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目的 分析噪声作业工人高频听力损失和疑似职业性噪声聋的检出率及其分布特点,为评估噪声作业工人的听力损伤状况,改善职业性噪声聋的预防控制措施提供依据。方法 选取了2021年1月至12月在福建省职业病与化学中毒预防控制中心进行噪声作业职业健康检查的职工3 224人为研究对象,收集职业健康档案资料,计算双耳高频平均听阈≥40 dB和疑似职业性噪声聋检出率。结果 噪声作业工人高频听力损失检出率为4.2%(137/3 224),疑似职业病检出率为1.5%(27/1 818)。男性工人的双耳高频平均听阈≥40 dB的检出率大于女性。双耳高频平均听阈≥40 dB检出率呈现随年龄、工龄增长而增高趋势。疑似职业性噪声聋检出率呈随年龄增长而增高趋势。不同企业规模的噪声作业工人高频听力损失检出率微型企业>小型企业>中型企业>大型企业。结论 福州地区噪声作业工人职业健康状况有待进一步提高,应加强噪声作业工人听力检查,以及在岗期间、离岗时疑似噪声聋的筛查,加强噪声行业的防护力度。  相似文献   

目的 了解2017—2021年重庆市江北区噪声职业病危害现状,分析其发病趋势,为制定有针对性的噪声防治措施提供依据。方法 对2017—2021年江北区噪声作业人员职业健康检查和职业性噪声聋患者资料进行描述分析,并用SPSS软件对职业健康检查资料进行χ2检验和相关分析。结果 2017—2021年江北区接触噪声56 041人次,主要集中在制造业(88.19%)、国有经济(35.82%)、大型企业(48.79%);共检查噪声在岗作业人员29 897人次,听力损失检出率为6.37%,疑似职业病检出率0.22%,职业病发病率0.15%。男性、年龄50~<60岁,工龄15~<20年的人群听力损失、疑似职业病检出率和职业病发病率最高,随着年龄、工龄的增加检出率有上升趋势(P<0.01)。职业病平均诊断年龄(47.14±6.44)岁,平均接害工龄(10.60±4.56)年;制造业、集体经济、微型企业的听力损失检出率高;租赁和商务服务业、制造业、国有经济和小型企业的疑似职业病检出和职业病发病率相对较高。不同行业、规模和经济类型企业的工人听力损失、疑似职业病检出率和...  相似文献   

目的 了解深圳市噪声作业员工职业健康状况, 为该市预防与控制职业性噪声聋提供科学依据。
方法 按照《国家重点职业病监测与职业健康风险评估工作方案》要求, 收集深圳市噪声作业员工重点职业病监测数据进行统计学分析。
结果 2017年深圳市所监测的噪声作业员工为77 319人, 监测对象听力损失检出率为9.48%, 疑似职业性噪声聋检出率0.28%, 职业性噪声聋检出率0.17%。男性听力损失、疑似职业性噪声聋和职业性噪声聋检出率均高于女性, 差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。听力损失、疑似职业性噪声聋和职业性噪声聋检出率均有随年龄增长和工龄增长而升高的趋势(P < 0.05)。来自不同规模、不同经济类型企业的员工听力损失、疑似职业性噪声聋和职业性噪声聋检出率差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。听力损失检出率以大型企业最低, 港、澳、台商投资企业的听力损失、疑似职业性噪声聋和职业性噪声聋检出率均较低。不同行业类型企业听力损失异常率、疑似职业病检出率的差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05), 均以建筑行业噪声作业企业员工最高。
结论 深圳市噪声作业员工职业健康状况不容乐观。亟须加强对中型及以下规模企业、建筑行业等重点企业的专项调查与职业健康风险评估, 采取有针对性的预防控制对策, 预防职业性听力损失的发生。

对湖北省171179名噪声作业工人职业健康检查发现,高频听力损失检出率10.20%,职业禁忌证检出率4.87%,疑似职业性噪声聋检出率0.33%;职业禁忌证和疑职业性噪声聋检出率以非金属矿采选业最高,高频听力损失检出率以汽车制造业最高。应加大对重点行业接噪工人职业健康检查工作的重视程度,加强监测干预力度。  相似文献   

