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目的了解西安市麻风流行地区村民对麻风知识知晓情况,对麻风的态度及行为,为今后更有效开展麻风病健康教育工作提供方向。方法在西安市麻风流行较重的地区周至县、蓝田县、户县3个县随机抽取6个乡镇,每个乡镇随机抽取150名常住居民进行面访式问卷调查,包括调查对象对麻风的认知、态度及行为。结果共计调查了1 067名居民,麻风知识总知晓率为40.44%,文化程度较高者麻风核心知识知晓率较高,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。被调查对象态度和行为总正确率为37.01%,居民获取麻风知识的主要来源为朋友邻居、电视及麻风相关宣传活动。结论麻风流行地区居民对麻风防治知识普遍欠缺,相当比例的村民对麻风病人存在恐惧与歧视,今后需加强对大众的麻风健康教育。  相似文献   

目的:了解广州地区麻风病历史流行村村民对麻风病的认知和态度行为情况,为下一步麻风防治工作的改进提供科学依据。方法:采用不记名问卷调查形式对广州地区麻风病历史流行村262名18岁以上的村民进行调查,调查内容包括对麻风病知识的知晓情况,麻风病知识的来源以及对待麻风病的态度和行为等方面。结果:麻风病历史流行村村民获得麻风病知识的主要来源是通过亲朋好友(占69.7%),其次是电视、报纸和网络(占26.26%);对麻风病的传染性、致残性及临床表现知晓率低,回答正确者分别占61.62%、44.44%及36.36%;只有25.26%的村民了解国家免费治疗麻风病的策略;超过50%的村民对麻风病存在恐惧和歧视。结论:广州地区麻风病历史流行村村民对麻风病知识普遍欠缺,对麻风病患者存在恐惧和歧视,今后需要加强对大众进行麻风病知识的普及和健康教育。  相似文献   

<正>本文通过对边远农村村民麻风相关知识的调查与干预,一方面普及了边远村民的麻风健康教育、提高村民的麻风知识认知率,降低麻风发病率和畸残率;另一方面也为政府提供相关参考数据。1材料与方法1.1对象采取现场抽样的方法,从贵阳市所辖区县边远的农村村民中随机抽取,发放调查问卷600份,有效491份。1.2方法采用现场问卷调查。自己设计调查问卷,内容包括一般情况、麻风科普知识,如今政府对麻风患者关怀措施、是否看过麻风宣传材料及是否有必要加强麻风知识的宣传等。调查采取当场发  相似文献   

目的:评价健康教育干预对麻风知晓率效果的影响。方法:在10家社康中心对麻风的认知、求医行为和态度进行问卷调查,然后开展健康教育。3年后,进行第2次调查评价健康教育效果。结果:基线调查社区居民的麻风知识知晓率较低,对麻风存在恐惧和偏见。干预后,知晓率由干预前的45.00%上升到71.99%(P0.01)。结论:以社区健康服务中心为基础开展持续健康教育,能显著提高居民的麻风知晓率,有利于麻风知识的普及。  相似文献   

<正>河北省为麻风低流行区,麻风发病率明显降低[1]。作为低发性疾病,愈来愈不被临床医生所重视。但随着人口流动的增加,麻风疫区人口外迁入住,导致麻风低流行区发病率有所上升,并由过去某些地区集中发病演变为各地方的散在流行,给麻风防治带来严重困难。临床医生麻风知识水平直接影响麻风防控结果[2]。因此我们在2010年~2014年分别对河北省三所医学院校在校大学生进行麻风知识调查、培训,其  相似文献   

目的:检测麻风病流行区饮用水中麻风杆菌DNA,以探讨其对麻风流行区麻风持续流行的影响.方法:分别从云南丘北县有、无患者村和北京非流行区乡村采集70份水样,提取DNA、PCR扩增后测序检测样品中麻风杆菌DNA.结果:流行区36.7%(22/60)的水样含麻风杆菌DNA,而非流行区水样中未检出麻风杆菌.流行区有患者的村庄中,患者和健康者家庭内饮水中麻风杆菌的检出率有统计学差异.结论:麻风流行区患者家庭饮用水中麻风菌的存在可能与持续性流行有关,但须进一步研究.  相似文献   

长期以来,社会上存在着严重的麻风恐惧心理,这不仅严重危害了患者的身心健康和社会利益,也阻碍了麻风防治工作的顺利开展.为了解中学生对麻风知识的了解程度、态度、行为以及专题讲座等宣传教育方式的效果,我们于2010 年对893 名中学生进行了麻风健康教育,并对干预效果进行评价.  相似文献   

砚山地处滇东南,年气温平均18℃左右,有14种民族,经济文化较落后,麻风流行严重.1974年建立麻风防治站,累计发现麻风2470例。1953~1978年先后建有6个麻风村、院,单用DDS治疗,只治愈286例(17.03%),仍有现症病人1057例,600多流散于社会。从1979年,改用DDS及RFP,由专业人员送药,促其规则服药,至治愈,然后追踪检查}也做些宣传;疫村由1978年的475个减到1986年的97个,治愈192例。1986年开始抓疫点普查、线索调查、接触者检  相似文献   

