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目的 监测荆州市8~10岁儿童及孕妇食用盐碘含量和碘营养水平,为持续消除碘缺乏病和科学补碘提供依据。方法 2018—2022年每年在荆州市8个县(市、区)抽取200名儿童和100名孕妇,采集其家中食用盐盐样和调查对象尿液样本,检测盐碘含量和尿碘含量。对儿童进行甲状腺B超检查,测定其甲状腺容积。结果 2018—2022年荆州市共监测儿童和孕妇食用盐样12 000份,盐碘中位数为24.51 mg/kg,碘盐覆盖率为99.59%,合格碘盐食用率为93.92%。儿童尿样8 000份,尿碘中位数为272.14μg/L,处于碘超适宜量水平。儿童尿碘低于100μg/L比例为6.78%,尿碘高于300μg/L的比例为41.25%,儿童甲状腺肿大率为0.85%。孕妇尿样4 000份,尿碘中位数为169.78μg/L,处于碘适宜量水平,但尿碘低于150μg/L比例占45.10%。结论 荆州市儿童甲状腺肿大率,儿童和孕妇合格碘盐食用率、尿碘中位数均持续符合国家碘缺乏病消除标准,需持续开展碘盐监测和重点人群健康教育。  相似文献   

目的了解丹东市碘缺乏病病情现状,掌握不同人群碘营养水平,为制定有效防治措施提供科学依据。方法 2017年4~7月在丹东市每个监测县(市、区)按东、西、南、北、中划分5个抽样片区,在每个片区各随机抽取1个乡(镇、街道),每个乡(镇、街道)抽取1所小学校及20名孕妇,每所小学抽取8~10岁非寄宿学生40人。共抽取30所小学的1 200名学生与600名孕妇,采用超声法检查8~10岁儿童甲状腺容积,实验室检测儿童、孕妇家庭食用盐碘含量与尿碘含量。结果 8~10岁儿童碘盐覆盖率为98.8%(1 190/1 200),合格碘盐食用率为95.3%(1 144/1 200),食用盐碘含量中位数为23.2 mg/kg;孕妇碘盐覆盖率为99.5%(597/600),合格碘盐食用率为81.2%(487/600),食用盐碘含量中位数为23.3 mg/kg。8~10岁儿童的甲状腺肿大率为0.67%(8/1 200)。8~10岁儿童尿碘中位数为184.1μg/L,50μg/L的比例为3.5%(42/1 200);孕妇尿碘中位数为142.5μg/L。结论丹东市8~10岁儿童的碘营养状况总体处于适宜水平,孕妇存在碘营养不足风险。  相似文献   

目的为了解目前洛阳市碘缺乏病防治效果,掌握8~10岁儿童及孕妇不同孕期碘营养水平,为科学补碘提供可靠依据。方法按照《2016年洛阳市碘缺乏病监测方案》抽取5个县(市、区)的25个乡(镇、街道),随机抽取8~10岁儿童1024人,B超法测量甲腺容积,检测尿碘含量及家中食用盐碘含量;随机抽取孕妇508人检测尿碘含量及家中食用盐碘含量。结果检测食用盐样1522份,碘盐合格率91.77%,碘盐覆盖率98.16%;B超法测量8~10岁儿童甲状腺容积1024人,肿大率4.52%;检测8~10岁儿童尿样1024人,尿碘中位数212.9μg/L,检测孕妇尿样504份,尿碘中位数183.9μg/L。结论洛阳市碘缺乏病防治各项指标达到全国消除碘缺乏病标准,但妇女妊娠早期处于缺碘状态,今后需加强孕妇孕期内定期监测尿碘,以满足妊娠妇女自身及胎儿的碘营养需求,保护胎儿脑发育。  相似文献   

目的了解甘肃省武山县碘缺乏病流行与"十二五"终期评估状况,为今后防治措施的调整提供科学依据。方法按照《甘肃省地方病防治"十二五"规划终期考核评估方案》的要求,调查居民户合格碘盐食用率,8~10岁儿童尿碘水平和甲状腺肿大率、孕妇尿碘水平及其家中盐碘含量等。结果武山县居民户合格碘盐食用率为97.33%,8~10岁儿童甲状腺肿大率2.00%,尿碘中位数257.24μg/L;孕妇尿碘中位数为205.86μg/L,其家中食盐碘含量中位数31.6 mg/kg,合格碘盐食用率98.00%,孕妇碘缺乏病健康知识知晓率为84.67%。结论 "十二五"期间武山县已达到县级持续消除碘缺乏病标准。  相似文献   