目的了解长沙市某电子设备制造企业噪声作业人群听力损失现状及趋势,为企业和职业卫生管理部门后续开展职业卫生工作提供依据。方法收集2016—2018年长沙市某电子设备制造企业共14 871名噪声作业在岗期间健康检查人员相关信息,采用Excel 2010、SPSS 22.0进行数据整理及统计分析。结果 2016—2018年长沙市某电子设备制造企业疑似职业性噪声聋检出率分别为0.4%(15/4 278)、0.3%(14/5 171)和0.04%(2/5 422);职业禁忌证检出率分别为2.3%(97/4 278)、3.0%(156/5 171)和3.5%(191/5 422);复查检出率分别为13.4%(574/4 278)、17.4%(899/5 171)和15.2%(823/5 422)。不同职业病危害因素接触类型员工疑似职业性噪声聋检出率比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。2018年长沙市某电子设备制造企业不同年龄组、工龄组、职业病危害因素接触类型和工种员工职业禁忌证检出率比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P0.01)。25岁年龄组职业禁忌证检出率较高(4.9%)。1年工龄组职业禁忌证检出率最高(4.0%)。不同年龄组、职业病危害因素接触类型和工种员工复查检出率比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P0.01)。2016—2018年不同年份员工疑似职业性噪声聋、职业禁忌证和复查检出率比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P0.01),职业禁忌证检出率、复查检出率整体呈上升趋势。结论长沙市某电子设备制造企业噪声在岗作业人员听力损失随年份增加有上升趋势,低年龄组和短工龄组噪声作业工人的职业禁忌证检出率较高。  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市石景山区噪声危害现状,为职业性噪声聋的防治提供科学依据。方法 收集2021年北京市石景山区职业性噪声聋监测资料,包括噪声危害企业基本情况、噪声危害接触人群职业健康检查情况、职业病报告情况等,运用SPSS 19.0统计软件进行分析。结果 2021年共监测噪声危害企业37家,以大中型、国有、采矿业、制造业及为主,共收集噪声接触人群职业健康检查个案资料1 121人,岗前体检职业禁忌证检出率为5.00%,在岗期间及离岗职业健康检查共1 081人,职业禁忌证检出率为0.28%,双耳高频听力损失检出率为6.75%,未发现疑似职业病。听力损失检出率分布中,采矿业和制造业检出率高于其他行业(P<0.01),国有企业检出率高于私有企业(P<0.05),大型企业检出率高于中小微企业(P<0.01),45~54岁年龄组检出率高于其他年龄组(P<0.01),15年及以上各工龄组检出率均高于9年及以下工龄组(P<0.01),同时随着年龄和工龄的增加,检出率都有增高趋势(P<0.01),性别分类检出率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。2017-2021年职...  相似文献   

目的 了解开平市接触噪声危害工人的职业健康状况, 为指导开平市企业预防控制职业性噪声聋提供数据。
方法 按照《职业健康监护技术规范》(GBZ 188-2014)的规定, 对在岗噪声作业人员进行职业健康体检, 分析纯音听阈测试结果异常情况。
结果 1 083人中检出疑似职业性噪声聋13例, 职业禁忌证45例。发现高频听阈升高457人, 检出率为42.20%, 其中双耳高频平均听阈升高大于40 dB者111人。男性纯音测定异常检出率高于女性, 无个体防护者高于有个体防护者, 差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.01);异常检出率有随着工龄的增长而增加的趋势(P < 0.01)。
结论 职业性噪声聋的防治应由企业和职防部门共同参与, 开平市的预防工作应以男性、工龄10年以上的工人为重点, 强调加强个体防护, 并做好健康监护。

