 and 6 showed prominent tonic GABAA currents. Tonic GABAA currents in layer 4 star PyNs and regular-spiking PyNs in layers 5 and 6 were much weaker. The magnitude of tonic currents correlated well with the inhibition of spike generation. The amplitude of tonic GABAA currents measured with bicuculline and gabazine, the two different GABAA receptor blockers, did not differ. The differences in the expression levels of extrasynaptic GABAA receptors might be the major contributor to the differences in tonic GABAA currents among cell types. Furthermore, α5 subunits might contribute significantly to tonic currents in infragranular burst-spiking PyNs, especially in layer 5. These results suggest that ambient GABA might exert differential effects on the neuronal integration in a layer- and cell-type-specific manner and thus contribute to the processing of sensory properties by selectively tuning the signals flowing through the visual cortex.  相似文献   

  1. The responses of single units in the pretectum (Pt) and in the n. reticularis tegmenti pontis (NRTP) to constant velocity horizontal rotation (0.25–60 deg/s) of a large-field visual pattern were studied in immobilized, non-anesthetized DA-HAN rats. In addition, responses of Pt and NRTP neurons to pure vestibular stimuli (rotation in the dark) were studied.
  2. Pt neurons showed seven response types to optokinetic stimulation (Table 1). The most frequent response (48%) consisted of a very rapid increase in firing to steady state on temporonasal motion stimulation of the contralateral eye; nasotemporal stimuli yielded no change in resting rate as did stimulation of the ipsilateral eye. The response maximum occurred at a retinal slip velocity of 1 deg/s. None of the Pt units tested responded to pure vestibular stimuli.
  3. NRTP neurons — as Pt units — most frequently (43%) increased their discharge rate on temporonasal stimulation of the contralateral eye and maintained a constant resting rate during nasotemporal motion. Peak response amplitudes also occurred with retinal slip velocities of 1 deg/s. Contrary to the fast time-to-peak of the responses of Pt neurons NRTP units showed a slow rise in frequency of firing to peak response levels.
  4. NRTP neurons responded to pure vestibular stimuli (horizontal angular acceleration in the dark). The vestibular responses were synergistic with those evoked in the same neurons by optokinetic stimuli. Thus, the most frequently encountered type of optokinetic response (s. above) showed a type II vestibular response.
  5. Comparison of OKN and Vn optokinetic responses with those of Pt and NRTP suggests that the unidirectional-selective Pt and NRTP neurons are important links in the central optokinetic path. In addition, the NRTP may represent the site at which the retinal slip signal and the eye velocity signal converge. This convergence has been postulated in models of the system [12].

Summary It is well known that the superficial layers of the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) are rich in GABAergic neurons. We investigated the effects of topical application of GABA receptor agonists and/or antagonists upon the auditory response properties of DCN neurons in rats anesthetized with alpha chloralose-urethane. Auditory stimuli consisted of 20 ms tone bursts presented in a free field. Response properties of DCN neurons were studied before and during iontophoretic application of GABA, bicuculline methiodide (BIC) and muscimol (MUS) alone and GABA with MUS or BIC through triple barrel electrodes glued to the recording microelectrode. Of 68 DCN neurons studied, 27 were sensitive to topical application of the GABA agonists or antagonist. In these neurons, BIC enhanced spontaneous activity as well as auditory responses and decreased the Q-30 quality factor values. MUS reduced auditory responses. BIC often increased the width of the tuning curve but GABA and/or MUS reduced it. Without drug application, GABA sensitive neurons tended to have longer response latencies and larger tuning widths at 30 dB above threshold as well as larger Q-30 values as compared with neurons that were insensitive to GABA. These findings suggest that: 1) GABAergic neurons determine the width of the tuning curve in neurons with GABA receptors by curtailing the excitatory response area, and 2) such neurons receive tonic inhibition from intrinsic GABAergic neurons.  相似文献   