目的 了解2018—2020年乌鲁木齐市米东区8~10岁儿童及孕妇的碘营养状况,为做好今后碘缺乏病防治监测工作提供科学依据。方法 将米东区按东、西、南、北、中划分5个片区,各片区均选择1个乡(镇),每个乡(镇)选择1所小学,每所小学至少抽取40名非寄宿8~10岁儿童,每个乡(镇)至少抽取20名孕妇,采集尿样、家中食用盐样,监测盐碘、尿碘含量和儿童甲状腺肿大率。结果 2018—2020年检测儿童家中食用盐655份,盐碘中位数为27.20 mg/kg,碘盐合格率、覆盖率、合格碘盐使用率均逐年上升,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);检测孕妇家中食用盐337份,盐碘中位数为24.40 mg/kg,碘盐覆盖率及合格碘盐使用率均逐年上升,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);分别检测儿童、孕妇尿样655份、337份,尿碘中位数分别为275.50μg/L,161.40μg/L,均总体上升。665名儿童甲状腺肿大率为为4.58%。结论2018—2020年米东区儿童及孕妇碘盐覆盖率、合格盐碘食用率逐年上升,尿碘含量在适宜范围内的占比逐年增高,儿童甲状腺肿大率逐年降低,2020年各项监测指标均...  相似文献   

目的了解沧州市碘盐覆盖率较低地区的儿童和孕妇碘营养水平,为制定科学预防措施提供依据。方法选择碘盐覆盖率较低的4个县和1个碘盐覆盖率较高的县作为调查点,在每个调查点按方位在5个乡(镇)中共抽取8-10岁学生(男、女各半)200人,检测儿童尿碘、甲状腺、家庭食用盐。同时抽取100名孕妇,采集并检测其尿样和家庭食用盐。采集学校所在村的饮用水水样检测水碘。结果共检测水样25份,水碘范围为2.5μg/L-96.6μg/L;对1103名儿童进行了甲状腺检测,甲肿率1.5%;采集儿童家庭食用盐1022份,盐碘中位数0mg/kg,碘盐覆盖率35.6%;采集儿童尿1022份,尿碘中位数158.9μg/L。采集孕妇家庭食用盐503份,盐碘中位数13.7mg/kg,碘盐覆盖率50.3%;采集孕妇尿503份,尿碘中位数125.7μg/L。碘盐覆盖率较低的4个县儿童尿碘中位数、孕妇尿碘中位数明显著低于碘盐覆盖率较高的对照县。碘盐覆盖率与儿童尿碘成正相关关系。结论在碘盐覆盖率较低的地区,水碘在40μg/L-99μg/L范围的儿童碘营养处于适宜水平,孕妇可能会出现碘营养不足;水碘40μg/L地区的儿童、孕妇都有存在碘营养不足的可能。  相似文献   

王庆华  尚文杰 《地方病通报》2019,34(5):57-59,67
目的了解2018年甘南藏族自治州(简称甘南州)碘缺乏病病情和防治措施落实情况、评价防治效果,为进一步完善消除碘缺乏病防治策略提供依据。方法按照《甘肃省碘缺乏病监测方案》要求,在甘南州八县(市)采集学生和孕妇家庭盐样检测盐碘含量,采用整群抽样法在8个县(市)以B超检查8~10岁学生甲状腺容积,计算甲状腺肿大率;采集8~10岁学生和孕妇尿样检测尿碘;在8个县(市)采集生活饮用水水样检测水碘。结果学生家庭碘盐中位数为25.10 mg/kg,碘盐覆盖率为99.81%,合格碘盐食用率为92.38%;孕妇家庭碘盐中位数为24.53 mg/kg,碘盐覆盖率为100.00%,合格碘盐食用率为90.63%;8~10岁儿童甲状腺肿大率为0.31%,8~10岁儿童和孕妇尿碘中位数分别为145.37μg/L和175.64μg/L;水碘中位数1.10μg/L,水碘范围0.20~15.90μg/L。结论学生和孕妇的碘营养水平处于适宜状态,全州合格碘盐食用率降至碘缺乏病消除标准的临界值;政府应加强盐业监管,以消除碘缺乏病防治风险。  相似文献   

