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Objective To assess readability of over-the-counter (OTC) contraceptive product instructions currently available, compare the results with previous studies from a decade ago, and review the implications for health care providers, in particular pharmacists counseling on OTC contraceptives.

Methods A sample of contraceptive instructions was submitted to a readability analysis using four standard readability formulas. Products included condoms, spermicides, and emergency contraception instruction pamphlets.

Results Reading grade levels for condoms ranged from 6th to 12th grade. The average reading levels for the spermicides were 9th–10th grade and for the emergency contraceptives 10th–12th grade. These results were consistent with those of similar studies performed a decade ago.

Conclusions Consumers need to have at least a high school reading level in order to comprehend current product instructions. Very little has changed in the past decade regarding readability of OTC contraceptive patient instructions, despite calls to simplify written instructions. Healthcare providers, in particular pharmacists, must be aware of these disparities to enhance patient education and advocate for simpler reading materials.  相似文献   

Barriers and spermicides are being developed for the prevention of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection. The inconvenience of current methods limits their acceptability and leads to higher user failure rates. New methods, such as female condoms, nonlatex male condoms, and new cervical caps are being developed: the Reality (Wisconsin Pharmacal, Jackson, WI) polyurethane vaginal pouch has already received conditional Food and Drug Administration approval for use in the United States. The material used in a Food and Drug Administration-approved nonallergenic glove is being tested for its effectiveness as a condom. In addition, the Fem Cap, a cervical cap that had a life table probability of failure within 1 year of 4.8%, is expected to be available within the next 2 years. It is important for clinicians to be informed of new options becoming available for those patients who may be good candidates for these barrier methods.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The availability of long-acting hormonal birth control methods has created new contraceptive options for adolescents. The purpose of this study was to determine whether teens initiating these methods use condoms less frequently than teens using oral contraceptive pills or condoms alone and may therefore be at an increased risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections. STUDY DESIGN: To investigate ongoing condom behavior in teens using levonorgestrel (Norplant) contraceptive implants, oral contraceptives, and condoms alone, we examined data from a 2-year prospective cohort study of 399 urban teens. The study consisted of 3 clinic-based cohorts of adolescent female contraceptive users: Norplant contraceptive implants (n = 200), oral contraceptives (n = 100), and condoms alone (n = 99). Data were collected at an admission interview and at 1- and 2-year follow-up from method continuers. RESULTS: Norplant contraceptive implant users were less likely than oral contraceptive or condom users to report condom use at last sex or consistent condom use at 1- and 2-year follow-up. The implant group showed a significant decrease in condom use from admission to 2 years after method initiation. The proportion of implant users self-reporting new sexually transmitted infections at 2-year follow-up, however, was not significantly greater than that of oral contraceptive or condom users. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that teen users of Norplant contraceptive implants are less likely to use condoms than teens who choose oral contraceptives but, probably because of differences in sexual behavior, are no more likely to self-report sexually transmitted infections. Our findings also indicate that teens who choose oral contraceptives and condoms do not use them consistently enough to avoid pregnancies or sexually transmitted infections.  相似文献   

ObjectiveWe sought to characterize how a group of urban adolescent females understands the domains of pregnancy, contraception, and emergency contraception (EC).DesignWe used the research strategy of freelisting as part of an in-depth interview study.Setting and ParticipantsUrban adolescent females presenting to a Pediatric Emergency Department. Participants were enrolled using a purposive sampling strategy if they were black, English-speaking females, 15-19 years old, who resided in 1 of 11 zip codes surrounding the hospital.Main Outcome MeasureSmith’s saliency score. Freelists were analyzed for the entire sample, as well as for subgroups.ResultsThirty adolescents completed the interview. We found that this group of adolescents uses different words to characterize the domains of pregnancy, contraception, and EC. The only overlapping salient term was “abortion,” which appeared in the overall lists for pregnancy and EC and in the younger group’s list for contraception. In addition, lack of knowledge was cited as an important factor related to contraception.ConclusionsAdolescent patients may not fully understand the concepts of contraception and EC. Providers should consider the potential need to provide an explanation for terms used, and they should consider explicitly differentiating between routine forms of contraception and EC, as well as between EC and abortion.  相似文献   

