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目的 了解短肠综合征患者行家庭肠外营养的真实体验,为临床制订有效的护理干预方案提供依据。方法 目的抽样法选取12例短肠综合征行家庭肠外营养患者,对其进行半结构式访谈,并用Colaizzi 7步法分析资料。结果 提炼出3个主题:家庭肠外营养的积极体验(改善营养状况、获得家庭归属感、自我管理意识及能力增强);家庭肠外营养的消极体验(睡眠障碍、活动受到限制、伴随和/或潜在的并发症、负性心理情绪);家庭肠外营养患者的需求(对专业医护人员培训及指导的需求、对医疗资源及政策支持的需求)。结论 医护人员应重视患者的负性体验,通过有效干预方法解决患者在家庭肠外营养支持过程中出现的问题,以保障家庭肠外营养支持顺利安全实施。  相似文献   

目的探讨2型糖尿病患者饮食行为改变的影响因素。方法采用扎根理论研究法对19例2型糖尿病患者进行深入访谈,进行编码、归属及分析,提炼主题。结果提炼出重视饮食控制、获得饮食知识和技能、意志力坚定和家庭纽带作用4个因子的促进因素,饮食知识与实际需求脱节、家庭文化、习俗文化、忽略饮食控制和压力增加5个因子的阻碍因素。结论 2型糖尿病患者饮食行为受医务人员、患者、家属和社会文化等多种因素的影响,针对个体的综合饮食管理方案应为研究重点。  相似文献   

短肠综合征及其处理   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
短肠综合征 (SBS)是消化、吸收不良所致的营养不良综合病征。因病使残留小肠不足6 0 cm或 <1cm/ kg,易致本病。影响 SBS代偿的因素有年龄、摄食情况、回盲瓣和结肠是否完整等。肠外营养和肠内营养已可能使 SBS者得以长期生存。谷氨酰胺、生长激素及膳食纤维的联合应用可促使 SBS者之代偿  相似文献   

短肠综合征患者的肠道代偿及康复治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结短肠综合征(SBS)的治疗经验。方法 分析38例SBS患者的治疗过程,随访其目前饮食情况,肠外营养(PN)或肠内营养(EN)的时间,了解并发症情况,对部分患者作有关检测,并联合应用生长激素(GH)和谷氨酰胺(GLN)治疗,采用稳定核素示踪检测残余肠道对单糖、脂肪酸及氨基酸的吸收情况。结果 本组患者死亡5例;存活33例,存活时间为6个月~17年,平均(5.9±4.3)年。目前有3例长期接受家庭PN,6例需部分或间歇性接受PN或EN补充,完全摆脱PN的有24例,其平均摆脱PN的时间为(9.5±6.6)个月。GH加GLN治疗只能在短时间内促进残余肠道对营养物质的吸收能力。结论 经过合适的肠道康复治疗,大多数SBS患者残留肠道能充分代偿,可完全摆脱PN或减少PN用量,长期健康地生存。  相似文献   

随着全肠外营养(TPN)的临床应用,短肠综合征(SBS)患者预后得以明显改善。但长期肠外营养(PN)导致的高额费用和多种并发症一直是难以克服的缺点,而长期单纯采用PN支持还可引起残余肠道黏膜的严重萎缩,肠屏障功能受损,使患者终生依赖PN支持,严重影响SBS患者的生活质量。因此,如何促进残余肠道功能早日代偿、适应,使SBS患者部分甚至全部恢复经肠内营养(EN),摆脱对PN的依赖已成为治疗SBS的重点。近20年,随着对SBS代谢变化、残留肠道代偿机制认识的加深,  相似文献   

短肠综合征的肠外营养支持治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报告8例短肠综合征肠外营养支持。腹泻期平均51.4天,腹泻量平均3.8L/d,TPN供热30Kcal/kg,糖脂热卡比为1∶1,非蛋白热卡∶氮为150(Kcal)∶1(g),TPN平均持续49.4天。腹泻量<2.5L/d则逐渐过渡为口服肠内营养制剂。据腹泻量及血生化检查,确定K+、Na+及HCO-3输入量,矫正低钾、低钠及代谢性酸中毒。回肠广泛切除要补钙、镁、磷制剂。本组无1例死亡。对肠外营养支持在短肠综合征的治疗价值及具体实施进行了讨论。  相似文献   