目的评价汶川县碘缺乏病病区实现控制和消除目标,为十二五规划终期考核评估提供基础数据。方法根据《四川省地方病防治"十二五"规划终期考核评估方案》要求开展终期考核评估,2015-03/06在汶川县按东、西、南、北、中5个方位各随机抽取1个病区乡(镇)调查、检测居民户合格碘盐食用率、8~10岁儿童尿碘水平和甲状腺肿大率、孕妇尿碘水平及其家中盐碘含量、健康教育状况等工作。结果全县级组织管理指标平均分为92分,居民碘盐覆盖率100%、碘盐合格率为96.33%、居民合格碘盐食用率为96.33%,8~10岁儿童平均甲状腺肿大率为2.27%、8~10岁儿童尿碘中位数为153.19μg/L、低于50μg/L的占0.41%,孕妇尿碘中位数203.92μg/L、盐碘中位数28.77 mg/kg,孕妇碘缺乏病健康教育问卷调查知晓率为74.30%。结论汶川县人群碘营养状况较好,实现"十二五"规划消除碘缺乏病目标。  相似文献   

目的了解福建省食用盐碘含量调整前不同人群的碘营养现状,为今后评估调整效果提供依据。方法 2011年在福建省84个县(市、区),每个县按照东、西、南、北、中各随机抽取一定比例的乡(镇、街道),进行居民户食用盐碘含量监测;每个县各抽取5个乡(镇、街道),每个乡(镇、街道)抽取8~10岁20名儿童,检测其尿碘含量;在全省按照PPS法抽取30个县(市、区),每个县抽取3个乡(镇、街道),每个乡(镇、街道办事处)抽取孕妇和哺乳期妇女各5人检测尿碘。结果全省共监测24 277份盐样,盐碘中位数28.93 mg/kg,合格碘盐食用率为96.96%,碘盐覆盖率为98.21%,碘盐合格率为98.73%。8 440名8~10岁儿童尿碘中位数为192.0μg/L,内陆地区8~10岁尿碘中位数高于沿海地区儿童。孕妇尿碘中位数为147.2μg/L,低于WHO推荐的150~249μg/L;哺乳期妇女尿碘水平为134.1μg/L,达到WHO推荐的100μg/L。结论现有的碘盐浓度下福建省居民碘营养水平基本适宜,不存在碘过量的问题,需关注孕妇碘营养不足的问题。  相似文献   

目的分析济南市槐荫区2011~2013年碘缺乏病防治效果。方法采用直接滴定法检测济南市槐荫区2011~2013年居民食用碘盐质量。采用酸消化砷—铈接触法检测2012年8~10岁儿童尿碘含量;甲状腺B超检查,计算甲状腺肿大率。结果 2011~2013年共采集居民食用盐888份,其中合格碘盐860份,不合格碘盐6份,非碘盐22份;碘盐合格率96.9%、不合格率0.7%。2012年共采集8~10岁儿童尿碘200份,尿碘中位数为198.4μg/L,尿碘含量≤100μg/L 2份、100~300μg/L 193份、>300μg/L 5份;甲状腺Ⅰ度肿大1例,肿大率0.1%。结论 2011~2013年槐荫区各项碘缺乏病防治指标仍保持良好,符合"消除碘缺乏病"目标县级的考核标准。  相似文献   

We investigates the effect of the anchor area on the mechanical strengths of infrazygomatic mini-implants. Thirty mini-implants were divided into three types based on the material and shape: Type A (titanium alloy, 2.0 × 12 mm), Type B (stainless steel, 2.0 × 12 mm), and Type C (titanium alloy, 2.0 × 11 mm).The mini-implants were inserted at 90° and 45° into the artificial bone to a depth of 7 mm, without predrilling. The mechanical strengths [insertion torque (IT), resonance frequency (RF), and removal torque (RT)] and the anchor area were measured. We hypothesized that no correlation exists among the mechanical forces of each brand. In the 90° tests, the IT, RF, and RT of Type C (8.5 N cm, 10.2 kHz, and 6.1 N cm, respectively) were significantly higher than those of Type A (5.0 N cm, 7.7 kHz, and 4.7 N cm, respectively). In the 45° test, the RFs of Type C (9.2 kHz) was significantly higher than those of Type A (7.0 kHz) and Type B (6.7 kHz). The anchor area of the mini-implants was in the order of Type C (706 mm2) > Type B (648 mm2) > Type A (621 mm2). Type C exhibited no significant correlation in intragroup comparisons, and the hypothesis was accepted. In the 90° and 45° tests, Type C exhibited the largest anchor area and the highest mechanical strengths (IT, RF, and RT) among the three types of mini-implants. The anchor area plays a crucial role in the mechanical strength of mini-implants.  相似文献   

