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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the current incidence of vasectomy reversal procedures, the techniques used and which practitioners use them. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Using a questionnaire, 130 general surgeons and urologists practising in Merseyside and North Wales were surveyed. RESULTS: The response rate was 74%, with 24 urological surgeons and 14 general surgeons undertaking vasectomy reversal. Annually, urological surgeons carried out significantly more procedures than did general surgeons, at 8.5 and 5.3 (P = 0.029), respectively. They were also more likely to use double-layer closure and microsurgical techniques, whilst significantly less likely to use stents. Urologists reported significantly greater patency rates, at 76% and 52% (P = 0.017), respectively, with no significant differences in subsequent pregnancy rates (30% vs 25%). Only one practitioner checked tubal patency in the female partner before vasectomy reversal. CONCLUSIONS: The use of vasectomy reversal is a cost-effective treatment for men wanting paternity after vasectomy. The technique used by the clinician and proper audit of the results require close attention; it would also appear to be obvious that all the partners of men seeking a vasectomy reversal should have their fertility status established before reversal, something that is clearly not done at present.  相似文献   

Study Type – Outcomes (cohort series) Level of Evidence 2b What's known on the subject? and What does the study add? Microsurgical vasectomy reversal is an effective and cost‐effective method of reinstating fertility in a man who has previously had a vasectomy. The current literature indicates that the success rate (i.e. potency and pregnancy rates) are dependent primarily on the time elapsed since vasectomy and the age of the female partner. Using a multivariate Cox regression model, evaluation of the influence of preoperative data (including smoking) and semen parameters indicates a significant influence of post‐surgical sperm motility only, on time to first pregnancy. The use of assisted reproductive techniques, when natural pregnancy failed, was successful in ≈50% of couples who attempted this procedure and accounted for an absolute increase in pregnancy rate of 14%.


  • ? To determine the influence of smoking, postoperative semen characteristics and the use of an assisted reproductive technique (ART) on pregnancy rate in a contemporary series of men undergoing vasectomy reversal.


  • ? Between January 2002 and January 2009, 186 vasectomy reversals were performed. Of the 171 patients who could be contacted for follow‐up, 162 attempted pregnancy and constitute the study group.
  • ? Semen analysis was performed 3 months after the procedure and at subsequent 3‐monthly intervals.
  • ? Patient characteristics and surgical information were obtained from a computerized database, and follow‐up data were collected by telephone interview.
  • ? A multivariate Cox regression model was used to discern possible prognosticators with respect to pregnancy outcome.


  • ? The overall patency rate was 91.4%, with a natural pregnancy rate of 44.4% and a subsequent 14.2% of patients conceiving using a ARTs resulting in a total pregnancy rate of 58.6%. Multiple pregnancies were obtained by 20.4% of couples.
  • ? Smoking of the male or female partner did not influence the probability of conception.
  • ? In a multivariate model that included, among other factors, time since vasectomy, female age and semen characteristics, only sperm motility was significantly related to natural pregnancy outcome.
  • ? The probability of obtaining a natural pregnancy within 2 years after surgery is 53% for men with sperm motility >20% (WHO a+b) compared to 19% for men with sperm motility <5% (P= 0.003).


  • ? A clear and significant association between sperm motility and the probability of conception was found, whereas smoking, female age and time since vasectomy appeared to have no influence on pregnancy outcome in this patient cohort.
  • ? The use of ARTs accounted for an absolute increase in pregnancy rate of 14.2%.



Although vasectomy reversal surgery is a common procedure for male factor infertility, little is written on the common practice patterns of the practicing urologist. We designed a questionnaire to assess the practice patterns of community and academic urologists with respect to surgical technique, followup care, patient selection and the definition of success.

Materials and Methods

A 20-question survey pertaining to vasectomy reversal surgery was mailed to members of the Western Section, American Urological Association and to members of the Society of Government Service Urologists. Survey results were tabulated in a computer data base and statistical analysis was performed.