短肠综合征的外科治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
短肠综合征(shortbowelsyndrome,SBS)是小肠被广泛切除后残留小肠未能维持生理代谢所引起的病征。临床表现为腹泻、脂肪泻、营养不良及体重明显下降,也可因胆酸池变小、肠源性高草酸而出现胆系及泌尿系结石。SBS的治疗包括非手术治疗和手术治...  相似文献   

肠康复治疗和短肠综合征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的探讨对短肠综合征患者进行肠康复治疗的策略。方法采用文献复习的方法对肠康复治疗在短肠综合征患者中的应用加以综述。结果肠康复治疗是指重建肠道功能从而摆脱肠外营养的过程,通常包括膳食和内科保守治疗手段,有时还包括外科治疗。最近的研究显示,药物治疗、特需营养素、生长因子等的使用促进了肠代偿和吸收功能。结论肠康复治疗有益于短肠综合征患者的恢复,并将发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   

短肠综合征的肠内营养支持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gong JF  Zhu WM  Li N  Li JS 《中华外科杂志》2007,45(13):894-897
目的探讨短肠综合征患者肠内营养支持的临床意义、疗效及注意事项。方法回顾性总结1999至2005年收治的40例短肠综合征患者的临床资料。所有患者均存活至今,并随访2年以上。统计分析其肠内营养用量、费用、脱离肠外营养时间及目前营养状况。结果40例患者平均残存小肠(50.8±29.4)cm,脱离肠外营养平均时间为(29.1±9.2)个月。肠内营养用量为(3284.0±1408.8)kJ/d,其费用显著低于肠外营养(P〈0.01)。目前本组患者平均体质指数为(17.8±3.2)kg,/m^2,血红蛋白(113.3±14.8)g/L,血清白蛋白(35.0±4.1)g/L。平均大便次数为(3.4±1.7)次/d,平均大便量为(720.2±350.3)ml/d。结论肠内营养对于维持短肠综合征患者营养状况、减少并发症具有重要意义,但在具体实施时需掌握方法。  相似文献   

正常人的小肠为3~5m,有人认为,切除小肠70%或更多才会出现短肠综合征(short bowel syndrome,SBS)[1],但如果剩余肠道合并有其他疾病,如克隆病或缺血,其代偿能力将降低,因此出现SBS时切除小肠的长度因人而异。  相似文献   

目的探讨短肠综合征病人的营养支持以及肠道代偿、康复治疗体会。方法回顾性分析1986~2005年复旦大学附属中山医院64例短肠综合征病人治疗过程及随访情况,其中26例联合应用生长激素[GH,每天(0.10±0.06)mg/kg]和谷氨酰胺[GLN,每天(0.30±0.17)g/kg]进行肠道促代偿治疗。结果64例病人中死亡6例,存活58例,存活时间3个月至19年,平均(6.6±9.4)年。9例长期接受家庭肠外营养(HPN),13例接受部分PN或肠内营养(EN)支持,完全摆脱PN者36例,平均摆脱PN的时间为(8.6±14.2)个月。26例接受GH GLN治疗的SBS病人,其中9例(34.6%)治疗后近期内完全摆脱PN;8例(30.8%)经治疗后明显减少了PN用量[从每周需要PN支持(6.5±1.0)d下降至(4.2±1.0)d,每周PN需要量从(13.6±5.2)L降至(8.2±3.3)L];9例(34.6%)在治疗后仍依赖PN支持。64例共发生286次各种并发症。结论经过适宜的营养支持和肠道促代偿治疗,大多数短肠综合征病人的残留肠道可充分代偿,完全摆脱PN或减少PN用量,长期健康存活。  相似文献   

目的研究短肠综合征患者血清游离氨基酸水平的变化规律,指导短肠患者的营养支持。方法对17例短肠综合征患者于入院时检测17种血游离氨基酸水平,并选择15例健康志愿者为对照组。结果 17种氨基酸中,短肠综合征患者血清缬氨酸、亮氨酸、异亮氨酸、赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、丝氨酸、胱氨酸、组氨酸水平显著低于对照组(P<0.05),短肠综合征患者支链氨基酸水平(381± 124)μmol/L、必需氨基酸水平(1895±460)μmol/L及必需氨基酸/非必需氨基酸比值(0.4±0.1)均显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论短肠综合征患者氨基酸及必需氨基酸均缺乏,在营养支持时需增加必需氨基酸的给予。  相似文献   



To date, our knowledge of morbidity and mortality in neonatal short bowel syndrome (SBS) is based on individual case series. Shortcomings of the published literature include long patient recruitment time, selection bias, variable SBS definitions, failure to account for gestational age, and incomplete follow-up. By applying more rigorous methodology, our aim was to determine outcomes of SBS neonates compared with a control group of neonates without SBS.