IntroductionWe aimed to evaluate the impact of an immersive simulation session on the experience of the beginning of residency.MethodsThe interventional group consisted of newly recruited residents in 2019, who participated in the workshop presenting four emergency scenarios frequently encountered during night shifts; the control group comprised residents who had begun their internship in 2018, without having participated in the simulation workshop. The level of psychological stress and self-confidence were self-estimated in the simulation group before and immediately after the workshop. During the second semester of residency, stress, self-efficacy and anxiety were evaluated in both groups with the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), General Self-efficacy Scale (GSES), and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) scale.ResultsIn the second semester 2020, the PSS, GSES and GAD-7 were 20.71 ± 8.15 and 22.44 ± 5.68 (P = 0.40); 26.88 ± 6.30 and 27.11 ± 3.95 (P = 0.87); 6.94 ± 5.25 and 8.89 ± 4.78 (P = 0.22) for the simulation (n = 17, 89.5% of participation) and control (n = 9, 75%) groups, respectively. In the simulation group, the level of self-confidence had significantly improved from 1.82 ± 0.95 before the session to 2.29 ± 1.16 after the session (P = 0.05). Interestingly, this improvement in self-confidence was significantly correlated with GAD-7 (P = 0.014) and PSS (P = 0.05), and tended to be correlated with GSES (P = 0.09).ConclusionOur study showed a significant improvement in self-confidence between before and after the simulation session. Residents who experienced an improvement in self-confidence saw their stress and anxiety levels decrease during the second semester reevaluation, in favor of a prolonged benefit from the session.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study was designed to investigate the role of nitric oxide in neurogenic relaxation of the longitudinal layer of human rectal smooth muscle. METHODS: Tissue was obtained from the mid rectum of patients undergoing anterior resection for carcinoma. Adjacent strips of longitudinal muscle were dissected and mounted in organ baths for isometric tension recording. In preliminary experiments to determine the response of strips to cholinergic, adrenergic, and potential excitatory agonists, strips were superfused with standard Krebs solution (37±0.5°C; pH, 7.4±0.05). Investigation of inhibitory, nonadrenergic noncholinergic responses required the addition of 3×10−6 M histamine to induce reproducible and stable tension for five-minute “test” periods, during which electrical field stimulation (EFS) and additional drugs were applied. In these experiments, strips were superfused with Krebs solution that contained atropine sulfate (3×10−6 M) and guanethidine (3×10−6 M). RESULTS: The response to cholinergic and adrenergic agonists was typical of nonsphincter specialized gastrointestinal smooth muscle. EFS elicited frequency-dependent, neurogenic (tetrodotoxin-sensitive) relaxations of precontracted strips, which were reduced in dose-dependent fashion by addition of-nitro-l-arginine and restored by addition of 3×10 −4 M l-arginine but not by d-arginine. Addition of exogenous nitric oxide (sodium nitroprusside) mimicked the relaxant response induced by EFS. CONCLUSION: Smooth muscle from the longitudinal layer of human rectum receives an intrinsic inhibitory innervation mediated by nitric oxide. Supported and financed by the Medical Research Council, United Kingdom. John Stebbing is in receipt of a Medical Research Council Clinical Training Fellowship. Read at the meeting of The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Seattle, Washington, June 9 to 14, 1996.  相似文献   