A total of 1,508 questionnaires were mailed and 622 completed questionnaires were returned. Of the respondents 367 (59%) indicated that they perform vasectomy reversals, including 29 (8%) who were fellowship trained in infertility, 86 (23%) who were affiliated with residency training and 252 (69%) who practiced in a community setting. As expected, on average fellowship trained urologists performed more reversals yearly than academic or community urologists (26.4, 12.2 and 7, respectively). Patient selection criteria varied. Of fellowship trained urologists 12.5% would elect not to operate if it were greater than 15 years since vasectomy compared with 41.9% for academic and 57.1% of community urologists. Just more than half (50.2%) of respondents indicated they did not recommend routine gynecologic evaluation of the patient partner. When comparing fellowship, academic and community practitioners, an operating microscope was used in 93%, 65% and 56% of procedures (p <0.001), and vasal fluid was examined in 83%, 75% and 67%, respectively. Fellowship trained urologists also used finer suture material (p <0.001). An average of 8 anastomotic sutures were placed in 2 layers but significant differences existed between fellowship trained urologists, and their academic and community counterparts. Most urologists (71%) defined their success by the presence of sperm in the ejaculate. Only 10.9% of urologists recommended sperm cryopreservation at surgery and 90% recommended postoperative sexual abstinence (average 3 weeks). All urologists recommended postoperative semen analysis done at an average of 3 months.


The practice of vasectomy reversal varies among urologists. Differences in surgical technique, postoperative care and selection criteria exist. Knowledge of these variations may assist practicing urologists to tailor their practice patterns in the selection for and performance of vasectomy reversal.  相似文献   



Cervical metastases from breast carcinoma are rare and their management is controversial. Between 1987 and 2002 the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staged patients with supraclavicular fossa nodal disease as M1 but the subsequent demonstration that patients with regional stage IV disease had better outcomes than visceral stage IV disease led to a reclassification of the former to stage IIIC in 2003. The literature remains inconsistent regarding the fate of these patients. Despite the attendant morbidity of treatment and lack of knowledge regarding long-term survival, we hypothesised that current practice varies in the UK and a unified approach does not exist. The aim of this study was therefore to determine current practice and opinion of both head and neck specialists and breast cancer clinicians in the UK.


Questionnaires were disseminated to 185 head and neck surgeons, breast surgeons and their oncology counterparts. These outlined a clinical scenario of a patient with a history of T3 primary breast cancer presenting with cervical and supraclavicular nodal metastases, with opinion being sought regarding the significance of this status and the individual’s practical approach to the problem. The extent of any proposed neck dissection was also explored.


Of the 117 respondents, a noticeable variation in opinion was evident. Contrary to the current AJCC staging, 61% of clinicians felt that both level V and III metastases represented stage IV disease. There was a tendency towards aggressive surgical treatment with a third recommending comprehensive neck dissection despite a lack of evidence base. A disparity was noted between adjuvant treatments offered and the final pN stage.


This study suggests that at present there is widespread inconsistency in the management of breast carcinoma cervical metastases in the UK. There is a need to unify practice with an evidence base in order to improve informed multidisciplinary decision making and, ultimately, patient care. This study goes some way to supporting multicentre collaboration in order to achieve that aim.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate and compare patterns of practice in prostate cancer management in Australia and New Zealand from 1995 to 2000, as there are insufficient randomized trials to guide clinicians in the management of prostate cancer. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This study represents the two largest published surveys of Australian and New Zealand clinicians dealing with prostate cancer. We sent structured questionnaires on the management of prostate cancer patients to 804 urologists, radiation oncologists and medical oncologists in Australia and New Zealand in December 2000. We compared responses to a similar survey of 579 specialist clinicians in 1995. RESULTS: The response rates were 56% in 1995 and 62% in 2000. In the management of clinically localized disease, the proportion recommending surgery or radiotherapy remained relatively constant between 1995 and 2000, although there was an increase in the use of brachytherapy and adjuvant hormonal therapy, and a reduced tendency to treat pelvic nodes. In the treatment of locally advanced disease, there was an increased use of hormonal treatment and local radiotherapy, with a reduction in the use of total androgen blockade and orchidectomy. In managing positive margins after prostatectomy, there was a clear lack of consensus, with a wide variety of treatment options proposed. CONCLUSIONS: Practice has changed in several areas in 2000 compared to 1995, but not all changes were influenced by the publication of randomized trials or evidence-based guidelines.  相似文献   



To determine adherence to clinical practice guidelines in the medical, physiotherapy and chiropractic professions for acute and subacute mechanical low back pain through best-evidence synthesis of the healthcare literature.


A structured best-evidence synthesis of the relevant literature through a literature search of relevant databases for peer-reviewed papers on adherence to clinical practice guidelines from 1995 to 2013. Inclusion of papers was based on selection criteria and appraisal by two reviewers who independently applied a modified Downs & Black appraisal tool. The appraised papers were summarized in tabular form and analysed by the authors.