A cohort study of all neonates with abdominal pathology requiring laparotomy between January 1, 1997, and December 31, 1998, with observation through July 1, 2001. Short bowel syndrome was defined as patients requiring parenteral nutrition for more than 42 days or residual small bowel length of less than 25% predicted by gestational age. Student's t test, Mann-Whitney U test, and χ2 were used where appropriate. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to determine cumulative survival. Covariates important in the development of SBS were examined using forward step-wise logistic regression.


There were 175 patients (with SBS = 40, without SBS = 135) with a mean gestational age of 30.7 ± 4.6 weeks vs 35.9 ± 4.8 weeks, respectively (P < .0005). The patients with SBS suffered significantly more morbidity than the group without SBS in all categories of investigation (surgical complications, septic events, central venous line complications, duration to adaptation and parenteral nutrition independence, cholestasis and liver failure, and duration of hospitalization). The case fatality rate was 37.5% in patients with SBS vs 13.3% in patients without SBS (P = .001). Most of the deaths were caused by liver failure or sepsis and occurred within 1 year from the date of surgery. Presence of an ileostomy (exp(B) = 12.29; P < .0005) and a residual small bowel length less than 50% of the original length (exp(B) = 26.84; P < .0005) were the only 2 variables in a logistic regression analysis found to be independently associated with the development of SBS.


This cohort study clearly illustrates the tremendous morbidity experienced by infants with SBS relative to other surgical neonates. Accurate estimates of the morbidity associated with SBS enables clinicians to appropriately counsel parents, allocate resources and initiate therapeutic trials.  相似文献   

短肠综合征的营养康复治疗   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Li N  Li J  Li Y 《中华外科杂志》1997,35(12):707-709
短肠综合征的治疗主要为营养支持和小肠移植,但两种疗法都有其限制和不足之处。作者总结了3例短肠综合征患者联合应用重组人生长激素、谷氨酰胺、纤维素行营养康复治疗的经验,3例患者残存小肠的长度分别为65、75、30cm,治疗后患者残存肠管的吸收功能和营养状况均有明显改善。作者认为营养康复疗法为短肠综合征提供了一个新的有效的治疗选择。  相似文献   

Li Y  Wang XY  Huang YC  Liu ST  Li N  Li JS 《中华外科杂志》2011,49(5):400-403
目的 研究目前常用的4种能量消耗估测公式在评估短肠综合征患者静息能量消耗(REE)时的准确性以及静息能量消耗与人体成分指标的相关性.方法 以2001年1月至2010年10月收治的短肠综合征患者为研究对象.全部病例41例,其中男性30例,女性11例;年龄18~60岁,平均(37±16)岁;平均身高(164.3 ±9.0)cm;平均体质量(47.0±9.3)kg;平均残余小肠(52±45)cm.所有患者均需要行长期肠外或肠内加肠外营养支持治疗.采用间接能量代谢检测仪检测患者REE,同时使用目前常用的4种REE估测公式(HB、SR、FAO、LIU)对患者进行REE估测,并评价两者间差异.利用人体成分分析仪对患者进行身体成分分析.结果 全部患者实测REE的平均值为(1218 ±293)Kcal,与4种计算公式估测REE值均有相关性,相关系数分别为:HB(r=0.588,P<0.01),SR(r=0.591,P<0.01),FAO(r=0.411,P<0.01),LIU(r=0.585,P<0.01).实测REE和4种估测REE进行配对t检验的结果 显示,在总样本中,实测REE值与HB、SR和FAO公式估测值的差异无统计学意义(均P<0.05),但比LIU公式估测值高出14.17%(P<0.01).实测REE与体质量、无脂体质量、体细胞总体有显著相关性,相关系数分别为0.548、0.641和0.581.结论 评估短肠综合征患者REE时应首选间接能量代谢检测仪,在没有条件使用该检测仪而需利用估测公式评估时,应尽量避免使用LIU公式,而应选择SR公式进行评估.短肠综合征患者的REE与体质量、无脂体质量、体细胞总体均有相关性,其中无脂体质量的相关性最高.
Objectives To determine the accuracy of resting energy expenditure (REE) calculated by using the Harris-Benedict(HB) equation, Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization/ United Nations University (FAO/WHO/UNU) equations (FAO equations) , Shizgal-Rosa (SR) equation and the LIU equation in patients with short bowel syndrome(SBS). In addition, to explore the relationship between measured REE and body weight, fat free mass, body cell mass, fat mass and fat mass percent. Methods Fourty-one SBS patients including 30 male and 11 female, aged from 18 to 60 years admitted between January 2001 and October 2010 were enrolled in this study. All patients required long-term parenteral or enteral plus parenteral nutrition support Their mean age and mean stature were (37 ± 16) years and (164. 3 ± 9. 0) cm, and the average body weight and residual small intestine was (47.4 ± 9. 3) kg and (52 ±45) cm. Measured REEs and calculated REEs of SBS patients were estimated respectively by indirect calorimetry and REE equations, and then defined the difference of them. And body mass were metered by body composition analyzer. Results A significant correlation was found between measured REEs (1218 ± 293) Kcal and calculated REEs from the HB equation (r = 0. 588, P < 0.01), the SR equations (r = 0.591,P<0.01), the FAO equations (r=0.411 ,P<0.01) and the LIU equation (r=0.585,P<0.01).In the total sample, the paired t test between measured REEs and REEs derived from the HB equation,SR equation and FAO equation showed no significant difference (P > 0. 05). However, measured REEs were significantly higher than REEs calculated using the LIU equations by 14. 17% (P <0. 01). There was also a significant correlation between measured REEs and body weight, fat free mass and body cell mass (r = 0. 548,0. 641 and 0. 581). Conclusions Indirect calorimetry is preferred when an accurate REE estimate of SBS patients is necessary. However, if this machine is not available, SR equation is recommended to use and LIU equation must be avoided. Fat free mass may be more useful than body weight in REE calculation.  相似文献   