The thermal properties of clothing products are influenced by external environmental parameters, such as temperature, humidity, air flow and parameters related to the user’s body, which mainly include temperature and humidity. Depending on the type of raw material, its thickness and the material manufacturing technique, clothing products are characterised by certain insulating properties to protect the human body from external factors. A multilayer system made of different material groups can change the thermal insulating capacity significantly, which cannot be determined by the testing of individual layers used in the production. In order to determine the influence of weather conditions on thermal insulation and air permeability, tests were carried out for two types of sleeping bags (summer and autumn) produced by the same manufacturer, differing in insulation thickness. Simulations were carried out using SolidWorks and verified using a Newton thermal mannequin. During tests, both the temperature (range from −20 °C to 20 °C) and humidity values were changed (range 40–80% humidity). For sleeping bags, the effective thermal insulation decreases along with the increase of temperature and decrease of humidity. It can be observed, for the autumn sleeping bags, that for a temperature of 20 °C and humidity of 60%, the thermal insulation is 1.063 m2·K·W−1, while for a temperature of −20 °C and humidity of 60% thermal insulation increases significantly and amounts to 1.111 m2·K·W−1. A similar situation occurs for the effective thermal insulation of a summer sleeping bag (20 °C/60% thermal insulation is 0.794 m2·K·W−1, while for −20 °C/60%—0.851 m2·K·W−1. During the tests, the humidity and temperature between the layers of the clothing system were also controlled, in order to learn more about the influence of these parameters on the thermal insulation properties of the sleeping bags.  相似文献   

Summary After intravenous injection of glucose, 750 mg/kg, together with a tracer dose of [U-14C] glucose, into fasted, adult white rats, the following percentages of the administered dose were found in whole organs and tissues: 1. after five minutes: skeletal muscle 30.3, skin 28.1, blood 13.1, adipose tissue 10.7, liver 8.9. 2. Forty minutes after injection the corresponding values were: 35.0, 11.1, 5.0, 4.6 and 9.4%. Expired 14CO2 was negligible after five minutes: after 40 min it comprised 8% of the total dose administered. — After intragastric administration of 1500 mg/kg of glucose given with a tracer dose of [U-14C] glucose under the same experimental conditions, the alimentary tract contained, after 15, 90 and 180 min, 60.5, 14.8 and 8.4% respectively of the total 14C dose given. At these times the liver contained 2.9, 10.7 and 15.0%; skin contained 7.5, 7.1 and 5.4%; adipose tissue 2.0, 3.8 and 3.5%, and expired 14CO2 0.4, 11.8 and 31.3% respectively. Details of the uptake of 14C glucose by other organs and tissues are given, and a balance sheet for the injected material is attempted.
Der Anteil verschiedener Organe und Gewebe der Ratte an der Glucoseassimilation
Zusammenfassung Nach i.v. Injektion von 750 mg Glucose/kg mit einer Sprüdosis U-14C-Glucose fanden sich bei fastenden, erwachsenen weißen Ratten folgende Prozentsätze der verabreichten Menge in Gesamt-Organen und -Geweben: 1. Nach 5 min: Skeletmuskel 30.3, Haut 28.1, Blut 13.1, Fettgewebe 10.7, Leber 8.9. 2. 40 min nach der Injektion lauteten die entsprechenden Werte: 35.0, 11.1, 5.0, 4.6, 9.4%. Nach 5 min ließen sich in der Ausatmungsluft nur Spuren von 14CO2 nachweisen, nach 40 min lagen 8% der verabreichten Dosis in dieser Form vor. — Nach intragastrischer Zufuhr von 1500 mg Glucose/kg mit einer Spürdosis von U-14C-Glucose unter den gleichen Versuchsbedingungen enthielt der Verdauungstrakt nach 15, 90 und 180 min jeweils 60.5, 14.8 bzw. 8.4% der zugeführten Radioaktivität. In der Leber fanden sich zu diesen Zeiten 2.9, 10.7 und 15.0%, in der Haut 7.5, 7.1 und 5.4, im Fettgewebe 2.0, 3.8 und 3.5%. Die Ausatmungsluft enthielt 0.4, 11.8 und 31.3% als 14CO2. Es folgen weitere Einzelheiten zur Aufnahme von Radioglucose durch andere Organe und Gewebe sowie der Versuch einer Bilanz für das injizierte Material.

Contribution de différents organes et tissus du rat à l'assimilation du glucose
Résumé Après l'injection intraveineuse de glucose (750 mg/kg) en même temps qu'une dose traceuse de U-14C-glucose, à des rats blancs adultes à jeun, les pourcentages suivants de la dose administrée ont été retrouvés dans tous les organes et tissus: 1. après cinq minutes: muscle squelettique 30.3, peau 28.1, sang 13.1, tissu adipeux 10.7, foie 8.9. 2. Quarante minutes après l'injection, les valeurs correspondantes étaient les suivantes: 35.0, 11.1, 5.0, 4.6 et 9.4%. Le 14CO2 dégagé était négligeable après 5 min: après 40 min il représentait 8% de la dose totale administrée.— Après l'administration intragastrique de 1500 mg/kg de glucose, donné en même temps qu'une dose traceuse de U-14C-glucose dans les mêmes conditions expérimentales, le tube digestif contenait au bout de 15, 90 et 180 min, 60.5, 14.8 et 8.4% respectivement de la dose totale de 14C administrée. A ces moments là le foie contenait respectivement 2.9, 10.7 et 15.0%; la peau contenait 7.5, 7.1 et 5.4%; le tissu adipeux 2.0, 3.8 et 3.5%, et le 14CO2 dégagé était de 0.4, 11.8 et 31.3%. On donne des détails sur la captation du 14C-glucose par d'autres organes et tissus, et on essaye de dresser un bilan du produit injecté.