The readability level of informed consent forms used in clinical trials on contraceptives was determined. Three different formulas for measuring readability were used. Some forms received relatively high scores by all three methods. The most common problems associated with high readability scores were the use of 'unfamiliar' words, long words and long sentences. At present all forms used must be readable, using the SMOG formula, at a grade 6 level or less.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the reason for requesting emergency contraception (EC), previous use of contraceptive methods and provision route in a Family Planning Clinic in Italy. METHODS: Women requesting EC were interviewed, through a questionnaire containing questions on demographic characteristics, about their reasons for requesting EC, their prior contraceptive use, their reasons for not using an effective contraceptive method (or possible reasons for its failure) and specifically about the so-called 'provision route' (i.e. whether and where they had previously requested EC receiving a negative response). RESULTS: Almost 70% of all women requesting EC were aged between 18 and 25 years. Some 80% of all women were in a stable relationship with their partner, with fewer than 20% having had an occasional intercourse. The vast majority of women (83%) reported prior use of a modern contraceptive method, i.e. 64% with a condom, 27% for combined oral contraceptives and 1.1% for the intrauterine device (IUD). In addition, 15% of the women had used more than one method (oral pills and condoms). Concerning the reasons for requesting EC, condom breakage or slipping was the most frequently cited (64%), followed by totally unprotected intercourse (28%), failed withdrawal (5%) and forgetting one or more pill (only 1.1%). CONCLUSIONS: More than one-third of the women interviewed had previously used an emergency contraceptive modality; although no one did so more than four times. Therefore, it can be inferred that-at least in the present series-EC had not been used as a routine contraceptive method. Finally, it seems clear that in Italy, even in large cities, information about the availability, proper usage and mechanism of action is lacking. This seems due to information being spread by word of mouth between peers and friends, with more formal communication channels lagging behind.  相似文献   

The advantages and disadvantages of the progesterone-releasing intrauterine device (IUD), Progestasert, are investigated, relying on the published literature and the authors' own experiences. Insertion of the Progestasert presents very few problems except in certain cases, particularly in nulliparous women. A complete gynecologic examination is indispensible before insertion to guarantee the absence of contraindications (e.g., pregnancy, anatomically abnormal uterus, tumors, pelvic inflammatory disease, acute cervicitis). Pain or discomfort at insertion appears infrequently, except among nulliparas. Similarly, pain after insertion is rare, but occurs most often in nulliparous women. Because of the insertion technique required for this IUD, cases of perforation of he uterus or cervix are virtually nonexistent. Expulsion of the Progestasert is very infrequent; it appears that incorrect insertion is the primary cause of expulsion. All studies verify a decrease in the expulsion rate after the 1st month of use. The incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease in Progestasert users is significantly lower than in users of other IUDs. This may be due, in part, to the shape of the device, which does not have wide surface areas and has no sharp or pointed edges which can become embedded in the endometrial wall. Additionally, the nature of the insertion device, guaranteeing lack of contact between the transverse arm of the IUD and the vagina, assures the sterility of the IUD even at the moment of introduction into the uterus, limiting the transport of bacteria into the cavity. Lack of sufficient data on ectopic pregnancies in Progestasert users impedes a complete evaluation and definition of the problem with this particular device. One of the most frequent reasons for discontinuing use of the IUD is distrubance of the menstrual cycle. Increase in menstrual blood loss, prolongation of the menstrual period, and intermenstrual bleeding are disturbances found in users of most IUDs. The Progestasert, however, appears to decrease menstrual bleeding and shorten the menstrual period in all cases. The advantages of the Progestasert are indisputable in treating dysmennorhea. All studies agree on the attributes of topical release of progesterone in treating this illness. Studies report disappearance of symptoms in 35% of dysmennorheic patients and a marked reduction of symptoms in 65%. Not enough data exist to draw any conclusions about the teratogenic action of the Progestasert. In normal pregnancies, however, natural progesterone is found in much higher levels than that released by the IUD. Theoretically, the hormone released by the IUD should not interfere with normal fetal development. The failure rate of Progestasert is equal to or lower than that of other IUDs. Overall, the Progestasert represents a remarkable improvement over conventional IUDs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Advance provision of emergency contraception can circumvent some obstacles to timely use. We performed a meta-analysis to summarize randomized controlled trials evaluating advance provision of emergency contraception to explore effects on pregnancy rates, sexually transmitted infections, and sexual and contraceptive behaviors. DATA SOURCES: In August 2006, we searched CENTRAL, EMBASE, POPLINE, MEDLINE, a specialized emergency contraception article database, and contacted experts to identify published or unpublished trials. METHODS OF STUDY SELECTION: We included randomized controlled trials comparing advance provision to standard access, defined as any of the following: counseling (with or without information about emergency contraception) or provision of emergency contraception on request at a clinic or pharmacy. TABULATION, INTEGRATION AND RESULTS: Two reviewers independently assessed study quality. We performed a meta-analysis using Review Manager software. Eight randomized controlled trials met inclusion criteria, representing 6,389 patients in the United States, China, and India. Advance provision did not decrease pregnancy rates, despite increased use (single use, odds ratio [OR] 2.52, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.72-3.70; multiple use: OR 4.13, 95% CI 1.77-9.63) and faster use (weighted mean difference -14.6 hours, 95% CI -16.77 to -12.4 hours). Advance provision did not increase rates of sexually transmitted infections (OR 0.99, 95% CI 0.73-1.34), unprotected intercourse, or changes in contraceptive methods. Women who received emergency contraception in advance were as likely to use condoms as other women. CONCLUSION: Advance provision of emergency contraception did not reduce pregnancy rates and did not negatively affect sexual and reproductive health behaviors and outcomes compared with conventional provision. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: III.  相似文献   