Single-unit recordings were obtained from 107 horizontal semicircular canal-related central vestibular neurons in three alert squirrel monkeys during passive sinusoidal whole-body rotation (WBR) while the head was free to move in the yaw plane (2.3 Hz, 20 degrees /s). Most of the units were identified as secondary vestibular neurons by electrical stimulation of the ipsilateral vestibular nerve (61/80 tested). Both non-eye-movement (n = 52) and eye-movement-related (n = 55) units were studied. Unit responses recorded when the head was free to move were compared with responses recorded when the head was restrained from moving. WBR in the absence of a visual target evoked a compensatory vestibulocollic reflex (VCR) that effectively reduced the head velocity in space by an average of 33 +/- 14%. In 73 units, the compensatory head movements were sufficiently large to permit the effect of the VCR on vestibular signal processing to be assessed quantitatively. The VCR affected the rotational responses of different vestibular neurons in different ways. Approximately one-half of the units (34/73, 47%) had responses that decreased as head velocity decreased. However, the responses of many other units (24/73) showed little change. These cells had signals that were better correlated with trunk velocity than with head velocity. The remaining units had responses that were significantly larger (15/73, 21%) when the VCR produced a decrease in head velocity. Eye-movement-related units tended to have rotational responses that were correlated with head velocity. On the other hand, non-eye-movement units tended to have rotational responses that were better correlated with trunk velocity. We conclude that sensory vestibular signals are transformed from head-in-space coordinates to trunk-in-space coordinates on many secondary vestibular neurons in the vestibular nuclei by the addition of inputs related to head rotation on the trunk. This coordinate transformation is presumably important for controlling postural reflexes and constructing a central percept of body orientation and movement in space.  相似文献   

1. We tested the contribution of GABAergic inhibition to the response characteristics of 213 neurons in the auditory telencephalon of chronically prepared nonanesthetized chickens. Extracellular recordings were obtained with multibarrel glass electrodes containing a tungsten wire. Auditory stimuli consisted of tones, two-tone combinations, and noise bursts presented either free field or via earphones. 2. Response properties of the neurons were studied both before and during iontophoretic application of GABA, glutamate, bicuculline methiodide (BIC), and acetylcholine. 3. During BIC application excitatory responses were facilitated. With the exception of transient off-responses, which occasionally appeared only in the BIC condition, the temporal response patterns to tone stimuli at the units' best frequency usually were unaltered. In no case was an inhibitory response component to binaurally presented pure tones antagonized by BIC. 4. BIC iontophoresis enlarged the isointensity-response areas of the vast majority of neurons in the structures of the auditory forebrain lying postsynaptic to the thalamorecipient layer L2. This effect was not obtained when neurons were depolarized to perithreshold levels with glutamate. 5. Two-tone stimulation resulted in a suppression of the excitatory response to a neuron's best frequency when the second frequency lay outside the excitatory response area. In lamina L2, the frequency range inducing two-tone suppression was narrow, and the suppressive effect was not antagonized by BIC. In the postsynaptic layers, frequencies up to three octaves from the neurons' best frequency induced two-tone suppression that was sensitive to BIC. In addition, these neurons also displayed a BIC-insensitive suppression similar to the one seen in layer L2. 6. Neurons displaying no or only a poor response to white-noise stimulation strongly responded to this wide-band stimulus during BIC iontophoresis. 7. Neurons without tone responses usually displayed clear response areas to tones during BIC application. Iontophoretic application of acetylcholine, but not glutamate, also induced such tone responses. Two-tone combinations with frequencies lying within the response areas observed in the BIC condition elicited excitatory responses after full recovery from the BIC application. 8. During BIC iontophoresis nonmonotonic intensity-response functions were converted to monotonic functions in most of the neurons studied. 9. A model of GABAergic inhibitory interactions is proposed that is based on two independent GABAergic systems.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. We have studied, in decerebrate cats, the responses of neurons in the lateral and descending vestibular nuclei to whole-body rotations in vertical planes that activated vertical semicircular canal and utricular receptors. Some neurons were identified as vestibulospinal by antidromic stimulation with floating electrodes placed in C4. 2. The direction of tilt that caused maximal excitation (response vector orientation) of each neuron was determined. Neuron dynamics were then studied with sinusoidal stimuli closely aligned with the response vector orientation, in the range 0.02-1 Hz. A few cells, for which we could not identify a response vector, probably had spatial-temporal convergence. 3. On the basis of dynamics, neurons were classified as receiving their input primarily from vertical semicircular canals, primarily from the otolith organs, or from canal+otolith convergence. 4. Response vector orientations of canal-driven neurons were often near +45 degrees or -45 degrees with respect to the transverse (roll) plane, suggesting these neurons received excitatory input from the ipsilateral anterior or posterior canal, respectively. Some neurons had canal-related dynamics but vector orientations near roll, presumably because they received convergent input from the ipsilateral anterior and posterior canals. Few neurons had their vectors near pitch. 5. In the lateral vestibular nucleus, neurons with otolith organ input (pure otolith or otolith+canal) tended to have vector orientations closer to roll than to pitch. In the descending nucleus the responses were evenly divided between the roll and pitch quadrants. 6. We conclude that most of our neurons have dynamics and response vector orientations that make them good candidates to participate in vestibulospinal reflexes acting on the limbs, but not those acting on the neck.  相似文献   