Among the elderly, smoking is related to death and it contributes to disability associated with chronic diseases. This study aims to verify the influence of a history of smoking on the physical capacity of elderly people, and its relationship with the gender. Elderly people beginning to practice physical activity reported questions about their smoking history and underwent a physical evaluation, consisted by hemodynamic data (blood pressure, heart rate and maximum oxygen consumption), body mass index (BMI), muscular strength, flexibility and balance. Mann-Whitney test and Spearman's test was used to data analysis. The sample consisted of 127 subjects, among whom 26.8% were ex-smokers. There were a higher number of nonsmoking women (p < 0.001) than others, and women smoked fewer packets per day (p = 0.047). Among the women, those ex-smokers were younger and more flexible in comparison with those nonsmokers (p < 0.05). Among the men, the ex-smokers were older and walked more slowly than nonsmokers (p < 0.05). There was a correlation between the BMI and duration of smoking time. Smoking cessation benefits the elderly, since the physical variables showed no long-term harm associated with the history of smoking when compared with those of elderly without this habit.  相似文献   

Simultaneous records of the electrocardiogram, phonocardiogram, apexcardiogram (ACG), and the first derivative of the apexcardiogram (dAdt) were obtained in 50 normal subjects and in 38 patients with ischemic heart disease. This allowed us to measure the ratio of peak dAdt to total amplitude of the first derivative in percent and the interval from electrical stimulation to peak dAdt (R to peak dAdt). In 16 additional normal subjects the effects of pharmacological agents with positive and negative inotropic action were studied with the above parameters. During isoprenaline infusion the ratio of peak to total amplitude dAdt was increased and the interval R to peak dAdt was shortened, while after propranolol the ratio of peak dAdt diminished and the interval R to peak dAdt showed elongation.In normal subjects the ratio of peak dAdt averaged 48 ± 14% and it is significantly lower in patients with ischemic heart disease (32 ± 13%, p < 0.001). In controls the interval R to peak dAdt was 73 ± 15 msec., whereas in ischemic heart disease it showed elongation (121 ± 15 msec., p < 0.01).It is concluded that the ratio peak dAdt and the interval R to peak dAdt, expressing noninvasively the rate of pressure changes and the duration of the development of maximum tension during isovolumic contraction, provide useful information on left ventricular function.  相似文献   

《Journal of cardiology》2014,63(4):308-312
BackgroundResistin is a peptide hormone that is secreted from lipid cells and is linked to type-2 diabetes, obesity, and inflammation. Being an important adipocytokine, resistin was proven to play an important role in cardiovascular disease. We compared resistin levels in patients with and without atrial fibrillation (AF) to demonstrate the relationship between plasma resistin levels and AF.MethodOne hundred patients with AF and 58 control patients who were matched in terms of age, gender, and risk factors were included in the trial. Their clinical risk factors, biometric measurements, echocardiographic work up, biochemical parameters including resistin and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels were compared.ResultsIn patients with AF, plasma resistin levels (7.34 ± 1.63 ng/mL vs 6.67 ± 1.14 ng/mL; p = 0.003) and hs-CRP levels (3.01 ± 1.54 mg/L vs 2.16 ± 1.28 mg/L; p = 0.001) were higher than control group. In subgroup analysis, resistin levels were significantly higher in patients with paroxysmal (7.59 ± 1.57 ng/mL; p = 0.032) and persistent AF (7.73 ± 1.60 ng/mL; p = 0.006), but not in patients with permanent AF subgroups (6.86 ± 1.61 ng/mL; p = 0.92) compared to controls. However, hs-CRP levels were significantly higher only in permanent AF patients compared to control group (3.26 ± 1.46 mg/L vs 2.16 ± 1.28 mg/L; p = 0.02). In multivariate regression analysis using model adjusted for age, gender, body mas index, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and creatinine levels, plasma resistin levels [odds ratio (OR): 1.30; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.01–1.70; p = 0.04] and hs-CRP levels (OR: 1.44; 95% CI: 1.12–1.86; p = 0.004) were the only independent predictors of AF.ConclusionThe elevated levels of plasma resistin were related to paroxysmal AF group and persistent AF group, but not to permanent AF group.  相似文献   