目的 了解仪征市噪声作业人员听力损害情况,为噪声作业人员职业防护和职能部门职业健康监管提供参考依据。方法 按照GBZ 188—2014和GBZ 49—2014对不同特征企业及不同噪声作业人群进行职业健康检查。结果 共检查43家企业2 360名噪声作业人员,检出双耳高频平均听阈异常217人,检出率为9.19%,检出疑似职业性噪声聋90例,检出率为3.81%。噪声作业人员分布企业以小型、私营经济及制造业为主。不同规模企业噪声作业人员的双耳高频平均听阈异常和疑似职业性噪声聋的检出率差异均有统计学意义(χ2=42.611,P<0.001;χ2=17.613,P<0.001)。不同经济类型企业噪声作业人员的双耳高频平均听阈异常和疑似职业性噪声聋的检出率差异均有统计学意义(χ2=24.983,P<0.001;χ2=14.314,P=0.003)。不同性别噪声作业人员双耳高频平均听阈异常和疑似职业性噪声聋的检出率差异均无统计学意义。不同接噪工龄的噪声作业人员双耳高频平均听阈异常和疑似职业性噪声聋检出率差异均有统计学意义(χ2=9.700,P=0.021;χ2=16.204,P<...  相似文献   

目的了解汽车制造业中噪声接触人员的健康状况。方法2017年依据《职业健康健康监护技术规范》(GBZ188—2014),对佛山市南海区某汽车制造厂接触噪声作业在岗人员进行职业健康检查。结果 702名接触噪声作业在岗人员检出患有目标疾病15例,检出率2.14%,其中疑似职业性噪声聋4例,检出率0.57%;职业禁忌证11例,检出率1.57%。纯音听力测试异常率19.23%,血压异常率7.41%,心电图异常率6.98%。不同年龄、工龄组目标疾病、血压、心电图、纯音听力测试异常率差异均有统计学意义(P值均0.05);女性心电图异常检出率明显高于男性(P0.05)。结论该企业噪声作业工人健康损害较大,自我保护意识较为淡薄,应加强个体防护和职业健康监护。  相似文献   

目的 分析在岗噪声作业人员体检听力检查结果,为职业卫生分类管理和职业健康监护提供参考。方法 抽取2016年1月—2019年12月我市某镇3040名在岗噪声作业人员的体检结果,按照GBZ188-2014和GBZ49-2014标准对受检者的职业健康检查结果进行分析,总结受检者听力异常情况及其影响因素。结果 (1)在3040名在岗噪声作业人员中,检出双耳高频平均听阈提高328名,疑似职业性噪声聋17例。(2)3040名在岗噪声作业人员分布企业以小型企业、私营经济及制造业为主(P<0.05)。小型企业、私营企业、制造业从业者的双耳高频平均听阈异常和疑似职业性噪声聋的检出率显著高于其他类型企业(P<0.05)。(3)不同年龄、工龄、单独接触噪声与接触多种危害因素作业人员的听力检查结果存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。年龄越高、接噪工龄越长、接触的危险因素数量越多,则双耳高频平均听阈异常和疑似职业性噪声聋的检出率越高(P<0.05)。结论 噪声污染能对人类健康造成严重影响,相关部门应加强职业卫生监管,用人单位应严格落实防护措施,切实减少职业性噪声的危害。  相似文献   



Considerable workloads have been repeatedly reported for health care professionals. However, a survey regarding the psychosocial workloads and resources of nonphysician health care professionals in hospitals which considers the effort–reward imbalance model, the job–demand control model and work-related self-efficacy has not been conducted so far.


A total of 177 nonphysician surgical staff composed of surgical technologists and surgical nurses (80% female, 16% in a leading position, 30% in education) were interviewed in written form. The survey was carried out using validated questionnaires over a period of 7 weeks.


About 80% of the nonphysician health care professionals were exposed to high efforts and low rewards (effort–reward imbalance). Furthermore, it emerges that 14% show heavy job demands and low decision latitude (job strain). Thereby, the prevalence did not differ between women and men. Managers, on the other hand, did not report a job strain, and trainees were less likely to have an effort–reward imbalance. In addition, the negative affect in a work week was associated with high efforts and low rewards. In contrast, the positive affect was associated with the experience of activity/decision latitude, belief in the own self-efficacy and a negative ratio of effort and reward.


Nonphysician health care professionals in surgical fields clearly exhibit psychosocial workloads which increase the risk for stress-associated diseases. Relations with the emotional affects within a work week show need for prevention and health promotion.



