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应用图像分析仪测定了52名青年手的掌侧投影面积,各指掌侧面积的平均值,以中指最大(13.40cm~2),拇指其次(12.47cm~2),食指(12.03cm~2)与环指(12.00cm~2)近似,小指的掌侧面积最小(8.63cm~2)。全手掌侧总面积平均145.20cm~2。指掌侧总面积平均58.52cm~2,占手掌侧总面积的40.30%。手掌面积平均86.69cm~2,占手掌侧总面积的59.70%。按stevenson公式,根据身长和体重,计算出体表面积的估计值,进而求得全手掌侧投影面积占身体表面积的0.93%。经计算机处理,求得手长、手宽、身长、体重、体表面积估计值与手面积的相关系数,说明上述5个变量与手面积的相关均非常显著。本文还建立了由手长、手宽推算手掌侧投影面积的回归方程。  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童颅骨嗜酸性肉芽肿影像学分型及其临床意义。方法回顾性分析经病理证实的32例儿童颅骨嗜酸性肉芽肿(SEG)临床及影像学资料。根据肉芽肿大小、形态、颅骨破坏程度,将SEG分为肿块不明显型、肿块外凸型、肿块双凸型和肿块多发型。分析各型影像学特征,结合临床表现、治疗及预后等情况,探讨SEG影像学分型的临床意义。结果肿块不明显型3例(9.4%),表现为局灶性不全性骨质破坏,肉芽肿块形成不明显,行肉芽肿切除术,随访3例均无复发;肿块外凸型21例(65.6%),表现穿凿性骨质破坏以及明显外凸形肉芽肿块,采取肉芽肿切除并颅骨修补术,随访15例均无复发;肿块双凸型5例(15.6%):表现为穿凿性骨质破坏以及"双凸状"肿块,可累及硬脑膜并压迫脑实质,治疗以手术切除、颅骨修补及硬脑膜修补为主,随访3例均无复发;肿块多发型3例(9.4%),表现为多发程度不等的颅骨破坏和大小不等肉芽肿形成,治疗以手术加化疗为主,随访2例均有复发。结论儿童SEG影像学分型对SEG临床治疗方案的制定、预后判断等具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

周亚威  贺乐天 《解剖学报》2013,44(4):554-558
目的 通过对5个中国考古遗址中出土的184枚人类上、下颌第1臼齿(M1和M1)的齿冠基底面积和相对齿尖基底面积的测量与分析,探讨不同食性的人群在第1臼齿齿冠面积和相对齿尖基底面积的差异性。方法 运用现代数字图像测量技术对齿冠面积和齿尖面积进行高精度划分
和测量,并运用SPSS 19.0统计学软件对数据进行检测分析。结果 动物性食物摄入较高的人群第1臼齿齿冠基底面积均大于植物性食物为主的人群,差异性检验显示,两组人群在齿冠基底面积上差异显著。两组人群的相对齿尖基底面积非常接近,差异性检验显示,差异不显著。5个考古
遗址所代表的中国古代人群的第1臼齿相对齿尖基底面积的大小顺序表现出一致性,即M1的顺序为原尖>前尖>后尖>次尖,M1的顺序为下原尖>下次尖>后尖>内尖>下次小尖。结论 第1臼齿齿冠基底面积的大小在群体间表现出差异性,第1臼齿相对齿尖基底面积则在群体间表现出一致性。  相似文献   