1. To compare the properties of the vestibulocollic reflex (VCR) with those of vestibular neurons projecting to the neck [vestibulocollic (VC) neurons], we have studied the behavior of the latter in the decerebrate cat. Neurons were identified by their antidromic responses to stimulation in C1-C2, but not C5. Responses to stimulation of vestibular and neck receptors were produced by rotation of the body and head in vertical planes. 2. We determined the plane of whole body (vestibular) or body with head counter-rotated (neck) rotation, which produced the maximal modulation of each neuron (response vector orientation). Neuron dynamics were then studied with sinusoidal (0.02-2 Hz) stimuli aligned with this orientation. 3. On the basis of dynamics and vector orientation, the neuron was assigned a vestibular input classification of otolith, vertical canal, otolith + canal, or spatial-temporal convergence (STC). 4. The properties of this sample of VC neurons are similar to those of a larger population of vestibular neurons whose projection was not identified. For example, the distributions of cells with different types of vestibular inputs were roughly the same; in particular, few cells showed STC responses. In addition, there was no evidence of significant convergence of like canals across the midline (e.g., right anterior + left anterior). 5. Also similar to the larger unidentified population, 80% of VC neurons tested for neck input received such an input. The neck and vestibular responses tended to be antagonistic; the vector orientations were usually opposite, and the response gains and phases similar.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

GABA and the GABAA and GABAB receptors play a pivotal role in the coordination of the central vestibular pathways. The commissural inhibition, which exists between the two vestibular nucleus complexes (VNCs) and which is responsible for enhancing the dynamic sensitivity of VNC neurons to head acceleration, is known to be substantially mediated by GABA acting on GABAA and GABAB receptors. After unilateral vestibular deafferentation (UVD), the large asymmetry in spontaneous resting activity between the two VNCs is reinforced and exacerbated by the GABAergic interaction between the ipsilateral and contralateral sides. Although it has been suggested that reduced GABAergic inhibition of the ipsilateral VNC may be partially responsible for the recovery of resting activity that underlies vestibular compensation of the static symptoms of UVD, at present there are few data available to test this hypothesis systematically. There is some evidence that GABA concentrations change in the ipsilateral VNC during the development of compensation; however, it is unclear whether these changes relate to GABA release or to metabolic pools of GABA. Most biochemical studies of GABA receptors have been conducted at the gene expression level. Therefore, it is unclear whether changes in the receptor protein also occur, although the most recent data suggest that changes in GABAA and GABAB receptor density in the VNC are unlikely. The few radioligand binding data relate to GABAA receptors with benzodiazepine binding sites only. A decrease in the sensitivity of ipsilateral VNC neurons from compensated animals to GABA receptor agonists has been reported; however, these studies have employed brainstem slices and therefore the functional identity of the neurons involved has been unclear. Although it seems likely that some changes in central GABAergic systems accompany the recovery of resting activity in the ipsilateral VNC during the development of vestibular compensation, at the present stage there is no compelling evidence that these changes have a causal role in the compensation process.  相似文献   

F. Mascagni  A.J. McDonald   《Neuroscience》2009,160(4):805-812
The basal forebrain (BF) contains a diffuse array of cholinergic and non-cholinergic neurons that project to the cerebral cortex and basolateral nuclear complex of the amygdala (BLC). Previous studies have shown that the GABAergic subpopulation of non-cholinergic corticopetal BF neurons selectively innervates cortical interneurons. Although several investigations in both rodents and primates have indicated that some BF neurons projecting to the BLC are non-cholinergic, there have been no studies that have attempted to identify the neurochemical phenotype(s) of these neurons. The present study combined Fluorogold retrograde tract tracing with immunohistochemistry for two markers of BF GABAergic neurons, parvalbumin (PV) or glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), to determine if a subpopulation of BF GABAergic cells projects to the BLC. Injections of Fluorogold confined to the rat BLC, and centered in the basolateral nucleus, produced extensive retrograde labeling in the ventral pallidum and substantia innominata regions of the BF. Although the great majority of retrogradely labeled neurons were not double-labeled, about 10% of these neurons, located mainly along the ventral aspects of the fundus striati and globus pallidus, exhibited immunoreactivity for PV or GAD. The results of this investigation contradict the long-held belief that there is no extra-amygdalar source of GABAergic inputs to the BLC, and indicate that the cortex-like BLC, in addition to the cortex proper, receives inhibitory inputs from the basal forebrain.  相似文献   

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