Although 90% of women at risk for unintended pregnancy in the United States use contraception, <1% of these women use the intrauterine contraceptive device. The mechanism of action of intrauterine contraceptive devices has been controversial, but several studies suggest that interference with sperm migration or function and with fertilization may be the most likely mechanisms. More important, there is lack of compelling evidence that the intrauterine contraceptive device acts as an abortifacient. The risk for pelvic inflammatory disease among users now appears to be extremely low, primarily as a result of better selection of candidates. A levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine contraceptive device may offer some new therapeutic approaches for the treatment of certain gynecologic disorders. Although women who are not at risk for pelvic inflammatory disease or sexually transmitted diseases are appropriate candidates for the intrauterine contraceptive device, it appears that use can be expanded to selected nulliparous women and women with certain medical conditions.  相似文献   

不同剂量米非司酮用于紧急避孕的临床比较观察   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的 比较米非司酮25mg和10mg用于紧急避孕的有效性、副反应及可接受性。方法 采用双盲随机比较试验方法,共接纳合格妇女200例1次无防护性交后72小时内随机进入I组(n=100)和Ⅱ组(n=100),予以治疗。I组一次性服用米非司酮1片(每片25mg)及安慰剂1片;Ⅱ组一次性服用米非司酮2片(每片5mg),总量为10mg。于予期下次月经日期的第7天随访,了解避孕效果、副反应及月经的变化。结果 两组各发生1例妊娠,失败率均为1%,避孕有效率分别为89.65%和90.40%,P>0.05,无统计学差异;各种副反应发生率较低,均在10%以内,两组相近;月经趋于正常者两组分别为86%和88%,P>0.05。结论 低剂量米非司酮25mg,乃至10mg用于紧急避孕同样是安全有效的。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Barriers to widespread use of hormonal emergency contraceptives (EC), such as lack of knowledge and prejudices held by health-care providers, still exist today. This study was initiated to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and prejudices of family-planning (FP) providers. METHODS: This survey was conducted in FP units of primary-health-care centers in Istanbul. A total of 180 providers were interviewed in 80 units to whom a questionnaire was administered by face-to-face technique. RESULTS: One-hundred and fifty-two of the providers stated that they had heard of EC. The correct timing and dose interval of EC were known by 50% of them. The participants held the belief that EC caused abortion (39.4%), and that it was harmful for the fetus (31.1%). Other prejudices were the possibility of increased unprotected sexual intercourse (78.9%) and a tendency for men to give up condom use (75%); female providers were more prejudiced concerning these statements. The providers' tendency towards the provision of counseling was significantly related to their prejudices (p = 0.011, p = 0.033) and to the application rate (p = 0.000).Conclusion Providers need more detailed information about EC. During FP training courses, the providers should be encouraged towards counseling EC which would increase the application rate of the users and decrease their own prejudices.  相似文献   

The recent United States Food and Drug Administration approval of a commercial kit containing the Yuzpe regimen for emergency contraception is a welcome event. Unlike emergency contraceptive pills sold in other countries, however, the United States product has a pregnancy test bundled with the pills. The test could identify existing pregnancies and avoid unnecessary use of the pills, although any protection against lawsuits alleging injury to an embryo is speculative. Conversely, no major medical organization recommends routine pregnancy testing before using emergency contraceptive pills. The test might stigmatize the Yuzpe regimen as being dangerous to an embryo. Difficulty in understanding the pregnancy test instructions could, paradoxically, deter some women from using the pills after having bought them. The bulky size of the pregnancy test reagent stick makes the package indiscreet, and the test adds unnecessary cost to emergency contraception. The greatest usefulness of the test could be to confirm or exclude a pregnancy several weeks after taking the pills, rather than before. If bundling an unnecessary test with emergency contraception is the only way to bring this useful product to the United States market, then the public health benefits could outweigh the disadvantages. However, this approach sets a worrisome precedent and further isolates the United States from the international medical community.  相似文献   

Objective: To estimate the differences in unintended pregnancies avoided using either levonorgestrel (LNG) or ulipristal acetate (UPA) emergency contraception (EC).