目的 通过母乳喂养与非母乳喂养3~6岁学龄前儿童的智力、体格发育状况的调查,了解母乳喂养对小儿生长发育的重要性。方法 在本地区城镇公立幼儿园抽取母乳喂养(观察组)与非母乳喂养(对照组)3~6岁儿童各50例,采用《0~6岁小儿神经心理发育检查表》分析发育正常、肥胖、瘦小、生长迟缓Z评分比较分析两组儿童智力、身体体格发育的情况。结果 观察组学龄前儿童智力发育评分的大运动、精细动作、适应能力、语言、社交行为评分分别为(1.82±0.14)分、(1.71±0.25)分、(1.68±0.33)分、(1.85±0.15)分、(1.62±0.27)分,高于对照组的(1.68±0.12)分、(1.42±0.26)分、(1.27±0.31)分、(1.25±0.22)分、(1.41±0.28)分,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组儿童年龄别体重(WAZ)、身高别体重(WHZ)的评分为(1.18±0.67)分、(1.26±0.58)分,低于对照组的(1.84±0.12)分、(1.86±0.14)分,年龄别身高(HAZ)评分为(1.89±0.10)分,高于对照组的(1.10±0.64)分,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组儿童发育正常比例高于对照组(88.00% vs 40.00%),消瘦、超重、肥胖比例低于对照组(4.00% vs 20.00%,6.00% vs 24.00%,2.00% vs 16.00%),差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 母乳因为含有婴幼儿生长发育所需的各种均衡营养物质、抗体与免疫球蛋白,母乳喂养3~6岁儿童智力与生长发育指数均比非母乳喂养的好,母乳喂养有助于提高婴幼儿未来的健康状况。  相似文献   

8~16岁儿童父母权威观及行为自主发展特点的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨8~16儿童不同事务领域父母权威观和行为自主的发展特点。方法:用问卷法和访谈法对251名儿童和青少年4个事务领域内(道德、社会常规、个人和交友)父母权威合理性判断倾向和行为自主的发展特点进行测查。结果:①8~16岁儿童在父母权威合理性判断上领域的主效应显著;②8~16岁的儿童在所有领域内都存在极其显著的年龄差异;③8~16岁儿童和青少年在个人权限上年级差异显著,55%的青少年使用个人的理由;④8~16岁儿童和青少年只有在写日记上男女青少年对父母权威的合理性判断差异显著。结论:8~16岁儿童和青少年不同事务领域的父母权威观不同,随着年龄的增长,8~16岁儿童和青少年行为自主发展呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

为了防止补碘的盲目性给儿童带来危害,本文采用"WHO与ICCIDD制定的碘缺乏病防治标准与方法"测定分析了阿勒泰市620例哈萨克族、570汉族例儿童的尿碘.结果表明,哈萨克族和汉族儿童尿碘分布均服从正偏态分布.哈萨克族和汉族儿童平均尿碘间有非常显著的统计学差异(P<0.001),提示民族间存在碘代谢水平上的差异性.哈萨克族、汉族男女平均尿碘间均无统计学差异(P>0.05).根据百分位数,哈萨克族儿童尿碘参考值范围为88-331μg/L.汉族儿童尿碘参考值范围为140~384μg/L.根据参考值哈萨克族儿童群体中的缺碘频率为10.8%(67/620);汉族儿童群体中的缺碘频率为8.5%(49/570).两民族儿童群体缺碘频率间无统计学差异(P>0.05).  相似文献   

本文采用"WHO与ICCIDD制定的碘缺乏病防治标准与方法"中规定的硫酸铈法,测定分析了伊宁市300例哈萨克族、360例汉族儿童的尿碘.结果表明,哈萨克族和汉族儿童平均尿碘间有非常显著的统计学差异(P<0.001),提示民族间存在碘代谢水平上的差异性.哈萨克族、汉族男女平均尿碘间均无统计学差异(P>0.05).根据百分位数,哈萨克族儿童尿碘参考值范围为84-239μg/L.汉族儿童尿碘参考值范围为93-320μg/L.根据参考值哈萨克族儿童群体中的缺碘频率为8.6%(26/300);汉族儿童群体中的缺碘频率为5.8%(21/360).两民族儿童群体缺碘频率间无统计学差异(P>0.05).  相似文献   