H. Keen  N. S. Track 《Diabetologia》1968,4(6):317-321
Summary Suggestions that diabetes of younger- and older-onset are inherited differently have been examined in a family study which compares the first-degree relatives of 735 diabetic patients with those of 514 control patients. Verbally reported histories from the propositi indicated an excess prevalence of known diabetes among the siblings of younger-onset diabetics; however, when the ostensibly normal, first-degree relatives were examined a high frequency of unsuspected glucose tolerance test abnormality was found. When the diabetes prevalence in relatives of diabetics was compared with that in relatives of controls (K ratio), a method at present widely used to determine the mode of inheritance, a number of problems arose suggesting that this means of genetic analysis may be misleading in diseases such as diabetes. It is concluded, for reasons which are discussed, that differences in prevalence ratios cannot be accepted as good evidence for different modes of inheritance of younger- and older-onset diabetes in man.
Manifestationsalter und Vererbung des Diabetes: Die Wichtigkeit von Verwandten-Untersuchungen
Zusammenfassung Die Hypothese eines unterschiedlichen Vererbungsmodus für den Diabetes mit frühzeitiger Krankheitsmanifestation und den Diabetes mit späterem Krankheitsausbruch wurde auf Grund von Familienuntersuchungen geprüft. Blutsverwandte 1. Grades von 735 Diabetikern wurden mit einer entsprechenden Kontrollgruppe von 514 Personen verglichen. Bei den Blutsverwandten der Patienten mit früher Diabetesmanifestation ist aus den Krankheitsanamnesen und mündlichen Berichten eine größere Diabeteshäufigkeit zu ermitteln. Wenn indessen die scheinbar normalen Verwandten ersten Grades untersucht wurden, fand man eine große Anzahl vorher unbekannter Fälle von Glueosetoleranzstörung. Bei einem Vergleich der Diabeteshäufigkeit unter den Verwandten der Zuckerkranken und den Verwandten der Kontrollfälle (K Vergleichszahl) einer Methode, die z. Zt. oft zur Bestimmung des Vererbungsmodus benutzt wird, ergaben sich einige Probleme, die andeuten, daß diese Art Vererbungsanalysen bei Erkrankungen, wie dem Diabetes, irreführend sein können. Aus den Ergebnissen der Untersuchungen wird gefolgert, daß die zahlenmäßigen Unterschiede, die sich bei dieser Methode des Vergleichs ergeben, keinen Beweis für einen unterschiedlichen Vererbungsmodus des früher oder später sich manifestierenden Diabetes darstellen.

Age de l'apparition du diabète et sa transmission héréditaire. Importance de l'examen des membres de la famille
Résumé La suggestion a été faite que le diabète commençant dans la première moitié de la vie est transmis d'une façon différente du diabète diagnostiqué plus tard.- Nous avons examiné cette hypothèse dans une étude qui compare les membres du premier degré des familles de 735 malades souffrant du diabète avec ceux des 514 sujets de contrôle. Les histoires familiales des malades, rapportées oralement, ont indiqué une prevalence excessive de diabète connu parmi les frères et les soeurs des diabétiques juvéniles. Toutefois, lorsque les membres —supposés normaux — furent examinés, une haute fréquence d'intolérance au glucose non-soupçonnée fut trouvée. Quand la prévalence de la maladie dans les familles des diabétiques fut comparée avec celle des sujets de contrôle (rapportK) — méthode souvent employée actuellement afin de déterminer le mode de transmission du diabète — nous nous sommes trouvés en face de certains problèmes qui sembleraient indiquer que cette méthode d'analyse génétique pourrait mener à certaines erreurs d'interprétation dans les maladies telles que le diabète. — Pour les raisons examinées, nous concluons que des différences dans les rapports de prévalence ne peuvent pas être acceptées comme preuves convaincantes d'un mode de transmission différent du diabète juvénile et du diabète d'apparition plus tardive.

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