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In the pharmaceutical industry, aPPnailnately 40%Of Pharmaceutical compounds are chilal, while oaly about12 % of the formulations used are one enantiomeric formof the ~endc miXture Ij. Different enantiomers oftenhave different biological and pharmacological properties.The safety and efficacy of chiral drug Products requiressuitable stereoselective analyhcal methods for the separation Of enantiomers. Capillmp electIDPhoresis (CE) was afavorable melhod in this field, compared with high perf…  相似文献   

A highly sensitive SPE-liquid/liquid extraction RPLC method has been developed for the analysis of 6β-hydroxycortisol and cortisol in the urine of cancer patients. Methods: After SPE column purification and liquid-liquid extraction, the sample test solutions were analyzed with RPLC using a C18 analytical column. This improved analytical method has been validated for linearity, accuracy (recovery from urine), repeatability (within-day and between-day precision), specificity, sensitivity, and stability. This SPE-liquid/liquid extraction-RPLC is rapid, simple, accurate and reproducible. The technique is particularly useful for monitoring the CYP3A activity of cancer patients in clinical settings. The results are expressed as the ratio of 6β-hydroxycortisol to cortisol. Results: The CYP3A activity from a total of 153 samples was measured using this improved method. Considerable variation in the CYP3A activity of different cancer patients has been documented. Thus, personalized medical treatment based on the individual metabolic enzyme activity level is necessary. Conclusion: This new analytical method facilitates such individualized medical treatments.  相似文献   

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