目的结合性别、年龄和不同身高百分位数,应用GAMLSS技术探索性构建新疆7~17岁儿童青少年血压百分位数参考标准。方法分析数据来自一项共包含5200名维吾尔族、汉族和哈萨克族中小学生的心血管危险因素的横断面调查,其中男性2531名,女性2669名。血压测量采用美国心脏病联合会(AHA)规范的国际标准血压测量法,精确至2mmHg。身高测量依照《国家学生体质健康标准》方法进行,精确至1cm。应用GAMLSS技术,结合性别、年龄及身高百分位数预测得到血压P50、P90、P95和P99值。以D(μ,σ,υ,τ)的特定分布形式,同时考虑资料的偏度和峰度,利用3次光滑样条函数(cs(.))进行方程拟合,身高百分位数采用LMS法(μ-σ-λ)计算。结果观察拟合的SBP和DBP各年龄别的百分位数曲线,可见:①SBP在儿童青少年期随年龄的增长其发展规律男性与女性不同,男性SBP曲线呈现逐渐升高趋势,女性SBP曲线至12岁时达高峰后停止增长;男、女性DBP随年龄的发展趋势与SBP相近。至17岁时,身高P50所对应的SBPP95和DBPP95男女间差值分别为9和4mmHg,男性血压高于女性。②身高百分位数越大,其对应的血压值越高,观察7~17岁身高P95和身高P5相对应血压P90的差值,每单位身高增加引起的血压变化随年龄增大逐渐减小。③与美国第4版《儿童青少年高血压诊断、评价和治疗指南》相比较,男、女性SBPP90切点值出现时间与美国标准接近,分别为12和13岁;DBP从7岁起即高于美国标准相应的切点值约10mmHg,之后呈增长缓慢,11~12岁后呈下降趋势,至17岁时与美国标准相应的切点值接近。身高P50所对应的DBPP90切点值至9岁时已达80mmHg,远早于美国的16岁。结论在中国范围内首次尝试性应用GAMLSS技术构建新疆儿童青少年分性别、年龄和身高百分位数的血压参考值。描述了血压拟合曲线在不同性别下的发展规律与相互间的特征差异,补充了不同身高百分位数下的血压参考值,可使中国不同地区的儿童青少年群体血压参考值范围更趋精准,尤其可为身高处于极端水平(身高过高或过矮)的儿童青少年人群血压水平的合理诊断提供依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to quantify and statistically model the age-related decline in the fibrous connective tissue interface of the anterior fontanelle in modern Australian infants, using three-dimensional, semi-automated computed-assisted design protocols. Non-linear regression with variance models, using power functions, combined with quantile regression of the 5th and 95th population percentiles, were utilised to assess absolute anterior fontanelle surface area (AFSA) as a function of age, using multi-slice cranial computed tomography scans obtained from 256 infants aged < 30 months (males: n = 126, females: n = 109) from Brisbane children’s hospitals. Normalised AFSA (NFSA), standardised for variation in cephalic size, followed a progressive decline from birth, the greatest velocity change occurring between the 3–6 and 6–9 month cohorts. Growth of the neurocranium is the most significant within the first 8 months postpartum, with a mean increase of 19.03 mm in maximum cranial length and 10.04 mm in breadth. Directionality of fontanelle closure, quantified using spline curves refutes fundamental assumptions that the anterior fontanelle is consistent with a quadrilateral, and contiguous sutures exhibit constant velocity of closure. The present study provides normative values for fontanelle size and diameters as well as new predictive non-linear models for age substantiation, screening of developmental abnormalities and indicators of suspected child maltreatment in modern infants aged birth to 30 months.  相似文献   

At the age of 3 weeks, C57BL mice have comparatively low proliferative activity of their hepatocytes when the liver grows normally, but also during regeneration of the liver 44 h after its extensive resection (mitotic index 16%). Animals of the same age but of other strains (noninbred, CBA, and CC57BR), however, in most cases have a higher mitotic index of their hepatocytes both under normal conditions and during regeneration of the liver (42, 70, and 60%). This pattern of interlinear differences in mitotic activity of the hepatocytes during growth and regeneration of the liver was still found 7 days after the beginning of the experiment. The results indicate genetic determination of the level of proliferative activity of cells.Laboratory of Growth and Development, Institute of Human Morphology, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, A. P. Avtsyn.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 81, No. 4, pp. 475–477, April, 1976.  相似文献   