短肠综合征康复治疗的实验研究和临床应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的观察应用重组人生长激素、谷氨酰胺和膳食纤维行康复治疗的实验动物及短肠综合征患者的治疗效果。方法 30只大鼠分为对照组、短肠组和生长激素 (growthhormone ,GH)组 ,短肠组和GH组切除 80 %小肠 ,GH组术后第 1天开始注射GH 1U·kg-1·d-1,共 2 8d ;9例患者残存小肠长度为 (4 4± 2 4)cm ,其中 3例无完整结肠。结果S期细胞比率系数、增殖指数和增殖细胞核抗原表达的增强表明外源性GH可明显促进残存小肠粘膜的增殖 ,GH的作用机理可能与原癌基因C jun表达的改变有关。康复治疗后 9例患者营养状况和残存肠管吸收功能均明显改善 ,8例患者进行了随访 ,75 %的患者完全脱离肠外营养 ,2 5 %的患者需间断肠外营养补充。结论康复治疗为短肠综合征提供了一个新的有效的治疗方法  相似文献   



Despite medical and surgical management, a subset of children with short bowel syndrome (SBS) who have discrepancy between proximal small bowel and distal colon have persistent feeding intolerance. We propose the use of an Ostomy in Continuity (OIC) (Bishop-Koop or Santulli) as a salvage procedure to decompress the proximal bowel while still maintaining maximal intestinal length, in these patients.


A retrospective chart review of 104 SBS patients identified sixteen patients who underwent an OIC. Measures of reliance on parenteral nutrition (PN), growth, intestinal failure associated liver disease, the rate of central venous catheter infections and enterocolitis were collected. These parameters were compared before and after the placement of OIC in the same patients at a median follow-up period of 24 months (range 3–52 months). Outcome measures include intestinal autonomy and survival without intestinal and liver transplant.


All 16 patients showed significant improvement in their enteral tolerance after OIC. The mean PN caloric requirement decreased from 95% to 21% (p = 0.0001). The median weight Z score improved from ? 1.18 to 0.20 (p = 0.0006) and the median height Z score improved from ? 2.74 to ? 1 (p = 0.0001). The mean conjugated bilirubin decreased from 10.3 mg/dl to 0.3 mg/dl (p = 0.0001) in nine patients with hyperbilirubinemia. There was no decrease in central venous catheter infections (CVCI) but there was a decrease in the rate of enterocolitis. None of the patients required intestinal or liver transplant. There was one minor skin excoriation complication in one patient with a Bishop-Koop stoma.


The application of an ostomy in continuity within a comprehensive intestinal rehabilitation program is a novel approach in the treatment of refractory short bowel syndrome that improves intestinal autonomy and decreases the rate of enterocolitis.

Type of Study

Case Series.

Level of evidence

IV (Cohort Study).  相似文献   

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