Many studies investigate students’ stress level caused by the implementation of the bachelor/master system. Empirical evidence about the possibilities of stress prevention based on the resources of students is missing. This study investigates the relationship between self-efficacy, mindfulness and stress perception.


2,435 students took part in an online study in Germany and answered the Perceived Stress Questionnaire (with its facets worries, tension, demands and joy), the Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale and the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory.


Students perceive a high level of stress. High self-efficacy correlates with a low degree of worries and a high degree of joy. High mindfulness is related to a low level of tension and a high level of joy. There is a correlation of 0.53 (p?<?0.001) between self-efficacy and mindfulness.


Self-efficacy and mindfulness should be considered when developing stress reduction and prevention approaches.  相似文献   

Industrial stress is important on account of distress causednot only to individuals but to society as a whole.Stress inindustry occurs at every level. It is usually of psychologicalrather than physical origin and may originate outside industry.Thecauses of stress in shop-floor workers, junior management andsenior management are considered. They usually involve injuriesto self-esteem, or insecurity, isolation or responsibility.Symptoms and signs of acute and chronic stress are described.Prevention of stress in shop-floor workers includes good presonnelpractices—fair treatment, good communications and participation—andgiving gratitude or praise. Remedies for the problems of managementinvolve selection, education and training, organisation andcommunications. Some case histories are given.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Stress in der Arbeit kann erst dann angemessen erfasst werden, wenn ein Stresskonzept zugrunde gelegt wird, das die Beziehung zwischen Arbeitsbedingungen und individuellen Merkmalen als einen Prozess wechselseitiger Beeinflussung versteht. Arbeitssituationen im Sinne «potentieller» Stressoren werden dann als konkrete Stressoren bedeutsam, wenn sie den Arbeitenden überfordern oder unterfordern und als nicht durchschaubar, vorhersehbar und beeinflussbar erlebt werden. Intrapsychische Wahrnehmungs-, Bewertungs- und Verarbeitungsprozesse sowie Handlungskompetenz bestimmen den Stil der Auseinandersetzung mit aversiv erlebten Arbeitssituationen.Arbeitsbedingungen können jedoch nicht nur als Stressoren, sondern auch als Voraussetzung für den Erwerb von Bewältigungskompetenz wirksam werden. Damit werden Arbeitsgestaltungsansätze nicht nur für die Reduktion bzw. Prävention von aktuellem Stress, sondern auch für die Vermittlung von Kompetenz für die Bewältigung zukünftiger Anforderungen relevant.
Stress at Work
Summary Stress at work has to be described by a basic concept of stress which understands the relations between work conditions and personal characteristics as a process of mutual influence. Work situations as «potential» stressors become significant when the workers feel under-or overcharged and consider the situation as not transparent, not predictable and not controllable. Intrapsychic perceptional and evaluative processes and competence of action determine the manner of coping with threatening work situations.On the other hand, work conditions not only function as stressors but also as a determinant factor for the acquisition of coping competence. By this fact, job design becomes important not only for the reduction or prevention of actual stress but also for the acquisition of coping competence for future demands.

Stress dans le travail
Résumé Stress dans le travail doit Être décrit par un concept de stress comprenant les relations entre les conditions de travail et les signes caractéristiques personnels comme procès d'influence mutuelle. Les conditions de travail comme éléments possibles de stress deviennent significantes au moment où les travailleurs se sentent surchargés ou souschargés et considèrent la situation sans transparence, imprévisible et sans possibilité de prendre influence. Des procès psychiques de perception et d'évaluation ainsi que la compétence d'action déterminent la faÇon de surmonter des situations de travail aversives. Les conditions de travail ne sont pas seulement des éléments de stress mais aussi des déterminantes pour l'acquisition de compétence d'accomplissement. De ce fait, l'organisation du travail est importante non seulement pour la réduction ou la prévention de stress mais également comme moyen d'acquérir de la compétence d'accomplissement pour de futures demandes.