Despite extensive interest in studies of the medial septal area, the nature of the interactions of its various neurochemical systems remains largely unclear. The aim of the present work was to clarify the role of nicotinic receptors in mediating the interaction of the glutamatergic and cholinergic systems in this structure. Extracellular recording of neuron activity in living slices of ground squirrel brain was used to study the influences of L-glutamate (1 μM) during application of the nicotinic receptor blocker hexamethonium (1 mM). The responses of septal neurons to glutamate depended on the type of their initial activity and the presence of pacemaker properties. This study is the first to show that glutamate increases the frequency of volleys in rhythmic neurons in the septum. Hexamethonium induced changes in neuron activity similar to the influences of glutamate. After prior application of hexamethonium, the responses of neurons to glutamate changed: activatory responses were masked and inhibitory responses were enhanced. Cholinergic modulation of the responses of septal neurons to glutamate were shown to occur, as did modulation of the strength of the oscillatory properties of the septal network by nicotinic receptors. __________ Translated from Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatel’nosti imeni I. P. Pavlova, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 191–204, March–April, 2007.  相似文献   

Summary Fiber degenerations following stereotactic lesions in the midline nuclei of the cat thalamus, especially in the nucleus centralis medialis, rhomboidalis and reuniens (after perpendicular and oblique electrode approach) were investigated by the Fink-Heimer method of terminal degeneration. These nuclei fail to send direct fibers to all checked cortex regions; they are therefore trunco-thalamic. The midline nuclei of the thalamus, however, have besides very few degenerated fibers to the rostral pole of the thalamus (VA nucleus) strong direct connections to both anterior dorsal nuclei (A.d). This suggests a new additional path of non-specific cortical activation from the thalamic midline nuclei through the anterior dorsal nucleus to the retrosplenial cortex, and hence to the surrounding cortical fields.Dr. Hajdu was on leave of absence from Semmelweis University Medical School, 1st Department of Anatomy (Director: Prof. Dr. Szentágothai) Budapest, Hungary.  相似文献   

In studies of the role of the hypothalamus in regulating body ionic balances it was found that carbachol injected into the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) and medial septal area (MSA) elicited an increase in natriuresis and kaliuresis. This efflux reached its peak between 40 and 60 minutes after such injections. A blockage of this response was observed when LHA stimulation by carbachol was performed in animals whose MSA had been blocked previously by atropine or destroyed by electrolytic lesion. Similarly, stimulation of the MSA after pharmacological blockade or destruction of the LHA elicited a response of greatly decreased intensity. On the basis of these results it was concluded that the natriuretic-kaliuretic response elicited by cholinergic stimulation of the LHA depends in part on synapses located in MSA; the response elicited by cholinergic stimulation of the MSA utilized also synapses located in the LHA, unilaterally and bilaterally.  相似文献   

背景:儿童脊柱侧凸的治疗是脊柱外科的挑战之一,外科手术治疗尚没有满意的方法。 目的:综述儿童脊柱侧凸外科治疗方法的发展及现状,分析各种方法的利弊,展望儿童脊柱侧凸非融合手术治疗的发展。 方法:以“Scoliosis,Infantile scoliosis,Juvenile scoliosis,fusionless surgery,spinal implant”为英文检索词,“脊柱侧凸,少儿型脊柱侧凸,青少年型脊柱侧凸,脊柱内固定器,脊柱侧凸非融合手术” 为中文检索词,检索Pubmed数据库、CNKI数据库2001至2012年发表的相关文献。共检索到113篇文献,排除无关重复的文献,保留36篇进行综述。 结果与结论:目前脊柱侧凸外科治疗主要方法中,撑开技术可以保证脊柱的生长但需要不断的后期延长,生长导向技术可以避免不断的延长手术,但脊柱的生长不能得到保证,也不能纠正脊柱的旋转畸形;而生长调节技术对脊柱畸形的纠正有一定的作用,但它对严重脊柱畸形的作用是不确定的;可生长三维矫形技术的动物实验证明既能保证脊柱的生长,同时能纠正脊柱的旋转,术后不需要不断地延长,理论上是较理想的治疗方法,需要临床研究验证。  相似文献   