450名乡村医生麻风知识知晓率调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解玉溪市乡村医生的麻风知识知晓情况,评价对乡村医生麻风知识培训的效果。方法以试卷形式每县随机对50名乡村医生进行闭卷测试,参与测试者共计450名。结果乡村医生对麻风的病因、传染方式、症状、检查及治疗等知识的知晓率偏低。结论加强对乡村医生的麻风知识培训,提高乡村医生麻风知识知晓率,消除对麻风病人的歧视与偏见,充分发挥乡村医生在发现麻风病人中的关键作用,积极参与麻风的防治工作才能有效控制麻风的流行。  相似文献   

我省绝大多数麻风病人分布在农村,群众往往麻风病知识水平及防治意识不够,因此,加强对农村居民麻风健康教育的现状及其具体需求情况的研究,对于开展针对性的麻风健康教育活动,提高健康教育活动的效果十分必要.有鉴于此,在荷兰麻风救济会的支持下,我们采用定量研究的方法在浙江省部分麻风流行地区农村进行了居民麻风知识水平与需求状况的专题调查研究,现将有关结果报道如下.  相似文献   

Soo Duk  Lim  M.D.  Chung Sul  Woo  M.D.  Jae Il  Youn  M.D.  Youn Won  Kim  M.D.  Do Il  Kim  M.D.  Ramon M.  Fusaro  M.D. 《International journal of dermatology》1982,21(8):458-464
ABSTRACT: The authors quantitated T-rosette-forming cell (TRFC) and T-cell subsets (Tμ, Tγ) in the peripheral blood of twenty patients with lepromatous leprosy. The results obtained in their studies are as follows: (1) They reconfirmed the low levels of TRFC in patients with lepromatous type of leprosy; (2) T-cell subsets, both Tμ (helper) and Tγ (suppressor) cells, showed lower levels in all patients with lepromatous leprosy than mean values of normal healthy controls; (3) The degree of decreased levels of Tμ cells (96%) was more severe than other parameters TRFC (70%) and Tγ cells (47%) in all patients with lepromatous leprosy; and (4) it may be concluded that the alteration of the T-cell subset, Tμ-cells, reflects a more fundamental abnormality than TRFC aberration in demonstrating the impairment of cell-mediated immunity in patients with lepromatous leprosy.  相似文献   

SAGHER F 《Dermatologica》1949,99(2-3):193-208

Leprosy is a granulomatous disease affecting the skin and nerves caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It continues to be a significant public health problem. Despite multidrug therapy, immunologic reactions continue to occur, leading to disability and deformity due to neuropathy. It is important that dermatologists are aware of the neurologic as well as the skin manifestations of the condition so that nerve involvement can be identified and treated rapidly.  相似文献   

Leprosy in Korea     
COCHRANE RG 《Leprosy review》1955,26(4):141-6; contd

Leprosy in Malta     
GALEA J  BONNICI E 《Leprosy review》1957,28(4):139-147

Leprosy is a slowly progressive, chronic infectious disease caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae. It is a very serious, mutilating and stigmatizing disease in many parts of the world and early diagnosis and therapy is the most important strategy for its control. The skin and peripheral nerves are the most affected organs. It is highly infective, but has low pathogenicity and low virulence with a long incubation period. The geographical distribution of leprosy has varied greatly with time and it is now endemic only in tropical and subtropical regions such as India and Brazil. The diagnosis of leprosy is made from the clinical picture, but must be complimented by skin bacilloscopy and histopathology. Leprosy has a number of distinct clinical presentations. Indeterminate leprosy is frequently the initial form consisting of a few lesions that either evolves into the other forms or resolves spontaneously. Lepromatous leprosy is the more contagious form and affects mainly the skin. In addition, some peripheral nerves may be thickened and other symptoms maybe present. The tuberculid form affects the skin and nerves, although usually there are few lesions. There is also a form borderline between the lepromatous and tuberculoid forms. Current treatment of leprosy involves use of 3 drugs: rifampicin (rifampin); clofazimine; and dapsone. Multidrug therapy aims to effectively eliminate M. leprae in the shortest possible time to prevent resistance from occurring. The duration of therapy was recently reduced from 24 to 12 months. Other treatment options are under evaluation in both preclinical and clinical trials and a number show promise. The combination of rifampicin, ofloxacin and minocycline given as a single dose has been recommended for the treatment of paucibacillar leprosy. Only when physicians, other health workers, and the population in endemic countries become fully aware of, and able to recognize, the disease in its initial phase, will it be possible for therapy to be instituted at the very beginning with either the standard scheme or the newer ones. Intervention at such an early stage will avoid the onset of the more serious signs and symptoms, meaning that leprosy will eventually become a less important public health problem. Therefore, efforts must be made to alert populations at risk and all health workers of the importance of an early diagnosis and treatment in leprosy infection.  相似文献   

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