Design: Cross-sectional study.

Setting: Survey carried out in Spain.

Participants: 1000 Spanish women reporting unprotected sex in 2017.

Main measurements: EC use, reasons for not using EC, calculation of the number of unintended pregnancies avoided.

Results: 39% of Spanish women having had unprotected sex used EC. 61% of those women did not use EC and 11% did not know the existence of this resource. In 2017 the use of EC prevented 101,271 unintended pregnancies. If instead of using LNG every woman had used UPA another 15,979 additional pregnancies could have been prevented.

Conclusions: If all Spanish women having unprotected sex used EC we could expect a significant decrease in the number of unintended pregnancies and abortions. Using UPA instead of LNG would have a greater impact on that reduction with the corresponding benefit for women and society as a whole.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This research was carried out to reveal the attitudes of men and women about contraception in the Umraniye district of Istanbul. METHODS: Focus group discussions were used for data collection. Data from 20 groups of married people (ten groups of men and ten of women) living in Umraniye were analyzed. RESULTS: Most people attending the focus groups in the study were against having 'too many' children. Economic constraints appear to be a leading influencing factor for limiting the number of children. Urbanization also seems to have a strong influence on people's knowledge and attitudes about contraception. Culture and religious beliefs were not found to be major barriers to contraception in general, but they would influence the selection of the type of a certain contraceptive method. More specifically, culture and religious beliefs were barriers to use of medical methods, and they were the main reasons for use of the withdrawal method, which is the most common method used in Turkey. CONCLUSIONS: Men and women are not resistant to contraception, but they are reluctant to use medical methods. The provision of contraceptive services, with special attention to cultural and religious beliefs and values, and the inclusion of appropriate counseling and education sessions during service delivery, may give clients new options and increase the use of medical methods.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the level of knowledge of emergency contraception among private-sector pharmacists and doctors. METHOD: This hand-delivered, confidential questionnaire survey was undertaken in North and South Central Durban, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. The main outcome measures were frequency of demand for emergency contraception and knowledge of its dosing schedule, side-effects and contraindications. RESULTS: Ninety-six per cent of pharmacists and 93% of doctors had received requests for emergency contraceptive pills within the past year. Thirty-two per cent of pharmacists and 28% of doctors prescribed the Yuzpe regimen correctly. Only 23 (27%) doctors and 25 (22%) pharmacists were able to identify three common side-effects associated with emergency contraceptive pills. Forty-six per cent of pharmacists and 49% of doctors correctly indicated that there are no absolute contraindications to emergency contraceptive pills other than a contraindication to contraceptive pills. Fifty-four per cent of pharmacists and 35% of doctors agreed that the multiple use of emergency contraceptive pills is risky. CONCLUSION: There is an urgent need to improve the knowledge of health-care workers regarding emergency contraception, which forms an important back-up method when existing contraception fails or is not used.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate and lipid metabolism of 100 women using an oral contraceptive (0.5 mg norgestrel + 0.05 mg ethinyl estradiol) and of 96 women using mechanical contraceptives was monitored over a 2-year period. The women had been screened for factors known to adversely affect carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Two-hour oral glucose tolerance tests were performed at 6-month intervals during the study; serum insulin was determined at the same intervals in half the women. Triglycerides, total cholesterol, free fatty acids, and body weight were also measured. The study showed no significant differences in lipid metabolism nor in weight gain between women using oral or mechanical contraceptives. After 6 months the fasting glucose of women using oral contraceptives was significantly decreased; at 120 minutes, glucose and insulin levels were significantly increased in comparison to women using mechanical contraceptives. A greater percentage of oral contraceptive users had borderline-abnormal oral glucose tolerance tests but the abnormalities did not persist in the same individuals during the study. The incidence of a pathological oral glucose tolerance with oral contraceptives was 1%.  相似文献   

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