目的 探讨后纵韧带与硬脊膜间“安全减压间隙”在前路椎体次全切除术治疗颈椎后纵韧带骨化症(OPLL)中的应用价值。方法 回顾性分析2010年1月—2014年1月第二军医大学附属长征医院脊柱外科行颈椎前路椎体次全切除治疗的134例颈椎OPPL患者临床资料,其中男88例,女46例;年龄35~71岁,平均(50.5±16.7)岁。术前CT矢状面显示节段型105例,连续型12例,混合型17例,骨化均不超过3个椎体。术中以韧带未骨化处为突破口,使用后纵韧带钩钩起骨化物,形成后纵韧带与硬脊膜间“安全减压间隙”,锐利神经剥离子仔细分离,超薄型枪钳逐步咬除骨化的韧带。术中观察有无硬脊膜粘连及破损而导致脑脊液漏以及脊髓损伤,采用JOA评分评估患者术前、术后神经功能改善程度。结果 CT横断面上椎管狭窄率<30%者58例,利用“安全减压间隙”行骨化物切除术,无硬膜破损;30%~60%之间者62例,1例硬脊膜破损导致脑脊液漏;>60%者14例,4例脑脊液漏。术中发现硬脊膜粘连97例,在“安全减压间隙”下用锐利神经剥离子成功分离92例。患者均未出现脊髓损伤,术后JOA评分(14.9±2.7)分,较术前(9.3±1.9)分有显著改善,差异有统计学意义(t=2.210, P﹤0.05)。结论 利用后纵韧带钩钩起骨化后纵韧带创造 “安全减压间隙”,可有效地分离后纵韧带与硬脊膜的粘连,避免骚扰脊髓,减少硬脊膜破损及脊髓损伤。  相似文献   

The origin of neurotensin-like immunoreactive fibers to the anterior olfactory nucleus and nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca of the rat were elucidated experimentally using the indirect immunofluorescence method. Neurotensin-like immunoreactive fibers located in these areas decreased remarkably in numbers on the operated side after the destruction of the ventral part of the endopiriform nucleus and the adjacent prepiriform cortex where numerous cells with neurotensin-like immunoreactivity were detected. This strongly suggests that such cells located in the endopiriform nucleus and the adjacent prepiriform cortex send a neurotensin-like projection ipsilaterally to the anterior olfactory nucleus and to the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca.  相似文献   

Yechiel Becker 《Virus genes》1995,10(3):217-226
Two recent studies provided new evidence on the latency of HSV-1 DNA in 15.5% of olfactory bulbs and in 72.5% of trigeminal nerves from human corpses at forensic postmortems (1) and in 35% of 40 autopsied human brains (2). In the latter brains, latent HSV-1 DNA was found in the olfactory bulbs, amygdala, hippocampus, brain stem, and trigeminal ganglia. Although in these studies it is not known by which route HSV-1 entered the olfactory bulbs and brain, experimental studies in mice (3) revealed that injection of HSV-1 into the olfactory bulbs leads to virus migration into the brain amygdala and hippocampus via the olfactory nerve and locus coeruleus. If the olfactory ciliary nerve epithelium is the port of entry of HSV-1 into the olfactory bulbs and brain in humans as well, protection of the nose against HSV-1 infection may be needed to prevent virus latency in neurons in the amygdala and hippocampus (3). Infection of humans by HSV-1 was estimated to increase from 18.2% in the 0–20 year population group to 100% in persons older than 60 years (1), indicating that worldwide human populations at all ages are at risk of brain infection by the olfactory nerve route. In addition, both primary infection and reactivation of latent DNA in the brain may lead to damage of neurons in the brain involved in memory, learning, and behavior, as observed in infected, acyclovirtreated mice (3). The current introduction of a live apathogenic varicella-zoster virus (VZV) vaccine to immunize children against chickenpox (4) may suggest that the time is ripe for immunization of children and adults against HSV-1 infections, especially infections by the olfactory nerve route, to prevent potential brain damage.  相似文献   

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