The literature search retrieved 23 potentially relevant papers that were evaluated for methodological quality, of which 11 studies met the inclusion criteria. The main finding was that no profession in the study consistently attained an overall high concordance rating. Of the three professions examined, 73% of chiropractors adhered to current clinical practice guidelines, followed by physiotherapists (62%) and then medical practitioners (52%).


This review showed that quality papers in this area of research are very limited. Notwithstanding, chiropractors appear to adhere to clinical practice guidelines more so than physiotherapists and medical practitioners, although there is scope for improvement across all three professions.  相似文献   



To investigate associations of nursing bedside education and care management activities during inpatient rehabilitation with functional, participation, and quality-of-life outcomes for patients with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI).


In a prospective observational study, data were obtained by means of systematic recording of nursing activities by registered nurses (RNs), chart review and patient interview.


Greater patient participation in nursing activities is associated with better outcomes. More time spent by RNs in coordination with other members of the care team, consultants and specialists, along with participation in physician rounds (team process) is associated with patient report of higher life satisfaction and higher CHART mobility at the one-year injury anniversary; more time providing psychosocial support is associated with higher CHART mobility and occupation scores and with greater likelihood of working or being in school at the anniversary. More time spent providing education about specific care needs is associated with several outcomes but not as consistently as might be expected.


Higher levels of patient participation in nursing care activities is associated with multiple better outcomes, and hence, nurses should promote active patient participation during all aspects of care and interactions between themselves and patients with SCI. Time spent providing psychosocial support of patients and their families should be evaluated to ensure that other necessary education or care management interventions are not minimized.


This is the seventh of nine articles in the SCIRehab series.  相似文献   



Wound infection causes morbidity and mortality in burns. UK National Burns Care Standards state that guidance should be used to diagnose and treat burn wound infection. However, surveys of senior staff about standard operating procedures or guidance in UK burns services indicate that they are infrequently available (Papini et al., 1995; Lymperopoulos et al., 2015). Staff may have differing views and experiences of guidance use according to their role. This survey investigated the extent to which guidance is available, and current practices used for diagnosis and treatment of burn wound infection, both within and between paediatric burns services.


Staff from paediatric burns services in England and Wales were individually interviewed by two nurses about guidance and practices around antibiotic prophylaxis, diagnosis and management of burn wound infection and toxic shock syndrome, and antibiotic use. In each service staff from three categories were interviewed: lead consultant/burns specialist nurse, junior doctor/senior nurse, ward based nurse. Data were subjected to content analysis and reliably coded by two researchers using a coding frame. Guidance documents were also requested.


Thirteen services took part. Staff in fewer than half of services reported that they had guidance for antibiotic prophylaxis, diagnosis, and management of burn wound infection. In nine services at least one staff member reported that they had guidance for antibiotic use. Guidance was available for diagnosis and management of toxic shock syndrome in ten services, and staff in five were consistently aware of it. One service routinely used antibiotic prophylaxis, but had no written guidance for it. In five services where at least one member of staff reported that they had guidance for diagnosing infection, at least one interviewed staff member was unaware of it. Swabbing practice varied between and within services, with 10 staff across six services cleaning before swabbing, and four staff in three services cleaning after swabbing.


Staff from fewer than half of burns services report that they have guidance for diagnosing and managing burn wound infection, and there is variation between and within services relating to staff awareness of available guidance. There are some consistencies in practice; the majority of services do not use antibiotic prophylaxis, and there is consistent prescribing for suspected infection and tests used for infection diagnosis. Swabbing practices are less consistent. This survey indicates a need for evidence-based guidelines to be developed in order to meet national burns care standards, and for staff to be made aware of them and trained in their use. Guidelines do not need to replace clinical judgement and should be developed with the involvement of those who will implement them.  相似文献   

The aim of the present review was to compare state‐of‐the‐art care and future perspectives for the detection and treatment of non‐muscle‐invasive transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder. We provide a summary of the third expert meeting on ‘Optimising the management of non‐muscle‐invasive bladder cancer, organized by the European Association of Urology Section for Uro‐Technology (ESUT) in collaboration with the Section for Uro‐Oncology (ESOU), including a systematic literature review. The article includes a detailed discussion on the current and future perspectives for TCC, including photodynamic diagnosis, optical coherence tomography, narrow band imaging, the Storz Professional Image Enhancement system, magnification and high definition techniques. We also provide a detailed discussion of future surgical treatment options, including en bloc resection and tumour enucleation. Intensive research has been conducted to improve tumour detection and there are promising future perspectives, that require proven clinical efficacy. En bloc resection of bladder tumours may be advantageous, but is currently considered to be experimental.  相似文献   

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