With economic globalization, the rate and effects of culture shock stress in expatriates and their families are expected to increase. The stressor may occur from the micro-environment, the macro-environment, or the mega-environment. The effects of stress are frequently due to predictable reactions such as insecurity, distress, and homesickness. These symptoms can progress to more severe psychosomatic symptoms, including depressive reactions and overt psychopathic behavior. Cross-cultural training programs are currently the best preventive strategy for culture shock and subsequent stress; however, the true efficacy of these programs is not well characterized. Substance abuse is probably a significant underlying problem for international business travelers; however, the true magnitude and effects of this issue are not well characterized in the expatriate community. There are substantial opportunities for additional medical research in these areas.  相似文献   

紧张和职业紧张   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
本文概述了紧张,职业紧张及其影响因素,对紧张(stress)的研究虽已有多年,就其定义至今仍无共识,作者认为紧张的定义应当努力体现心理状态的变化。在本文中综合提出了紧张和职业紧张的概念,概述了导致紧张的三种模式,与职业紧张有关的三类主要症状,精疲力竭的三个主要表现,以及影响职业紧张的主要因素等。概述将为开展紧张和职业紧张的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The general purpose of this exploratory research was to understand the stress in different nursing occupations, aiming at determining the meaning of stress to nurses, identifying the stressors regarding different nursing occupational activities and investigating if the nurses' occupational activity is perceived as stressful. The sample consisted of three groups of Nurses (clinical, managers and professors) working in the public service of the city of Brasília and data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Although the concept of stress is not clear among nurses, they do experience diverse stressors; related to intrinsic job factors, to relationships at work, to their roles and to the organizational structure.  相似文献   

The enhancement of arterial wall shear stress by mechanical vibration is examined from the viewpoint of its relationship to circulatory disorders found in those using vibrating hand tools. With the use of recent results, it is shown that certain arterial wall physiological processes are influenced by arterial wall shear and that for sufficiently large shear stresses, eg, approximately 1,000 dynes/sq cm, endothelial damage does occur. Calculations are presented that predict the influence of vibration on arterial wall shear. For typical arterial flow conditions, it is estimated that shear stresses in excess of 1,200 dynes/sq cm may be produced by a vibrating tool at 20 hertz with a half-amplitude of 2.5 cm and allowance for 50% attenuation of the vibration impulse.  相似文献   

Sóti C  Nardai G  Csermely P 《Orvosi hetilap》2003,144(13):605-611
Stress proteins or in other words heat shock proteins form an ancient defense system of our cells. They are necessary to prevent the aggregation of damaged proteins and to help their refolding after stress. Stress protein-assisted remodeling of protein structure is an important step of many cellular processes, such as protein transport, signaling and protein degradation. Stress proteins have a key role in many diseases. Thus they 1. protect our cells against the deteriorating effects of ischemia/reperfusion in myocardiac infarcts or in stroke; 2. protect transplanted tissues and organs; 3. act against the multiple damage of chronic diseases such as diabetes, or neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease); 4. participate in the etiology of several autoimmune diseases; 5. their activation, and role in antigen presentation can be used as an anticancer-therapy; 6. stress proteins increase longevity, and lastly 7. stress proteins act as a buffer of phenotypically silent mutations and may contribute to the onset of "civilizational diseases" (cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, etc.). In this review the authors also summarize the existing stress protein-related pharmacological approaches to cure a large variety of diseases.  相似文献   



The study examines the impact of stress experiences among members of the professional fire brigade. It was assumed that members who feel burdened show a lower life satisfaction, evaluate their health condition worse, and experience themselves as less confident and active.


In a cross-sectional study, 102 members of the fire department Berlin-Süd were evaluated using the so-called Copenhagen Psychological Questionnaire (COPSOQ), a standardized questionnaire for detecting occupational stress.


It became apparent that stress burdens are primarily less due to firefighting operations but rather relate to everyday activities at the station. Members with high stress levels show a significantly lower life satisfaction and experience themselves as less active and confident. Members with little behavioral and cognitive stress symptoms described themselves as more confident. In the same manner, cognitive stress symptoms correlate with perceived activity. Surprisingly, firefighters with a high stress level describe their health condition in more positive terms than those who are not stressed.  相似文献   

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